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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58180453 No.58180453 [Reply] [Original]

Did I commit a mortal /biz/ sin by telling my gf about my crypto investments?

>> No.58180480

Yes, I tell my gf all the time that crypto is a scam even though I'm balls deep.

>> No.58180490

prepare to answer for why you are not frivolously spending that money on her at all times

>> No.58180504

You should wait until you've finished and then tell her. It's not very romantic.

>> No.58180511

You don't phone post on /biz/ while fucking?

>> No.58180546

yes. all is not lost
>tell my gf about crypto last bullrun
>bragged too much
>pretend i lost it on gambling on shitcoins
>show her fake blockfoli as proof

whenever she brings up crypto I tell her to stop. she thinks im really beat up about it.
youll have to wait for this run to end but it works.

>> No.58180568

yeah unless she's financially inclined and either a) invests in crypto herself or b) is willing to take your guidance and *get* into it shes most likely going to feel entitled to your money and not really fathom why/how you've earned it in the first place. wondering why ur not buying her bubble teas and iced lattes daily.

most bitches think of crypto differently than stocks and think you basically got rich from doing nothing and being a retarded nerd. ofc until the top hits and they're going to bitcoin girl luncheons

>> No.58180582

Yep all the time. I even tell her the amount I have with a smirk and she laughs and refuses to believe that an idiot like me could be rich. Its fun as shit.

>> No.58180750

Mine is basically a gambling addict and loves stocks and crypto. She buys the dumbest shit but it's fun to talk about together.

>> No.58180763

Yes, it is over.

>> No.58180782

absolutely yes, call her back and tell her that it was a joke and that you're actually broke, if she stays good, if not, fuck her, at least yo can read truflation data and make more money

>> No.58181897

She’s already seen my portfolio though…

>> No.58181987

women don't know what portfolios are anon just tell her she misread the decimal

>> No.58182000

I have committed to never telling her, or my family, an exact number. Once they get a number, they start.... "budgeting" what you can afford to part with.

>> No.58182069

Don't tell women about any financials, ever.
My strategy is simply tell someone in your inner network that she's never going to know (and you trust) and use them as a proxy for doing your crypto shit.
Remember lad, bros over hoes.
But, it's over for you.

>> No.58182748

Depends on the girl, but all in likelihood yes you did.

>> No.58183038

Yes, women can ever only think about money as something to SPEND.
In a company:
>My wife is SOOO good with money...
She is simply dealing with worker's money, and NEVER, with COMPANY INVESTMENT MONEY.
Thus it is ALWAYS a MAN dealing with the actual life-blood of the comlany, and the woman will at most deal with what type of employee's level coffee to buy for that month.

>> No.58185093

Women amirite?

>> No.58185109

The only woman you should ever talk financials with is your mother.

>> No.58185175

Never tell anyone about your investments unless they specifically ask. Downplay your understanding of stock and crypto markets in most cases.

>> No.58185285
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Seems like you were setup for that one

>> No.58186519

Yes. Now you will learn the hard way to shut the fuck up. Find a way to walk it back, minimize it, call it a scam, etc.

My wife owns 1/3 of a BTC, but does NOT know the extent of my crypto. She'll find out AFTER the cycle, because I WILL NOT spend $20K of ONDO money right now on a fucking kitchen.