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File: 732 KB, 2307x2307, lucky_chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58175038 No.58175038 [Reply] [Original]

Should we partner with chainlink because neither of our tokens can hold a pump?

>> No.58175046

I sold sorry, cringe fail token, linu has a better chance LOL

>> No.58175071

>sold one dogcoin for another, follow for more financial advice

>> No.58175081

I dont have that shit either, I said that to illustrate my point, this shit is cooked

>> No.58175087

Wouldn't you have done better to put into something else than another dog token though? Either way Lucky isn't being dropped!

>> No.58175088

So you're balls deep in mumbaicoin?

>> No.58175093

>any token that’s not an Indian scam
Newfags are in for a rude awakening this summer

>> No.58175095
File: 29 KB, 988x407, LUCKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real promising coin guys

fucking idiots

>> No.58175103

It's over, he drew lines on a chart

>> No.58175107 [DELETED] 

I sold but will buy back in when it doesn't take two days for people to complete a multisig, one if them being the owner of the tg they're trying to oust.

>> No.58175115

its called a descending triangle and its the most basic fucking indicator, GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN

>> No.58175117

These TA lines don't even go through anything.

>> No.58175126


>> No.58175136
File: 15 KB, 300x168, 2hgw42-1923050146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rugdish Patel and his scam coin.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

>> No.58175144
File: 50 KB, 645x770, IMG_4776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lines have fallen, billions must redeem

>> No.58175145

Hey, be respectful to Sergey.

>> No.58175152

>needing hyper accurate TA analysis
the general trend speaks for itself, who gives a shit

>> No.58175162

tried to warn you, enjoy youre 0.000000000001 stable coin

>> No.58175202

I see what you did there.

>> No.58175221

Art baby are you here?

>> No.58175243
File: 246 KB, 1170x1478, IMG_4840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 days
>up 8x
>this retard didn’t take profits at the tops

You’re truly an idiot. Go ahead and show me the 30days for link or whatever you have anything. I swear you zoomies have the attention span of ants.

>> No.58175248

I don't care I'm still holding.

>> No.58175262

This downfall is truly hilarious. The lucky communities incompetence has them out of the race before it’s even started lmao. Sell now while it’s still worth a fraction of what you paid, fuckin retards

>> No.58175264
File: 124 KB, 1247x653, avi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I'm betting on :)

>> No.58175268

The fraction of what i paid for is currently 3/1

>> No.58175271

I have more avi than you and I’m still bullish on lucky, you probably bought avi in February lol

>> No.58175272

heres a pro TA protip: your chart is the wrong way around!

>> No.58175275

Like why are you faggets even making biz threads at this point? To advertise that you’re the biggest loser? At least LINU can hold a floor and consolidate. You guys are hopeless

>> No.58175290

Art stfu lmao

>> No.58175313

I know what stfu and lmao stand for , but I can’t figure out what art means and neither can google, so I’m just gonna assume youre just retarded because you’re in a lucky thread.

>> No.58175338

Were you trying to be witty with this response?

>> No.58175353

Not really. Nice to know I’m into your feels tho. Your coin is done brother. Thanks for playing. Look at the chart LMAO

>> No.58175358

LINU holders are mainly composed of /pol/drooling retards.

>> No.58175364


>> No.58175380

We wanted to discuss a serious partnership proposal with Chainlink and you have derailed the thread with your tomfoolery.

>> No.58175386

“Drooling retards”. I’m not the one defending a losing coin lol. I understand tho, you gotta keep the narrative that it’s gonna pump so you can get your exit liquidity and dip. You picked a loser this year, like I said, better luck next time

>> No.58175401

You may not be invested in the coin money wise, but god damn are you invested emotionally. Try going outside for a change

>> No.58175420

Is that some of that wit you were speaking of? Yeah, still not gonna buy your dead coin bro.

>> No.58175437

Just pointing out the obvious fren

>> No.58175441

Pepebasedpepe is the TG
>SA Dev
>posted hand and video to prove he's white
>TG is like a /pol thread
>pre launch, most likely launching Friday
>presale up to 1000

Don't miss it anons

>> No.58175463

I'll pass mr. Banerjee

>> No.58175469
File: 253 KB, 1170x1093, IMG_4842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb fuck Linu was in this exact position weeks ago.

Yes, you’re a retard. Your admins are constantly being replaced, promoting other coins, or paperhanding. You have no room to talk, lucky is a memecoin just like linu and has the exact same potential. Linu started with 20 dudes, I’m one of those 20, and we had idiots just like you shitposting and fudding in the early LINU threads.

>> No.58175491

As am I lololol. Lucky is dead doggie. LOOK AT THE CHART. It’s going the wrong way man. At the very least, rub your two brain cells together and sell to re enter at a better price. You prob can’t sell your whole bag tho because the liquidity is so pathetic . KEK. I’m here to help homies MAKE MONEY, not give it away to fuckin retards for exit liquidity

>> No.58175512

This is a 1 dog town. Better luck next time. There’s always 2028! At least you were smart enough to grab a bag of LINU

>> No.58175514

The liquidity is still 40% of the market cap, just like the last time you said this.

>> No.58175522

>gets BTFO
>o-only room for one d-dog in town!!

Drooling idiot. Normies aren’t even in yet, keep fading easy money plays and please rope.

>> No.58175538

Go back to posting Jew hate and nigger hate in your TG, I’m sure the normies will flock to that coin and you’re surely going to get listed on CB with THAT being the culture you bring kek

>> No.58175551

The truth hurts sometimes fellas. I feel for you , I really do

>> No.58175572

Normies only know how to buy in Rhood and Cex …

>> No.58175598

We are listed on a CEX.

>> No.58175600

No no, didn’t you hear? Normies LOVE uniswap and gas fees. It’s so simple to use. My aunt Susan showed me . At least people in Singapore can buy tho . So so bullish

>> No.58175620

You’re 1/5 of the posts here is your name Jimmy? Go fud avi dumb nigger

>> No.58176005

He's just a tsundere, don't be mean to him. He loves us in secret.

>> No.58176056

>lucky thread
>it’s all about LINU
>people are taking this seriously as if money is real or any of this arguing matters in the slightest
It’s Gods Plan, anons. Find peace - profits or not.

>> No.58176093

>hold a floor and consolidate

what floor is linu even holding rn thats any better than Lucky? srs question lol. They both dumped and show no signs of life.

>> No.58176105

I guarantee whatever shit coin you're holding rn is doing no better. In a few months we will look back and laugh at you when lucky is 10x higher.

>> No.58176150

Holding lucky is like holding your nuts in a white hot vise. It’s too hot to loosen and the damage to your testicles is already done so why wreck your hand too. You just have to sit and try to think of something else while the possibility of ever passing your genes on to the next generation is torn from you. And in that moment you remember that you did this - you spent 30 minutes heating up that vise with a blowtorch before dropping your sack between the teeth. Then, you slammed it shut with a metal pipe and threw the pipe away. You did this and you don’t deserve to breed. Your only choice now is to live with your decision and pray that God grants you a single mother so you can at least play the role of surrogate kekold father. Pathetic. And kinda hot

>> No.58176189

anon, that was so descriptive I might think you have personal experience.

>> No.58176204

>random no name pnd dog coins are back
top signal

>> No.58176250

Bro what?

>> No.58176839

I love our dedicated FUD community.

>> No.58176863

>at least play the role of surrogate kekold father. Pathetic.
I am sorry this happened to you.

>> No.58177427

It's too crazy of a story to be real.

>> No.58177808

So yes or no on Chainlink?

>> No.58177814

>top signal
The bullrun hasn't even started. It's just Solana niggers figuring out the cheat code for infinite money at the moment.

>> No.58177826

Reality usually is crazier than fiction. You're literally living on a planet where random shit have values in billions of dollars and people are willingly buying it. You're in a world where illegal immigrants are given more priority than actual citizens. The world is a clown show.

>> No.58179648

Yeah I sold. Team is dragging their feet way too long for even the most basic shit. I doubled my hokk stack because at least they're actively shilling and coming up with ideas. Lucky telegram is unironically just "soon" over and over again with the same handful of people. They're not even funny. It's like a room of sad alcoholics who aren't even having fun anymore.
Congrats, you fucked up what should have been an easy win going into the bull run.

>> No.58179714

i like kspacing

>> No.58179867

Me too. I like them all individually. But as a team they're slow and unmotivated. It's taken them weeks to even find a place that accepts donations, and unfortunately it will likely be too late to have a meaningful impact on price.

>> No.58180060

I’m buying lucky inu!
Uh oh I just had curry poopoo in loo! Stinky…! At least lucky will feed my village tee hee!

Oh no! Raj! What you doing?! Don’t take my money that is for cex!!


>> No.58180174

The jannies are having mercy on Lucky today

>> No.58180201

As they should. These guys are going broke. Linu always was and always will be the play .

>> No.58180225

Ser please buy MY dogcoin instead of the other, very much potential ser, please do the needful

>> No.58180245
File: 36 KB, 512x481, photo_2024-03-18_03-18-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58180283

They're not deleting threads for dying coins because they want to see us suffer.

>> No.58180392

I genuinely believe janniea pump and dump coins. You'll see a coin thriving in biz, lots of posts, lots of buys, then it all comes crashing down and threads get deleted again.

>> No.58181815

Imagine fading the easiest 10x

Hokk has a smaller community and has higher mc, we just need a few whales to ape in and boom 10x