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File: 202 KB, 900x1200, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5817429 No.5817429 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here and add your rants, anons.

Charlie is a self-righteous, beta asshat.

First he predicted a "years long bear market" and said that LTC would drop to $20. Then, because the faggot is constantly FUDing his own coin and tweeting about the price (instead of the technology), people accuse him of manipulation. So he responds by SELLING or donating ALL of his LTC saying he's doing it to avoid "conflicts of interest." This makes no fucking sense at all.

Avoiding conflicts of interest is something you expect from NEUTRAL parties, not from project or company leaders. If a CEO announced that he was selling all of his stock in the company to avoid a “conflict of interest”—aka having a direct financial interest in the success of the company—no one would be reassured. You want the head of a project to be conflicted—not to financially disinterested in the success of failure of the project. If Charlie wanted to avoid rumors of price manipulation all he had to do was reassure everyone that is HODLING long-term, so he isn’t affected by short-term ups and downs, but he still has skin in the game. (He could even have a third party verify that he’s holding if he’s worried about not being believed.)

It’s also ridiculous to think that this announcement will stop the rumors. Anyone who thought Charlie was shorting or manipulating the LTC price isn’t going to suddenly trust him now just because he SAID that he sold or donated all of his LTC.

Then he has the gal to cloak all his fuckery in some smug self-righteous, do-gooder bullshit.

Now everything is green, but LTC can't even break $300 again.


>> No.5817490

> holding since $33
all good here, anon!

>> No.5817529
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>> No.5817584
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>> No.5817651


I've been holding since $40. I still think LTC is going to succeed IN SPITE of Charlie, but I still think Charlie is a misguided prick who can't get out of his own way.

>> No.5817710


>> No.5818463
File: 179 KB, 1200x1200, 1513985615519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charlie Lee
>Self righteous
Dumped his bags on you. Made 3-400 mill in the process. The absolute state of /biz/ And no, he is not a CEO. If this isn't bait, you are retarded, but retards like you are the ones making it profitable kek

>> No.5818519

friendly reminder with the help of Goldman Sachs Charlie cashed out at the top

he's getting his two inch cocked sucked right now by 5,000/hr whores

>> No.5818541

Bought 30LTC @$50
Sold it over the past couple weeks to go all in on FUN and OMG during dips. So much happier.

>> No.5818545

t b h if you bought LTC after it did a 4x due to normalfag invasion on Coinbase, $250 per coin is still more than you deserve
LTC's true value is 0, like any testnet

>> No.5818655

And Charlie knows it. He was even low key trolling on Twitter

>> No.5818788
File: 60 KB, 520x484, 1510271054649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me Kek very hard to think about all /biz/ litecoiners holding the bags charlie sold at ATH.

>> No.5818919

it's not doing any worse than btc

>> No.5819285
File: 284 KB, 1300x812, 0ED7A297-913E-4E88-AB6B-847FDBF828C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, fuck you. So just because he is a masculine asian man, you are jealous. Sorry dude, asian men can be alpha too. Seriously, Vitalik did the same thing and sold most of his ETH but no one hated him for it, probably because he's a scrawny non-threatening white guy. Have fun with your asian girl fetish you sick fuck, youll be raising sons who are seen as full-asian by society anyway.

I seriously hope that Charlie Lee marries a white girl. Asian men are disadvantaged in the dating scene so only the most alpha can get average white girls, and only top 1% like Charlie can get hot white girls. Any loser white guy can go to jungle asia and get an asian trophy wife purely due to white privilege. So, fuck you. Asian man-White women children are much more alpha and successful because they have better father figures than sexpat white man-self hating asian woman couples.

>> No.5819594

Don't forget this loser saying that Coinbase would never fully support Bitcoin Cash

And he was WRONG
Charlie sucks

>> No.5819710

>coping cuck, the post

>> No.5819711

What has Charlie Lee actually done for the development of litcoin?

Absolutely nothing from what I can see

He's just a hack who got in early, man can't even code ffs

>> No.5820079

His greatest accomplishment was getting Litecoin added to Coinbase, which only happened because he was an engineering manager over there at the time.
I doubt he'll ever top that.

>> No.5820564

Never trust this fucking gook. I hope he die in car crash

>> No.5820615

>when white men are so cucked by black guys that their only way of coping is to shit on asian men for retarded reasons
Cant have the asian guys stepping out of line huh? When Lee fucks a white girl he's a piece of shit chink who's stepping out of line, but when Tyrone fucks a white girl its just normal?

Fucking white people dude. No common sense.