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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58171029 No.58171029 [Reply] [Original]

Being alive is so expensive and I'm not even having fun
Not sure I want to keep going

>> No.58172040

Find ways to live cheaply and have fun or ngmi.

>> No.58172983

How tho?

>> No.58173035

Minimalism + outdoor lifestyle.

>> No.58173319

did you move out of mumsy and dadsy's too early?

>> No.58173422

Rent a room instead of apt
Drive used car
Bang fast food worker girls
Just gotta make some adjustments

>> No.58173804

How to make money in a city that allows this lifestyle

>> No.58173857
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the other day I was looking at my dead brother in law all stretched out on the hospital bed and I was actually kinda jealous.

>> No.58174086

Well then stop being pathetic

>> No.58174242

more like stop being poor, not easy.

>> No.58174397

maybe you came to late ti btc train, if you play your cards close maybe you can get ready before btcfi....? there's a chance anon. cheer up

>> No.58174466

I just wish that I could experience sex. It’s never going to happen at this point. Even just once would be nice.

>> No.58174482

this is the wrong board for that faggot.

>> No.58174486

>Not sure I want to keep going
You are too much of a pussy to do whatever you wanna do so either adapt or prepare for another 50+ years minimum of this shit.

>> No.58174502
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go out with style, like if it was a tony hawk pro skater 3 million point trick

>> No.58174515
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these niggers... baka
it's so over

>> No.58174531
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satoshisync are the only guys pushing for btcfi and they are building and awesome ecosytem with lots of partners, there's no way so many backers are for naught. those guys are the real shit.

>> No.58174551

>getting word filtered like that
these newfags... bruh

>> No.58174569


>> No.58174571

that game was awesome... broke three controllers on it.

>> No.58174589

mmm what? anon.... what?

>> No.58174618

I hate rent so much

>> No.58174621

you were never meant to make it

>> No.58174636
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shape up op, lower your expectations about what can you do and dont, man up bro. you can make it

>> No.58174639

Just uninstall al the trash you surely got in your phone and wind down from all electronics two hours before going to sleep

>> No.58174678

+ Drugs

>> No.58174709

you dont really want it that bad, else you wouldve fucked a hooker by now

>> No.58174721

yea mine too, why cant parents just let me live in their property holy shit, they dont even live there

>> No.58174827

I’d never do that. Doesn’t count in my book and it’s against my morals.

>> No.58174891

I'm very tired.

>> No.58174907

Wait not just get some FUN instead and make everything good again

>> No.58175175

I feel you. I took a leave of absence from work back in february to sort my life out. Working 60+ hrs a week for ~100k wasn't worth my time. Granted i have several million in the bank, own a home and have minimal living expenses and can go back to my company anytime i want. But it's been really nice being able to focus time on my health, spending time with my newborn son and thinking about my life goals. I know i am in a uniquely blessed circumstance but I would highly recommend anyone who isn't happy with their life to take a step back and evaluate their path. especially if they are still young. The last thing anyone wants to be is 45, 100 lbs overweight and filled with regret over how they wasted their youth

>> No.58176540

How old are you and how did you get the millions in the bank

>> No.58177628
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then kill yourself and hand me all your capital anon
I'll make it worth it
I'll use it to buy stocks, invest on crypto, make trades with dextools, found corporations and more

>> No.58177629


>> No.58177663

Yeah it's getting pretty hard and you know that wealth is gatekept because this small autistic community that is literally designed around it has z e r o insight into how to break through

>> No.58177694

keep your head up
I'm 30, lost my savings in (((hyperinflation))), living day to day and won't commit suicide yet because I have parents that rely on me and Christ is king
I waged 4 years to save up 10k USD in the banks - they're worth 300$ now
you're 45, you can lose the weight and find a young good woman to raise your kids

>> No.58177945
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>> No.58177995


>> No.58178003

Okay lets go

>> No.58178010
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>> No.58178016
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Oops, sorry jews, wrong pic. OP, don't let the temporary things in this life control you and don't let it be the sole focus of all your attention. Even richfags who had it all ended up killing themselves because they kept chasing the materials things in this life. Once they had it all, that was it. They crashed hard, turned to drugs/drinking to numb it all, and if they didn't die of an overdose, they eventually offed themselves. The point is that chasing money, cooming in whores, etc. is only temporary enjoyment and you will never be happy living that lifestyle in the long term if you have no greater purpose.