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58173317 No.58173317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women are beautiful and funny and amazing. There's nothing on this Earth like a woman's voice. A man typically says 1000 words per day, whereas a woman-5000. It's amazing listening to them talk and seeing their eyes get filled with joy. Life would be even more soulless without women.

A big reason to make it should be to have a girlfriend. It's just an amazing experience with very little downsides. Don't be like Plainview in There Will Be Blood where he hoards his wealth alone in misery.

Women are a worthwhile investment.

>> No.58173373

Women should be destroyed

>> No.58173418

I haven't had any pussy in 15 years

>> No.58173425

Nice try jew. Don't you have a war to fight in Africa ? On this board we love women because they are based

>> No.58173438
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>It's amazing listening to them talk
no. when a woman starts talking it's an immediate countdown in my mind until they shut up.

>> No.58173447

based, there is literally no point to life without women. Ask every single man his vision of making it? it probably involves fucking hot girls on the daily

>> No.58173463

Gay men live a truly pointless existence. Sad.

>> No.58173474

Shutup simp. Guaranteed you are perma friendzoned.

>> No.58173495

im convinced most gays are either
>abused as a kid by gay person and fetishizes the event
>have never tried pussy
you cant tell me pussy is not good after trying it.

>> No.58173787

Chill out mossad

>> No.58173835
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>Ask every single man his vision of making it?
having enough money so that I don't have to wage, is making it, not fucking bitches, which you can do regularly if you make it a priority and waste time/money chasing women.

>> No.58173871

women are alright, it's marriage that needs to be abolished. And their right to drive and vote but that goes without saying

>> No.58173952

>you cant tell me pussy is not good after trying it.
The day you get a handsfree orgasm from a good pegging you'll never want pussy again

>> No.58174937
File: 31 KB, 653x490, 1705597591254834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im slowly convincing my gf to get into crapto. got her hooked on $super vidya. got her interested in the lingo, and the culture, and why shitcoins exist and how alts serve a variety of purposes. she has two wishlists with two plans for stuff shed like to buy.

>> No.58175434

I'm a gay furry and I hate women

>> No.58175933
File: 39 KB, 590x664, 1614917770525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call me anything you want but the only reason I got convinced by truflation to buy a house now (since market is gonna crash soon) was the prospect to share with a female, but until now two months later still no females on house.

what now?

>> No.58175942

>just medium house
>no female
>no dogs
>no wage job
>many man caves

>> No.58175969

Sometimes I wonder why I'm trying to move out of my parents house or what I'll do with the extra room(s) since I'm not starting a family.

>> No.58175976

use money to buy hookers anon duh

>> No.58175980
File: 156 KB, 1096x1560, 33yo online dating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based untarnished woman enjoyed

>> No.58175981

dude, female are overrated, just chill

>> No.58175985

kys simp

>> No.58175998

I've been poor my whole life and have always had a gf. You don't need money OP. Jus bee yourself.

>> No.58176001

Real talk. Have you actually ever had a girlfriend? I love fucking women on occasion and I enjoy their company when I'm on vacation but that's about it.

>> No.58176018

Okay, simp

>> No.58176021

Yeah but i'm incel though

>> No.58176036

It's blue pill relationship / girlfriend fantasy. They've never been around women so believe they're the best thing ever

>> No.58176112
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The kind of woman that OP is describing doesn't exist anymore. All modern women have normalized clinical narcissism, and the moment they detect the slightest flaw or weakness in their partner they they will leave. They have no loyalty and live their lives only to fulfill their selfish hedonistic desires.

>> No.58176117

I never understood the appeal of a blowjob until a woman started talking.

>> No.58176154

It disgusts me to share this board with Godless animals like you.

>> No.58177299

Bro you should buy $EX, meet a beautiful thailand boy that looks like a girl, and he will suck your cock for very cheap.

>> No.58177322

You are either LARPing or just got very lucky to find a good woman.

The vast majority of them will ruin your mental health after a month or two of being with them.
Their only form of value is sex and attention, you literally do not benefit in any other way.

>> No.58177326

I, myself have been mesmerized by the lilt of a few womens' voices. For me, there is a very attractive quality to some female voices. It's impossible to explain, but when you hear it, you know.

>> No.58177389 [DELETED] 


I have not found a good woman. She doesn't have to be trad. I have slept with some extremely "loose" and narcissistic women. Yes, they all left. But they were amazing and it was still an amazing experience engaging with them. In some ways they were soulless and would tell me I was being too sentimental when I told them I loved the sex and the affection.

At the end of the day, they are a totally different breed. I think you guys expect too much, too idealistically instead of taking them at face value. Even a prostitute will open up to you after 20 minutes and can be fun to listen to. To them it doesn't matter how many guys they've they've with, yet that innocence is still there. And you become completely powerless to it and wish to protect your special lady...
In short, women are amazing regardless of their backgrounds or pasts. Especially blue eyes women, but also all women in general...

>> No.58177394

>>58176112 #
>>58176117 #
>>58176154 #
>>58177299 #
>>58177322 #
>>58177326 #

I have not found a good woman. She doesn't have to be trad. I have slept with some extremely "loose" and narcissistic women. Yes, they all left. But they were amazing and it was still an amazing experience engaging with them. In some ways they were soulless and would tell me I was being too sentimental when I told them I loved the sex and the affection.

At the end of the day, they are a totally different breed. I think you guys expect too much, too idealistically instead of taking them at face value. Even a prostitute will open up to you after 20 minutes and can be fun to listen to. To them it doesn't matter how many guys they've been with, yet that innocence is still there. And you become completely powerless to it and wish to protect your special lady...
In short, women are amazing regardless of their backgrounds or pasts. Especially blue eyed women, but also all women in general...

>> No.58177411

Oh my kek
Oh my kek
Oh my kek
Bros I’m gonna die, bros oh no no imfg I wish I could post images from incognito it would be a nearly dead from laughing keeled over Pepe oh my fuckjng keking god ddddd whwhwggaagahahhshehehshehshehegegeegegegegegehegeheheh

>> No.58177435

I’m a romantic, and it’s something that feels and has been almost tragic to me at many points of my life. You say this nonsense but all it tells me is you’re incapable of love, but judging by the fact the women you have been with have also been incapable of love and romance it seems maybe you’re not interested in these things anyway lol.
It seems you just really enjoy hearing gossip but in a high pitched voice.

All women are whores, Jews have nothing to do with this beyond feminism in the 70s. But the fact of the matter is if all it took was some legislation to completely destroy women then it’s not the fault of the Jew but the fault of the women in general, in fact, what is the woman but the Jew of gender? Read sex and character.

>> No.58177442

Taking too serious things that should be fun only. That's your problem.

Gossip and food. Women seem to be obsessed with food and will talk to you for hours about it and describe it in detail.

>> No.58177450

Smear the queer

>> No.58177451

>Taking too serious things that should be fun only. That's your problem.
True which is why I masturbate to lolis

It’s scary how dead accurate I have you pinned lol.

>> No.58177458

i have come to the same conclusion. after a life of incelism and semi-NEETdom, I came to the realization that the only time Ive felt truly felt alive was when I was talking to a cute girl and there was a flirtatious spark in her voice and eyes; and the premise of seeing her and interacting with her again floods you with energy and motivation and soul. the incelsphere, MGTOW, blackpilling etc is all just mega copium for the fact that life just is not worth living without women

>> No.58177464

Fags love and worship women. Misogynist fags are rare, and mostly that way because they hate their mothers. But there’s not much difference between the temperament and behavior of fags these days anyway, roasties behave like fags do without the extreme risk of STDs fags have, as the pussy isn’t as sensitive to tears as the asshole kek. Roasties have a pussy which I like but beyond they are disgusting beasts of burden.

>> No.58177488


>> No.58177986

i prefer cats
or any other creature or pet
it's a a thousand times easier with money, time and mental stress and anguish. women destroy you, pets rebuild you and maintain you
i guess thats partially why i put money on coins related to animals, like i recently did with loaf cat topkek

>> No.58179243

Get a room and catify it so you can have like 3 cats with a room they can play around in, people always have homes but there are cats that need a home and a family anon

>> No.58179256


>> No.58179314

I would love to feel a woman's head turn into the consistency of a beanbag beneath my fist

>> No.58179412

So you're saying that some unfortunate fucker has to speak 972 words above the mean today just to balance me out?

>> No.58181251
File: 332 KB, 1135x1600, 1000022427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make myself fall in love? i have a rotation of women and after we have sex, it's just a countdown in my head until they leave and i can be alone and do alone things alone

>> No.58181269

>incel gets his first girlfriend after being alone for 20 years