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58152225 No.58152225 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an Aussie NEET and I need more money, how can I save as much as possible?

>> No.58152251

If I’m honest, Hannah is extremely based. I live like a baby as well.

>> No.58152255

>how can I save money when no money comes in

>> No.58152258

>how can I save as much as possible?
bulk buy rice and the cheapest protein source you can find

>> No.58152268

Honestly based I’d do this if I didn’t have grand dreams and am a big supporter of the neet lifestyle for young high iq chuds but check out that Ludwig scale cranium holy…

>> No.58152293

She's not gen Z

>> No.58152304

Oldest genz was born in 1997 so its close enough

>> No.58152313

2005 fag here. Correct she’s not Gen Z u dum seppo fags.

>> No.58152325

It's an old video, she has a 3ds and not a Switch

>> No.58152328

>tfw have both

>> No.58152339

Is she drinking beer at the end or is it soft drink?

>> No.58152660

holy fuck that video is BASED. She's living the dream, but how can she afford this? She even has her own place. Is she on disability or something? Same question to you OP, how can you save money if you're a NEET, did you guys crack some secret code I'm not aware of to stop working?

>> No.58152723

It says her parents give her 8000 yen a month
For me becoming a NEET just happened when I had a mental breakdown and haven't found a way to fix it

>> No.58152786

hm that's 52 dollars, enough for food at most if you really buy in bulk cheap stuff. Nowhere near enough to afford rent and other shit. What do you mean you had a mental breakdown, what happened to you anon? I know some people just burnout really hard because most jobs nowadays are soul crushing, but you know its that or there's no money for me

>> No.58152838

dream girl, actually, how most women used to be, just add children

>> No.58152998

80000 yen.. Still a pittance but apparently enough for rent, comics and instant ramen..

>> No.58153047

imagine the smell

>> No.58153075

stupid whore is glued to her smartphone prob watching tiktok slop

>> No.58153092

In a world of automation and a workforce competing with that automation, you can sum it all up to "theres no point to this, I just get yelled at, I can hate myself at home."

Because the people that end up like this don't make it to the second rung of the ladder where they have to push past it or lose everything they have obtained. We have nothing to lose the same way a rich person has nothing to gain.

>> No.58153094

almost based

>> No.58153099
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I was on anti depressants for PTSD from childhood, then after 6 years they stopped working
Suddenly couldn't sleep for 4 nights and tried to hang myself
Got stuck in a psych ward for a while, tried 8 anti depressants (none helped me)
So ever since I've been a NEET, doing multiple therapies and trying to improve
Was doing EMDR therapy but can't afford to pay $200 per session, so ATM I'm just stuck
I exercise frequently, eat right, sleep well as I can, meditate everyday, get sun everyday ect but can't shake it

>> No.58153107

Wow Hana is literally me~

>> No.58153109

Her diet is disgusting ngl

>> No.58153112

yeh thats what stood out to me was her retard ass couldnt start staring at the phone all day. completely 100% addicted to it. worthless

>> No.58153115

Gen z had the 3ds
Gen y was gameboy to ds

>> No.58153129

at the time it was basically $800 which is enough for japan

>> No.58153136

She is probably watching Asian women getting pounded by big white cock

>> No.58153161

can you queers go one thread without injecting your queer obsession with dicks into everything? every god damn thread some faggot posting about bbc or bwc or cock in general. purge and wipe all queers from existance

>> No.58153164

try mushrooms

>> No.58153176

I want to but I'm scared I'd lose my mind, last time I smoked weed I had insane level depersonalization for hours, sat at the end of my bed unable to move or see properly

>> No.58153182

It's okay to be mad ricel, but Asian women LOVE white men
I'd be mad if my own race hated me too

>> No.58153187

Sounds brutal anon, I've heard a lot of horror stories related to anti-depressants. I would never go anywhere near that shit, the science behind it is absolutely ridiculous, and they end up making things worse for so many people... but you know it makes big pharma a lot of money. You could try LSD or mushrooms, don't dismiss it because you've heard how dangerous and terrible these things are, some people made astonishing recoveries mental health wise using them

>> No.58153192

microdosing then

>> No.58153197

>tiny ass japan apartment got a bathtub
>I don't have a bathtub

>> No.58153245

Yeah trust me they aren't ideal, I'm currently on one that gives me 0 benefits, but when I try to slowly ween off them I get premature ejaculation + can't hold in urine without heaps of pain in my bladder, IBS ect

>> No.58153293

Unironically try Trauma Release Exercises. Multiple people I know have tried it and it works. It looks like retarded shaking for hippies, but for some reason it does something. The US Army started using it for PTSD. Check out some hippies on youtube doing it, you don't have to pay for it. You know it works when you're shaking uncontrollably.

>> No.58153344

Lol, lmao even. You think this Asian stain on the mattress would have kids, or take care of them, or even be interested in fucking in the first place? Get a fucking grip man, this is what peak podlife NPC's look like.

>> No.58153365

If you’ve ever stayed in a small Japanese bathroom you will be impressed by how much they can fit in one space. Shower/bath combo in short form, sink can be used for both handwashing and the bathtub. They know what they’re doing.

>> No.58153490

>try to slowly ween off them I get premature ejaculation + can't hold in urine without heaps of pain in my bladder, IBS ect
thats brutal i hope you can get off the drugs and not have that issue.
pelvic floor exercises might help, and cant hurt

>> No.58153529

this thread makes the wagecuck seethe

>> No.58153551

stay on topic you fags we're talking about neet girls not some faggots diaper issues.

>> No.58153563
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The perfect woman

>> No.58153624

my gf is like this but european so 90% white 10% whatever

>> No.58153687

>80000 yen allowance per month + rent paid
must be nice having rich parents who are willing to support the neet lifestyle

>> No.58153746

Look at the losers in here trying to pretend she's somehow not winning at life. Her parents are wealthy enough so that she doesn't have to work, and can afford her own place. Everything looks nice and clean. She looks healthy enough and clean herself. She can cook and clearly can clean.

She's living better than 99% of the people on this site.

Why is she "a neet"? Because she doesn't trade her time away for some corporate-fag to exploit it for his own profit? Why the fuck are you all so brainwashed and programmed into thinking being someone's bitch is 'good'. It isn't.

You should aim to do as little work as possible unless it is a passion of yours you're persuing. She likes mangas. I bet she can even draw.

What the fuck do you wageslaves have going on? Literally nothing but dreams.

You'll look down on people like this, and work your whole life so that one day just before you die you'll be able to afford to live like her for a couple years (best case scenario).

She's based af.

>> No.58153749

She is more literally me than Ryan Gosling. She just needs to get into crypto.

>> No.58153833

She eats microwave food, but other than that you are right. Probably still healthier than the shit I cook for myself.

>> No.58153867

She's a parasite. At least the people here are trying to build up their own wealth to NEET with.

>> No.58153877

>people here are trying to build up their own wealth
She already has her own wealth.

>> No.58153888

>No partner
>No friends
>No hobbies besides consuming

Fuck that.

>> No.58153911

Mummy and daddy's wealth

>> No.58153913

If parents don’t mind, why do you?
Naturally it is jealousy. An understandable emotion, but she did nothing wrong.

>> No.58153933

I heard something interesting is in the works that will be of great benefit for neets..
keep your eyes open

>> No.58153981
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>2005 zoomies are old enough to post on the chins

>> No.58154013
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>Zoomerinas are already in their 30s

>> No.58154399

Does she have instagram or tiktok? I wanna see her daily life

>> No.58154435

>enjoys some alone time
She's alone 99% of the time wtf

>> No.58154517

I wish I had rich parents that could just enable me, sadly we are in the struggle bus together trying to run up a family business so all of us can stop waging.

>> No.58154585


>> No.58154608

Some jobs allow it, though. I work on oil rigs and I also live like a baby during my weeks off

>> No.58154627

you might not like to hear this but the oldest 20 year old zoomers are now in their mid 40s

>> No.58154653

She could have better hobbies, though. Those games she's playing are probably skinner box gacha shit, no fulfillment whatsoever, just addiction and microtransactions.

>> No.58154708

She could dedicate like 2-3 hours per day to some craft that she gets into and monetize it. It wouldn't even be too strenuous to take 1 hour in the morning and 1 in the evening leaving another 14 hours of nothing assuming 8 hours of sleep. Fuck I'm so envious.

>> No.58154796

I can understand some of the pain. I have mild chronic fatigue syndrome, it painful for me to think that I can only really function when I'm on some level of stimulants or antidepressants. I exercise and enjoy a few hobbies, actually making money is one of the few things that motivates me.
I hope to be getting a particular antidepressant that I can stockpile for cheap, hopefully it will help with some my issues and I can feel independent knowing I could potentially have a long term (10+ years) supply of it for relatively cheap, no trips to pharmacists every month. (the name of the antidepressant is tranylcypromine if you're interested)
NEETdom is honestly a gift and a curse, huge curse if depression hits but otherwise tons of opportunities for learning skills and making great memories.

This kind of thing really piques my interest, I naturally started doing some intense breathing exercises when I had a really stressful period in 2020, honed it in 2022. Its basically holding your breathe for 30 seconds, then slowly exhaling for the next 30. sometimes I get a lot of relief from it, sometimes it just makes me feel bad and stupid.

>> No.58155561

>do labour for money a few hours a day
literally a job but with a chance you earn zero money

>> No.58155591

I also love to sit at home and do little to no work on my blog which I'm monetizing via Hydro Online

>> No.58155642

What is hydro online?

>> No.58155671

Depends. I am an aspiring drawfag but don't have enough time to keep up drawing sessions every day of the week due to other bullshit I need to deal with, if I could quit my job I'd be grinding my skills 5-6 hours a day. Maybe I'm not as NEET as I believed I once was, but there are a lot of creative activities that I'd enjoy but don't bring in money to survive.

>> No.58155690

Same. Hannah is literally me every day.

>> No.58156081

It's a monetizing platform that doesn't need its users to display ads before earning unlike the others

>> No.58156128

perfect wife
>too ugly to be pursued by men who can compete with you
>never leaves house anway
>fine ass, tight pussy, soft skin
>no desire to do anything but submit
>will make you noodle

>> No.58156130

come to Finland, the government pays you to do this (in fact, if you're dreaming of working here they will laugh at your face and take your benefits away if you try to better yourself by education or doing part-time jobs)

>> No.58156142

>I exercise frequently, eat right, sleep well as I can, meditate everyday, get sun everyday ect but can't shake it
this is what happens when you're trying to treat your bodies natural reaction to living in a spiritually dead society

>> No.58156190

>will never be in the mood
>will be on her phone all day like a junkie getting her fix
>will be talking to people on her phone that arent you
>wont want to go out unless its for her dumb manga books
>will probably not be cuddly and affectionate
>wont make you noodles

>> No.58156235

This webm got my dick hard somehow, imagine her reading manga like in 1:12 while you ram her from behind and doesn't even emit a noise. Hot

>> No.58156308

>one to two years makes a big difference between generations

>> No.58156427

are you retarded? women used to do a lot of stuff by hand when there were no automatic washing machines, no electric kitchen appliances, no robot cleaners, etc.

it's a law. mutts law, to be specific. americans are fucked in the head and can't stop thinking about BBCs.

>> No.58156485 [DELETED] 

its not just americans you see this faggot queer dick obsession during euro hours also. so those queers over in euro are also dick obsessed faggots that need to all be purged. kill every queer and make the world a safe place for children again

>> No.58156573

>think of the children!!!
anon, this website is for adults

>> No.58156615

Not at all. The "woman" is more like a child

>> No.58156699

She lives in a 15x15 shoebox apartment in a city that purposefully overbuilt housing to make it affordable, eats like 1k calories a day, parents pay for everything.

>> No.58156897

>In a world of automation and a workforce competing with that automation, you can sum it all up to "theres no point to this, I just get yelled at, I can hate myself at home."
Huh? What are you even talking about? What jobs have been automated in the last 20 years?
Automation has been ground to a halt because we just import cheap labor instead.

>> No.58156925

Weed is the absolute worst possible thing you can do if you have mental health issues. I would unironically rather be on an acid trip while depressed than smoke weed.

>> No.58156938

>premature ejaculation
Wait, you have all these issues but you're still fucking? That's crazy

>> No.58157009
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, OIG1.N9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't quit your job. Hope this is bait because AI can draw shit like picrel (luigi about to score in a morgue room) that'll take you days in matter of seconds

>> No.58157050

This do like a half gram. You dont have to slam a whole eighth to have a good time
Also this

>> No.58157206

>puts on makeup before going out to the store during the day
>isn't fat
this chick is unironically more put together than 50% of women in the U.S.
Also wtf is with the narration that shit makes my skin crawl.
That's $800 per month. Parents don't have to be rich to afford that, especially since housing prices in Japan are so low.
>She could dedicate like 2-3 hours per day to some craft that she gets into and monetize it.
Yeah but she doesn't. She watches anime, shitposts, plays shitty mobile games and reads manga all day.

>> No.58157342

That’s fucking gross. If any nigga wants this they need to check their mental health.

>> No.58157354

I run my own business. She is a directionless parasite. And so are you. People like me actually build things, wtf do you do besides use up resources? Fucking wannabe commie, you exist because people like me allow you to. Maybe that should end.

>> No.58157375

>OMG look at me I do THINGS. she doesn't do THINGS. she's a parasite!!11! and so are you for supporting her!
lmao seethe some more

>> No.58157649

One day you will die and things you 'built' will go along with it. Why waste the effort. You're not going to change the course of humanity.

>> No.58158924

>People like me actually build things
Like what, exactly? Everything worth having or reading was already invented or written. You just hold a job and provide for yourself because you saw a potential market to be exploited in exchange for profit, you're not "building" anything really unless you're building a robowaifu 3000 with a pulsating anus and AI scripted girlfriend dialogues

>> No.58159003

I want to eat her stinky neet pussy while she reads yaoi

>> No.58159106

Touch grass

>> No.58159180

>That's $800 per month
median salaries in japan are also relatively low so to afford to give your daughter 10k a year on a japanese salary youd need to be upper middle class at the very least, no average japanese family could afford to do that (nor would any average family willingly enable her neet lifestyle)

>> No.58159302

Would put a baby inside.

>> No.58160053

How can you just exist like that.

>> No.58160123

Yes there is a secret to unlocking this power, but you wouldn't even believe me if I presented you with the information

>> No.58160147

I'm interested. please tell me
t.ex NEET. I miss being alone and not having to worry about anything.

>> No.58160404

>will never be in the mood
She getting rape

>> No.58160764

How do I get a GF/transgf/femboybf like this?

>> No.58161551

I never thought I would find an acceptable female until today.

>> No.58161630
File: 177 KB, 800x1058, Big-Canon-8-3595622075-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this trend. Giant ass shower, and no bathtub. It's so retarded. I take baths in the guest bathroom, because the master bath doesn't have a tub despite being much larger.

>> No.58161955

you are supposed to install your own, retard

>> No.58162249

The problem with both lifestyles is neither has genuine purpose. The true winners of life are the people who are able to monetize their passions. A NEET is basically the ultimate consumer and doesn't generate anything of value. The wageslave is a literal slave who is 1 bad medical condition from being destroyed. Think how twisted it is to work all your life and then the act of dying which is inevitable allows the people in power to steal all that wealth back from you. A NEET genuinely rebels against what the rich want you to do, but in a passive way, not an active way. They are simply quitting the game because they have others to support them. They are leeches, which is loser shit through and through. They are a burden on their parents. I would say being a wageslave is one step above a NEET and only if you can muster up enough money to achieve financial freedom, but so many things have to go right. You need to stay on top of your health, WHILE also making fuck tons of cash in a very likely stressful work environment. It's all insane, there really is no winning route. You have to be mentally broken to exist in this world and be okay with it.

>> No.58162413

I'm on a year long dry streak, I meant when I jerk off I nut within like 2 seconds of having an erection

>> No.58162428

Where would I find them? Could I find them in the wild and identify them online or is that too risky?

>> No.58162440

Why is there no undersheet on her mattress :/ imagine the smell

>> No.58162508

Lol 3 in-denial Copa Cola addicts in a row, nice one.


>> No.58162595

>nor would any average family willingly enable her neet lifestyle
Things work differently in Japan. Filial obligations often mean paying for a useless mouth's lifestyle until death.
>median salaries in japan are also relatively low so to afford to give your daughter 10k a year on a japanese salary youd need to be upper middle class at the very least,
80k yen per month is about 16% of average salary income, so if the family is only barely in the upper half of the normal distribution only 10% of their income is going to keeping their daughter alive.
Oh, well that sounds like it saves time at least. Honestly in your position I'd be glad I could get hard and orgasm at all considering what antidepressants typically do for your sex drive and boner.

>> No.58162823

Looks like she has a shitty futon on top of the mattress instead

>> No.58162894

I wish I could live so carefree, I do all my crypto investments instead of blowing my money on random shit so that I can live like this too one day. Though in my case I'd rather be a gamedev "neet" or at the very least some sort of streamer, I'd hate to live so freely and produce nothing with an opportunity for greatness like that.

I'm not a neet, OP, but one thing that really helps me save money is by pirating everything. Don't know if it's as bad in 'Straya as it is here in the US, but over here every person with a NEET lifestyle (but not necessarily a NEET, usually doing some low-effort minimum wage job and then living with four other people in one house to save money) has like five or six streaming services they're subscribed to that drain their paychecks when they could just be subscribed to one good VPN. Also never donate money, I know some people who donate to twitch whores and they're borderline broke. I'd avoid becoming a collector too; you can still buy yourself nice stuff sometimes, but don't be a hoarder whose entire personality is thrifting.

>> No.58162935


>> No.58163075

I'd slam her on my big white cock

>> No.58163992

Kind of a butterface but at least she's not fat

>> No.58165351

I'm a NEET rn. But I've found it hard to go all in on learning skills in this time I have. I've even given myself the idea that getting a job increase my productivity because I'll be more ordered and have a working mind. I guess I'm kind of afraid to impose that rigitity on myself.
If anyone has any tips for productivity I would appreciate it. I suppose I've found that starting the day with productive activites is easier than changing into it later.
I do feel kind of bad that I'm not using this time to it's fullest. I don't really have buds at this time in my life, so it's not like I'm making great memories either.

>> No.58165563

I'm a NEET that draws for roughly 3 hours everyday, problem is I don't get much actually achieved BC my skill level isn't there yet
Plus I draw on an iPad and find my eyes feel burnt out after a few hours of close up staring

>> No.58165585


Get a PAW card (thats anonym) go to Colombia, get cheap and pure coca, fill your ass with that, go to america, cut it, and sell.

>> No.58165586



>> No.58165590
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Real chad

>> No.58165591
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>> No.58165593


The FBI is looking for you

>> No.58165688

>I run my own business
>Probably some dropship shit that's gonna die in5 years
Just go work for McDonalds retard that's gonna be more sustainable that your shit.

>> No.58165988

spotted the heterofag

>> No.58166783
File: 256 KB, 3000x2000, 8f7b923a485748339384780c37c3e1b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you eat steak? Try having one or a pound of beef once a week it might help.

>> No.58166879

How do I get a girl like her bros?

>> No.58167167

And what if I'm building exactly that? Would you want me to lay down and rot along with you?

>> No.58167204
File: 395 KB, 526x526, IMG_1448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post.
Games cost $70 now, absolutely ridiculous. I pirate all my vidya and anime as well. Once I started watching 1080p Blu-ray cuts I could never go back to streaming.
I’ll be playing Unicorn Overlord and Pikmin 4 later today (for free, upscaled in 4k)
Normies at my work pay for YouTube premium “because the ads are too much”, LMAO learn how adblockers work. Sometimes I forget how difficult normie lives are. Only subscription I have is my gym membership.