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File: 173 KB, 1303x733, Rogan-2d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58161431 No.58161431 [Reply] [Original]

Do anyone else struggle feeling jealous of rich people? They basically live in heaven. They are Gods of our reality. And the rest of us are... not. I just feel so hopeless not being born rich or have that extroverted psychopath genetic they have that let them rise to the top.

>> No.58161443

Nah, I'm good. Money can't buy happiness and the best things in life are free

>> No.58161503

you think that until you get rich and then you quickly get used to it. like when you lust after a car or something for ages then you get it and a week later it's the same as your old beater

>> No.58161632

False, stop perpetuating lies designed to placate the peasants.
The wealthier I get and the higher my income goes, the happier my life is.
I don't have to worry about paying for basics anymore. I have my own house. I can go on holidays or travel long distance on short notice. Etc.
The next big leg up for me will be cutting down my work hours.
I don't foresee this effect of increasing happiness plateauing until I have generational wealth
These assholes like Joe Rogan who talk about money not making you happy just don't see how their money enables them to comfortably sit and ponder existential questions like "am I REALLY happy though?"

>> No.58161798

Love is a rich person's game

>> No.58161860

do you feel like you 'live in heaven', though? the grass is always greener on the other side and we do get used to anything quickly. OP's suggestion that it's some sort of paradise is misled, i think. Sure, i'd sooner be wealthy than poor, but happiness is difficult to quantify and i know for a fact there are many people who are relatively poor who are happier than many with money.
Think about this; when was the last time you saw a wealthy person in a car, laughing their head off and having fun? it's rare, isn't it? they always look miserable. always. there's a reason for it.

>> No.58161888


>> No.58161979
File: 112 KB, 698x848, dark triad test actual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an extroverted psychopath isn't a guarantor of success, anon. Ask me how I know.

>> No.58162044

Joe Rogan should be ground into hotdog meat. It's not fair some talentless conspiracy cuck has 9 figs for saying false information about myocarditis.

>> No.58162112

Not really, probably cause I'm not around them or see them regularly. Would bother me if I did I guess.

>> No.58162641

What ass hole deluded you into thinking life would be fair?
To me it makes sense a middling pseud would rise to the top of the popular entertainment scene. Remember there are more midwits than anything else.

>> No.58162754

i just put my savings into bitcoin senpai.... it;s not that deepppp. maybe it is. idk

>> No.58162774

also there's 2 types of being rich

>born into it or getting it easily through investing

>creating something of value for others

the latter is the only true rich imo.

>> No.58162829

>I'm a victim
>I don't have what the other has
>I can't

Your external conditions are a product of your thinking. Change your thoughts and beliefs.

>> No.58162846

Joe Rogan has a Jewish wife with a mulatto bastard lol. He’s also a thumbesque low iq pothead.
Just make the money yourself and you won’t feel this way.

>> No.58163953


>> No.58164231

18 year old pussy isn't free, at least not directly

>> No.58164294
File: 139 KB, 1585x1527, 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do anyone else struggle feeling jealous of rich people? They basically live in heaven. They are Gods of our reality.
very, very few of them have enough experience and authority to maintain a comparable position in life once their money becomes worthless and their security team realizes their boss is a danger to them because he doesn't know how to deal with the real world

>> No.58165091

No, they are not necessarily that happy. My wealthiest pals are the most miserable/alcoholics. I'd be jealous if my pals got rich while serving others. The selfishness usually catches up, and its not pretty.

>> No.58165198

It is if youre chad or a black guy

>> No.58165212
File: 74 KB, 960x928, kekkus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop perpetuating lies designed to placate the peasants.
The wealthier I get and the higher my income goes, the happier my life is.
lmao, the irony of these 2 sentences.

>> No.58165244

jealousy is a female/black/jewish trait
don't be female/black/jewish
i unironically can't think of a time in my life where i've ever been jealous, ever.

>> No.58165251

If you “got it easily through investing” then you didn’t invest, you gambled and won the lotto. True investing is either settling for average market returns which require decades to really build wealth, or being exceptionally talented and hardworking in consistently making the right calls over extended periods of time to generate outsized returns, which takes extreme amounts of time and hard work on its own. YOLO’ing your money into a shitcoin and being the 1 out of 100 guy who did a 100x is not investing. That level of return is impossible to replicate consistently over long periods of time

>> No.58165304

Depends, but not really, I know somebody who came from a billionaire family that left everything and then became a multi-millionaire herself with her own money, I believe the only thing her parents helped here with was her getting her masters in England but her own allowance and what not, she made it herself the moment she landed. After that she even didn't take any inheritance when her parents passed away cause she didn't want to be in that family feud since she was kinda the outcast so her brother practically got everything. The bottom line is sure they had money but goddamn their problems cause of it were nonstop. All I want myself is just enough money to never work again and to pay my debts, I don't want to be uber rich, I just want some financial freedom and peace of mind. Best thing is since I know that really rich person, she joked about helping me with how to manage the money once I do make it as long as I make the money myself without ever asking her for help.

>> No.58165359

I don't feel jealous of rich people. I feel jealous of attractive people. They are the real "gods" (faggots) of our society.

>> No.58165389
File: 25 KB, 413x243, 1592594789351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a game that Ill make me rich and happy. Its called GRAVITY

>> No.58165392
File: 191 KB, 800x371, 1595109529886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice game anon

>> No.58165401



>> No.58165405


Poor ngga for ever

>> No.58165408


Thats a game?