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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5815838 No.5815838 [Reply] [Original]

This faggot has been texting your girl anonymously with Obsidian Messenger and you just find out. What do you do?

>> No.5815886

laugh at him

>> No.5815923

smoke a weed with him

>> No.5815982

ODN is a scam, just sayin'.

>> No.5816037

You wouldn't find out, cuz that's the whole point of Obsidian dummy

>> No.5816124

>Gangrape his dog

>> No.5816307

Jokes on him. I don't have a girlfriend. Haha. . . . :(

>> No.5816429

The team is incompetent at running their scam then

>> No.5816516

Don't fall for the payed shills, they WILL dump on you!

We need flags on this board.

>> No.5816534

The coin /biz/ shitposted into oblivion.
>Oblivion Messenger

>> No.5816552
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1514731336571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>payed shills


>> No.5816733

Damn, FUDs gotten weak

Moon imminent

>> No.5816809

DYOR. Everything what "Sagemark" had his hands on out turned out as a scam. He is the guy who is running ODN.
Ever asked yourself why ODN is hanging around below ICO price (4666 sats)?
The devs are dumping on you, that's why.

>> No.5816845

you’re retarded. look in the block explorer they haven’t sold once

>> No.5816979

Thankfully we have you here to convince us all to sell entirely out of the kindness of your heart

>> No.5817015

Yeah, whatever. What do you think why is it below ICO, when it is is "such a good idea"? Because they are dumping on you!
Sagemark was the guy behind TakCoin, and after that he runned WorldCoin.
Dead projects. Just like Obisidian.
Google it, just google it!
He is a fucking scam-artist!

>> No.5817146
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Daily reminder to all to reply to all pajeet tier fud and shill threads with this.

>> No.5817469

Don't trust me, trust numbers.
Look what this project pretends to be, and with this in your mind look at the chart.
And compare it to WorldCoin and TakCoin.
Good ideas that never will be done. Good projects, but dead coins today.
Stay away from ODN. They. Will. Dump. On. You.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

>> No.5817550

My girl uses whatsapp. Shes not a virgin like you

>> No.5817725

if your girl lives in iran then she’ll have to make the switch to OSM

>> No.5817813


>gets proven wrong about devs dumping
>Yeah, whatever. But look at this!


>> No.5818144

To whoever was part of the ICO i strongly suggest to fill out a SEC complain.
Obsidian is registered in the UK as a ltd., and the law can belong them in the UK as a company.
I already contacted my Attorney, to get back my money.
I suggest you to do the same, you are not alone with this.

>> No.5818202

i was gonna respond again to prove him wrong once again but i’m not even gonna bother, lol

>> No.5818220
File: 18 KB, 480x270, 1499651851786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly this guy is such a cutie

>> No.5818275


>> No.5818753

Go to the Discord and ask about TakCoin and WorldCoin, you will get banned in an instant.
And look at the marketing campaign right now, running on gleam.io, literally a ponzi-scheme.

To be honest, i would buy this coin too, if i didn't know better.
Feel good as long it goes and take some gains, but this project was dead from the beginning.

>> No.5818807

>Go to the Discord and ask about TakCoin and WorldCoin, you will get banned in an instant.
of course you will, because that is all disproven FUD. kys

>> No.5818969

Well, do what you want, i told you that it is a scam and it is on you.
Wish you all the best, seriously.

>> No.5819172

No, you don't. You'll be back FUDing this project tmrw, and the day after. Meanwhile ODN will continue to rise because people are learning about it and seeing it's massive potential. But you will carry on having a pathological obsession with Sage and past projects that have nothing to do with Obsidian. See you tmrw.

>> No.5819412

>ODN will continue to rise

Do you life in a parallel universe?

>> No.5819949

thank fucking god I managed to get out of this coin in profit. This team can't even build a wordpress website over a month without fucking it up. If you think they are going to take you on some wild moon mission you're out of your mind.

Also, it's not a platform. Even their lead dev blackstone said he only considers it a "narrow" definition of platform in discord like four days ago... as in, it's a messenger app with an api that likely won't ever be used. Glass isn't even a "new app", it's just a different form of the messenger... aka, the same shit they're already building repackaged with a slight tweak and a new name, out of desperation because people are finally starting to figure out nothing is ever going to be built on this shit and the management team sucks ass. People who think this shitcoin is the "ethereum of monero" are dead money. Ethereum isn't even all that great, but at least the stuff that's built on it are actually different apps and they fucking work. Speaking of which, how did the new OSM 1.0 upgrade go? Go check discord; it's crashing people's phones. Nice quality control there... just like you're website and everything else. This team is a trainwreck.

Ask yourself, why the fuck would they hire Tamico and then fire them so quickly? What successful business gives an unrelated marketing firm that much leeway and doesn't pay any attention to what they're producing? Fucking nobody does that in the real world, ever, at least not if they want to keep their jobs.

>> No.5819999


Hey, guys, I have an idea, lets not pay any attention to the people who are building our primary contact point with the general public. And then when they fuck it up, we can put out a new website that's even more awful to prove we're right on track. Sound good? Yeah, great.

Then there's Sagemark "calling out" the CEO in discord so that he gets more authority... blackstone building his own website because the actual Obsidian version sucks balls. What is the end game here? Three websites for a fucking messenger that people are calling a privacy platform just so they can get a bump and dump their bags? Fuck that shit. I'm out.

>> No.5820055

>muh website FUD
no other coin's website is given this much scrutiny. enough already. who fucking cares.
>muh not a platform FUD
well according to what you just wrote it sounds like you can make different apps that all use the coin, soooo it's a platform.

>> No.5820147
File: 424 KB, 1080x1446, 1514144804154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even meming but is the fact that it's spelled "No Ragrets" the joke? Could this guy really be playing 4D chess?

>> No.5820182

i used to be you.

>> No.5820292

no you did not. kys

>> No.5820569
File: 336 KB, 1760x1024, 1514142990924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy making a privacy app has a fake identity
really tickles the noddle doesn't it