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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5810869 No.5810869 [Reply] [Original]

>Q25: Will there be a joint press event with both VeChain and Chinese Government representatives on your smart city project?

>Yes, there will be, and it is dependent on the progress of the project delivery. You can expect that very soon.

You realize he just confirmed that the Chinese Government was going to endorse VeChain and it's going to happen very soon? This and the fact it's a Smart Contract Platform backed by Fortune 500 Companies and apparently the government is probably the most significant thing to come out of the AMA.

>> No.5811201

Oh well I tried. Don't say I didn't give you a heads up.

>> No.5811263

Problem is, I believe in Icon Vechain and Wanchain, only got 3k euro's so I'm deciding on which to go all in.

>> No.5811335


>> No.5811410

Never felt comfier than with my 20k Ven right now

>> No.5811450

OP don't waste ur time

eventually we will start mooning and then /biz/ will be all over vechain.

>> No.5811490
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Im too overdiversified. Planning to increase my VEN stack today. What should I sell it for? ADA feels a bit overextended and I think I should drop Omise as well. Do it now or set a lower buy order?

>> No.5811810

dont even need to shill this one, fucking mooning on its own

>> No.5811979

I want to spread the joy though.

>> No.5812463
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smart money

>> No.5812535

It's a shame nobody realizes it though. It's going to be a bigger bull run than ETH.

>> No.5812726

Alright shill me on this you faggots

>> No.5812859

Out of all those coins VEN is the only one I would thoroughly endorse for short term gains. And if VEN keeps this shit up, then very very long term consistent gains as well.

>> No.5812939

It's a new chainlink
>Missed moon missions
>Heavy bags
>Small gains

>> No.5812985

Why lie to the man....dont you want us all to make it?

>> No.5813038

Link was shilled constantly and never had any news, communication or buy pressure.

This has all three constantly and is actually being suppressed. The whales are giving you a chance to get on.

>> No.5813163

34k ven already up over 50% despite ridiculous whale manipulation.

>> No.5813192

Seriously, i saw 120 btc worth of sell walls get eaten last night and then they stepped up and threw 300 btc or so more walls up. Shit was unreal

>> No.5813281

how long before the whales let it loose?

i'm hoping they wait til rebranding so i can get the most out of xlm

>> No.5813344

sell walls down - finally

>> No.5813356

There is no way to know, there is rumors of it being right after the binance competiton ends. That would be tomorrow, so maybe buy in before then and see what happens. Worse case scenario you sell afterwards and maybe make a percent or two. Better than missing the moon mission because once its starts its not gonna stop.

>> No.5813504

Should I sell the little IOTA I have for VEN???????

>> No.5813519

One very big one to go

>> No.5813555


>> No.5813559


>> No.5813567

Yes, IOTA shouldnt see massive gains for a long while. This is primed and ready.

>> No.5813641

Thx lads.... am bout to do it

>> No.5813643

Should i sell some XLM for some of this?

>> No.5813691

XLM is way, way overmooned.

>> No.5813714

And im not mememing here but make sure to hold. Youll get passive returns when the main net releases and this quite possibly the most promising project in blockchain right now.

>> No.5813748
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>should I sell now, biz?

>> No.5813787

dump req for ven?

>> No.5813857

Wish I could buy but the gooks at kucoin are fucking this up for me.

>> No.5813895
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Poor fag but I'm glad I got on VEN. My ticket to getting some real crypto funds to play around with. Just gonna sit back and hodl this until it eventually goes into hyper drive

>> No.5813944

Ven will go up like crazy in the next month. I would hold for 3 months at leasr maybe more.
It will go at least 10x.

>> No.5813968
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Damn didn't realize my fist negative post wasn't showing so 2/2 then.

>> No.5813973

venn hittin new ATH today

>> No.5813978


>> No.5813980

Id rather just hold both to diversify.

>> No.5814041

Long term you are going to be just fine. It not going up even with that stupid amount of shilling is the writing on the wall. When something catches that much attention and barely budges, you know there is some serious fucking money manipulating it.

>> No.5814068

i am already holding 5 different coins

>> No.5814125
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This coin already pushed me over a million, now I'm waiting for my second million

>> No.5814136

Yeah , i just wish i hodled longer , id have a bigger stack for vechain

>> No.5814164

holy moly, well done anon

>> No.5814167
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a chinese beluga whale told me this will moon overnight as the asians slumber

>> No.5814189

If that isn't LARP you're going to make it x100 anon.

>> No.5814201

Fuck dude, you literally made it.

>> No.5814207

Your balls must be made of steel to all in that much on one coin. Grats on those gains though m8

>> No.5814242

Fuck I'm going all in with VEN. cant miss this opportunity

>> No.5814264

Any other with less short term gains than REQ?

>> No.5814274

when its dipping do i can buy

>> No.5814306

normally I would tell someone not to ever buy at or near an ATH - but with this coin it wont matter, yo u will make your money back and then some in due time

>> No.5814324

Thanks brew. I all inned countless times this year to get to this point and I dont feel like changing my strats on the final stretch line. DESU I want out asap because I already owe tax on this

>> No.5814342
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>do i can buy

>> No.5814346

Not sure how much it is going to dip. Sell walls are the only thing keeping the price down right now. One 60 btc one came down for a little but its back up now.

>> No.5814352


>> No.5814355

I'm in. The shilling seems genuine on this one. See you on the moon.

>> No.5814360

>Whale wall after whale wall
Who has this much Ven to throw around?

>> No.5814363
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Fuck, obviously meant to say last year

>> No.5814370

this one wall must get eaten. then only satoshi knows

>> No.5814397

I can smell the curry from that post

>> No.5814409

I would suggest waiting as long as possible. You could easily break 100M with your stack.

>> No.5814412

Chinese gov

>> No.5814423

Story anon? How much initial?

>> No.5814434

Already down 20 btc

>> No.5814476

>mfw i fucking sold all my VeChain yesterday...

>> No.5814497

I did my part /allin/

>> No.5814507

$400 initial in May 2017. Kept adding 1k/mo. Went in SC, OMG, WTC, NEO, ICX, and now VEN

>> No.5814516

a fucking new one appeared... damn

>> No.5814522

Another 62btc wall just got wrecked, get in here boys

>> No.5814523

Damn. No one in your family will ever have to work again.

>> No.5814546

finally free. Hopefully these faggot whales dont have much more

>> No.5814547

ath boyz, eat them walls

>> No.5814577

20k sats, fuck this is pumping hard

>> No.5814584
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ive been flipping vechain stacks for awhile now, easy turnover. shits always moonin.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaayylmaaaaaaoo bois, here come dat boiiiiiiiii. squad squad buy the dip nigga

git git git paid pupperrrrrrrr

>> No.5814588

fucking finally

>> No.5814590

Lol I've just been checking the ETH trade just looked at BTC. Jesus the walls are like butter. So fucking comfy right now

>> No.5814597
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>> No.5814600

im setting up a 1.5 etherum buy wall in case they want to dump on us, friends

united we cant lose

>> No.5814602

Thinking about selling my 156 XRP to get this considering I only have 18 VEN lol. I don't see XRP being able to go up too much more and I'm feeling over diversified for the little bit of money I actually have.

>> No.5814605

Good job. Am poorfag but can dump some fiat every month into this, hopefully the bubble lasts another 6 months. Ok I'm buying verge now k thx bye

>> No.5814612

a battle is being fought in front of mine eyes

>> No.5814619

My mom asked me to invest 300 quid for her. Do I go all in on VEN? Maybe spread it 50/50 with either ICX or OMG?
Also not sure if I should wait because ATH and all that jazz.
It's different when I'm doing it with her money, freaking out even though it's a small amount. Want her to be proud.

>> No.5814628

>tfw can't decide to stay in XLM or put some into VEN

>> No.5814640

Fucking 80btc wall now, someone really hates money

>> No.5814650

>When the Chinese Government is whale manipulating your crypto

>> No.5814651

And the walls go back up...jesus

>> No.5814756

I don't think I've ever seen this intense whale manipulation before. It might actually be Binance putting up these walls despite the Chinese Government memes.

They are the only ones I can think of with this much Ven.

>> No.5814774 [DELETED] 

Anon, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group.

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.5815036

I would like to meet the people behind those walls face to face

>> No.5815084
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they allowed me to accumulate a shit load of this coin so I really can't hate them

>> No.5815090

It says a lot that even constant walls and BTC rising can't stop it from moving up. Volume is increasing too. I don't think we will break out today but the next set of new will likely do it.

>> No.5815109

It has been manipulated since the news on nodes and when I bought them. Every single day to keep the price down. I'm surprised it's taken this long to get here even. Still being suppressed quite hard. Fun to watch.

>> No.5815152

it's actually been like this for a month , people didn't catch on to VEN until recently

>> No.5815189

The implications of the AMA are finally starting to sink in. A lot of shit was made clear like how they basically confirmed the BMW partnership in addition to the VeChain ad before the AMA the car was a BMV Brilliance without the logo.

>> No.5815227

Split with OMG. Don’t go all in on one with someone else’s money unless they are willing Ok to lose all of their investment.

>> No.5815247
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Please pump btc so I can get some cheap ven.

>> No.5815274

is this a child?

>> No.5815310

Let's see if it dips now or if everyone still is wanna accumulate more. If it actually dips I will definitely buy more if low enough. Just selling my BNB at a loss for VEN.

>> No.5815333

While I say basically confirmed this is what I am talking about. It's avoidance rather than denial plus the commercial for VeChain.

>Q28: Any comments regarding the BMW partnership rumor?
>Like I said, we have many projects ongoing, but some are protected by NDA so now comments on this. Thank you for understanding that.

>> No.5815402

It was also in the Advertisement they created they had the BMW toy car.

>> No.5815437

switch from stellar to ven nao or keep XLM?

>> No.5815452

These sell walls are getting eaten up.

>> No.5815460

switch now is safe play

>> No.5815477

This thing has not stopped rising. What are people talking about it hasn't mooned yet. Look at the fucking 1d or 1week chart you numpkinskulls

>> No.5815496

How long are Coinbase transactions taking? Trying to get in on this.

>> No.5815536

Pls go down so I can buy more

>> No.5815538

Most likely too long to get in on this if you havent started already. You got a couple options though, buy with credit card, buy local bitcoins, or do bank transfer and hope.

>> No.5815571

Rom Coinbase to Binance for usually is a couple hours. Maybe 2-3. Might be more traffic now though

>> No.5815616

I already bought more eth. Tried to transfer it to binance and it still hasn’t shown up.

>> No.5815620

Eth transfer is taking forever. Still 0 confirmations.

>> No.5815624
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you have plenty of time

>> No.5815660

Ahh gotcha. Thanks for the info. Hoping to get in before it’s too late.

>> No.5815685

You guys have a few hours or days. The whales are doing their very best to keep it down.

>> No.5815699

I don't think u have to worry, sure in wost case u might miss 5-10% but that won't matter once they let it moon. 2x-4x is very very probable

>> No.5815716

use litecoin will take 15 minutes

>> No.5815721

Lads i sold my xlm for vechain at 65 and woke up to it at $1

Now i sold my icx for vechain. Am i doomed to repeat history?

>> No.5815728
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who here can /translate/ this is off WeChat.

>> No.5815750
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>> No.5815758

Short term it might look like you got fucked but ohh well, there is no way to know. Hindsight is always 20/20

>> No.5815770

You'll be fine.

>> No.5815826

Seriously, I'm not even considering selling my VEN ever. Look at these whales trying so hard to push down the price and it is still rising. We know that VEN will be huge, but those whales probably know something that we don't

there is clearly more to it...

>> No.5815833


In addition to this guy's question, how long does it normally take for a bank transfer to show up in coinbase. Say, if I wanted to transfer a couple tens of thousands, when would I be able to spend that? I've only ever got my coins from mining so far.

>> No.5815841

"We are working on partnerships with the largest RFID chip producer and the top two NFC chip producers in the world, which are almost confirmed."

From the AMA.

>> No.5815873

you know when you get newfags asking ab out bank transfers and transfer times shits bout to fomo pop off

>> No.5815917

Google translate

At 8:00 on January 4, 2018, the founder of Vechain, Lu Yang, will make a breakthrough in technological transformation at the live-streaming "China-US Blockchain Broadcasting Group" at Live in Silicon Valley. The chain's benchmarking in the automotive industry

>> No.5815996

It takes like 5-8 days, its really ridiculous. And a couple tens of thousands would need more verification and all that jazz.

>> No.5816005

Comfy infos.

>> No.5816032

Shit has been trying to fomo pop off for awhile thats the beautiful thing. When 60-120 btc sell walls go up like its nothing you know shit is going to be happening.

>> No.5816106

This shits going intergalactic. Anyone with a brain better get in NOW while the whales are still holding it down.

>> No.5816146

Like literally it's going to Andromeda once the news of the live stream tomorrow.

>> No.5816168

whos /allin/?

I'm only in for 25% of my stack but I might grab some more

>> No.5816171

i will if my ether finally decides to hurry up

>> No.5816176

Just sold all my REQ that I'd been holding since ICO and x12ed to FOMO into this. Don't let me down /biz/.

>> No.5816184


Sweet fuck time to dump 100% of my portfolio info VEN

>> No.5816246

Been sitting on a 25k stack half at .50 half at 1.30 feeling pretty fucking comfy right now

>> No.5816287

Could this really hit $10-$12 per VEN in the coming months? What do you crytpo-vets. think?

>> No.5816325

It's going to hit $10-12 Ven in the next week if not the next few days.

>> No.5816339

Atleast 5$ this month alone, probably even more.

>> No.5816360

The real question is... could we break the 80BTC sell wall today?

>> No.5816409

Lmao at you guys sprinting to buy these bags. “Whales are accumulating”, yeah okay sure, they’re definitely not dumping on you since this project is literally designed to pnd. The white paper is chink gibberish that admits it’s just a fork of Ethereum. They pivot every month to whatever will market the best, with 0 substance. Their only positive is business relationships with companies who they gave tons of VET to (bribe), and a World of Warcraft tier incentive scheme to get faggots like you guys to pump their bags.

>> No.5816420

doubt it, but I've been wrong before

>> No.5816424

We have eaten 4, 60 btc sell walls in the last 14 hours. Just to have another one get put right back up.

>> No.5816436

it's 400BTC sell wall

>> No.5816437

No problem.

>> No.5816451

Fuck. I want to dump my XLM at 200% profit and buy VEN.. But don't know if it's mistake.

>> No.5816452

The wtc Cuck is back.

>> No.5816455


I'm jelly as fuck if no larp.

>> No.5816463

>Google translate
>At 8:00 on January 4, 2018, the founder of Vechain, Lu Yang, will make a breakthrough in technological transformation at the live-streaming "China-US Blockchain Broadcasting Group" at Live in Silicon Valley. The chain's benchmarking in the automotive industry


>> No.5816474

I agree im not fucking around with it, idc if it goes to $20

>> No.5816501

Thats some pretty good fud. But I cant imagine the chinese government and PwC partnering with a scam coin that offered them bribes. LOL

>> No.5816504

they have a team of 50 devs so you know they arent fucking aroudn...this is a legitimate HODL

>> No.5816515

gtfo cuck and go be poor

>> No.5816572

stay poor
PwC, DNV GL, Kuhne and Nagel, Chinese fucking government
>0 substance
Its a private fucking company dickhead they aren't going to show you everything like ethereum so faggots like you can make cryptokitties

>> No.5816656

Price prediction for Summer 2018?

>> No.5816704

No worth responding to their shit tier fud, waltoncucks know their coin is fucked after yesterdays ama shitshow.

>> No.5816713

If PBoC is true, 100 bucks.
If PBoC is not true, 25-50 bucks.

But really who the fuck knows lol

>> No.5816736

This whale is making it disgustingly apparent how bad the wealth disparity is in this world. 80btc sell wall? NO PROBLEM (*click).

>> No.5816764

>News comes out
>Suddenly goes from 400K wall to 1.4 Million wall
>Binance dept chart fucking breaks for buys
I smell something fishy.

>> No.5816937

Just dumped my BNB to all in on VEN. So my portfolio is 99% VEN now. Let's go chinks.

>> No.5816997

will the wall hold?

71 BTC left

>> No.5817027

It will because they will just throw up another one.

>> No.5817039

if PBoC is true this shit will be the next btc...

>> No.5817067

Tear down that wall!

>> No.5817157

What is this PBoC shit? Having flashbacks to 'Microsoft cooperation' with Antshares.

>> No.5817208

SHould i get rid of iota? yes i should

But should i get rid of REQ buy order and put it in here?


>> No.5817229


>> No.5817259


>> No.5817293

rumored partnership with People's Bank of China

>> No.5817312

I got 11K for Strength node.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna make right guys?

>> No.5817316
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30k sats tonight

>> No.5817347

Gotta get it gang

I bought the top like an idiot, o well

>> No.5817348

dump dat shit

>> No.5817416

Fuck yes you are.

>> No.5817492

I've got 15k after selling my REQ gainz. I'm going to hang onto 10k long term. Comfy.

>> No.5817531


Now be patient.

>> No.5817552
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It is Antshares again in terms of the pump its about to have only RIP NEO because vechain secured the partnership they were after

>> No.5817565

So that was what, 160 in total of BTC walls eaten?

>> No.5817566

Fucking fuck. Still thinking is it right choise to dump half of my Lumens and buy this. This shit looks so comfy. But XLM is also so fucking comfy. What to do?!?!?

>> No.5817596


>> No.5817598

xlm has had a great week but in general that shit doesn't move, real talk

>> No.5817610


Both like me desu

>> No.5817613
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>He's out. Pump it.

>> No.5817629


>> No.5817636


>> No.5817649

Xlm is done mooning for tody get ven

>> No.5817664

All right fags, bought 50k$ worth of your bags, don’t let me down.

>> No.5817668

XRP will soon be on coinbase. XML will soon be fiat paired.
Once that happens both will jump halfway to the moon.

Coinbase has confirmed the XML part, and almost XRP. There was recently a wallet that got 2.8 billlion XRP transferred to it. Seems like someone wants alot of them to who knows, maybe sell them at an exchange?

>> No.5817686

>yes sir thank you sir

>> No.5817692

Nice bro, I sold my REQ gains I held onto since ico for my 11K.

>> No.5817720

Nobody is shilling ven. VEN threads all died instantly until this one.

This coin shills itself with its success and vision.

>> No.5817743

>extensible markup language is going to get paired with fiat
brb buying all the xml documents i can find

>> No.5817765

This. This is fucking happening is I dump some of my precious Lumens. I know that. It's like that ALWAYS. And now when XRP is also mooning, XLM will follow as always..

>> No.5817782

How can you buy bags if it has only ever been going up. Nice larp

>> No.5817851
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Pretty low volume, I mean it's high but we can expect more like the previous times.

>> No.5817913

Another 65btc wall gets wrecked, thats like 500btc just the last couple of hours

>> No.5817959

AHHH shes getting dumped on

At least in ETH

>> No.5817970

>Coinbase has confirmed the XML part

>> No.5818071

Another 55btc wall wrecked, 4 more 60 btc walls pop up. Whale fuck you money

>> No.5818257


>> No.5818266

when the whales run out of walls its a race to 40K


>> No.5818329

I'm not going to fucking FOMO. Just sold half of my XLM and now I have 0.1 btc to dump something. Which coin will it be, want to double it.

>> No.5818332
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>> No.5818369

This isint fomo yet. When the whales pull their 3 million dollar sell walls it will be fomo.

>> No.5818403

Is there no whale here to eat that shit sell wall?

Holy fuck that soab angers me

>> No.5818426

Yeah, I see that. But when is it happening, maybe not today but tomorrow? Damn this is frustrating.

>> No.5818432

90% in and very very comfy.

>> No.5818436
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Walls will come down 5th January, coinciding with PBoC/Korean exchanges.

You have been warned. The show you're about to witness will make ENGs run look like sideways trading.

>> No.5818469

Why? Let it be, it will moon when everyone is good and ready for it to.

>> No.5818528

Have you ever seen a bull to 50 Billion? You are about to.

>> No.5818589

I'm all in on XLM right now, think its worth dropping 20-50% of xlm to put on VEN?

>> No.5818631

Yeah, XLM can't keep going on like it is forever. It will probably go sideways for a while when it hits 1$.

>> No.5818632

yes, this is just getting started

>> No.5818660

Go all in. I'm dead serious. Even with extreme whale manipulation (50-100 BTC walls being put up every minute) the coin is trending upwards.

>> No.5818700

I want to buy some but why the fuck are ETH transfers so slow?

>> No.5818730

It already hit $1 earlier this morning.

>> No.5818737

not sure something is congesting it , it just hit an ATH as well

>> No.5818789

Oh right, my bad, must've missed that. Well I guess it won't move that much for a while then. Not saying it's a bad hold, but just not expecting much from it in the short term right now.

>> No.5818798

Fucking right? Been waiting almost 2 hours.

>> No.5818852

it's going for that ATH patrick bateman just decided to buy in

>> No.5818857

Alright how do I convert BTC to ETH so i can buy this the easiest? Got the BTC on localbitcoins and they don't seem to be dealing in ETH at all. Total noob here if that wasn't obvious.

>> No.5818877

It is 3am in Beijing, time to get in before Chang does

>> No.5818889

I feel you and it actually did exactly what you said. It hit that ATH then immediately dropped back down to $0.89-0.90 and is pretty stable around the area for the majority of the time. Unless they get more publicity/big news or updates I think it'll be pretty steady where it's at.

>> No.5818909

gongratz everyone.
but this is just the beginning

>> No.5818910

>tfw only 2k VEN.

I wanna go all (4x that) in but it will take atleast an hour to transfer to binance

>> No.5818953


It's still early in Asia, you'll be in time.

>> No.5818999

4 more hours till asia pump

>> No.5819016
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Just did this, I trust biz on this one and I trust this coin. Good luck!

>> No.5819039
File: 72 KB, 866x900, 1514532181960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what time zone this is for? It says 8pm and Silacon Valley live so maybe it's 8 pacific?

>> No.5819142

I heard its around 3am. Im just to lazy to look it up.

>> No.5819155

Pretty sure it's at night. So it's like 16 hours from now I think.

>> No.5819167


You need to add ICX. Trust me.

>> No.5819192

About to buy 0.75ETH worth of this, got 2000 XLM which I could buy in with.

What do you guys think? i believe in XLM too but I haven't seen a coin with so many partnerships + the manipulation going on right now.

>> No.5819213
File: 426 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180103-195855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time Seoul right now. There you go.

>> No.5819238

holy fuck eth is pumping, tempted to hop out of VEN for a bit but this thing has been dancing tooo

>> No.5819262
File: 90 KB, 992x744, OJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW I rode DENT for a comfy 20% gain and jumped off for this cozy 50% gain.

>> No.5819266

i had some, but sold it for ven. No going back. If icx was on Bittrex i would have it, but my PAY bags are out there and Im too lazy to verify my identity.

Buy DOT. Trust me.

>> No.5819274

>going to miss the pump because ETH wont transfer

>> No.5819330

ya'll gonna make it a buy before the news then dump after the conference is over, sad times

>> No.5819346

oh and my OMG bag is on Bittrex as well. :((

>> No.5819368

Binance is behind some of this sell wall. manipulating and rigging the competition. their competition ranking list is faked this comp is rigged. glad when it is over and this can move again.

>> No.5819373

Eth network clogged again

>> No.5819376


Don't know about you but I'm hodling this.

>> No.5819393

there will be more pumps to come bro, im in but not fully, once it consolidates ill go all in. Target price 25$ usd end of next month

>> No.5819448

oh im hodling, but im still expecting it to be dumped after

>> No.5819466


Get Binance. It's great. :)

>> No.5819509

Big difference between dump and dip....

>> No.5819547

I don't expect a dip, I expect a big dump

>> No.5819567

Top 5 this year for sure. Comfiest hold ever.

>> No.5819600

which exchange can circumvent this waiting game. kraken?

>> No.5819640

i expect you to be wrong

>> No.5819685


I second that

>> No.5819696

Oh anon you missed out? aahww

>> No.5819790
File: 437 KB, 5186x2029, 1514837855673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>105BTC at 22k sats
>157BTC at 23k sats

>> No.5819841


>> No.5819867

I don't understand, when ETH price goes up

People jump out of their alts, go into ETH. Sell for cash then buy back in?

>> No.5819962

When eth price goes up they jump out of alts and then hold ETH so they get richer, then buy more alts.

>> No.5820137

I am on both. I love Binance!

>> No.5820141

>its a "chinks steal millions from white people who were stupid enough to trust them" episode

Should be fun to watch.

>> No.5820197

Am I too late?

>> No.5820243

fuuuuuck I missed the rocketship

>> No.5820283

FOMO'd at 21.7k sats. Fuck i'm scared now.

>> No.5820295

If stealing means that I am getting them sweet gains then sure. Up 300% on this so...

>> No.5820296


>> No.5820303

If you look at the depth chart youll see you havent missed the moon yet.

>> No.5820315

i bought half my stack at near top, don't trip. If it goes down it'll go back up harder by tomorrow

>> No.5820319

Oh and

>currency of the future
>except when lots of people use it, then a logjam happens and everything gets fucked up

I have 5 eth transfers with zero confirmations, fuck offfffff

>> No.5820329


We'll be leaving again when Asia wakes up.

>> No.5820382

>what is antshares

>> No.5820485

where can you look at order books visually for example?

>> No.5820501

Yeah. Fuck this shit, I knew it was going to 21k because only green candles. STILL FOMO got me. Even that I waited pretty long to buy. Well, this is it and can't change my decision.

>> No.5820656

Binance, click "depth" instead of "candlesticks".

>> No.5820864

Buy the dip.

>> No.5820920


in the long run, you'll be more than fine

it looks like the whales just don't want this running quite yet

>> No.5820960

Lol you act like I have anything left to buy with.

>> No.5821015


>> No.5821051

I believe so, this is so huge. But still it's a shame when I could had like 100 more VEN if I would have just some more patience.

>> No.5821478

are you me?

>> No.5821553

I think according the graph is a good option it will fall to 0.5 - 0.6 maybe

>> No.5821875

I sure hope so, but didn't the wtc ceo say something about 3-4 months for korean exchanges?
When he broke his NDA on telegram, kek. That idiot.

>> No.5821977

Korean exchanges are being difficult with their regulations now. But they have been in talks with them for multiple months now so it should be very soon.