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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58151034 No.58151034 [Reply] [Original]


Are you ready?

>> No.58151085

I threw $100 at this like 3 weeks ago and I'm up 4.5x.

Last time I bought a dogcoin it went up 860x.
Please let it moon bros.

>> No.58151167

I can feel it anon. I’m still packing bags don’t leave without me

>> No.58151205
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>heard about AVI back in September
>ignore it and quit crypto for a while
>could have made almost a million if I had thrown pocket change at it
How do I cope, AVIbros?

>> No.58151218

>makes the same mistake twice

I mean…

>> No.58151223

If you don't mind, how did you hear about it?
I never can figure out good sources for up and coming projects. The only place I know anymore is here on /biz/, and it's hard to discern new projects from fucking pajeets making yet another Shiba Inu knockoff.

>> No.58151238

>Empty promises-the token

2 more weeks right

>> No.58151242

>market pumping
>Aviator literally does nothing at all


>> No.58151256
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Nah, I bought some already recently. I could have been a whale though.

Literally /biz/. Once you start looking beyond the shitposts and the obviously coordinated pajeet spam, there are some interesting opportunities posted here every now and then.
I think I may have found one of those in a thread from earlier today, just need to do more research before pulling the trigger.

>> No.58151283

Have you heared of kns anon? It is worth looking into if you haven't already

>> No.58151286

Ngl I am all in on this with about a 16m stack. I'm not sure if it will run further, but it shows such good strength I am ok parking my money in it.

>> No.58151298

Base wen?
Cex wen?
I want to buy but I refuse to pay eth fees

>> No.58151306

Summer. You’ll be priced out before it lists.

>> No.58151368
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endless adventures are ahead of us, avibros

>> No.58151395

Posting more ai slop seeing as my avi bros love to use it and it's super cute too

>> No.58151403
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>> No.58151421
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last one for now going to bed

>> No.58151573

>How do I cope
The bear market winter is literally the only time you need to not be asleep at the wheel, you failed

>> No.58151583

>I never can figure out good sources for up and coming projects
If there's a pre-made meme spam wave and le totally organic discussion that definitely did not originate from a shill telegram that pays per post, it's a scam
Avi threads were kino. It takes a trained eye to spot the kino but eventually you'll get the hang of it if you stick around

>> No.58152242

I'm still really fucking bad at it. The only thing that convinced me on Avi was I asked in a thread, got a bunch of jeetcoins and then Avi. I looked up whitepapers for all of them and Avi's was actually compelling.

>> No.58152487

These AVI threads are turning me into s furry these girl foxes are cute af

>> No.58152514


I think lots of paper hands were expecting some crazy pumping news after the AMA but it was more of a community chat that's all. I think lots of subtle stuff was dropped that people missed, and I don't think people caught on yet that first two weeks of April for 10/10 audit, marketing campaign, and bridge are the next week or two. Well, the European crowd seems to get it but Americans are kinda expecting instant slop.

>> No.58152739
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Oh shit Brian Jung is talking about Aviator.

>> No.58152752

imagine buying this instead of APU

>> No.58152848
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, AVI and APU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder you can own both AVI and Apu, after all they’re the most comfy holds at the moment.

>> No.58152858

apu seems like a bumpy ride compared to comfy airgliding avi

>> No.58152902


Bumpy ride but I think, after the community takeover, they've been generally cool other than this fucking moron who only makes APU look worse:


>> No.58153452

>dumps bags at $2m mcap
>gets instantly priced out
>copes by fudding every avi since then
kek all you had to do was buy back in

>> No.58153470

>imagine buying this instead of APU
no need to

>> No.58153590
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what a glorious coin this is.

>> No.58154138

I'm seeing a lot of shrimp buys. Are they people coming from his youtube video?

>> No.58154149

Most likely

>> No.58154183

So let me get this straight. a literally who Chinese YouTuber talked about AVI for 25 seconds and how they focus on gaming which is bearish, this is somehow a good thing? Let’s keep promoting coins that have already seen their ath great fucking idea. So tired of seeing this fucking AVI shit. Meme coin no arcade no bridge no base no coinbase no Jesse. I guess after last nights dump aviFags are looking for any copium they can find though

>> No.58154195

Your math is way off. At no point in its history could you have made a million from pocket change. Ffs, avi total market cap is still less than $50M. Quite crying and secure a bag

>> No.58154199

We were shilling this on biz back then.

>> No.58154205

it was shilled here at 300k mcap
>and it's hard to discern new projects
iq issue

>> No.58154229

Almost 2000 holders too this shit is beyond me I don’t get it. Web3 gaming fucking sucks and somehow aviator is gonna change this? Fucking please. newfags looking for a quick look look at any other gaming crypto project nobody wants this shit

>> No.58154256

You will it back in at a higher price swingy.

>> No.58154309
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>a literal who
>1.73M subscribers
A who to you or I maybe. But really fucking well known considering his millions of subs.

>> No.58154311

>buying a falling house of cards
I’ll consider buying back in when the bridge is released. early spring right? kek it’s almost fucking april.

>> No.58154337

>free publicity is now fud
jimmy just buy back in, doing this for weeks can’t be good for you mentally

>> No.58154371

Also what’s up with all the small buys? certainly doesn’t seem organic to me. And no jared ? Now you want me to fucking believe they all set their slippage? Fuck you no they didn’t.

>> No.58154392

whatever faggot you always post the same shit on literally every fucking avi thread, kys

>> No.58154408

>angry because I noticed something
go ahead nigger WHERES Jared? every other fucking time we get these many buys he’s there. Now all these random shit amount ones come in and he’s NOWHERE? THINK

>> No.58154418

AMA was a letdown to me. Why won't Stix set some hard deadlines and tell them to us? Afraid to commit? They need to start behaving like a bona fide startup company instead of a bunch of tech guys who got together with a shared dream.
Remember: investors are always afraid something could happen and too much uncertainty will make people panic and withdraw their money.
Also, the Chinese youtuber guy is right, the game thing is too niche for the broader investor pool.

>> No.58154428

MEV bots trade specifically on strict parameters. How about you fucking ask him instead of me, faggot. Not even quoting (((you))) anymore. I sincerely how you die in your sleep because you're one of the most annoying fucking little bitches I've ever seen in my decade of using biz

>> No.58154463

>changes ID yet again
>uses the same blogpost style fud thinking no one will notice
Kek. How’s that dump working out for you?

>> No.58154525

how the fuck do you think it’s working out? I sell and it pumps how do you think it’s working out for me anon? I buy in when no one fucking knows about this shit, they DELAY, they release NOTHING and now it’s fucking pumped even though I made a calculated decision based on what was happening at the time. I will bring the price back down and I will get my previous entry.

>> No.58154543

I LITERALLY fucking hate you with all my being. I seriously do. I seriously am seething right now at the thought that you're even alive right now. Holy fuck please PLEASE noose.

>> No.58154551
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you are a fucking idiot

>> No.58154554

and if i see your wallet buying in i swear ill dump my whole stack and wait for you to dump then 3x buy what I sold. I'm tracking you now and i WILL lose up to 80-100 grand to make sure you are having a bad time.

>> No.58154593

>I will get my previous entry
you wont.

>> No.58154658
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that's the spirit!

>> No.58154689

I bluffed this post anyways. I'm not even risking that over some little queer that pisses me off. Still makes me want to scratch a chalkboard though.

>> No.58154701


I could've 4x'ed but I didn't invest because the gaming angle just seems desperate to me. If they were just focusing on the skybridge and were actually managing the project properly I would have invested but it really seems like an amateur project.

But congrats if you got in a while ago you made some good gains for sure.

>> No.58154739

The arcade is insanely bullish, most people that are in crypto also play video games. With the way the platform is set up, it will be on devs to make quality games to bring people in, with AVI tokens being only currency on the platform.

>> No.58154766

It's dumping again

It's over

>> No.58154836

sure Pajeet, whatever you say

>> No.58154903
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>sirs it is dumping

>> No.58154961

Haven't sold, I still trust Aviator has the capacity to soar. I do think they need to step up their game though. They should be more business-like, more rigorous, and keep their investors calm.

Last evening's AMA backfired. People SOLD during and after, check the chart. That's a negative response to what should have been a very positive stimulus, potentially. Nothingburgers and uncertainty in delivery dates did that.

Posting my feedback here so lurking devs can see. Let's go team, still trust you.

>> No.58155022

In all fairness In my experience ama's are always followed by sales in other projects I've been invested (sell the news etc) last night was the first time I've ever seen that happen with Avi so it could just be normal (apart from the 40k sell, thats got to be pure emotion) but I do agree it was a bit of a nothing burger

>> No.58155111

That 40k sell is a paperhand who's gonna kill himself when his stack would have been worth 400K next year.

>> No.58155154

he sold with loss

>> No.58155211
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I think the team is really excited about the audit score. Stixil had mentioned in the chat how he thinks it's going to change a lot of people's minds/enforce a lot of confidence, and then repeated it in the AMA. Given the additional point he's made about them reaching out to people, people reaching out to them, and people like Jesse seeing them as a legitimate project to be endorsed, I think that's why the announcement of the 100% unit test coverage gets them so excited because the 9.5-10/10 score is going to confirm opportunities already in the works by giving them more legitimacy. Granted that's speculation, but it lines up in my opinion.

>> No.58155294

1.3 eth loss.... jeez, homie really wasnt happy with that ama

>> No.58155401

Just watched the YT shoutout, they should immediately put skybridge in the product summary along with and maybe even in front of the gaming part.

>> No.58155597

Hopefully more than that man

>> No.58155668

We need to get a few shitty meme games like Happy Wheels, Cat Mario, flappy bird, ect. though, that some YouTuber will play for clicks. That will also increase the games popularity and make the arcade go viral.

>> No.58155913

Stixil just mentioned that he's gonna do that. We good. Next week will be amazing bros.

>> No.58156017
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For my fellow early investors, this is gonna be huge. The staking rewards are likely going to be quite profitable. Also, as mentioned in the TG, the bridge is going to be extremely attractive to those with a lot of capital since whales will want to bridge to base in order to pay the least amount in fees when they finally cash out - we're effectively attracting the biggest players to use the product. With that much volume moving through the bridge, it's gonna be great

>> No.58156063

honestly biz is a gold mine if you sharpen your skills to weed out the scams and pump and dumps. Every cycle there are at least a handful of projects here that can change lives. Do all of them work out? no (lition, statera) but if you average out, the others pay off (kadena, rose) if you sell at the right time.

This cycle it's apu, avi, kns, circle, and earnfi. They may not all work out, but I'm holding them all and only need 1 or 2 to blast off and everything else is extra.

>> No.58156078

yup can’t wait to see what the fud is in a couple weeks once the bridge is up and running

>> No.58156208

Anything shilling this hard with try hard ai bullshit is an obvious scam

>> No.58156537

>he missed out
You could have literally 50xd (minimum) already if you weren't retarded
My 5k is now worth over 200k
skill issue

>> No.58157081

> anything shilling this hard
The difference is this is actual excitement from real holders, there is a project here. It’s not a flavor of the month meme coin

>> No.58158508

kek, i threw in a couple of $100 for 1milly AVI in august last year. Haven't sold a single one. This is my best bag.