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58150413 No.58150413 [Reply] [Original]

Will I make it?

>> No.58150487
File: 284 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_20240325-190448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice anon I have about the same not including some bnb and sol shitcoins like dog bat. WAGMI

>> No.58150493

Gambling that much on shitcoins. Youre either gonna make it and end up losing it trying to repeat down the line, or you’ll just lose it now.

I’d take the profits once it runs its bit and throw it into a blue chip once the run is over next year. Don’t keep trying to gamble on shitcoins man. I don’t mean to be a pessimist either.

>> No.58150527

Shit folio that will go to $0 (Ticker: USD)

>> No.58150549

Thanks, anon. Looks like you've got a nice slow and steady folio.
>I’d take the profits once it runs its bit and throw it into a blue chip once the run is over next year
yeah, the plan is let it ride, sell to USD, buy bitcoin once it's down 80% from ath, make it next cycle for sure

>> No.58150575

low iq

>> No.58150596

100%. it's leftovers I'm too dumb to move

>> No.58150634
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You are a mad lad good luck anon

I’ve been meaning to diversify looks like it’s worked out nicely for you. I don’t like Ltc but whatever works for you.

>> No.58150666

thanks man, best of luck too. I was all in LINK PNK and SENT last cycle. Unfortunately, I held way too long. Otherwise, I'd be at minimum mid 6 figures now

>> No.58150857
File: 250 KB, 863x1157, Screenshot_20240325-203051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my poorfolio? Any advice?

>> No.58150886
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>4 figure hell
I'd get a job and pick one small cap you believe in until 5 fig hell.

>> No.58150945

don't buy anything until a big crash

>> No.58151077
File: 116 KB, 1293x827, Portfolio 03-25-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Apu holder

>> No.58151154

goddamn 100k in qanx haha
Looks like you've done your research, but what's your logic in holding 0.3% into dodo among other small caps?

>> No.58151220

I would swap the APU into AVI or KNS since you're risking another rugpull at any moment.

>> No.58151241
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Will I make it?

>> No.58151252
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if you cash out well, and look for more long term investments (i recommend truflation for the data) you'll be good, just dont spend all of your money on shiny dumb shit like most biztards or crypto guys out there

>> No.58151274


i just hate that font that you use

most crypto guys out there will spend all of their money in dumb shit, because thats how they goy their money in first place

>> No.58151288
File: 145 KB, 567x521, 68161503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just google the data, you dont need to shill your shit fucking jeet

>> No.58151409

the rajeets are actually pretty good at identifying themselves

>> No.58151414
File: 53 KB, 605x605, 853183081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FOr tHe DatA
shut your fucking brown mouth

>> No.58151465
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Taking out half soon.

It’s funny because I still feel kinda poor and I’m a massive Jew and struggle to spend money outside of living expenses

>> No.58151479

sol is the low iq play. ltc is high iq

>> No.58151546

aye, easy money for the patient investor

>> No.58151575
File: 48 KB, 960x540, photo_2024-03-14_22-53-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got most of my qanx between 2-3c. I'm expecting a minimum of 50c this cycle with test net in April and main net later in the year should be an easy one. Dodo and other small bags is shit from last cycle that i didn't want to sell at a loss if it doesn't do anything this cycle I'll just dump and write it off. I've got other random coins as well with similar % holdings, i just don't care enough to track

>> No.58151603
File: 42 KB, 701x462, Screenshot 2024-03-25 234717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to stick to the original and best.

>> No.58151630

that's a good approach when you already have millions of dollars but if you want that bit of money to do anything significant in crypto you need to gamble it on low mcap shit that you believe has potential
otherwise at best you're looking at a 2x or something

>> No.58151666

Yes, bigly. Apu will be THE coin in 2024 and Avi is pretty solid. Kns is all big talk but with very little too back it up, maybe in the bullrun craze we will see a 10x

>> No.58151748

> all big talk but with very little too back it up
what would you want them to accomplish? They're one of the few low caps that actually deliver consistent results. You can even run their product, the Unchained node, on your computer if you want to test or participate

>> No.58152265

lmao, $KNS is probably the one project that delivers bigly

>> No.58152412
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i just started. just small amounts of cash.

>> No.58152419
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I also got this in my wallet.

>> No.58152454

Unironically just look for ICOs and private sales and if you're lucky enough to get in, just sell as soon as they go public. There's one that been getting shilled for the past week called Trustwise Token. Another on is Cecil Network. Crypto gains ain't hard to come by if you know where to look... Also I've already bought both of these before posting so idgaf

>> No.58152526

This is gonna be me again soon. Except my story is way more retarded.

> be me
> retarded
> scared of crypto and grew up poor, so never want to risk much
> retarded ass put $98 in SHIB
> it goes to $30 next day
> give up
> 5 months later
> SHIB in the news
> check portfolio
> my 2 figures is now 6
> wtf.jpeg
> it drops 20% after SNL
> panic, move to ETH
> ETH moves down a bit, put in Tether
> put back to ETH when it bottoms out
> cash out recently since I don't want to deal with all that pressure anymore
> I got $65,000 and still have $13,000 in the market (mostly Polygon now).
That plus my money in my money market is about $300 a month. Thinking of putting $100 a month into a shitcoin each month to see if I can do it again.

>> No.58152866

scams, do not trust this

>> No.58152987

>still holding link in 2024
There are so much better opportunities for this cycle bro

>> No.58153009

AVI it is then

>> No.58153312
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Am I going to make it, mommy?

>> No.58153348

i love going in to threads like this and seeing what I'm up against in the market. You guys are absolute mongs and you will get a max 4x return and probably roundtrip it.

>> No.58153398
File: 31 KB, 1089x265, i will make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will make it

>> No.58154387


That is ballsy man.

>> No.58154479

Hey anon me again. Did your biggest holding just rug to $0?

>> No.58154485

too much risk with the APU gamble. put 60-70% of that into AVI and I'd consider this poorfolio a 8/10

>> No.58154498
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That’s ok. 30x helps links underperformance.

>> No.58154502
File: 71 KB, 1080x348, Screenshot_20240326_041418_Zerion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make it fellow Apu Apostle.

>> No.58154558

LOL bet you wish you bought BCH instead

>> No.58154606
File: 305 KB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20240325-183951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10 risky but good picks

5/10 Opposite of op way too conservative


3/10 too high cap for your poorness, get out of the top 100

7/10 I like it

9/10 yes

10/10 already made it

1/10 broaden your horizons further than coinbase

6/10 sell some BTC for low caps with potential

I also have 200 CIRCLE and 30k CRO