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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5811944 No.5811944 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5812001

Lite has been a total let down since that chink sold everything.

>> No.5812069
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Why does he keep doing this?

>> No.5812124
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>> No.5812145

ITT: Idiots with weak hands who bought into the FOMO at ATH.

I've been sitting with Litecoin since it was under $10, waiting patiently, waiting fucking YEARS for it to go back up over $40 again. If you can't handle hodling, then go buy some pajeet coins but make sure you sell them before Rajesh and Panjit dump them.

>> No.5812170
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>still holding LTC

Its like you want to be poor.

>> No.5812256

>your still up 150% in a month
Yeah but ever since he sold his shit its been bleeding out slowly. It'll be back down to 40 and then ill kms for believing that stupid chink Fuck this coin and fuck charlie lee

>> No.5812359

>I've been sitting with Litecoin since it was under $10
Same here. Do you plan to cash out any time soon, anon?

>> No.5812385

>big news soon.

>> No.5812392

I'll consider selling most of my stack when it hits $1k, but I plan on keeping at least 10% of my portfolio in Litecoin for years to come.

>> No.5812424

proofs or your mom's tits photo

>> No.5812437
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>> No.5812446

charlie lee admits to dumping all ltc at the top and youre still holding this? LOL sell before $100

>> No.5812458

>tfw sold my litecoin losses into xlm at a loss and already recovered my losses and doubled my earnings

litecoin has NOTHING going for it. Its technology is shit

>> No.5812490
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Are you WhaleBro's retarded cousin, anon?

>> No.5812581

>litecoin has NOTHING going for it. Its technology is shit
Yeah, It is still stone age technology. Normies don't give a shit about the tech though. Shilling, and FOMO work better than the underlying tech.

>> No.5812607

>not holding LTC

its like you want to be poor

>> No.5812636

Fucking fuck him.

Fuck him so much.

Fucking chink, I'll have to short, soon.

>> No.5812677

I bought his bags, I'll never forgive him. I honestly hope he fucking dies.

>> No.5812702

>what a positive anon
Has LTC bring you wealth and prosperity, anon?

>> No.5812724

it has

>> No.5812735

You know what happens when you bet against litecoin or bitcoin? You get burnt. I've been sitting on my LTC since I mined them years ago. The problem with you kids is you want gains and you want them now. You fail to see the long term picture that investors want to see crypto take over, not make a quick buck.

>> No.5812746


>> No.5812910

if I want long term picture I would be in ethereum which is objectively better, as a product and store of value.

>> No.5812924
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It does what It was made for, anon

>> No.5812942

Still up 5x on this guy bought in at $55.

>> No.5812974

glad i got out

>> No.5813029

The retardation is real, very fucking real.

Litecoin is still riding on the back of bitcoin, and its clear to see $1000 is the next high. Be. Fucking. Patient. Markets cant go up forever,just so faggots can get in late and get rich quick.

>> No.5813125


its obviously litecoin has lots of room to run still
probably will be some hang up as we near 500 again but break that and its straight to 1000

>> No.5813150

its obvious*

>> No.5813194

>its obvious*
Please show me the math behind your prophecy, anon.

>> No.5813284

Why does everyone freak out about the day to day of litecoin? Its not a shitcoin, its a month over month investment you idiots.

>> No.5813330
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I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.5813426

Cryptos are in a very clear and distinct bull market, obviously. After the astounding bull market we saw in the run up to christmas, was met with a consolidation. Weak hands selling but everyone else holding, waiting for more potential buyers to regain confidence. Every fucking individual making that understands trend analysis are coming to the exact same conclusion. Or fuck it, dont believe the common sense, stay poor fag

>> No.5813477

cheap fake

>> No.5813531
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>> No.5813575

>the common sense,
Muh, Chad and Stacy are going to push the price up with their holiday money.
>stay poor fag
I'll die in vein with my 2k LTC that I bought at a single digit.

>> No.5813586

hasn't gone close to where i bought it, so i'm holding just in case. yes, it is starting to feel silly.

>> No.5813611

proof levels of /biz/
Just ask here about Espers and she let you answer the same

>> No.5813636

It's called opportunity cost. While you're sitting on your pile of sideways moving shit for months, you're missing out on moon missions

>> No.5813646

wow anon youve been holding for a WHOLE MONTH??!??!??

>> No.5813681

It isn't fair to compare your investments just to moon missions. Plenty of coins also went down.

>> No.5813745


bought in double digits mofo.

>> No.5813767

never hit ATH again

>> No.5813776

ah alright I thought you meant you were down

>> No.5813839

Litecoin will recover, just give it time. Remember that dips happen because people sell at low price. Once there are very few to none non-holders left for Litecoin, the price will go up. It will have it's time. I am sure it will be at least 1000 USD by end of year

>> No.5813855


Better than nothing which is the consensus i get from /biz/ when they start to shill all manner of shit coin. stay poor

>> No.5813894
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What does Alexa say?

>> No.5813945



>> No.5813950


>> No.5813984

about your fucking proofs fag

>> No.5813986

Amazon-LTC partnership

>> No.5813993
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>You know what happens when you bet against litecoin or bitcoin?
>already up 40x since november with alts
>he fucking fell for the "muh normie coins"

>> No.5814151


don't have a clue. will the libcuck AI know?

>> No.5814276

>will the libcuck AI know
Of course, Alexa said Jesus Christ is a fictional character. She knows everthing.

>> No.5814325

I just dumped my LTC so you can expect a major announcement today along the lines of "Saudi Arabia will be accepting litecoin for barrels of oil"

>> No.5814436


Ask one of your mudslime mates, i'm sure one of them will have one.

>> No.5814491

I think charlie should've kept all of his LTC instead of selling them. Atleast he was motivated when he was holding himself.

>> No.5814505


i'd shit myself

>> No.5814515

>mudslime mates
I must be a terrible friend to have. I shot a bunch of those in Afganistan.

>> No.5814563

>literal pajeets

>> No.5814569
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>> No.5814636


probably, pajeets are cheep

>> No.5814641

I feel like LTC is just waiting for a moon mission. It'll go sideways for a while, and then hit 500 in a matter of days. That's what it's done historically.

>> No.5814723
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charlie's bags are so heavy anons, I messed up

>> No.5814775

Fucking asshole chikun coin. Still hodling with faith.

>> No.5814812


>> No.5814861
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we /crab market/ for now

LTC always does this. If you're nervous take some profit. I sure as fuck did (bought in at 18$) - moved some into BAT yesterday

Once crabmarket is done we will moon to ~$600, or with some major announcement like Amazon (LOL yea right) it could do ~1.5k in just a few days

>> No.5814981


you never know >>5813330 >>5813531

>> No.5815157

The past month i've told you every day it's dead, will you finally beliefe?

Stellar Lumen has overtaken it, NEM will do so within hours.

>> No.5815334

Pradnya, a literal pajeet, is your source? I'm a litecoin bull and even I say that smells like my SHIT

>> No.5815344
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>Random call centre Pajeet has access to info about Amazon Litecoin partnership/implementation...

>> No.5815514

There are some news that they are working with Amazon.

>> No.5815532

I have to agree with other Anon. Almost e every shitcoin shilled here has mooned.
Even link is doing okay.

>> No.5815574

came from pajeets?

>> No.5815612

Did the same. Best choice. Fuck litecoin

>> No.5815881
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I asked and it says it doesn't know that one. Asking about litecoin alone and alexa says pic related.

>> No.5815950


>> No.5816147

But it’s fucking dipping again

>> No.5816215
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>> No.5816295

Sorry, just getting out of this shitcoin I bought at 80. Should be good now

>> No.5816342

If that shit happens, the price will skyrocket. Here's for hoping...

>> No.5816380

>I asked and it says it doesn't know that one.
Then Amazon partnership must be bogus

>> No.5816399


>> No.5816482

I was watching on live trade YouTube channel, and the guys were chatting about Amazon and LTC. Someone said that he read an article, although never bothered to look into it.

>> No.5816678

that must be a legitimate

>> No.5816725

i mean if it gets to the moon but dies there, it's still on the moon r-right?

>> No.5816769

It is on HODL on the moon.

>> No.5817023

This is awesome. I love litecoin now.
Always a buying opportunity if you wait!

>> No.5817056

binance doesn't use LTC so i've never had to transfer it.

how quick is it? compared to ETH?

>> No.5817156

faster than ETH in my experience

also binance definitely has LTC/BTC trading

>> No.5817162

It arrived in ~1 hour to my Kucoin account, but it waited for 6 confirmations. Fee was 0.1$ or so so still pretty cheap

>> No.5817198

It is much quicker than LTC since Cryptokitty was released

>> No.5817207

wtf 1 hour?

it takes like 10 minutes for 6/6 confirmations

>> No.5817241
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GET OUT I took my loses put it into XLM and LINK recouped and swimming in gains now bay bay.

>> No.5817283

Well, it was recently, and Kucoin has had some scaling issues so maybe that's the reason why it was so slow. I think it's due to that and not due to LTC. LTC is supposedly much faster than BTC anyway (4x faster to be more precise)

>> No.5817418


yeah but i don't really trade btc/ltc ... i've never seen ltc markets on binance. just eth and btc. still not sure what the usdt thing is.

>> No.5817449

Best way of putting it is, just to double current gains from LTC it'd have to hit $500 which it won't anytime soon. Moved my LTC to XLM @47¢ and hitting $1 seems a lot more reasonable
>Charlie sold his stack

>> No.5817637

with all these weak hands in a rush to sell, why should the buyers drive the price up now?

its still accumulation phase buddies
the fact that we bounced up from 200 zone revealed the big money's hand

>> No.5817644
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>LTC has been stagnant for over a week
>all other normiebase coins are finishing current pump cycles
>chink is hinting at news


>> No.5817702

I moved less than 10% of my LTC into BAT yesterday

I will not touch the rest until the end of Q1 2018

That's my re-evaluation point

I think Q1 will be good to us boyos, don't lose hope

>> No.5817764

USD Tether?
Google search?

>> No.5817774
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>> No.5817781
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Don't buy yet. PATIENCE

>> No.5817831


>> No.5817837


>> No.5817860

/biz/ is nearly always in FUD mode for Litecoin

We will have a huge 2018, ltc whale speaking

Lets just say "COMMERCE" will be a big word for Litecoin and Charlie Lee in the coming weeks.

>> No.5817945


is it like a credit union or just a place that you can sell your coins to? i googled it but i guess i don't really understand how they make money to sustain people cashing out to their real bank.

>> No.5817992

>ltc whale speaking

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.5818178

This is so awesome.

This is life right here. Best of the best.

>> No.5818300
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>> No.5818459

>55x5 = 240???

>> No.5818492

They probably sold and bought in a few times.

>> No.5818668

>my litecoin wallet on Bittrex won't load a fucking address

What the fuck? I can't dump these bags fast enough.

Anyone else experiencing this?

>> No.5818696

You, dare I say, can't cash out?

>> No.5818905

just logged in to test it 4u bby

i had no problems getting an LTC address

>> No.5819001 [DELETED] 

Anon, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group asap

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.5819012

And it only took $200 to get there :^)

>> No.5819015
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>> No.5819087


Lol bro, that's what you get for buying at the top when we were telling all you dumbasses to get in back in October.

>> No.5819121

>Don't buy yet
Who is buying.

>> No.5819130

>We Bioshock now?

>> No.5819135
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>> No.5819169

Me, soon.

>> No.5819327

I'll buy at $20, Charlie said that's the bottom

>> No.5819401
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Post Open Orders!

>> No.5819514
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It is dripping in autism

>> No.5819672

Pull out and put whats left into VEN.

>> No.5819736

Oh, so cute. People think it is going up!

*licks sweat off double chin stubble

>> No.5819813

>Pull out and put whats left into VEN.
Why do you have to shill coins at ATH, anon? You are pouring FOMO on the top of FUD

>> No.5819915

You guys soon gonna learn to hodl. Go on and sell it all for anything less than ATH and let me get more.

>> No.5820555

Let's keep the FUD going, /biz

>> No.5820586
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>> No.5820745

This is boring me to death now.

>> No.5820872

he's re buying

>> No.5821031

>he lost money on litecoin


>> No.5821130

Charlie lee selling his coins is a big red flag for me ,it shows me he doesn’t really believe in litecoins future

>> No.5821203

>being this deluded

face it, charlie cashed out at ATH for good

>> No.5821225
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>> No.5821252
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Most of the money was donated to the litecoin foundation. You soon gonna learn how to hodl boy.

>> No.5821410
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>litecoin foundation
Yes, they donate the litecoin to all of the ltc holders who bought at ATH to prevent mass suicide.

>> No.5821567
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There will be waaay higher ATH, and he knows it. There is good reason why hes not holding anymore than 1 ltc on hes gold nano S. His future announcement will weigh way more when it doesent reflect hes personal gains. Truly a decentralized coin.

>> No.5821830
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fake af