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58146023 No.58146023 [Reply] [Original]

>No matter how much wealth is created in this world there are only a finite number of attractive young women to go around

Literally everything is zero sum because of this. All this talk about increased productivity, higher standard of living, etc is BULLSHIT if you don’t increase the number of sexually available young women.

It doesn’t fucking matter if in 100 years every person lives in a mansion with a fleet of robotic servants with infinite resources and UBI, at the end of the day we still need to compete and MOG other men to get decent pussy

You can have every material comfort in the world and still be miserable if you aren’t regularly plowing hot 18-25 year old chicks

>> No.58146034

Gay men invalidate your theory

>> No.58146050

Chicks are a renewable resource.

>> No.58146077

As you get older and wealthier, there will always be hot 18 yo girls. Every year a new batch arrives.

>> No.58146085

Sure every year there’s a new crop of young women, but at the same time another crop of women “age out” of their prime years so it’s a wash

>> No.58146102

>> my entire world revolves around pp in vagina.
t. sub 100 IQ retard.

>> No.58146123

Monogamy was 100% the solution to this. Everyone would get a looksmatched mate and refrain from stealing others'.

Nowadays the "solution" is that nobody owns any woman, but anyone can get a turn if they convince/trick her into it. It's still not zero sum but there's way more losers and the winners get unlimited pussy. Women get unlimited dick and attention out of this.

>> No.58146132

That’s pretty much how most straight men think yes, maybe it changes once you have kids but still.

>> No.58146160

>You can have every material comfort in the world and still be miserable if you aren’t regularly plowing hot 18-25 year old chicks

this is true. thank god for prostitution or i might have killed myself already

>> No.58146201

its how virgins who never had a gf think about it. relationships are hard and annoying. it's not some walk in the park and you dip your dick in hot hole whenever you want.

after having sex a good 100 times it becomes boring. if it doesn't you suffer from coombrain or low IQ

>> No.58146252

only virgins think this much about sex

>> No.58146290
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Do not underestimate my virgin powerlevel. I expect to never get bored because I believe in true love and only plan to have sex with the woman who loves me and I'm in love with her so it'll be transcendent every single time.

Rather, I think that if you ever get bored of sex, you're abusing your body and hers and should only have sex with someone you truly love.

>> No.58146302

This is true. I actually hate when the economy gets better because it means I'm not doing relatively better than others. The pussy competition means I'd be happier as the 1% of a shithole country than the 50% of a utopia. When the news is on, I silently pray that the economy tanks and that every other country in the world falls into devastation and war.

>> No.58146326
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Youre an idiot women are worth less than men.

Your coombrain makes you forget that there is a surplus of women on the planet cuz God always provides abundance and plenty.

Work on yourself and you can live like a muslim in heaven on Earth

>> No.58146366

What's been your experience with prostitution? At first I hated the idea of P4P since I don't like casual stuff, but as time goes on the idea of having an SB or two to keep me company while I chase actual gf's sounds appealing.

>> No.58146414

I have a wife that looks 20, a side piece that is 33 & a crossfit trainer that worships me to the point it's annoying, and a second one at 35 that I need to phase out because shes destroying her life in a spiraling depression that we cant live together and getting chonk.


>> No.58146416

>so it'll be transcendent every single time.
it will be fun for 6 months and then you will be bored.

>> truly love
kek virgen. all emotion is illusion. the love fades after about a year, maybe two if you are lucky. it doesn't matter how hot and great she is.

>> No.58146437

cause you are a degenerate coombrain. if your main focus is sex and girls then you will never amount to anything. you wont be important. you blew your energy right out of your dickhole.

>> No.58146505

Sex bots will unironically change everything.

If it can also cook and clean it's a slam dunk humanity ending product, unironically.

>> No.58146507

>I'd be happier as the 1% of a shithole country than the 50% of a utopia

Exactly, this is what commiefags dont understand. Everything in this life is relative. People will always be looking for ways to distinguish themselves and MOG others. Marx was fucking retarded in his belief that capitalism is responsible for competitive drive between humans when it’s really (predominantly male) biology. Unsurprisingly women are much more likely to support communism because competition and the need to MOG others doesn’t come naturally to them

>> No.58146539
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I'm going to have 6 children and plap plap plap away every single night and we'll have a magical romance for the ages.

>> No.58146541

Fake and gay
This is true tho

The Real Redpill is mankind itself is little more than swine rolling in its own filth, and so whatever makes you happy, in this case 18 year old whores, just do whatever it takes to get it, and don't feel too bad about exploiting said whores or causing distress since the material world is an illusion anyway, but even if it wasn't, fuck humanity lmao

>> No.58146665

This. I can't remember the last time I met a Western male under age 25 who wasn't obviously prison gay. Like "bicurious" and lisping. Hypergamy just turns all the men gay so that only the best ones still get the pussy.

>> No.58146829

Age of consent in almost all countries is 14-16

>> No.58146859

Even in most us states it’s 16/17

>> No.58146954

Eugenics fixes this

>> No.58147011

I missed out on too much to age gracefully. Soon as I make it I’m becoming a whoremongering degenerate, at least until it gets old

>> No.58147186

Just get a neuralink and stimulate ultra realistic sex. If your experience is 100% the same as someone actually having sex it doesn't matter if its real or not.

>> No.58147239
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>It doesn’t fucking matter if in 100 years every person lives in a mansion with a fleet of robotic servants with infinite resources and UBI, at the end of the day we still need to compete and MOG other men to get decent pussy
>robotic servants
Think harder anon! Robotic pussy solves this.

>> No.58147469

All of my energy goes into acquiring sex and women. You dont even know. This kind of lifestyle isnt easy, you have to constantly be flashing your gains daily to your harem or they lose interest. Its not even that they want cash or they are gold digging. The first girl owns her own business and house, the second one has a doctorate and is 3/4 to be retired on a state pension. It's that they want to know the man pumping them is high value so they can brag to their friends. I'm hustling every day of the week because coom is compound interest. You keep fucking their friends, getting them comfortable with the idea and keep building your harem.
Women are herd animals. Once you get the alpha female and give her a bit of love they all keep each other in line. Either your harem is growing or its withering.
I'm investing 300k in a bistro and nice waterfront property. I dont even care about bistros. But I need one, because women get turned on by me pointing at the door and saying I own this. You think it's a flaw but I see you tiny and happy with your spouse without the drum in your head screaming FUCK MORE WOMEN and I see man who doesnt hustle like hes drowning.

>> No.58147508

i don't care dude. enjoy your wet hole(s). sex is meaningless if yuo aren't making childern.

>> No.58147553

I dont have time to fuck with buttmad fathers and single mothers.

>> No.58147607


>> No.58147609
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This OP, robot waifus are how we as humans take the next step and enter the egalitarian post scarcity society.

>> No.58147623
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Lol faggot just take the plunge and ruin your asshole already

>> No.58147666

Lmao skill issue. I am an Uber manlet who grooms and talks well, so I get ass and pussy (I'm bi). If I didn't get ass and pussy, I'd still have my friends. I mostly make friends and sex partners from Meetup, especially hiking groups. I am still addicted to 4chan, though, since I came here as a kid and it is the only fun part of the internet left, shits bad man.

>> No.58147928

Don’t play that game. Focus your life on something else. They are boring and fucking gets boring after a while.

>> No.58147977
File: 81 KB, 1080x654, I cant breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


China, Russia, South Korea and muslim countries will revoke women's rights in the next 5 to 10 years, beacuse men are not finding wives

Men will not accept that, especially in these traditional authoritarian countries that were the last to give women freedom

When that happens I guess you can move to one of these countries anon, west will probably follow suit behind quickly tho. Incels are actively plotting to revoke women's rights here too

>> No.58148067

Skill issue