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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 1080x326, My savings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58144318 No.58144318 [Reply] [Original]

This is my life savings at the moment, I want to risk about 1000 of it on a degen low cap project. Don't shill me anything over 40k or something more than 24 hours old. What's the next big release?

>> No.58144372
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Already got rugged and now it will be doing a Shiba Inu / Pepe run, get on it before it’s too late

>> No.58144475

>Shills shitty dog coin that everyone on biz sees 1000000 times a day

Anon I...

>> No.58145087
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The next best thing I got is bchan, anonie. It's at 200k but it's a great anime gf mascot. Gonna print

>> No.58145156

boomer on base will be the next chad, 1m and launched less than an hour ago cap it

>> No.58145173

Unironically Bluechip if you want a truly degen play, rugged down to like 15k a few hours ago.

>> No.58145232

Damn should've bought this yesterday, but story old as time

>> No.58145338
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Avi when it migrates itself, and then others, on Base will explode

>> No.58145355

Yeah I got lucky. Still a helluva lot of room to grow though. It's not even being aggressively shilled right now

>> No.58145378

kek, shilling rugged tokens is fucked up anon. some of you cunts have absolutely no shame.

>> No.58145403

Unironically BrianArmstrongCoinbaseUSDC2012Normie

aped in just for the name

>> No.58145858

Is there any future for this?

>> No.58145888

its ridiculous isnt it, i assume most are just bagholders hoping with everything they have that a couple biztards will pump it 50% lol. poor faggots

>> No.58145914


Just stick with EarnFi and Aero don't be a retard

>> No.58145919

$TOBY is the next WIF / PEPE / SHIBA

>> No.58145921

DOG (Basic Dog Meme)

All fair bets to go wild in coming months

>> No.58145937

$STEVE. It just launched, sitting at 12k mcap. Very obviously a pnd but I threw lunch money at it anyways because I'm a degenerate gambling addict :^)

>> No.58145960
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Well, it's not like I wanna share my secrets to sucees to anyone, but cant help myself with this kinda of threads so... well anyways. $truf the next sleeper gem baby. truflation data is taking over very slowly over the financial sector, if that's not value I dont know what it is.
So better get in early anon.

>> No.58146220
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>So better get in early anon.

>> No.58146254

those are just a bunch of jerk who are glorifying copypasta from actual data and reposting that on their fucking blog or whatever.

>> No.58146259

program your first reply bot properly so you don't shill on places where you don't belong. this way your trash isn't so transparent to real human posters. just a tip. you should also hang yourself but that's more of a personal opinion on my part.

>> No.58146269

Base's shitcoin ecosystem is very much like Avax's. Feels empty, unfunny, unorganic. Nothing is grass roots in there like say, pepe. Just go to Solana that's way more soulful.

>> No.58146275

yeah im sure faggot. fuck off with your scam group. you niggers launched this last night and rugged and are doing it all over again

>> No.58146276
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>Way more soulful
>"Mmmh should I buy niggershitdickinu or bigblackcockfart today, mmmmh"
are you 12 years old?

>> No.58146295
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bruh yall truflation niggers are literally just botted like this to follow a single narrative what a fucking tragedy

>> No.58146296
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fucking bot who cares about shiba or pepe, only fucking kids and niggers do that cuz they poor, white fucking men like us trade on actual master coins. fuck you.

>> No.58146342

nope. biz already knows about it and shills for it for free. bottom signal. i'd be surprised if this doesn't die within the next month or so.

>> No.58146352

You mean that shitcoin casino where the blockchain keeps rugging for maintenance twice a week and tokens can't be marketed to normalfags because racism and the only screener censors your shit if they don't like it?

>> No.58146355

You can always buy low and sell low after any hype has washed over and nobody cares anymore sister, don't get flustered :^)

>> No.58146364
File: 240 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_3954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testarosa Club (ROSA), someone said it was developed by a designer who worked for the polkadot branding. Dropping friday starting at 5k mc.
Just look at the website, clearly someone big behind it. son the roadmap they say it will be available for biz anon for a while before being dropped to normies. Once they start promoting it it will be a mess.

>> No.58146387

Solana suffers an outage and literally nobody cares. Price is never affected. Used to be affected after it came online again of course, but people got used to it. It's really not that big of a deal, despite all the effort avax trannies are taking upon themselves to convince everyone Solana is a scam and what not (out of sheer jealousy, of course).

And the racism is done on purpose exactly to get easily offended little bitch normies to spread the word for free, which has done wonders.

Silly societal moral issues and what not only serve as vehicles to spread the word. Either play the game or lack behind.

>> No.58146711

Will check it out.

>> No.58146751

why is this good branding in your opinion? I generally have a strict no-cringe policy for my shitcoins.

>> No.58146815
File: 212 KB, 1179x884, 6E023617-8031-4A59-89DF-3C8D4E90B130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOSE is an obvious x100 token at $120k market cap. It would have hit $2m with all of the volume but some sniper kept jeeting the price every time it hit $300k. Tg community is good, twitter engagement is slowly growing and this has had barely any presence on biz. Now that the sniper is gone I think a few of us are going to start spreading this more, and I have started to see ads for this around.

>> No.58146901

Dont bother with all the microcap shitcoins shilled here, the whole scheme is to pump and rug

Find some relatively unpumped low mcap tech based coins, ranking from lower risk to higher:

put 1k into each for example, it wont make a single difference to your life if you keep holding your puny savings doing nothing or losing it all, but you have a shot at still riding this bull market until 2025 summer

>> No.58147283

I already own Goose, bought at 200k and just sitting on it.

>> No.58147497
File: 53 KB, 800x400, IMG_20240325_180053_676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only coin worth your time

>> No.58147509
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Cute elephant pepe
Thick liquidity too

>> No.58148380
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Based Betty

>> No.58148430
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>> No.58148956

Why do I have to pay $20 in fees to claim my EARNFI staking rewards lmao

>> No.58149031

Earnfi the SAFEMOON of base. Chart just keeps going up and up. Don't make me spoon feed you!!!

>> No.58149074
File: 499 KB, 512x512, GJf_HTqa8AAXRtU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think like a normie. Buy the cute anime girl.

>> No.58149220

Baldcat. Super low mcap, active dev team with content push starting this week, don't miss out

>> No.58149613

0xPlay (Ticker:PLAY) It's an actual project at like 35k market cap

>> No.58149700

It looks original at least. But no, let's do some le cute or le edgy AI generated dog for the 27737th time

>> No.58149725

This is the best advice

If it's a good project it was have some backers on X. It's got 80 followers. Scam

>> No.58149820

>Don't shill me anything over 40k or something more than 24 hours old
You're basically restricting yourself to 99.9% rugpulls with that criteria. Have fun not settling for a 10-20x instead.

>> No.58149914
File: 733 KB, 1080x1080, EOKPN[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiverse (KIVR) will be having a presale soon on Ethereum and the liquidity will be split to Base.

>> No.58149940

there is an apparent community takeover in a tg i'm in, very odd stuff. liquidity is burned, contract renounced and the dev has finished (by the looks of it) selling his bags.
All the group did was ask the dev if they could take it over and he said yes.

>> No.58149970

good question, doubt you’ll find an honest answer here though. how much do you get versus what you’ve staked so far?

>> No.58149979


Pika crypto?

>> No.58150047
File: 104 KB, 850x1161, GJcU7uKWgAARcGh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative dollars since it rips down so much. Just get

>> No.58150070

Because of the volume on base. Just lower the gas.

>> No.58150129

nah its a boomer rug that actually had locked lp and a renounced contract. I dont want to link it directly but its from today, but still could use a few more eyes on it to find flaws.

>> No.58150153

do you know what bottom signal means?

>> No.58150171

what exactly makes CELL good tech wise?

>> No.58150249

riku is pretty obvious, 10x at least. could do 100x under the right circumstances.

>> No.58150272

my friend had around 2k in this for 30 hours and got no eth and a few of their .4c tokens, plus there's that fee too. have seen much better passive rewards where you don't risk nearly as much for a return.

>> No.58150446

Truthington bruv. Jews did 911 is the funniest meme coin I’ve ever seen lel

>> No.58150839

too much sell volume for such low mcap,

>> No.58151145
File: 52 KB, 960x632, 432686971_10160043951442816_6464716317378551943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KANA hitting $1 will end my life as a wageslave

>> No.58151350
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>> No.58151390
File: 31 KB, 680x439, 3b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got rugged on bluechip >:(

>> No.58151589

am I missing something, the top 10 wallets own 1/3 of the supply

>> No.58151664

This coins gonna be huge, just a headsup..websites in the works right now, theres a telegram as well. Massive marketing on the way in the next few weeks.