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File: 634 KB, 622x622, euro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58141191 No.58141191 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58141203

>missing any fiat garbage

>> No.58141227

>t. born in the Euro era

>> No.58141277

old coins were cool
fiat but still cool

>> No.58141498

most of the posters were not born when the change happened

>> No.58141507
File: 511 KB, 1818x864, IMG_0660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea I miss the Deutsche Mark

>> No.58141552

>fiat garbage

>> No.58141556

In another year the euro wont exist so im looking forward to having my Country's real currency back which will have some sort of gold/silver backing, unlike the euro which is backed by nothing and worthless.

>> No.58141561
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Yes. Mixing multiple countries with different economies under the same currency and monetary policy isn't a great idea. Also takes power away from the country, which I don't like at all about EU.

>> No.58141567

ayooo they had a shorty on there. she kinda bad

>> No.58141592

I was 2yo when we switched, I have no memories of that

>> No.58141615


It was a retarded idea, only retail had any benefit of it

>> No.58141648

>Hey Jean would you mind combing your hair for the picture? It's going to be pretty widespread
>yeah nah mate yer mums legs are going to be pretty widespread

>> No.58141662

no i do not miss my old country currency. I enjoy moving freely in the E.U and paying with EURO. the E.U is my country. all of it. my territory expanded significantly. I feel more free because of the E.U I spend months in spain, months in poland, months in greece. and i could stay how long i want and pay with my euros. its amazing.

>> No.58141675

I could be living like a king under my shitty national currency and now I gotta pay the same for shit as any other European, FUCK.

>> No.58141797

holy rootless globohomo migrant

>> No.58141805

Are they going to keep poisoning me at the new hotel?

>> No.58141811

ask me how i know you are a jeet?

>> No.58141816

kek same

>> No.58141822

depends on the curreny, i miss my Deutsche Mark, some other citizens likely not...

>> No.58141827

he's the faggot swede somali shitskin

>> No.58141848

>Also takes power away from the country
That was the entire point of the euro anon, the creators of the euro knew (and said it themselves multiple times) that the euro made no economic sense, it's a political tool not an economic tool

>> No.58142178


>> No.58142192

wowZERS it truly is amazing i do not have to show my passport at the border, i only have to show my government ID WOW!!!!

>> No.58142215
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The E.U. is just a desperate failed attempt by Europoors to compete with God's Country.

>> No.58142225

>the E.U is my country
Ok Muhammad

>> No.58142242

I honestly don't get why other europeans want to compete with china and the us so much, faggots haven't realised the age of european empires died a century ago and I say this as a european from one of those former colonial empires

>> No.58142363
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No sir.

>> No.58142500

Europe = Europe.

> rootless
having roots is for dumb fuck retards. when the river has dried will you stay or will you go? mr roots? gigaretard. nomad = win

>> No.58142523
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I still have to calculate everything from euros to kunas to know its value.

>> No.58142558

Just remember, before it goes kaput, transfer all your savinngs and assets to Germany. Not all your new fiat garbage shitcoins will be worth the same - the New Deutsch Mark for examcple will be worth more than the New Peso - but you get the same amount at present in Euros whether its in Spain or Germany. If you dont take advantage of that when it happens you will mog yourself

>> No.58142580

>daddy government lets me go to other countries with my state mandated id and they can't do anytihng about it because we're all run by a single unelected bureaucratic cabal of technocrats yay
>i just fucking love science
>le onions face
disgusting statist cuck

>> No.58142633

I fucking wish my country had the Euro.
Exchange fees add 2-4% to the price of any foreign purchase or sale. And even aside from that, our currency has just steadily been declining compared to the Euro for the past 10 years so I'm simply poorer than I otherwise would have been.
All for no good reason, except so that the retarded protectionist geezers in my government can spew platitudes about independence.

>> No.58142658

yeah? E.U gave me more freedom in europe. fucking retard. before the E.U was a thing I couldn't just go to spain and stay there.

>> No.58142689

spaghetti nigger here
you have NO idea how much i miss the Lira

>> No.58142702
File: 165 KB, 501x616, 183365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek EU will literally be the superpower of the 21st century. USA will continue to disintegrate, the dollar will just become another third world currency and EU will become the only bastion of order on the planet.

>> No.58142709

dont worry bro its coming back and you will actually be able to export stuff again. hope your industry hasn't been totally deskilled by the evil empire in favour of (new europeans) in central and eastern europe by that time

>> No.58142720

Have sex.

>> No.58142736

cope eurocuck

>> No.58142762

cope italycuck. you know why i didn't visit italy? because the country was locked down completely in covid. I was chilling in the south of spain and no one cared. I met italians there that were not vaccinated too and had to flee your shithole cause they couldn't even do a job anymore without the vaccine. GIGAKEKED. your goverment is WORSE than the E.U. I am not vaxxed.

>> No.58142782

USA becoming a super power was just an accident that happened because europe happened to wreck itself in two world wars. Europe was always meant to be on the top. We just unite under one banner now because technology has progressed too much for brothers to compete against each other. It is as Napoleon envisioned it.

>> No.58142791

The U.S.A are just Europeans too. lets be honest here.

>> No.58143258


The EU is an American invention to stop us fighting each other.

>> No.58143286
File: 78 KB, 919x537, 1693276777077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes, we got the euro in 2023. all the prices went vertical
we used to have based croatian leaders on our notes

>> No.58143329

I can feel the hangover just by looking at that bill

>> No.58143383

dear italians, spanish and greeks
can you please start fucking working? I swear to god if we keep accepting broke third-worlders into the EU we're gonna get fucked.

>> No.58143398

now they would put a black woman in burka kek

>> No.58143418

zoomers get off my website RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.58143503

That’s because poor EU countries exist for us Western EU countries to offload a financial crisis on.

>> No.58143555

Euro ruined my Land, italy.
In 2002 change lira/euro dump 100% all price.
In 2021 covid dump another 50%.
We are fucked.

>> No.58143599

>Euro ruined my Land, italy.
laziness ruined your land, Italy

pay your debts, get back to work you lazy medshit

>> No.58143630
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>> No.58143649
File: 299 KB, 484x569, Estatua_del_Cid_(Burgos).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy fucking your women when they come for holidays except the brits ones, of course.
Btw I'm gonna have a siesta now

>> No.58143677

Putrid globalist, you will get your just deserts soon

>> No.58143766

yes, what >>58141561 said. forfeiting monetary sovereignity because... just because ok?!?!?

croatian here, we have been under the euro for only a short while, and others who are in the know might say that our central bank's only job was to keep a tight spread between the eur and our currency because like 75% percent of our citizen debt was in euros, and theyd be right. but i still want to dream what could have been.

on the other hand we had it coming with most of us kcroats prefering to have our debts and savings in euros anyway.

>> No.58143789

imagine being a nationalist instead of a globalist. enjoy staying in your lil space bro. I'll live everywhere else.

>> No.58143805


>> No.58143815

Give it a couple more years.

>> No.58143896

No. Changing currencies is annoying and expensive.

>> No.58144015

You’ll live everywhere and belong nowhere.

>> No.58144078
File: 283 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20240325-092644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok kraut

>> No.58144088

We hate North Europe.
Bastardi nordisti ebrei

>> No.58144105

lmao im not a loser like you. enloy your momies basement.

>> No.58144122
File: 39 KB, 836x567, IMG_20240325_181827_850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

% people in poverty

>> No.58144134
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>the superpower in question

>> No.58144144
File: 146 KB, 737x1280, IMG_20240325_181936_325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8,5% so poor.
Thank you kraut-man

>> No.58144202
File: 1.04 MB, 1834x1049, fiver-3-0[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you give up your country to globo homo, should leave like us

>> No.58144232

the pound dropped from 2 euros to 1.17 euros worth. also you can't buy monero on kraken. you are not only poorer by leaving but also less free. no bank in my country inside the E.U blocks transfers to crypto exchanges

>> No.58144332

you don't have to show shit when you cross a border in the E.U zone retard lmao. I go to france, luxembourg and germany all the time. no one checks anything.

>> No.58144356

>EU making anonymous crypto transactions illegal
Lmao keep coping. Leaving the EU was the best decision this country has made in the past 100 years. Fuck your race-communist wannabe USSR.

>> No.58144396

if the euro didnt exist most countries would have devalued their currencies a dozen times already and you could join their trash currencies on the turkish lira or argentine peso charts
the only answer of importance, not any colorful pictures on them

>> No.58144407

no one cares about your resourceless shithole.

>> No.58144455


>> No.58144511

England leaving the EU and staying as shit as ever is absolutely hilarious.
It's in this weird spot where it has all the shit from Europe and the US without any of the good.

>> No.58144537

I don't care dude. Like I said I'm a globalist. I go where I want when i want. you can stay poor and in your lil zone. if it's the U.K then I am truly sorry for you. what a shitty place lol. enjoy the 8 months of darkness every year.

>> No.58144545

Then why did you make this post? >>58144232 Seethe more

Yeah our government is made up of absolute traitors sadly, oh well.

>> No.58144559

the U.K became more shit and more poor on a rapid pace since leaving the E.U you giga retard. you lost wealth double the pace since you left.

>> No.58144578

>Seethe more
I see you took my joke as actual advice lmao

>> No.58144603

The U.K is a joke and i'll never visit that dark shit hole ever. nothing of value was lost when you left. bye. 100 years later we'll all be calling it the great shittish pound instead of great british pound. lmao

>> No.58144611

>I don't care dude.


>> No.58144616

>i'll never visit that dark shit hole ever.

More like your not allowed because your a orc in Russia

>> No.58144646
File: 85 KB, 630x556, b375680b6616e1aabc75978e1f5389c4de13ed6f63d7eae2bf52f280398e45ba_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad euro (if you are even white), we thrive off of it

>> No.58144786

no, i literally don't want to go there. it's that shit.

>> No.58144829

The European continent is and will always be the ethno-cultural capital of the world. Every other country is unironically functionally retarded and/or still run by Europe's masonic lodges. America's entire raison d'etre is to bring about their Luciferian utopia

>> No.58144946

thank God.

>> No.58146447
File: 213 KB, 1280x671, b97_6456a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lira was based.
With 10.000 Lire I was able to buy a Base Set Pokemon booster pack, an ice cream and play Metal Slug at the retro arcade machine in a bar and still had enough to buy an Happy Meal for dinner.

>> No.58146894

Bei tempi, cazzo

>> No.58147303
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>EU is a viable project and the euro is a strong currency!
The biggest scam of the century

>> No.58147438

The Lisa fascinated me as a kid because it cost like a million for a can of soda.

>> No.58147566
File: 61 KB, 1600x1066, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The government pulled liquidity from the old memefiat they made and forced us to migrate our funds to a V2 memefiat within a certain timeframe. Anyone that didn't migrate in time lost all their money. It's just like what happens with shitcoins

>> No.58147762

Yes, because we had more control over it. Practically Brussel slaves now.

>> No.58147902
File: 36 KB, 634x634, 1690180570512702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Europeans are directly imbeciles for using a common currency that simply makes countries poor by cutting their financial possibilities. The general GDP of the European Union has fallen a lot in the last few years (according to truflation) and this has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine or the COVID crisis.

>> No.58148064

>In another year the euro wont exist
The euro easily has another 5-10 years. The system can limp on for years even under hyperinflation and the euro is nowhere near that level yet.
>Just remember, before it goes kaput, transfer all your savinngs and assets to Germany.
Germany is globalist central. They won't ever go back to their own currency. If the euro fails they'll just have a successor EU/eurozone currency.

>> No.58148376
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1698738111944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, is literally everything about Finland a joke!?

>> No.58148486

As an Italian I simply love losing all of my besties to emigration. One century ago it was the illiterate terroni, now it’s the novaxx /pol/acks and trannies. Just this time, the destination being Spain instead of actual nice places like Argentina and New England in the early 1900s, there will be nothing of value to spoil for you

>> No.58149990

With a common currency the money leaves the country during a recession due to increases in prices and less production nationally, effectively there is not enough money to go around. See Greece for example.
When they bailed out Greece, Greece's debt to the EU rose and the money started pouring out even faster and the banks began restricting withdrawal amounts, halting the economy even further.
If a country has its own currency it can print new money without endebting itself to other nations.
Each country should be able to print money to stimulate circulation in the economy.

>> No.58150007
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>Each country should be able to print money

>> No.58150044

Will never understand why you retards just don't work.

>> No.58150057

how else will you stimulate circulation in a strong recession?

>> No.58150088

by backing the currency to an asset that performs well in a recession and that holds it's value?

>> No.58150312

Let's say you back it to gold.
A recession hits:
Mom and pops start closing. More businesses start to close. People are starving in the street. People with money hold on to it because its value rises day by day, further tunneling the economy into recession.
People with money, now buy up expensive buildings and land for basically nothing while people without a job or savings starve in the street.
Infrastructure crumbles because the government has no tax revenue to pay for it.
Police starts getting defunded.
Crimes shoots through the roof. etc. etc.
The government prints extra money to cover their own expenses and gives people food stamps and what not.
They print extra money for infrastructure projects.
Demand for workers increase for infrastructure projects and more people now have a paying job.
The currency is increased and therefore debased a little bit, driving up consumer prices temporarily.
The economy is stimulated and on its way to a fast recovery.