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File: 657 KB, 1284x1824, IMG_0285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58131272 No.58131272 [Reply] [Original]

This may be the greatest real estate deal in history.
>Move to Baltimore
>Buy home for $1
>Work from home
>Save and invest the rest of your earnings
>Fix up house over time and help clean up the neighborhood
>flip and sell within a few years for max gains

I’m already getting ready to move. Who’s coming with me?

>> No.58131282

More importantly, Baltimore is a stand your ground state.

>> No.58131286

>gets killed by nigger

>> No.58131298

but i can just squat million dollar homes for $0 in a non-nigger neighborhood

>> No.58131300

Better get the handgun process started soon too:

>> No.58131302

Cool. Lost my gun in a boating accident

>> No.58131332

Post pics.
Its very hard to find a mansion that has no claims in order to claim it under Adverse Possession Laws.

>> No.58131340

Eh, more like you can stand your ground and get away with killing several in self defense.
Help clean up the streets.

>> No.58131350

>reddit spacing
>msn link
baltimore isnt a state you nigger, also you forgot to mention the back taxes that come with the real estate. What a shit thread, you should feel bad

>> No.58131488

buy them and then level it. so you dont have to pay property tax

>> No.58131546

That’s only Detroit, Baltimore doesn’t have any measures for requiring the payment of back taxes yet.
What’s the annual property tax on a property worth $1? Lmfao

>> No.58131591

Don’t listen to the demoralization fags/commies in this thread.
Living rent-free is the best and one of the only ways to create an enormous amount of wealth for yourself.
Imagine how much money you could save if you didn’t have to spend $2,000+/month on rent?
$24,000k/year x 10 years, that’s close to $500k if you invest it properly.

>> No.58131745

Just move in when Timmy goes to work. The fuck he gonna do?

>> No.58131765

>my 556 handgun

>> No.58131776

he'll buy a house in baltimore for $1 and you'll be sorry, mister, when he sells it back for a profit

anon most of us made $500k the last 3 months in crypto
waiting 10 years isn't exactly a great pitch right now. feel the room

>> No.58131780

No chance a Baltimore jury sides with a white person who shoots a home invader of peace. It's a hopeless shithole ran by some of the most corrupt politicians in the country.

>> No.58131782
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>$1 house in Baltimore
I've seen enough of The Wire to know where this is going

>> No.58131829

you need a net worth of at least $200k to qualify for this program as an individual. This program is actually geared towards property managers. These homes are in actual high crime areas, and everyone knows the goal of the program is to push the poors out. There are regularly "accidental" fires in these homes, and a near 100% chance people are currently squatting. Right now, all you are buying is liability for the current inhabitants because the city is tired of getting blamed for the crimes and deaths that happen in these abandoned homes. That being said, the city has successfully purged the poors out of parts of the city already, so this program will probably work in the long run. However, if you, like me, are posting on /biz/ you probably don't have the money and connections to succeed in this program. Baltimore is an old city, and the people running it will outplay you.

t.balt county resident

>> No.58132015

kys immediately

>> No.58132031

well I can tell you have never owned a home cousin, that first July letter going to teach you a lesson but good luck

>> No.58132127

Sounds good except >Baltimore
It’s worse than Detroit. It’s actually probably the worst city in the country. Verification not required.

>> No.58132150

Can you buy if you're not a resident of Maryland? Otherwise what's the fucking point

>> No.58132195

Why do we put up with blacks when they ruin literally every city?

>> No.58132221

>renovate 1 dollar house
>now worth 800k
City just needs taxes. You couldn't pay me to live in blackimore

>> No.58132239

If you've never been to Baltimore you don't know how bad it is. It's not just like "oh, this area is down on it's luck". It's more like sinister vibes, entirely burnt out blocks of houses, crack heads, dope dealers, extremely high crime. Just not a good place to be. Of course there are rich areas but sounds like you're not qualified to live in those. Stay away if you have any common sense or value your quality of life and safety.

>> No.58132261
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Do those places come with a free nigger gang that will use you for shooting practice, after robbing all of your shit?

>> No.58132271

Literally the whole point of this scheme is to get SOMEBODY responsible to pay taxes on these blighted properties, or paying to have them demolished. They did it in Chicago too. What did you think their end-goal was?

>> No.58132364

>You don’t have $200k??
What the fuck are you doing here? Go out and make more money!

>> No.58132393

>you can stand your ground
>and get away with killing several in self defense

>> No.58132638

You won’t get a jury of your peers

>> No.58132659

I ain't moving back to bodymore murdaland. You cannot make me.

>> No.58132660

You'll have to clean out the piles of bodies left there by Chris and Snoop

>> No.58132675

Maybe white people of Baltimore should have stood their ground back in the 1950s when the federal government and their nigger golems ethnically cleansed the inner city neighborhoods

>> No.58132692

You're so out of touch dude. Ngmi

>> No.58132701

why? you will get called racist no matter what you do

>> No.58132715

Maybe they should have been racist when it was more socially acceptable to be racist and they had the numbers. It’s over now. American cities are a lost cause

>> No.58132773

I'd rather live in some barrio in El Salvador than in Baltimore

>> No.58132784
File: 125 KB, 1024x574, 947DD973-1616-48EA-BB6F-8C7D868271BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe they should have been racist when it was more socially acceptable to be racist and they had the numbers.
Not much you can do when they use your own military and tax dollars against you

>> No.58132832

There's a reason it's so cheap. Don't get fooled like the guy who attempted to buy all of Pine Bluff https://maxread.substack.com/p/the-man-who-bought-pine-bluff-arkansas .

>> No.58132898
File: 52 KB, 861x543, reddit_investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great thing about reddit/hacker news types is they are suckers that are at war with reality. they deserve to get ripped off

>> No.58132935

Is it like Detroit where they all have 6 figures in back taxes on them?

>> No.58132939


>buy house for $1
>needs $500,000 in renovations to be livable
>no crew will work there as they will get their materials stolen and shot at
>if you shoot back the Jewish media calls you Hitler and national news treats every dead nigger as some vaunted saint

What a deal

>> No.58132954

I take it you don't actually buy the right of the land, then who cares?

>> No.58133151

Well-said. They are the epitome of living in the hyper-liberal bubble that is Silicon Valley. Also, they are anti-crypto.

>> No.58133167
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That's a very sensiblew and well thought-out plan unfortunatly there is one tiny flaw

>> No.58133198

All of the vatniggers in this thread are pretending to be Americans who are scared of blacks but you should be really scared of the crumbling foundation of those properties. You'd have to pay me a lot to take any of those properties. Foundation repair is incredibly expensive alone, but fixing them in row homes? You'll be begging Jamal to break down your door and execute you.

>> No.58133205

why not take out an insurance policy on the property and then pay some locals to burn it down, then collect. pretty much what the mob did back in the day

>> No.58133216

the long term play is to buy up all of them and demo it, niggers wont live in empty fields. hold it and slowly buy out the entire town. eventually the city will have to pay you for it.

>> No.58133233

Ah yes, spend over a million dollars to demo an entire row and hope the city pays you back. Good thinking, Ivan.

>> No.58133235


I think the idea is that one buys the houses to renovate and rent out. Row homes are a special sort of architecture and I doubt they'll let you simply tear it down

>> No.58133244

if you arent allowed to demo it, then you dont really own it. what a joke.

>> No.58133254

Now you're getting it. There is no such thing as ownership.

>> No.58133258


Demoing the neighborhood just turns it into dumping zone. Old tires, garbage, corpses, etc. Gotta think these things through

>> No.58133278

that stuff is easy to clean up, if its an empty field then then there are no more squatters, esp in the north east where the snow and the cold forces them to look for shelter

>> No.58133282

but then you gotta buy kevlar plates and a good FAL with 308 balls (the white man's modern claymore)

>> No.58133327


Not necessarily, I have seen many places torn down in Baltimore that are now clean open grassy fields

>> No.58133345

>buy house for 1 dollar
>owe 880k in back taxes on property tax
Nothin personnel kid

>> No.58133360

>buy house for $1
>put a music player with imagine dragons playing on loop inside
>niggers invade to steal shit from the white liberal living inside
>surprise, the house is filled with crocodiles, nobody actually lives there

>> No.58133389

Do zoomers consider the carriage return reddit spacing now? I guess that explains the unreadable blobs of text.

>> No.58133392

>owe 880k in back taxes on property tax

Literally what happened with Detroit and their cheap homes

>> No.58133403


It's a government scam, they sell you a house for $1, then you are on the hook for $100000 property tax every year

>> No.58133410

someone from baltimore said that they dont have the same back property taxes system that detroit does.

>> No.58133468

>most made 500k
survivor bias, most lost all > round tripped > still bag holding or sell early. Don't forget capital gains tax, or are you gonna pretend that you actually cashed out into a currency that you can actually buy property like a house with...

>> No.58133520
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Honestly really smart idea. Get a gun for self defense and just shoot any jogger that tried to break in.

There's only 300k blacks there so the chance any of them robbing you is low as fuck.

He'll just shoot you.

>> No.58134551

This would only be appealing if you band together with like 100 Whites and all buy up adjacent houses.

>> No.58134849

Yeah, it's called J.P Morgan and they won't even touch this trash.

>> No.58134927

I said Whites

>> No.58134940

Oh that's right, whites are poor. Maybe $1 to live in the hood is right for you after all.

>> No.58134971

What if Timmy takes back his house the moment you go out for a walk ? Do you plan to never leave the house for the rest of your life ?

>> No.58134978
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ty rabbi

>> No.58134994

Baltimore would be a very cozy and comfy historical city if it wasn't for its current inhabitants. Without full Blaxit I don't see any future for it.

>> No.58135001

African and Haitian illegals will try to squat it to make it better but will end up adding more niggers in the end

>> No.58135051

I've made exactly the same dream a few days ago. Are we part of the same hive mind ?

>> No.58135147


You might have a right to self-defense buy the grifting "civil rights" types will gladly crucify you for being the murderous neo-colonialist that basically stole property from enterprising black folx

>> No.58135437
File: 190 KB, 915x960, baltimore oriole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shit you get for $1 in baltimore is literally just the front face of the building and the rubble of everything else in the small rowhome property area.
Theres some BS historic preservation law that requires the front face of the building of an old house to be kept up if possible. so dealing with that and having to completely rebuild the rest of the house its going to be pretty expensive.
Source: live in baltimore

>> No.58135635



>> No.58135690

It absolutely is, most cities have a nice area where you wont get raped or robbed during the day. Baltimore doesnt have that

>> No.58135708


Jewish lighting? Probably the only realistic plan.

>> No.58135709

That’s literally why I’m making a thread here about it.

>> No.58135722

All it takes is for the Federal gubmin and Popeyes, Churches and Applebees to collude together to build 1000s of retail businesses while getting monthly EBT CBDC tokens

>> No.58135731

guys houses in somalia are dirt cheap. you can get them for $0.50. move there, work remotely and save your money. flip it and sell it for a profit in a few years

>> No.58135736


Only jews get to do that. Sorry goy but no eruv for you.

>> No.58135737

Thats probably a federal civil rights violation

>> No.58135739

>kill nigger for homeinvasion
>get your face plastered over msm
>jury of 90% niggers say you a racist cracka killing invader bodies of color
>sentenced for life
>self hating liberals create a statue of the nigger
fixed it

>> No.58135858

The scam is that you're also obligated to pay the back taxes on the building. Detroit was doing the same thing for years.

>> No.58135889

Where the fuck to the poors go if Baltimore was the last bottom of the barrel option they had left?

>> No.58135907

>the poors
just call them niggers you retard

>> No.58135946

There's plenty of whites working in finance. If this was a good deal it would be done already but there are dozens of rotting cities all over America that nobody will touch. Maybe I can interest you in a $700k new build in prime downtown Detroit about 300 feet from a crack shack and flanked on both sides by vacant barren lots where bums overdose on fentanyl?

>> No.58136623

Considering that you can buy a lot with a house on it in a better condition in the south for 30 grand and without the yogger being involved. This is a terrible deal.

>> No.58136942

Ah yes, live with the white niggers of the south. That's so much better.

>> No.58136993

nobody forced white people to haul black people on boats

>> No.58137040

>nobody forced (((white))) people to haul black people on boats

>> No.58137125

>plus 50 years of back taxes
>plus interest
>plus tip
Hundreds of thousands minimum for a crackden

>> No.58137165

that darned white hispanic Aaron Lopez

>> No.58137188

Baltimore is just the detroit of the east coast enjoy getting murdered by jamarcus while he's eatin his chesapeake crab flavored chips n sheeit.

>> No.58137200

>anon most of us made $500k the last 3 months in crypto
Oh yeah bud what'd you buy and what was your initial lmao 500k is impressive when you start with 500 not so impressive when you already had 300k.

>> No.58137210

Bus them to delaware.

>> No.58137221

El salvador has a lower crime rate than 37 states now.

>> No.58137307

>As in many other industrial and agricultural cities in the U.S., white flight, capital flight, deindustrialization, and a multi-decade conservative assault on social spending have decimated Pine Bluff’s economy, leaving it caught in a negative feedback loop between a dwindling tax base and diminished municipal resources. Varco Pruden, the steel company that once owned the 19-acre property Fenley bought for $300,000 and is now itself owned by an Australian conglomerate, announced this year it would move its remaining 32 employees to the neighboring city of White Hall, which is 70 percent white (Pine Bluff is 75 percent black) and has among the highest median incomes in Arkansas. Pine Bluff, where median income is about 60 percent lower, suffers under one of the worst murder rates in the country.
Even after all that they can't figure out why.

>> No.58137418


>> No.58137823 [DELETED] 

yeah you could have just summarized everything with one word faggot. just say "niggers"

>> No.58137877 [DELETED] 


>conservative assault on social spending

So if you don't pay niggers welfare until they die from obesity related illnesses you are "assaulting" them.

>> No.58137901


wait so when you put the criminals in prison it reduces crime? whoa...

>> No.58138077
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>> No.58138096
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white people still consoomed slaves from (((white))) people.

>> No.58138671

So now gentrification is a good thing?

>> No.58138678

Just rotate junkies as place holder.

>> No.58138682

Then Timmy goes to prison for life. He too scared for it.

>> No.58138713

They would have to pay me $100k to live near diverse ethnics and they'd have to approve not only a concealed carry permit, but full auto firearms as well.

>> No.58138899

There are plenty of nice parts in Baltimore. Everywhere around the inner harbor is fine. Stay south of 40 and it's all white majority. Patterson Park is 92% white. Downtown is fine, and south of it has neighborhoods that are 70-90% white. It's a far better downtown area than shitholes like Detroit.

>> No.58138910 [DELETED] 

Yes, turns out not getting murdered really is so much better than getting murdered by a pack of savage shambling subhuman niggers

>> No.58138939

bro you think the cops are going to search the only clean cut guy on the block. just carry a gun like the others illegally

>> No.58138979

i lost a lawsuit to that firm

>> No.58139039
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>> No.58139116

Guess again. These homes are in the (((historic district))) which means you can't do repairs without approval. Not to mention the cops will not remove any squatters. Until their laws change, nothing will save them.

>> No.58139126

4chan already formats new lines for you. There's no need for a double space.





>> No.58139152

>buy property
>fentaniggers ovderdose or get injured inside
>get sued for millions of dollars
>local court of niggers deems you to be at fault for being ypipo

>> No.58141112

White people commit the overwhelming majority of all crimes in the US, including the most violent crimes and homicides. Statistically, the rate of blacks murdering whites and vice versa is very low. The overwhelming majority of homicides are white on white or black on black.

So if you move down south with a bunch of methhead white niggers, your chance of being murdered is much, much higher as a white beta incel than if you moved into the hood. I'm guessing they'd be more likely to treat you like a wife down in the hood than anyhing else. As an added bonus, you'll finally lose your virginity.

>> No.58141138


Not at all you stupid ape. It's only a higher chance of interracial violent crime because... races tend to live in closer proximity to each other. If you move to a black area you have just crossed that line and your chances of being victimized are even higher than the average black in the area since they see you as an easy target.

Also even your first statement was wrong whites don't commit the absolute majority of violent crimes hilariously enough. Not only are blacks higher per capita they somehow commit the absolute majority of violent crime.

>> No.58141142

you are misunderstanding the stats. interracial crime rates are relatively low (though black on white is more common than white on black) because of defacto segregation.

>> No.58141164

this. by buying the house you also assume a liability.

>> No.58141192

>White people commit the overwhelming majority of all crimes in the US
Now do 'Per capita'.

>> No.58141206
File: 130 KB, 942x571, whitesareviolentcriminals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not at all you stupid ape
Said the white man who commits the most crime.


>> No.58141209


He wasn't even right. Blacks commit the majority of violent crime in an absolute sense even.

Statistically the top 20% of blacks commit more violent crime than the bottom 20% of whites. You are literally safer in a white shithole neighborhood than an "affluent" black hood.

>> No.58141223


The graph you just posted.

Non hispanic white violent criminal offenders: 1,542

Non hispanic black violent criminal offenders: 1,841

Look at you suddenly trying to count spics as white so the white numbers look anywhere near black

>> No.58141240
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We can do this if you want though family

>> No.58141260

>counting beaners as white
>despite being 13 percent of the population
Terrible effort, your jewisj lying with statistics tactic might work on reddit, not here.

>> No.58141279

so your position is that it is safe for whites to live in black ghettos because interracial crime rates are low? like whites moving there have some kind of anti-crime force field around them? rather than that the statistics are the result of whites avoiding black ghettos to begin with?

>> No.58141290

No, those are homicides.

>literally who self-proclaimed libertarian twists the data
You're not even trying lmao

The stats don't lie. They're from the FBI. Whites were the real niggers all along. Besides, the whites are the ones that brought Africans over in the first place. If aliens abducted and enslaved whites, would you not fight back against your oppressors? No, that's right, you're not "violent", you would crime mining away because you're a "non-violent" cucks.

>> No.58141307


I'm going to give you a 1.5/10 and let you go on your way. The fact that you posted a self-own stat graph alone makes me think you're from /b/.

>> No.58141327

Well I am a white person so you're right. I'm not proud to be a part of a race of violent criminals. I am self-owned, but the stats still don't lie.

>> No.58141328

The real answer OP

>these places have tons of back-taxes on them which the city want to squeeze out of you, making their effective cost a lot more than $1
>if not even slum lords want to buy and rehab them, it must be an exceptionally shitty, poor, and violent area. You might make it out alive but your mental health won't after living around that kind of blight for a while

I'm active in RE investing and something kekworthy that's happening right now is everything getting too expensive for non cash investors/landlords, so they're zeroing in on the last places which "look affordable" like the south side of Chicago without realizing how hellish it is to own there, you will lose money trying to rent out crack shacks to feral nigs

>> No.58141339
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This! Only absolute mongs have not made money doing absolutely fuck all these last six months

>> No.58141402
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Also, you're not doing a very good job, Ivan.

>> No.58141418
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>he's an Ivanposter too

>> No.58141438

If I'm an Ivanposter, does that also make you an Ivanposter since you're posting charts from a Russian troll farm, Ivan?

>> No.58141449
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>hey guys don't move to black areas blacks are horrifically more violent than any other group

>> No.58141457

a family of yuro tourists got beaten by a mob of "youths" in the inner harbor when i was there lmao. Nice my ass

>> No.58141473

You've been trying to spread a false narrative about minorities, women and trannies for the past 12 years in order to destabilize the west and get your government plants to pull the US out of NATO. There's not much more to it, really.

>> No.58141505
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>the stats show blacks as overwhelmingly violent
>the eye test/anecdotes confirm that for basically everyone
>not only are the stats skewed, they frequently label mixed/hispanic people as "white" to make it look even closer than reality
>the reality is that whites have been under violent duress for 100 years while the government pulls out all the stops to gaslight them into thinking they're the actual oppressors and not getting battered in their own country

And I'm never going to stop reminding people of it. Keep on crying Redditglowie schizo. America will be stronger once it realizes it is sick.

>> No.58141516
File: 677 KB, 900x531, Remington-Row-2-e1509470448455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be developer.
>Buy several blocks of ghetto for pennies.
>Plow everything flat.
>Get special tax incentives.
>Building mixed use walkable city blocks.
>Hire private security and get special police protection.
>Move in yuppies who love the hustle and bustle of the big city.
>Collect confiscatory rents from zillennials who will never own anything and will be happy.

>> No.58141526


Have fun dealing with the City of Baltimore in trying to get even step 1 of that plan to fruition. There is a reason why no one is bothering and it isn't because they hate money.

>> No.58141530
File: 102 KB, 1200x630, Mezzanine_310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? Have you been to Baltimore?

>> No.58141549

Places like Remington Row and Canton are real, and have real development. Every city is doing this. You have to be a developer tho. The ghetto is getting moved out to the suburbs.

>> No.58141577

I think you've gotta figure out your crumbling country before you worry about fixing others, comrade.

>> No.58141600

I think there is good money to be made in grifting yimby walkable city types. you can take out ads in The Atlantic or whatever advertising intentional communities based around walkability and sell them random tracts of land marked up.

>> No.58141874
File: 91 KB, 800x475, 2072830700_eefaf70494_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>International Communities
Checked and scam pilled. You will have a couple of city blocks you can live in surrounded by miles of pic related.