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File: 35 KB, 360x452, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58129740 No.58129740 [Reply] [Original]

shitcoin gambling on solana has made me realise that we are absolutely peaking

>> No.58129748

The Solana memecoin scene is pretty much what was happening on BNB in Nov 2021. The top is in 100%.

>> No.58129768
File: 8 KB, 263x191, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agreed, but the weird thing is that

1) normies still are too fucking niggerishly stupid to gamble on SOL, meaning there's still a fuckton of money missing from the ecosystem until someone makes it literally retard proof (which is impossible); and
2) the SOL shitcoin ecosystem does not at all coincide with or parallel the normie coin ecosystem, as in Bitcoin can be dumping and the SOL casino is still pumping along as if nothing happened. Bitcoin/ETH/even SOL are currently existing outside the realm of the SOL shitcoin casino. I don't know if this is bullish or bearish but it seems like the two have no effect on each other whatsoever at the moment

>> No.58130399

Wdym peaking
Wdym the top is in

>> No.58130423

Wdym. BSC started taking off in jan 2021. This reminds me much more of that.

>> No.58130798


>> No.58131336

too late, its called gambling for a reason. *bling bling bling*

>> No.58131369

If you actually want to make money from a shitcoin than jump on $JIZLRD.

Exchange coming this week, but you can get. it on jup atm and use a phantom wallet

>> No.58133214


You don't, 49/50 new listings are rugs. You bridge all your money to BASE and start making money.
On sol it's like you're playing poker against Phil Ivey and Daniel Negreanu, on BASE you're playing poker while everyone holds monopoly cards.

Recommend looking into $EarnFI , $SHDW, $BOME at first.

>> No.58133284

You can easily find good memecoins, the secret is you don't trade, otherwise you prevent the memecoins increasing by 6 million percent.

>> No.58134114

buy $JEWS

>> No.58134140


>> No.58134151

Nice b8

>> No.58134187
File: 200 KB, 1919x1025, SOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dscrd - ER3qzZrcBD

>> No.58134227

Solana is the pregame warmup for when Base integrates with Coinbase directly. THAT will be the beginning of the top.

>> No.58134272

For me it's Nigga MUSK. I've accumulated roughly 30% of the tokens. Now I just need a pump

>> No.58135034


BSC volume peaked in November 2021. January 2021 was nothing in comparison.

>> No.58135192

Is there a place where you find the good ones ?

>> No.58135212


>> No.58135558
File: 44 KB, 675x680, Fq_aJCxXwAAacRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy I made 500 US dollarinos on le 500k mcap shitcoin with 200 holders! This is totally unsustainable, this crypto bubble is crazy and it definitely tells us a lot about where this multi trillion dollar market is heading!!

kill yourself

>> No.58135595

Pretty much 99% are fucking rugs where bots/jeets sell immediately when they get 3 figure profits. I did manage to turn $500 to $13k with niggaButt coin but then I round tripped it to $4k and I lost that on other rugs. I'd say stay away from that shit unless you're doing it for fun and not expecting much from it

>> No.58135851
File: 75 KB, 972x976, Me Monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get $ALMC on Solana my dude, the dev team is A+ tier with a solid meme behind it with mintable NFT's

>> No.58135891

Forgot meme arrows so I assume you would die defending this while blogging on that dialup trash

>> No.58135904

>$800 portfolio

Wow, congrats on that. Seriously.

>> No.58135929
File: 31 KB, 500x646, Sexy Bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold everything and you should too. Source? FishWifHat gave me similar gains. We are financial geniuses that know how to front run the masses

>> No.58135996

Bnb in 2021 was what was happening on uniswap in the spring of 2020. There is always some niche in crypto that is popping off somewhere. Solana season was not market peak. These are the times we have to take advantage of so that we are prepared for the real altseason

>> No.58136706

To your first point, this is why you should be super bullish on base. Normie money will make solana's meme season look like nothing. What's coming for base is like BNB nov 2021, solana isn't the comparison