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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58133583 No.58133583 [Reply] [Original]

i just want the old /biz/ back

>> No.58133592

It's over

>> No.58133593

ok boomer

>> No.58133595
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>> No.58133598

what's that? when we talk about other scams like drop shipping?

>> No.58133603

it was always like this?

>> No.58133624

2017-2020 /biz/ was way better for crypto

>> No.58133684

just use filters for topics and comments

>> No.58133965

You mean when every second thread on the catalog was half naked women uttering the name of a shitcoin?

>> No.58133990

Those were the days
But in all honesty fresh meme content was being made too
This bullrun lacks all memes. It’s not fun or insane. It’s just boring

>> No.58134039

biz died with the bogdanoffs

>> No.58134096

I was mainly on /b and /gif then. Started lurking /biz 2021, you know when...

>vẽřïfĩçățïøñ ñøț řēqũīřęď

>> No.58134112

Yeah. Before all of the queers showed up and started crying to mods when they had to see a real female body.

>> No.58134202

Bolted on tits and disgusting ballooned lips are not "real female body". /biz/ taste of women is the same as Jeff Bezos'.
A lot of people just made it and fucked off for good, or were burned hard and fucked off for good. I wouldn't be surprised if there were dozens of /biz/tards who an heroed. The board is indeed slower, bizonacci is dead, the actual bullrun is low volume..

>> No.58134223

Everything was better for crypto back then because crypto had potential. Now it's all just a fucking casino. No tech, no utility, no real world applications. Everything is just "the next shib". Crypto is dead, the only purpose not be the last one standing when the music ends.

>> No.58134234

>i just want the old /biz/ back
I remember when /biz/ was nothing but golden stock picks all day long. Killings were made

>> No.58134526

Just admit you're a fag and would rather suck a cock

>> No.58134802

it will get there. we went from 30k to 70k in a month, people are in shock. also being below previous ath is still boring to most

>> No.58134818
File: 7 KB, 250x250, rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place in 2017 was magical.

>> No.58136032

I miss the old /biz/ stock advice, salary negotiations, resume advice, vanguard portfolios and career advice.

This crypto garbage seriously has to stop. People are getting hurt. Not only that but literally 99.99% of this shit is a scam and a huge bubble waiting to burst. Just look at the recent bitcoin crash down to 61000 case in point.

I'm currently in uni finishing up my studies to become an accountant. I want to know ways to make it in the corporate world. I want to have meaningful conversations like how to negotiate salary raises with your bosses.

I know this might come to a shock to alot of you guys but someone has to say it. Cryptocurrency is just a massive speculation with absolutely 0 fucking value to this world. You can not right now name one single crypto that brings real value to this world and helps improve it.

This is a speculators game. And who ever is the first to sell off will win. You guys are in a fucking ticking time bomb waiting to explode and you don't even realize it.

Besides women want men with stable careers and goals. Not a bunch of Internet funny money degenerate gamblers. Good luck starting a family with any woman and telling her you traded Internet meme coins. Seriously guys wake the fuck up.

If any of you had any sense at all you would sell 100% of your cryptos and invest in Amazon / real estate. Something that will never go away and always rise in value.

I hope we can go back to the old ways of biz. I want to know some good stocks I can expect to put my yearly bonuses into. Not this crypto trash vaporware scam garbage.

>> No.58136154

either a pasta from reddit or a bot reply

>> No.58136237

But it's right there

>> No.58136267

damn. sad and true

>> No.58136278

animal tokens and jeets killed this board

>> No.58136295
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed fellow link marine