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58132958 No.58132958 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58133012

normie life sounds absolutely dreadful

>> No.58133036
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>500k household income still financing their cars

>> No.58133043

First thing I noticed

>> No.58133046

takeaway is that if you skip college, skip useless insurance, start a business, reinvest in your own business, pay yourself low to keep a low income bracket, pay charity out of the business if you're into charity, don't go to an all inclusive (how the fuck does 3 vacations cost $18k???) you don't need to make 500k to have more than the retard grad couple that does

>> No.58133048
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It's a prison of comfortable slavery, but you're still a slave. That's why they insult you and try to shame you. They know they're stuck and can't get out so they have try to make you feel worse about yourself because you are free.

>> No.58133052

$2k/month for food seems excessive

>> No.58133055
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>three vacations a year
normies deserve to suffer. Women normies especially. What kind of woman lets her children stay with strangers and pays them just to larp as a man?

>> No.58133080

>date nights every two weeks
>three vacations a year
>18k/year in charity
do normies really?

>> No.58133083

>"I need to spend 80k a year on a big, fancy house because..because I just do, okay?!".
They could retire in 20 years if they just bought a cheap house and dumped all of that extra money in good dividend stocks. 80k a year wasted, my god.

>> No.58133124

> stop donating to charities that embezzle all the money anyway (seriously, 18,000?)
> get less expensive cars, vut car payments in half
> one vacation a year, not three
> cut kid's lessons by half, if you live in a 1.5m home your school is good enough to have those programs for free

Now you have $42,100

boomers may have destroyed the american dream but that doesn't mean you have to be a fucking drooling retard with the money you do have

>> No.58133160
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Nothing about that is average
the average household makes less than 50K

>> No.58133194

>living in a $1.5m house with only two kids
Let me get the world's smallest violin.

>> No.58133236

Realistically how much cheaper could they even get? In any major city you’re looking at minimum $1 million for a non shit area

>> No.58133264

my salary is 400$ / month
thanks for the humiliation ritual I'm going fucking stop giving a fuck about anything now

>> No.58133274

then move out of the city which you should have done BEFORE you had kids. at least they are giving money to some charity that probably supports joe biden

>> No.58133283

Uh is this like New York or California type shit or something? My god it seems like they're just pissing the money down the drain.

>> No.58133294

what do you do?

>> No.58133302

You can tell this is old because it doesn't budget $800/month for DoorDash.

>> No.58133311

>this thread again
why did you post this shit again, couldn't data mine enough on the previous thread?

>> No.58133312

Not really an option if you live in an area that can support such a wage, looked up the article and the couple work in New York City. $1.5M is about what you would expect to pay to live in a decent area.

>> No.58133313


What's your cost of living breakdown?

If you live in a 1.5 million house in NYC you have a basic shitbox that's the difference. Nobody is talking about living in a 1.5 million house in the prarie being "average"

>> No.58133317

Americans pay 40% taxes and don't get anything in return?

>> No.58133334

one thing that the world really needs is more drop shipping businesses

>> No.58133336
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>Americans pay 40% taxes and don't get anything in return?
Exactly, calling us europoors, atleast we got decent healthcare.

>> No.58133353


Here’s how id spend it:
>Crypto = $50000
>12 Kids * $200 welfare = +$2400 gain
>Food for 1: $40000
>Squatting in House with 12 kids, 1 Wife, 1 side piece = +$5500 gain
>Skip taxes = +$5000 savings
>Life is a vacation = +$18000 gain
>Car payment (1990 IROC Z28) = $92
>Gas = $8000
>Car Insurance = (1 claim/month) +$250
>Life insurance for wife’s future “accident”
Lmao even
>College savings ($25k into crypto)

Seems pretty easy to me.

>> No.58133539

see here:>>58133160
everything posted on this website is unrealistic bullshit

>> No.58133562
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>5000 a year on gas
Holy kek. Imagine not owning a Tesla in 2024. Add solar panels on the roof and you won't even pay for electricity.

>> No.58133621

these numbers are 5 years old. There's a lot of unnecessary expenses in their, but some thing are significantly more expensive today.
They are only paying 5k/month for their mortgage which would only get you an 800k mortgage today lol. Their car payments are only $400 which is a 20k car, good luck buying a bmw or a land cruiser with that.

>> No.58133638

I can never tell if these are ironic/insulting news posts or if they really believe this shit.

>> No.58133663

They're meant to demoralize you.

>you're never going to make it so keep wageslaving

>> No.58133696

is this from 2012?

>> No.58134090

>>three vacations a year
my sister does this with her husband and their daughter. I'm 30 years old and have been on vacation ONCE in my entire life meanwhile my niece is 10 and has already been on 20+ vacations. it's absolutely insane and I would be lying if I said I don't feel envy

>> No.58134119

I found the problems
>charity $18k
>student loan debt $32k

>> No.58134233

>18000 dollars for charity
Lmao. How about 0.

>> No.58134275

Half of america is brown, who the fuck cares about the "average" person

If you are not clearing 200k as a household couple you are a failure

>> No.58134507

yeah people who baseline themselves against the american average are coping. Why would you compare yourself to a mass of people who are uneducated and have no savings. In a lot of major cities, young couples are making 200k-300k, these are middleclass union workers, government workers, healthcare jobs. Not even counting the high paid fields and professions.
200k is the new 100k, 500k is the new 200k welcome to 2024

>> No.58134896

if you're a burger just go to Mexico or Dominican Republic.

>> No.58134928

$5k/month mortgage so ya

>> No.58136779
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>piano lessons
>average Americans

>> No.58137939

This entire thing just seems ridiculous to me, but I'm not a burger... is this normal?

I live in a low COL country with no zoning laws (so everything is a minute walk away from my studio apartment, grocery, gym, etc) and I wfh.
I pay $300 for a 30sqm studio apartment, use Uber when I need a ride (which is like once every 2 months), pay no insurance (we have virtually free healthcare), I buy new clothes like once every 2-3 years (probably just 2-3 pieces, never go past $200), zero charities, and no kids.

My expenses don't even go over $20k a year, and I'm not even being frugal and I feel like I'm living like a king already (I leave the aircon turned on 24/7, never look at price tags when buying stuff, etc )
That entire list just looks like dumb frivolous spending to me

>> No.58137984

And they have no futures, but they're too low IQ to realize it. The more kids they have, the more they fuck over each other.

>> No.58138042

>not maxing out 401k
>living in some northern hellhole
>needs 42k for fucking childcare
>owns 1.5 mil home
>18k to charity
>three vacations a year each costing 6k

>> No.58138119
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Wow it's real.

>> No.58138223

>missing state tax as 5% of that 40%

But yeah they're being shitty and getting in a pinch. Like you shouldn't donate $18k to charity when you have debt to pay off.

A bigger point is just how easy it is to make only slightly shitty decisions that on net turn into getting only marginally more despite making shitloads of money. Like these people have two kids, two slightly nice vehicles, eat well, have a nanny, have a decent but not absurd home and just pay the bills.

Ideally you cheap out on shit that doesn't matter to you- you buy a well used 5 series and land cruiser, you give $0 to charity and to retirement to knock out your debt in a year, and then enjoy yourself in some other shit.

>> No.58138238

Not every state has income tax.

>> No.58138258


>> No.58138381

82% of them do

>> No.58138923

sad really as every Korean family have their kid in a piano academy or being personally tutored at home in piano or violin. The West is poor.