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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58132991 No.58132991 [Reply] [Original]

literally impossible

>> No.58133017
File: 85 KB, 1170x480, 70B834EC-CB22-459A-8E57-CC2B1F937961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.58133031


>> No.58133040

Quite literally everything I have put my money into this year has gone up. You must be retarded. I'm like 10 for 10 on my investments so far.

>> No.58133084

if you stop fomo and at least start looking into really basic chart index to decide the entry point you'd probably make it

>> No.58133098

Anybody that bought last year

>> No.58133126

imagine not being able to capitalize over the past 10 years, just kill yourself now op

>> No.58133166

by the dip, sell the top. It's literally that easy

>> No.58133192

More like buy the top and sell the bottom

>> No.58133217

bet she liked that

>> No.58133240

not me nigga

>> No.58133300

i made a couple grand by holding btc from 40k to 70k
feels kinda bittersweet because I easily could have made more, but easy money is easy money

>> No.58133436

for sure

>> No.58133462

The scammers who make the shitcoins.

>> No.58133533

Its impossible to make any money in this market

>> No.58133572

the /biz way

>> No.58133746
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>> No.58133780
File: 406 KB, 2975x1350, 1000005880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a 70x in 4 minutes by total fucking accident

>> No.58133804

Only pajeet scammers make money off "crypto".

Everyone makes money off Bitcoin.

>> No.58133875

how'd you find that one? What are your filters?

>> No.58133918

1 pbtid
still, you have fair chances at making decent profits if you buy real utility
only buy meme shit if you are on adderall and got the time to babysit charts

>> No.58133931

It really do be like that

>> No.58133976
File: 72 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_20240324-114932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set up a low weekly buy last year and just ignored it. Started paying attention now but I'm not even considering selling any time soon.

>> No.58134209


>> No.58134218

i bought bayer the "dip"
it falled even bigger now i am 400 in minus

>> No.58134222

just don’t invest in memecoins on sol or close to new ath

>> No.58134240
File: 71 KB, 675x499, 8kc7lw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up 40k on Apu, I didn't even buy the dip because I'm already all in, I was just retarded enough to diamond hand through it. Not selling any until 1 Apu = 1¢

>> No.58134323

People who picked the right alts like FTM
People who bought in last fall

>> No.58134744

top signal

>> No.58135430

>I'm up 40k
nah you not

>> No.58135551
File: 221 KB, 1170x1023, E8E7CEDF-05CC-4402-8E85-EE9FD11D89C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you’re right it’s 45k profit now, thanks for letting me know Apu went up. Or are you trying to do that gay shit where “You didn’t make any money until you sold” shit?

>> No.58135585

He is. I'm made 60X from RUG buttom. BIZ told me not to buy, I ignored, took inicial - now im WHALE diamond hand to 1B.

Will drop some bags on you when you FOMO at 1BIlly.

>> No.58135766
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You are doing something wrong

>> No.58135894

I did with Alphakek.ai

>> No.58135979
File: 166 KB, 1600x900, do this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally this easy. The SOL casino (jup (dot) ag, rayium (dot) io, dexscreener) is the easiest way to make money in crypto that I've EVER seen in this space. And you don't have to wait around. Shitcoins boom and bust within hours. I forgot to add, pump (dot) fun is also a really good source. If you pick the right meme token to buy/fund, you can really strike gold

good luck