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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 998x840, 20240324_025542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58128152 No.58128152 [Reply] [Original]

You work 8-10 hours a day min wage all your life just to be able to afford living in a town where the rent has quadrupled over the years in a shared apartment. You come home late and start early, try to save as much money as possible so maybe you can afford your own apartment one day.

You come home from s shitty shift where your moron boss has verbally abused you, the guy you're sharing your apartment shows you this on his PC with the words, "Duude, look at the shitcoin I just aped $500 in."


Let's pack it up and go home fellas, it is officially over.


>> No.58128183

it's a scam, genius

>> No.58128196

Obviously, Einstein

>> No.58128213 [DELETED] 

It's not fair bros
It's also true that crypto millionaires are frequently assassinated though

>> No.58128226 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 768x741, 1000021555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy AIBE nigger

>> No.58128263
File: 236 KB, 964x960, IMG_20240322_232616_649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worry not, lost son. AI Braham is here to financially emancipate poorfags like yourself from the tyranny and imprisonment of wage life. Together we can set things straight and show the world that there is still honor in this space.

>> No.58128289
File: 302 KB, 531x494, fuirkwncibiuwencnwseuisefn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know you know.

>> No.58128290

I've been in crypto since 2014 and I still haven't earned enough to escape the wage cage.

I have magically missed every moonshot, and I have been fucked by promising alts that turned out to be rugs. I would have made so much more if I just held bitcoin the entire time. While my bags do nothing, countless others have made it through animalcoins.

I'm tired, anons

>> No.58128331
File: 25 KB, 497x488, 1629120328000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, anon bro, I feel you. Our time will come ... surely ... eventually ...

>> No.58128336
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1555161908416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been in Crypto since 2016 and a couple years ago I had a customer gloat about how he bought himself a new truck from Doge. Normies simply following herd mentality while you get burned from utility tokens has demoralized me so much I've become desensitized and this year will be no different; I no longer care anymore I am beat up and defeated.

>> No.58128381

Sounds like you got BTFO in a similar way to myself. I focused on utility and got outperformed by everything else.

I realized too late that utility means almost nothing in crypto. Bitcoin matters because it's the OG. ETH matters because countless memecoins are built on it. That's it.

>> No.58128385

What can you do, man. This space is filled with jeets and low effort cash grabs to the point where having an actual utility with a token is seen as a cash grab.

>> No.58128403

* is seen as a red flag.

>> No.58128458
File: 547 KB, 1652x1342, eth went to 1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the DAO hack from Ethereum that forced the original chain to hardfork and sent the price plummeting down to under $5 per Eth. I often think about this guy in the picture.

>> No.58128470

I've been here since 2016 and feel the exact same way

Fuck my life

>> No.58128474
File: 60 KB, 1000x871, IMG_20220526_110831_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can someone even raise such an amount, wtf are we doing wrong, anons?

>> No.58128509

Classic swingy moment. I wonder how he felt half a year later when ETH hit $1600 on some exchanges

>> No.58128529
File: 196 KB, 1473x888, 6879341234123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how have you guys not killed yourselves yet? you could have bought ETH for under a dollar. you fucked up big time

>> No.58128557

Holy shit, KEKW

>> No.58128562
File: 256 KB, 400x400, 1655718010990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will tell you exactly how it feels, a stabbing pain in the pit of your stomach before you are overwhelmed by emotion and you'll do one of two things:
Bottle it up inside
Explode and do something incredibly stupid
I did something incredibly stupid and traded running purely by emotion and I wiped my portfolio. I have not recovered since 2018, and to add salt to injury my portfolio briefly broke even and did a 6x for a day while doggy coins were pulling in 20x, 30x out of thin air. I got greedy, but I'm like everybody else with hopes and dreams and I believed in my coin's project and now I'm back at a loss with BTC at ATH and at an even worse position than ever before. I don't even trade anymore I just hold for fuck sakes.

>> No.58128589

Just hold, anon, ez

>> No.58128615

BTC and ETH are now so huge in marketcap, holding can't offer much more than a 5x

What coins wiped you out the hardest, anon?

>> No.58128622

>What coins wiped you out the hardest, anon?
Please don't laugh at me. It was Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.58128638
File: 145 KB, 1773x1773, smiling-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58128640

My excuse is that I was 11 at this date.

>> No.58128650

Unironically take the animalcoin pill, fren.

>> No.58128669

Kek, were you in all those old "operation dragon slayer" threads? Thankfully something didn't feel right about it, and I steered clear.

I feel sorry for the guys that bought this shit for like 9k when it was released onto coinbase

>> No.58128670

Yup, I traded 1.2 BTC and went all in on Bcash. Turned it to .18 BTC and I'm currently sitting at .15 since and that's with DCA.

>> No.58128671
File: 45 KB, 720x720, IMG_1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Survivorship bias
99% of memecoins die, rug, scam, etc…
Investing in BTC/ETH and 10% (at most) into some shitcoin has always been the ideal least-risk-most-reward portfolio.

>> No.58128689
File: 86 KB, 451x476, 1645646994137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>operation dragon slayer
I wasn't in on it, I believed it and instead of staying with Ethereum in the month of July I traded all my Eth for Bcash and Eth took off and I was left desolate.

>> No.58128698

Very true. Take notes, anons!

>> No.58128717

You think that's bad? I had 1,000,000 Doge, lots of Pepe, and lots of Maga.

Lost both the Doge wallet due to an electrical glitch and hand-written paper backup on the same day. Still have my Pepe and Maga, only problem: Both of them I bought pre-2018. Instead, the Pepe and Maga coins that mooned weren't even the originals. How was I supposed to know which specific Pepe and Maga coins would pull a 1000x? You would think it would be the ones made first.

I just think some people are deliberately held back from making money for whatever reason. When you get right to it, it becomes mathematically impossible to miss hundreds of moons. For crying out loud, Apu rugged from 50M to 500K, and instead of the project dying, it's back at 10M, ready to be rugged again. What sense does any of this make?

>> No.58128726

>Apu rugged from 50M to 500K, and instead of the project dying, it's back at 10M, ready to be rugged again. What sense does any of this make?
Fuck everything.

>> No.58128728

What keeps you coming back to biz? I still don't even know why I'm here after all these years. I have some fun memories, but 99% of the advice here is poison.

I wish I became a stinky linky in 2017

>> No.58128730

it's wild to me that this isn't common practice, it's so obvious, you're getting a x3 no matter what

>> No.58128739

if youre a 4chan oldfag you'd know not to trust an anon as far as you could throw them

>> No.58128764
File: 150 KB, 531x678, 1467394997174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I became a stinky linky in 2017
Do you know who was making fun of Link holders back then when it went below the ICO price? It was me, I watched it reach to .50 per Link. The reason I made fun of them was because they were the same people that were being smug with Digibyte and developed a cult like mentality calling themselves Digimarines; and instead of buying I tried to demoralize them that's how Nicoposting became somewhat of a meme here. And then it happened, Chainlink was listed on coinbase and I watched it take off from a couple dollars up to its ATH. I could never bring myself to buy link especially after how I behaved kek.

>> No.58128770

>I just think some people are deliberately held back from making money for whatever reason. When you get right to it, it becomes mathematically impossible to miss hundreds of moons

After missing everything since 2014, I honestly believe there's some kind of bog-ghost that stops me from making it.

>> No.58128813

We've probably crossed paths many times over then. I bullied linkies as far back as that 2017 meeting where sergey made a speech right next to a toilet.

I also did a lot of nico bully gf posting during early 2020 covid lockdowns when I was stuck inside and going insane for months.

>> No.58128831
File: 35 KB, 448x529, aNppNWG_460s_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no point to all that, anon. All we do is just following our fate of being poor. Someone told me once that time is a flat circle, everything we do we will keep repeating over and over and over again. You will keep buying the wrong shitcoins over and over and over again forever until eternity.

>> No.58128840
File: 44 KB, 541x181, The day before the big one 2018 crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain we've crossed paths kek. Good times.

>> No.58128855 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 366x366, 9ZxWTgLH5E56RqahyJovTWXh7wAqKyNSWZqf2sqQXJGj___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58128866

I have a schizo theory that certain people aren't allowed to have money because either you have to learn lessons and having over a certain amount of money would interfere with those lessons, or you have demons latched onto you who are going to screw you until the day you die, reincarnate you here with no memories, and then keep screwing you over. Nothing else seems to make any sense: Either you're kept from money so you keep a good personality intact so money doesn't corrupt you, or you're attacked viciously for whatever reason. It starts to become mathematically impossible to get crabbed, slowly bled, or rugpulled 30+ times on projects that have good prospects or utility while the 300th MAGA clone made in 2023 somehow magically goes from a 1K marketcap to a 400M marketcap.

I'm starting to realize that whenever I hate a project and I want it to fail, all I have to do is buy in, and then within a month without fail...

>> No.58128868
File: 27 KB, 300x250, AIBEbanner2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this

You see nothing but racist meta taking over Solana

You choose to invest in an Abraham Lincoln/AI project instead because he's the reason these niggas are free in the first place

It busts a 100x

All the racist meta holders are on foodstamps


>> No.58128888

/biz/ wasn't really advertised per se and eth was useless back then. Nobody knew how metamask and web3 would change everything

>> No.58128901
File: 93 KB, 658x946, bizjeetkys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys jeet, no one is falling for your shit scam.

>> No.58128925

this space isnt filled with jeets, more like midwit iq people who think theres any real utility asides from some fancy whitepaper and vaporware.

>> No.58128954

Damn, anon.... Are you me?

I wondered those exact things over the past few years. My conclusion is that I'm just not allowed to make it, because massive money would change my personality and make me extremely lazy. I would buy a nice house and never wage again. My life would essentially be over. Instead, I'm forced to struggle and improve myself over and over. It may be a cope, but I assume that an improved version of myself is needed for something in the future.

The average peon is allowed to randomly earn $20 million off dogcoins, because nothing is expected of him, and he will piss away all the wealth on vanity items and poor decisions anyway.

>> No.58128955


>> No.58128959

this guy figured shit out early on. high IQ for sure.

>> No.58128990

I got in on Million Token when it was $14. I sold at $20. The next week it was $300. Can never tell which shitcoin can actually break out longer than your average pump and dump

>> No.58128991
File: 486 KB, 1080x2255, Screenshot_20240323-221304_Telegram_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, your AI bot is woke af

>> No.58129072

This is me wtf. I held a bag worth 900k at one point all the way to 5k. I sold a 10k profit bag weeks before it mooned to what would've been a 800k profit bag.

>> No.58129126
File: 17 KB, 211x211, 1704271175336265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not lose your mind? This is the type of stuff that puts you inside a mental hospital. I'm trying my best to hold onto my composure watching A FUCKING RETARDED FROG PULL A 400% AFTER THE DEV DUMPED AND PULLED THE OFFICIAL SITE OFFLINE. I even posted >>58122987 last night for fuck sake I can't take it anymore.

>> No.58129162

At the end of the day, it's all just money. Money means nothing really, you're gonna die anyway and you can't really look into the future, so what's the point of worrying anyways? Either you get lucky or you don't, best you can do is trying to work on stuff you're passionate about and eventually you'll see that what's most important in life is not money, but enjoying the little things I life.

>> No.58129181

Just keep gambling. I seem to have gotten lucky with Alphakek.ai

>> No.58129185

Thank you.

>> No.58129188

Why can't retards realize this whole thing is simply money laundering?

>> No.58129211

What is wrong with money laundering?

>> No.58129339

It's wrong because you don't allow me to ride the PND

>> No.58129410

I just buy bullshit and it works

>> No.58129448

I was buying bitcoin in 2012 but I'm also a drug addict and I didnt get clean until 2017 and then I didn't have any money until 2020 and then I became a bagholder and now Im up 5x on my crypto but I have I need to be up 30x to pay off my house. Grateful as fuck though every day above ground ia a good day motherfuckers.

>> No.58129478

You really held a bag of that scam coin and didn't sell the top? Jesus christ you didn't even sell for 500k??

>> No.58129504

tezos and eos raised 1 billion each

>> No.58129521
File: 48 KB, 500x687, pepe-needs-a-cigarette-after-having-to-listen-to-the-19050412_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're never gonna ever make it, anons. It is confirmed

>> No.58129526

Forgot all about tezos. I guess the devs did too, because price looks terrible

>> No.58130103
File: 98 KB, 280x280, Lets_think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you can be one of the first investors, take advantage of it and sell high
already did with some coins many times
although some didn't do what i expected like with vinu, and now it's been an ok coin that is almost 2 years old, speaking of which it just pumped 20% this week, so i'm pretty happy with it KEK

>> No.58130393

> tries to give me advice
> shills me a coin named vinu
you're NGMI anon

>> No.58130403

instead of coming up with schitzo theories why you havent made it yet maybe it would be better to commit your mind to figuring out a plan to how you are going to make it?
there is always a pattern and a reason somewhere and just because you cant figure it out doesnt mean that its not there staring at you right in your face or doesnt exist. TRY HARDER crypto is the greatest chance at generational wealth we get in this lifetime even if it takes a thousand years and you havent made it it would still be a thousand years well spent. enough with these schitzo bullshit theories cope as to why you cant make it honestly fuck all of you for thinking like this

>> No.58130467

Got in during Lunc's crash 2022. It was my first crypto purchase and yes, I am still a lunc baggie who has long forgotten about it. Tokens that I swapped out of for a few $k 5 months ago would have netted me 7 figures right now if I held. I sidelined it after selling and watched as they slowly mooned. The seethe is very real and there is nothing that I can do to cope with the feeling of losing the one opportunity I had to quit waging. The hodl meme is real

I have one last hail mary play which has got me passed break even with profits and a bunch of Base degen plays. If none of these get me out of the cage in 2024/2025, I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't wage for another 35+ years.

>> No.58130519

2013 here and while I made enough to stop waging I still feel like a failure sometimes when I see literal retards making it from going all in on some random memecoin, or twitter shitfluencers opening multimillion dollar leveraged long positions like its nothing

I also bought the picotop in 2013 especially on the few altcoins that were available back then and it gave me bad PTSD thinking every altcoin is a scam that will go down 99% and never recover, and led to me completely ignoring both eth and xrp which I knew about since day 1 pretty much.

>I would have made so much more if I just held bitcoin
had around 200 bitcoin in 2017 but converted all of it to either cash or shitcoins that ended up going nowhere. Today I could not even buy back 25% of my btc stack...

>> No.58130792

I've tried it all, anon. I've been in boomer coins. Ive been in utility coins. I've been in meme coins. I've been in animal coins. I've been in nfts. I've been in crypto since 2014. Still haven't made it.

Ive basically witnessed the flipping of a hundred coins, and every single one landed on heads.

>> No.58130838

Your "utility tokens" just were no market makers. You have to catch something that has the tech to enter top 50 early to make memecoin-like returns from an altcoin. So mainly L1s or promising narratives (like AI this cycle, although I think it's overhyped garbage)

>> No.58130850

Flipfloppers won't make it. Have conviction and diversify

>> No.58130864

I've tried that too

>> No.58130879

Yeah imagine working your ass of your entire life and "incestig" in ETFs for your old days wheras I became a millionaire with nigger coin

>> No.58130896

I would laugh if it was ICP.

Personally i had a shitton of Shiba at the beginning. MC wasnt even 2 mil.
I sold it all at 5 mil and was LAUGHING while doing it and then i just forgot about it.

>> No.58130904
File: 74 KB, 362x319, chad soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you even find these shitcoins? How do you swap for them?
>it's scam, it's rug, etc
I don't care. I intend to ape. No, I will not buy the scam coin you intend to shill here, I jut want to know how it's done.

>> No.58130928

lol i can see this happening. Emancipate.

Well for eth blockchain for example all transactions are paid with eth. You get a metamask wallet, put some eth on it, go to a decentralized exchange, connect the wallet, paste the contract of a token you want to buy and buy it with eth. You need to make sure you leave some eth of the wallet for transaction fee to sell later.
Thats the gist of it.

>> No.58130950

>decentralized exchange
What are some examples?
>paste the contract of a token you want to buy
Where do you find these tokens? Do you just go to coingecko and sort by new?

>> No.58130958

That's not enough anon everybody wants that 100x so they'll invest in obvious scams just for the sliver of hope.
If you're retarded just DCA into the bluechips and hope to retire in 10 years (this requires a job though). Most of the people here are kids anyway 10 years comes up FAST

>> No.58130970

If you want to find them fresh, biz is literally the place.

1inch, rubic, uniswap example of dexes

>> No.58131006

'professional' shitcoiners use a bot like Photon. It scrapes the blockchain for the new listings but you have to be very careful of rugs too. I would suggest starting with something like dexscreener and learning the basics.
Or just be part of the Cabal :D

>> No.58132079
File: 226 KB, 460x370, BIZ Token 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to the realisation that after many years no new coin/token has been launched through just initial /biz/ support. Therefore I propose we launch a memecoin together and raise at least $1 million from early backers.

Here is how it will go, /biz/ will come up with the name, supply, theme. The more unique the better remember the meme has to stick.

Then we will launch a TG chat, website, marketing and the twitter. I think it should be on the SOL chain.

For the presale I was considering brewlabs but if you know better sites you are welcome.

>> No.58132099

just try your luck in a lottery like defilotto or something, because there are too many insiders for shitcoining

>> No.58132112 [DELETED] 

> tries to organize some biz shit is
Good luck with that

>> No.58132135

> tries to organize some biz shizos

Good luck with that

>> No.58132343
File: 3.94 MB, 400x200, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to save as much money as possible so maybe you can afford your own apartment one day.
Do rentcucks actually think they can *buy* their apartment?

>> No.58132429

same but 2016
>fell for the ark meme
>fell for the xby meme
>fell for the sky meme
>fell for the req meme
>fell for the bnt meme
>fell for the sparks meme
>fell for the frin meme
meanwhile memecoin faggots are making 6 figs in an afternoon

>> No.58132481
File: 73 KB, 615x678, 1710843930481525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it fren, stop missing opportunities and join us over at Apu. I'm giving you the moonshot right now fren stop thinking so much and don't fuck this up.

>> No.58132523

>grab nearest item
>bludgeon him to death with it
>try and get the money
>realize your not able to do this
>trying to remember what your now deceased roommate was blabbing on all the time
>get someone else involved that can do this
>he informs you it was fake
>the sudden realization that your pathetic life is over

do you try to escape and live like a fugitive or accept prison with its shelter and meals?

>> No.58132570

The guy scamming you into losing your money on shitcoins is the same guy who had the banks print him free money in the '10s, that he used to buy up all the real estate to rent it out at profit maximization rates.

But hey, you just keep sitting at your screen, jerking off and yelling about Trump until you get rich off memes. That'll really show 'em

>> No.58132648


>> No.58132738

I bought 5k worth of Toshi in August. It’s now worth 90k. Take the meme pill. Bid the blue cat anon.

>> No.58133390


>> No.58133402

> bought Toshi
> thinks he can cash out

>> No.58134322

Before I join, send photo of your hand

>> No.58134361

fr fr

>> No.58134486

random retards getting lucky off scamcoins does not make you genius. your kids if you even are able to get a woman to breed with you will still be low IQ like you

>> No.58135925

I read once that people with low IQ are the happiest. I'd rather be a Gigachad with a funny 69 IQ score, have a dumb wife with 25 kids than a studyfag with 200k in student loans, a wife who wants an open relationship and a mid job for which I studied 10 years

>> No.58136043

>> operation dragon slayer
holy kek. the memories. gonna buy some bch for the giggles.

>> No.58137515
File: 85 KB, 718x706, you-have-been-visited-by-rare-rich-pepe-upvote-to-become-rich_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having no apartment.
Imagine being 30 and still living in a shared apartment like some poorfag student. Imagine living from paycheck to paycheck month to month. I feel sorry for these poorfags.

>> No.58137924

Same. All i ask is to live a comfy life with my family. Why is living so hard..

>> No.58137996

Imagine believing this shit, no one is doing shit off those random tokens, defi is just the cex dev's playground. Theres no liquidity there even if you make a gorillion of dollars because the only people buying those scams are zoomers using their last $20

>> No.58138035
File: 124 KB, 1080x1457, e6a463dc1fc5d57b09755f85ee161a695232eb54783d820214e6c64462fc5b18_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. It's unironically APU.

>> No.58138149

Abe didn't like niggers though and never intended to free the slaves. Wonder how that AI would react to some actual quotes from honest Abe.

>> No.58138494

Stop being such a pettifogging Tammany Hall huckster. Get Lincolnpilled and do some emancimaxing!!

>> No.58138584

This but minus that ETH shitcoin

>> No.58138739
File: 165 KB, 768x741, IMG_20240321_215056_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl the AIBE bot is funny af but could use more racism

Everyone knows that nigga was piping aunt Jemima booty on his plantation. That Jamaican passion fruit poosy was so good he though every white man should try it. Thus, he emancipated them.

Now he's back to emancipated us, financially

>> No.58139227

not gonna fall for your shill, SEC!

>> No.58140386

This looks like gay Robocop

>> No.58140756

how the fuck does memes raise that much. this space never fails to fuck up my thinking

who the fuck is going for jigh caps when we have VRA, GALA and NAI. these will 10x before Btc dares to 2x

>> No.58140905

low caps with good utilities will make all the difference, but one thing is sure. high caps will always make the difference so it's better to have a balanced portfolio

>> No.58140924
File: 59 KB, 640x640, 1619282532084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooff I thought I was alone

>> No.58141393

Yet you are forwarding the narrative. Shill.

>> No.58142237
File: 101 KB, 853x1280, IMG_20240325_102051_135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still a chance anon...will you take it

>> No.58142483

gAIbrahamLincolny Robocop more like it faggot

aibraham(dot)io to escape the matrix

put your grandma's life savings on Tyson in the tyson v paul bet when the betting platform is live...???... profit

>> No.58142824

Bullish af to be honest. Im pumped!