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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58125527 No.58125527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So the IPO of Reddit values it at a multi billion market cap with mass adoption but plebbit has a mcap at 10m and is just beginning the network effect.
Why go in Reddit? It's already largely peaked and is unlikely to experience large exponential growth compared to smaller market cap social media projects

>> No.58125566

Reddit has tons of data. That has a very real tangible financial value associated with it. Even if it stays at it's current size and usage, its data will constantly be a source of new value.
Financially speaking, no one cares about plebbit. It's value is not financial. It's more intrinsic.
In short, reddits data brings value to share holders. Plebbit brings no value to shareholders. It would have been better off being a non-profit open source project using donations.

>> No.58125598

Also the whole "npc" narrative is really fucking lame and only appeals to terminally online pol chuds who think they're free thinkers because they listen to info wars. No one outside of conspiracy theorists rubes give a fuck.

>> No.58125620 [DELETED] 

what you get for making supply 1 T clown

>> No.58125666
File: 6 KB, 320x256, TvsWLe2sSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you got me there the supply of $spurdo erc tokens is extremely small the total supply is barely larger than your moms fake tits but we all knew that you were going to make the same old joke about having
>1 t
just like in the past because it is funny

and i agree but hey at least there's no one like you who would waste time on a site like this and if we are going to talk about the supply of plebbits there is no one more suited to the role of clown than you

>> No.58125698

True but reddit is famous for being highly PC and censoring people

>> No.58125722
File: 12 KB, 320x320, JyXphSPauo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you got me there the supply of $spurdo erc tokens is extremely small the total supply is barely larger than your moms fake tits but we all knew that you were going to make the same old joke about having
>1 t just like in the past because it is funny and i agree but hey at least there's no one like you who would waste time on a site like this and if we are going to talk about the supply of plebbits there is no one more suited to the role of clown than you

>> No.58125748

Checked double dubs of retardation.
>Reddit's data
When Plebbit is mass adopted it will offer data, arguably more as there will be less censorship than Reddit, while still having board specific adoption and flexible front ends (old Reddit, 4chan, eventually vbulletin, substack and discourse clients).
>Plebbits structure
Plebbit is opensource and free to use.
Currently it's being self funded by the lead dev who also works on it full time.
The opensource, free to use demos prove the design of the 2021 whitepaper.
The lead dev aims to sell NFT (for optional avatars) and implement a token tax for tipping with plebbit to sustain development.
However, shitpost will always remain free.
The protocol logo is an NPC however the dev said he's open to changing the protocol name and logo if the community votes for it.
The clients themselves all have different names.
Eg the old Reddit client is called seedit and the logo is a sprouting seed.
Eg the 4chancclient I'd called plebchan and the logo is a 2d waifu.
Eventually the other styled clients discourse, vbulletin etc will all have different names and logos.

>> No.58125867

nobodies buying this shit esteban you autistic scammer

>> No.58125946

Lol that's all well and good, but it took reddit 20 years of actual real use to get to this point, you can say plebbit WILL this and WILL that, but the fact is as of now it's a fun little project with some cool ideas but no actual value. Calling me a retard doesn't change that.
And let's be real, no one gives a fuck about the data an "uncensored" board has. Oh boy, look, people can say bigger and fag without repercussion, super valuable bro.

>> No.58125954

kikebot broken, dev pls fix. sucks about hoba though huh

>> No.58125994 [DELETED] 

Scam contract stay away

>> No.58126085

This was a good measured response.
I apologize for calling you a retard anon. It was in the spirit of the vetriol commonly seen on /biz/ sers.
Also plebbit isn't isn't uncensored. It has less censorship but there are still sub/board specific moderators. When u think about it from this perspective, plebbit isn't free speech (because that doesn't exist as it would allow infinite spam). Instead it's an echo chamber project that applies self ownership attributes, like btc, to ones public social community. Eg if you don't like a sub/boards moderators u create your own sub/board.

>> No.58126157
File: 47 KB, 772x650, 2024-03-23 22.30.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this didn't get adoption during the API exodus, why would it now?

>> No.58126187

How many times will you make this thread?

>> No.58126419

they're selling their data to AI companies

>> No.58126427

Because it's too slow but as clients get optimized, as the IPFS gets faster and as more people seed, Plebbits gets faster (remember it's pure P2P with no https endpoints or ssl).
For the same reason there so many doge shitcoin, Pepe or Linu threads.
Why should those shitcoins get repeated threads but not plebbit? At least the latter isn't a worthless shitcoins, but offers a novel design to temper technocratic authoritarianism.

>> No.58126628
File: 76 KB, 1280x1043, A8701F1F-1B7B-43A1-9FCA-0E492E82460F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit post for potential ad drop? You decide