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58123963 No.58123963 [Reply] [Original]

EU Implements Ban on Unverified Self-Hosted Crypto Wallets, what about America?

>> No.58123971

gay psyop from bots in biz

>> No.58123984


ohhh "you´re a bot" you have not answers, but Im a bot? Fking newfags ruins this board

>> No.58124002


America is the best, we´re not pssy progress like you. Just get some MAGA so you can have american things inside you

>> No.58124009
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>> No.58124142

How is this news "chad"?

>> No.58124153
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It will happen in America too.

>> No.58124175

Nothing of relevancy is based in the EU, so any crypto law the EU implements is completely meaningless.

>> No.58124179

Why isn’t everest rising in price

>> No.58124205
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Doesnt really matter, as long as you withdraw from a cex to your wallet and put a check that the address belongs to you. You can still trade your crypto to non kyc exchanges and keep a non kyc wallet if you want to evade taxes and do whatever you want to do on dexes.

Verification not required.

>> No.58124215
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>> No.58124232

I’ve been holding for years bro if this recent tokenization news didn’t make it 5x I don’t know what will

>> No.58125991
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I hold everest and am prepared for this

You do realize most of DeFi runs on AWS and have dev teams who can be arrested right?

>> No.58126002
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How much will SBF's donations protect amerimuts?

>> No.58126005
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>> No.58126013

On its way ahahahahaha.
Hard luck crypto fags,but we all knew this was inevitable.

>> No.58126014

>EU Implements Ban on Unverified Self-Hosted Crypto Wallets
not true, retard

>> No.58126015

Never. We don't have unelected EU overlords.

>> No.58126022

and how are they going to implement it?

>> No.58126027

op is just a smooth brain. there is no ban on self-hosted wallets

>> No.58126030
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>I am now less free than before
>i get fired if i don't vax myself
>we just voted to pay more taxes
>thank god i can't own firearms

>> No.58126077
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>> No.58126129

Meanwhile I bought 2 condos in Dubai for USDT just last week lmao

>> No.58126314

Anything that the EU does is probably going to be implemented by all the G7 countries for crypto. They will be forcing everyone to KYC themselves at some point along the line.

He's only half wrong. When they impose KYC standards on all wallets, you will still be able to self host but you will have to KYC with a licensed custodian and attest that you own addresses you are using if you want access to markets within those jurisdictions.

>> No.58126329

swap whites and mexicans on the right

>> No.58126335

The decentralization meme was ran down your throat only to see you will find you will have zero privacy. Same trick works again and again.

>> No.58126457
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You do have unelected overlords

>> No.58126505

The whole point of the image is that you are delusion+live in a bad area.

>> No.58126543
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Still free. Enjoy your commie nanny state, yuropoor faggot

>> No.58126625

>you will still be able to self host but you will have to KYC with a licensed custodian
that's already the cas with cexes. you already have to pass kyc if you want to cash out crypto.
>attest that you own addresses
no. they just want to make sure you control the address that is sending funds to your account. already the case with cexes.

>> No.58126644

can you buy/sell 1100$ of +crypto with cash without kyc in the us? ... that's what i thought, so please stay in your lane murilard.

>> No.58126648
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>EU Implements Ban on Unverified Self-Hosted Crypto Wallets
never happened and EU has no such authority and there is no such thing as EU criminal code

>> No.58126660

They want wallets attested and the owners KYCed in order to interact with DEXes. Doing so will allow them to wall out sanctioned entities or anyone else they want to exclude via compliance layers. It isn't enough to KYC at the fiat on/off ramps, which they cracked down on in 2022.

>> No.58126754

>the owners KYCed in order to interact with DEXes
they cant force a dex to implement kyc on all users

>> No.58126779
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>> No.58126812

>local bitcoins blocks your path

>> No.58127011
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You can private sale anything you want in freedomland, commie faggot. Brb, going to the local farmers market to buy my Saturday usual of a dozen unregistered ar15s, raw milk, and bitcoin.

>> No.58127043

i'm talking about physical cash
you can do this in europe too retard. what you cant do is buy/sell btc for physical cash (1000$+) without kyc at ATMs because you aren't allowed too. lmao

>> No.58127381

Ask the guys who worked on Tornado Cash and are doing time what they think about that retarded statement you just made lmao, imagine thinking all dev teams of major protocols aren't doxxed and known to the authorities.

>> No.58127550

Umm are Euros really this fucking stupid?
You absolutely can buy more than 1000 at an ATM in the US you fucking Moron.

You can actually buy more but anything over 10k is reported to IRS and sometimes the treasury department. It’s just like a large cash deposit 10k and up the bank has to report the transaction. But this is about money laundering through drug dealing. It has nothing to do with crypto.
It’s amazing you fucking Eurotrash really are the most cucked niggas on the planet.
Fucking camel jockeys in the Middle East are flipping shit better than you.

Go back to your 100 square meter hovel pleb while you pay 600 euros a month for gas.

>> No.58127583
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I don't think about yuropoors at all

>> No.58127609

>You absolutely can buy more than 1000 at an ATM

>> No.58127649

Kek i was in USA last week and almost every white person i saw was a tourist from europe. Just accept your country is a smouldering bomb site.

>> No.58127703

You were in a major city because every european is literally too retarded to understand in a country bigger than the entire EU, no one wants to live in nigger filled cities and no one has to because we have actual houses instead of 300 year old brick buildings with no heating or insulation or whatever the fuck.

>> No.58127721
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>if you ignore the most populated areas of the country, then it's mostly white

>> No.58127761
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>couldn't find my serious hat Pepe

Question for EUropoors:
what further evidence do you need to believe your continent is shit?

>> No.58127767

>dev teams of major protocols aren't doxxed and known to the authorities.
there could be forks from anon devs. tornado smart contract cannot be taken down
>You absolutely can buy more than 1000 at an ATM in the US