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58120908 No.58120908 [Reply] [Original]

EU banned self custody

>> No.58120926

fucking communist rats

>> No.58120929
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That's not true.

>> No.58120937

It's funny how amerimutts need to have delusions about how EU is an oppressive state to justify living in their shit society. Keep holding those bleeding bags.

>> No.58120938
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>> No.58120943

What does this mean for us Swedenbros? Can I no longer write my keys on a piece of paper?

>> No.58120944

google it fags

>> No.58120950

>that's not your property
>t socialism

lmao, you learning yet?

>> No.58120949

Saaaaaar! Do i have to store 7 figs on chinknance now?
T. 70 iq, 200k salary

>> No.58120953

I hate the EU and living in it like you wouldn't believe

>> No.58120959

>And anonymous payments in cryptocurrencies to wallets operated by providers (hosted wallets) will be prohibited even for minimum amounts without a threshold.
you tell me what it means

>> No.58120958
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Socialism is based.

>> No.58120961
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>> No.58120969
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I love the EU and I love how it makes amerimutts and right wing schizos seethe
>t. Proud Evropean Swede

>> No.58120970

I did. This seems to be regulations on EU-based merchants not allowing payments from self hosted wallets.

1) I never used Bitcoin to pay for anything
2) You can transfer to Coinbase and then pay, if you need to pay for something
Self custody is not outlawed, it's just not allowed to be used as a medium of exchange in the financial sector without undergoing KYC first, which is fine
Create an account with KYC somewhere and transfer to it the amount you want to transact with. Needing an identity to engage in the financial world should be fine. Don't want a bunch of anons or bots manipulating financial markets, that's the bankers' task

>> No.58120976
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>> No.58120980

>t is a migrant which means he prefers "modern" Sweden over the shithole country he came from

>> No.58120989
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Came to write something similar

>> No.58120994

I have been living in EU for 9 years and all this FUD that appears here is always false lmao like they might try to do something and it never happens why are mutts so obsessed lmao

>> No.58120997

Means you have 3 years to make it before it becomes enforced. After that it's game over unless you run.

>> No.58120998

But the free healthcare!

>> No.58121006

Where you came from? Afghanistan?

>WARS captcha

>> No.58121007

Kek eurofags are speed running their dystopian techno-hellscape.

>> No.58121008

the EU just wants to make sure they get their vig on every economic transfer

>> No.58121016

3 years from now
Still not rich
>you had 3 years

>> No.58121021
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Whatever helps you cope with the fact that China and USA will force more intimate European cooperation and partnerships.
USA and China would love nothing more than a congregation of powerless small squabbling nation states that can easily be divided, controlled and conquered

>> No.58121029

I love Sweden and big titty blonde elf women and Sweden guys can be cool bros but I hate winter :(

>> No.58121039

winter is lovely.

>> No.58121044

Jupiter ascending.

>> No.58121058

Well the eu is absolute garbage, so there's that.

>> No.58121117

The law is about IRL crypto payments you dummy dums, which means that you can't buy something from a store with a non exchange/non KYC crypto wallet.

And this law won't become effective till damn 2027, because everyting in the EU takes a decade to be implemented. Not to mention that the EU literally can't stop you from making a BTC transaction in any way, they can only not allow stores to accept anon non-KYC crypto wallets. In short, nothinburger.

>> No.58121124

they banned people from remembering a number? kek retards.

>> No.58121157

Same goes for exchanges obviously, you won't be able to send crypto from an anon wallet to an exchange, in short from 2027 onwards every wallet which interacts with your exchange account will have to be identified as yours or from someone else, just not anon.

>> No.58121176


this FUD is getting old. they are banning custodial anonymity services. they cannot ban custodial wallets. what are they going to do get interpol to start raiding 13y/os bedrooms for JEWSDID911 tokens?

remember the cypher punk manifesto bros

>> No.58121183

Sounds like a new era of DeFI is ahead of us, if exchanges implement this they are going to get fucked in the ass

>> No.58121192

>custodial anonymity services
What do you think that means for lightning network?

>> No.58121196

holy fuck man can they be any more annoying. I might really just have to move outside of the E.U

>> No.58121215

that it's on track to stay legal since it centralizes transactions on a blockchain that is already 100% traceable unless your coins came from a block reward and went straight into a fresh wallet

>> No.58121221

There's no "if" they will implement this, same like they had to implement KYC for pretty much every major exchange now.

Also newsflash: most exchanges already track the wallets you use to send to your exchange account and identify them as yours. Which is why when you suddenly use a different unrelated wallet they often do various security checks to make sure it's still you.

>> No.58121222

i lost my keys to my monero wallet in a boating accident sir.

>> No.58121227

i shoved my trezor up my ass and couldnt get it back out. im too ashamed to go to a doctor. it's probably digested by now. i am the blockchain

>> No.58121231

so you are saying i should keep a few of these so called "KYC"/known/approved wallets for in the future. got it.

>> No.58121236

So that would out coin mixers like whirlpool on the chopping block?

>> No.58121287

If you're currenly using any major exchange you're pretty much there yes. It's literally just about the wallet interacting with your exchange/store, no one can possibly ban using and creating anon wallets in general nor can they stop private user to user transactions

>> No.58121522

>EU banned self custody
this is completely fake news

>> No.58121542


>> No.58121583
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Are they fucking retarded? How is it even possible for crypto to exist without self hosted wallets. Fucking morons.


>> No.58122070

>The regulation would prohibit companies from offering anonymous accounts. Yet in response to crypto industry advocates, lawmakers changed the onerous language that would prohibit firms from offering self-hosted wallets, which are managed by individuals instead of commercial ventures.

>Still, the parliament is pushing to limit the amount merchants are allowed to accept from self-hosted wallets without involving a licensed crypto firm at €1,000. A breach would result in penalties.
All major centralized exchanges are licensed crypto firms. It sucks for the prospects of DeFi, but would change literally nothing in the current situation. Services like Coinbase Pay etc. would still work for payments, which is what merchants are using right now regardless

>> No.58122113

So as a merchant you're still good under €1000. What about converting to fiat?

>> No.58122138

If you don't own a self-hosted wallet (a.k.a. private keys) you don't own your crypto, retard. DeFi is just a way to organize transactions between private wallets.
>Services like Coinbase Pay
Surely you will be able to pay them, just you will own no fucking crypto.

>> No.58122179

if they implement this law as it is, it will be the end of crypto in Europe.
You will be allowed to own only pseudo crypto notes in your cex account which makes zero sense at all because crypto is about freedom of transactions.
There will be a separate crypto market outside of retarded Eurocucks though, they cannot enforce this in the whole world.

>> No.58122182

This law doesn't stop you from owning a wallet, no law can do that. It's only banning using anonymous wallets with KYC exchanges and stores without first identifying those wallets as yours. And not even that goes live till 2027.

Reading comprehension please.

>> No.58122199

You are the retarded one here anon, try actually reading beyond clickbait headlines.

>> No.58122212

>without first identifying those wallets as yours
Could you cite the exact line of the legislative proposal, please. It looks like you are just coping.

>> No.58122251

Well what's the point of holding crypto in a wallet if I can't use it ,retard? They basically force you to kyc somewhere down the line. 1984 was nothing . And 2027 is right around the corner. Hellow El salvador,here I come

>> No.58122275

>how EU is an oppressive state
As someone living in an EU country I can confirm. You should check their misinformation/disinformation site.

The main problem is that where the US supreme court refuses to derive "positive" obligations from human rights, the EU is more than happy to justify government oppression using said positive obligations to subvert the original purpose of human rights.

>> No.58122297

You can use coinbase pay to mediate a transaction between your hardware wallet and the merchant

>> No.58122306
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Literally pic related lol

>> No.58122315

Read it for yourself, it's all about CASPs (crypto asset service providers), not about individuals since you quite literally can't stop an invidividual form owning or creating a wallet. Everything I said is factual.
You can use it, no one can stop you from using a wallet. They can only stop you from using an exchange or buying from a store with an anon wallet unless you identify it first, essentially you can't cash out without KYC, as it already is the case.

>> No.58122318

maybe you can find something here
just cntrl+F self-hosted

>> No.58122328

You can just "click accept" when the exchange asks if this self custodized wallet is your wallet

>> No.58122331

Yeah. But it's possible to have kyced wallets, then send tokens to a monero-gateway to get them unkyced, then sell the XMR for new tokens and send them a fresh unkyced wallet. If you want to cash out, use again the gateway to send your coin to your kyc-wallet.

And maybe big chains will adopt XMR-tech. But in amy case, people will be able to see the interaction between your kyc-wallet and the gateway.

>> No.58122344
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>> No.58122352

Basically this.

Like everyone was crying how the EU will make you write out entire forms before you visit any site because of GDPR, in the end it's literally just you clicking "Accept" and that's it lol

>> No.58122358

The bill includes a ban on monero so good luck with cashing out

>> No.58122375

>essentially you can't cash out without kyc as it already is the case

Yes I can . Not telling you how. But it will definitely be more difficult from 2027. Fucking commie cucks

>> No.58122396

>He thinks this is about the inconvenience of kyc.

Go back to sleep

>> No.58122411

Most major exchanges already have full KYC. I guess you can do it with buttraping fees from various BTC ATMs, good luck ever buying a house or anything of any worth that way

>> No.58122425

Where did I say that? Stop making shit up

>> No.58122444

>prepaid cards
Something like this

>> No.58122457

You can buy cash and gold and shit for XMR on the danknet.

>> No.58122466

Who said anything about buying houses or cars? Your opinion was invalidated by mine,simple as.

You said that,read again but slowly this time.

>> No.58122467

You should just kill yourself.

>> No.58122481

You said that, read again but slowly this time

>> No.58122523

Ah! the same place where my friend bought those fake Euro bills that get accepted by all stores. Why not offramp there as well

>> No.58122526

>no u

I wasn't expecting more so fair enough and no I never mentioned buying a house or car with crypto.

>> No.58122551

No Euro looks like that

>> No.58122583

And I never mentioned that this is about the inconvenience of kyc

>> No.58122640

i hope putin turns the eu into a nuclear wasteland

>> No.58122646

I'm from the EU and I tell you it's literally a CCP tier organisation filled with geriatric commie boomers from the 60s-80s who are now getting more and more frustrated because the youth is increasingly right wing.

I expect censorship to increase until there is a tipping point and revolution.

>> No.58122678

>You can just "click accept" when the exchange asks if this self custodized wallet is your wallet

That's an insta kyc if you send from kyc exchange which they all are/will be.

>> No.58122701

Cuckmetro already does this btw

>> No.58122734

Exactly. And I repeat, most exchanges already track the wallets you use to send to your exchange account and identify them as yours. Which is why when you suddenly use a different unrelated wallet they often do various security checks to make sure it's still you.
After all major exchanges went the KYC route anyone who thought that they could still coast on "just use less than 0.1 BTC per day bro" limitations forever is a moron.

>> No.58122751

kek why do EU threads always get so much attention from the mutts even when board is fucking dead are u guys good

>> No.58122809

That doesn't make sense, every wallet is anonymous by definition before it gets linked to an exchange.

>> No.58122810

Anonomous self custody, you can still use the hundreds of other KYC self custody wallets

>> No.58122859

please remove us from the picture

>> No.58122866

Yes and then you will have to identify it as yours when you link it first time with an exchange.

>> No.58122871

i understand. the bitcoin i sent from coinbase to my private wallet will be flagged safe. i should make a few more of these wallets for other coins for the future.

>> No.58122889

>most exchanges track the wallet you used and identify them as yours

I don't believe that,give me a source or proof.I've sent crypto plenty of times to different friends that have zero connection to exhanges or kyc,it would be idiotic for them to assume those wallets are mine and it wouldn't stand in court. Anyway I already know how to go around this bullshit communist law.

>> No.58122903

You will be able to identify any wallet as yours (if it is yours) in the future as well. It would just be smart to not connect any kind of Tornado cash related wallet with your exchange wallet, such things.

>> No.58122907
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>still coping when you can't cash out metals properly without KYC
Reminder the error 500 meme comes from /pmg/ thinking an email from a scammer was real.

>> No.58122911

they do probably set up a database doing these links. but it will be a decade in the future before they start sharing this data with other juristrictions. anyway there will be KYC-coin-network and NONKYC-coin-network. the only thing this facilitates is a bigger black market (NON KYC MARKET)

>> No.58122925

nah. When I want to go anon there's some monero hops. usually it starts with monero.

>> No.58122945

We had free healthcare before the EU
EU is just another form of judaic communism. The jews control the USA, the jews control the EU

>> No.58122947

how to go around them? i am total noob with all of this and even the idea of this makes me want to vomit. help an noob out

>> No.58122957

Hi there agent ursula von der commie

>> No.58122982
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>> No.58122983

of course if you're some 4 figure poorfag sending around pocket change no one gives a shit and barely anyone asks for any security checks, but if you ever tried to send any kind of substantial amount of money from an exchange you'd know this to be true

>> No.58123020

>he doesn't have a source
>he doesn't know how to do it

Yeah,I rest my case.

>> No.58123041
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Who need EU when you can play GRAVITY and get uSd. Fk frenchs

>> No.58123047
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Eu is bigger tan France anon

>> No.58123061

Cope harder, lol.

>> No.58123085

Yeah bro exchanges don't put all your wallets into a connected cluster of wallets and have your entire transaction history ready to be exported to any law based higher up entity if needed, exchanges are just le good guys providing a public good am i rite

At least I hope you use DEXs

>> No.58123122


>he doesn't know

>> No.58123299

when will people wake up and realize they don't want you to have any wealth whatsoever

>> No.58123386

>To cooperate we have to undermine the nation state
Wasn't the case in the USA during the 1800s and not the case in Europe prior to 1990 (EU)
Doesn't have to be like this, but you don't know better because you came here from fucking Baghdad in 2011

>> No.58123470

old news and won't be applied before next year

>> No.58123565
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came to post this

>> No.58123575

lol actually laughed. now feel sad i am not the commie jew nosed agent

>> No.58123834

How do you think cooperation works? Its by definition an undermining of the nation state
Just like how a federal state undermines the local state
Or the local state undermines the village state
Or the villge state undermines the family state
Or the family state undermines the individual state

When people cooperate its about concessions for everyones collective benefit, thats the point. And increased European cooperation is not an if, its a must

>> No.58124888

Didn't know Russia, Belarus and Ukraine were in the EU.

>> No.58125287

Russia will nuke us before it gets implemented so it does not matter.

>> No.58125516

they just do use chainanalysis to do a quick scan of the previous transactions. if you receive funds from flagged addresses they may block your funds once it hits the exchange

>> No.58125550
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>be Europoor
>Not legally allowed to use your own property to barter

>> No.58125571

we live rentfree in their heads for some reason
I reckon its because most "americans" nowadays are actually shitskins

>> No.58125728
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It's not banned, just tied to your DID.
It's on chain so you like it, right anon?

>> No.58126995
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This will just force people into evading tax to avoid detection for legitimate purchases like darknet users for drugs.

>> No.58127015
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>Keep holding those bleeding bags.
Most of those bags are your ticket to financial gains. I just doubled down on my QANX stack after seeing it's getting adopted by an EU country. I'm following the smart money trail. That's how you play the game, anon.

>> No.58128558

another day, another murican fud thread
this just makes me want to cash out go to canada and just have some bags on btc and ssnc left for once btcfi becomes bullish af and you all start shitting and pissing about it