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58120254 No.58120254 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow wagies, what's the biggest mishap you've had happen at work?

I think I ruined like 5k worth of product and when I come in on Monday, I'll be fired.

>> No.58120345

I slept in over an hour after I was supposed to

>> No.58120598

I tore a bumper off a car with my work trucks retractable legs

>> No.58120635

Used the wrong lids on 300.000 cans

>> No.58120664
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sounds like you need to be more vigilant don't sweat it though mistakes happen if it makes you feel better i got an entire shipment of soda wrong because i put the wrong lids on 300000 cans but it all worked out in the end the company wrote me a huge bonus check once i explained myself so don't be too hard on yourself champ keep your chin up it'll all work out in the end $spurdo

>> No.58120672

That’s what insurance is for. You’ll be okay as long as you’ve HR on your side, so that’s you fucked

>> No.58120679

almost killed my ex boss

>> No.58120684
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oh well you see it all worked out in the end he was honest and it made him a better person because he learnt from his mistake so there's no reason to be too hard on yourself and then his company rewarded him with a huge bonus check it's like those inspirational stories about the man who got arrested for stealing bread to feed his family but then someone donated billions of dollars and they all lived happily ever after $spurdo

>> No.58120712
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oh well you see it all worked out in the end he was honest and it made him a better person because he learnt from his mistake so there's no reason to be too hard on yourself and then his company rewarded him with a huge bonus check it's like those inspirational stories about the man who got arrested for stealing bread to feed his family but then someone donated billions of dollars and they all lived happily ever after also my 10ft cock was so huge i broke this mans moms bed so he is literally not even a man anymore it was totally worth $spudro

>> No.58120714

My personal biggest fuckup was probably when I was still a teenager and they made me shift manager at the Sonic fast food I worked at. I thought that meant I had freedom to manage as I saw fit so I brought an Xbox to work and hooked it up to a monitor and let people play it while things were slow if they got their tasks done for the day as a reward. The store manager didn’t like that and thought I should be sending people home if there wasn’t enough work. I got demoted after that.

>> No.58120716

Working in construction, I ran over and killed a dude with a steam roller. He was doing a drain cover. I almost got done for manslaughter, but they left me off since he shouldn't have been working on the road that day. I work in finance now.

>> No.58120723
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as a grocery shelf stocker, i was using a forklift to get a pallet of water from the backroom top shelf but was too jerky with the controls and the water cases fell and almost killed someone

that combined with complaining to the team lead that there was nothing to do every few hours and i was fired after 2 weeks

thank goodness crypto worked out im not good at real work

>> No.58120736

didn't fix a JEET java app on a customer server that stopped working under 4 hours and then my company had to pay a 70k fine. fucking jeets with their bug code. I quit devops not much later after. fuck computers, fuck coding. fuck devops. I wish I had a homestead and was a goat cheese maker.

>> No.58120740
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this whole
is fake and gay like you and the rest of these 4chan poors you actually are supposed to be working but instead you are all wasting your time on a stupid thread on 4chan about mistakes at work lmao $spurdo is a better use of your time than doing whatever job you have now maybe then you will actually have enough money to retire and not be forced to work till youre dead and your wife divorces you for not being successful enough

>> No.58120746

fuck off bot this is a decent thread eat shit and die

>> No.58120758

You are right, in reality I have and always will be a loser programmer. The worst mistake I've made at work is asking a coworker out and getting rejected.

>> No.58120776
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i have never had the audacity or unearned confidence to ask a coworker out and get rejected as i am not a poor beta who spends his miserable time on a loser chan and $spurdo is the only way out of this endless spiral of poverty there is hope for you though buy $spurdo today or you will never get the opportunity to ask a coworker out and get rejected again

>> No.58120794

>ruined 5k worth of product
what did you do anon? maybe you can blame it on someone else

>> No.58120804

big-ish (100-200 hp) motor that drove a blower kept tripping offline due to over-pressure in the blower. boomer machine operator was annoyed that he had to keep getting up out of his chair and hitting the reset button, so he jammed the button in with a razor blade. worked fine for an hour until the blower lost all pressure. the belts on the pulley had melted, $1k down the drain. maintenance fixed it, started back up. belts were misaligned and they melted again, another $1k down the drain -- plus a total of like 1 hour of downtime which was probably $100k.

no one got fired because no one told management about the reset button being jammed in. kek.

>> No.58120822

I work at a bike store. I was tired and got distracted by a customer while assembling an expensive e-bike (about $6000). Bike fell, got scuffed pretty bad and some parts were broken. I think it got sent back to the manufacturer, but I don't know what happened. Boss wasn't happy but wasn't mad either.

>> No.58120823
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listen anon i don't really wanna be a downer right now but that sucks really bad i don't even know what product you work with that could be worth $5k and not be very big that's honestly ridiculous but i would say that instead of trying to blame someone else you could just come clean and admit to the mistake it's not like you meant to do it anyway right and plus if you're cool and honest they might not even be that mad and if you do actually get fired at least you're better off cause that's a stupid boss anyway

>> No.58120827

Accidentally deleted a table from prod instead of dev.
Tried to fix it and added date from the api.
Turns out it had historic data as well.
Other wagie found out outside of the backup date range.
Oopsie woopsie

>> No.58120864

green tex the story anon

>> No.58120869

HR is never on your side you retarded Zoomer

>> No.58120883

>Accidentally deleted a table from prod instead of dev.

diversity hire, i'm a diversity hire too, but atleast im not retarded.

>> No.58120886

I worked for a truck manufacturing company on the production line for like half a year
Theres like 200 stations in the end stage factory, if any of the stations make a mistake the line stops, so basically no one works until its rectified. So if for example if at one of the stations someone fucks up by assembling the wrong part and the line moves forward where its noticed afterwards, they have to stop the production line to fix the mistake
It takes about 8 minutes for before they move the truck to the next station.
I was at one of the very last stations before its finished, installing the front grills
We got a list every half an hour or so with which grill to install, and they were brought to us in order. I somehow messed up and skipped a truck so I kept installing the last trucks grill on the next grill. This wasnt noticed until like 6 stations after us. That meant 6 trucks had the wrong grill and the stations after us made my mistake even harder to fix since they make swapping the grill harder
I dont remember exactly what happened but it was like a 4 hour stoppage to fix all those trucks before the line could go on as normal.
Each truck is worth like $200k so yea, pretty costly. Was let go the month after

>> No.58120889

i'm a sperg and everyone in the office hates me

>> No.58120909

I signed contracts worth about 30 million dollars which are basically invalid due to me not knowing all the 1000 pages of laws and regulatory bullshit but the government haven’t noticed it in the last 6 years yet but I am thinking about killing myself everyday.

>> No.58120956
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When I first started as a bus driver, I turned down a no through road by mistake and had to do a three point turn to get out (with passengers on board).

Unfortunately I reversed into a tree and fucked up the rear of the bus. That was not a fun day.

Pretty minor accident. Some of the other drivers have accidents like pic related or this:

>> No.58120962

>fired over a pittance like $5k
What garbage industry are you in?

>> No.58120973

Story time.

>> No.58121641
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>what's the biggest mishap you've had happen at work?
I called the CEO and one of the project managers "useless" in company wide telegram chat because they were being trash and deserved it

I was laid off later that spring

>> No.58121757

so the person with brains, enough to start a business, left the retard to secure the safety of $5000 - and you fucked it up? How could this have happened.

>> No.58121796

i was showed up 3 hours late without calling because i slept in. i walked in right in the middle of an unplanned meeting with my managers manager and our whole team. turned out to be a net win because it was an absolute bullshit meeting i didn't need to be there for, so i didn't miss any work and the company didn't have to pay me to stand around and kiss someones ass

>> No.58121798

seen plenty of $100-250,000 cards get dropped on the ground

>> No.58121802

i slammed my bosses leg in a car door by accident and permanently btfo his knee.

also once started a massive fire at work when nobody else was around and just barely got it under control before it spread to the walls, i expended so many fire extinguishers that you can find a thick layer of yellow dust on pretty much every surface of the warehouse even several years later

>> No.58122756

That shit happens. That's why every network administrator in America should have backups every 12 hours.

>> No.58122773

This is true, unless of course a critical mass of the HR roasties have unrequited sexual feelings towards you. Something I'd urge all my fellow anons to develop.

>> No.58122835

I knew we didn't validate an initiative enough despite issues, and didn't push back hard enough to convince my department to pause rollout.
That would mean overtime, and I hate overtime.