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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58114293 No.58114293 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here Luckychads.
How are you feeling today?
Dogshelter donations soon
Main currency of dogfight gambling soon

>> No.58114350

Sudoku soon fellow baggie

>> No.58114374

Its insane how lucky refuses to die

>> No.58114463

two words
breeding machine

>> No.58114580

A90E save us brother

>> No.58114601

sorry lucky bros i'm like all in LINK and AVI as of a week+ ago :( I still read your TG though and miss you guys even though you'll never know who I really was in the TG. Yes I was there. Yes I played along not knowing who 'a90e' was the whole time. Yes I'm a HUGE fucking faggot.
I seriously like some of you all though a lot. If you can afford the losses, just keep pushing. Don't give up, please.

>> No.58114613

and if you do figure out who I am in the TG, don't expose me.

>> No.58114651

We don't plan on giving up! We'll revive again and pump when the market is ready!

>> No.58114662

and if i by some chance do sell some of my AVI or link (I currently don't plan to) I will most likely put it back into LUCKY. I'll prove I'm a90e too by sending a donation right now to your community funds. GL bros. Not sending a lot, because the dip has rekt me 30-35 grand.

>> No.58114694 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58114727
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Holy shit bro... It's really you...
When was the last time you were in the tg? And how fucking loaded are you?

>> No.58114757 [DELETED] 
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Hopefully the market heals soon but we do really appreciate you!

>> No.58114766

Well I work from home for my actual career and I'm on /biz/ daily. I usually read your TG multiple times a day lol

>> No.58114891

fuck you nigger

>> No.58114932 [DELETED] 
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Checked and based
Don't hate on a90e lol

>> No.58114947

Checked and based
Don't hate on a90e!

>> No.58115138

a90e is a little bitch anon don't defend that retard

>> No.58115253
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Why won't you fucking scamming jeets put this scam coin in the pet cemetery. Fucking shit man, you fuckers are as persistent as the jeets I get calling me every fucking day tryna sell me "tech sowort", "mowhile phonez" and "dubble glazing". Fuck man.

>> No.58115312

Do you have anything better to do than to call Lucky a scam? That's long been played out fren. You sound like a broken record.

>> No.58115346

It's over for Lucky, aside from a few final exit pumps.
Such encouraging words from someone uninvested..oh wait you never completely left and you're giving hopium to get your remaining money out.
This entire pump may have been driven by 1 or two people, in fact the bulk of the volume came from newly created wallets. 81A3 owns 1.73% of the supply and has another 0.5% scattered over dozens of wallets he's sent funds to. If I had to guess, "A90E" and 81A3 are the same person, or working closely together. Even this "raj" person the community blames for rugging them may even be the same person, it's all smoke and mirrors.
If you're still in, count your losses and move on. There are no original developers or team, it is a dead token that is orchestrated by 1 or 2 people.

>> No.58115390
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I have time to call you a street shitting scammer. This shit is a rug pull, jeet. You turd world fuckers have no moral compass, you have no soul, you have no empathy, you're empty scammers looking to scam the desperate and the retarded.
I absolutely will not stop until you scamming fuckers are broke and dead.

>> No.58115409

Stay on you meds please. 81a3c and a90e are two different people. I know exactly who 1a3c is in the tg and he doesn't even hide it. a90e I can only guess because he's like the Batman in the tg.

>> No.58115426

If I were a scammer I wouldn't have given money to people who got rugged bad from Apu. But believe as you will anon. Not everyone is bad in the world like you.

>> No.58115453

You ARE a scammer, jeet. The reason you're doing this shit is you need your money back from the failed cerberus scam you tired to pull.
That's the ONLY reason your doing this. You wouldn't be doing shit like this if you'd pulled off the other scams you got running.

>> No.58115465

its already dead look at the chart. Best time to buy though.

>> No.58115498

I don't need the money. If I did I would've pulled out when my wallet did the 100x and was worth over 100k. I want all of biz to make it

>> No.58115635

Look how desperate you, sitting in this thread replying to every justified critique within moments, all the while pretending it's not about the money. Not only are you guy's shameless with your shilling, you aren't even good at it. Maybe you could have kept the scheme going if you actually managed to attract investors. Amateurs.

>> No.58115660

look how desperate you are, sitting in this thread replying to every justified response to your retarded fud within moments, all while pretending its not about dumping the price even more so you can buy in.

If you didntnt care about lucky you wouldnt shit up every lucky thread with fud.

>> No.58115712

you are way too invested in a coin you supposedly dont hold and care about. sad tiny penis energy seeps off you because you're mad you'll never pleasure a female in real life and so you go online and rage on some coin becuase it didnt make you millions or you were priced out like a poor poopjeet from your country india.

>stupid stinky ugly jeet
>off you go to poo poo street
>no more baseless fud today
>thrown off building cuz your gay

>> No.58115715

Oh boohoo. Whatever will I do if my $150 that I put in at 47k disappears. Boohoohoo

>> No.58115756
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There’s no “fix” it is just an observation of reality, lucky erased 80% of its market cap in 2 days with no volume at the bottom. Oh and look at your telegram, my fucking sides!

>> No.58115976

My fucking sides that you keep bumping a thread for a dead coin. Thanks for saving us money, bruh

>> No.58116574

He's an undercover fren who's just embarrassed to say he believes in us. He's a tsundere!

>> No.58116592

>Hates coin
>Stalks tg

>> No.58116627

A90e is a faggot swingie with 10k total net worth

>> No.58116671
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lol holy shit you loser not only do you claim you dont like the coin and arent invested but now you're camping the telegram like a virgin camping his obsessions yard window. get a grip clown

>> No.58117948

His wallet is on the blockchain you know.

>> No.58118047

How are you feeling frens?

>> No.58118117

Still believe in the cause

>> No.58118379

I plan on making some cheeky memes this weekend, don't give up on this bagfrens. This is the best dog coin since HOGE. YGMI

>> No.58118437

Thanks fren, the biggest holders aren't giving up yet

>> No.58118502

I still believe
From 6k to $900 but i still believe

>> No.58118525
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The fact that lucky hasn’t died yet gives me hope it never will. Not selling anytime soon. Good things are in the works in the tg. I still feel lucky bros

>> No.58118616

Lucky is like a phoenix. Even if it burns, it will rise again from the ashes

>> No.58118659
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my same thoughts on vinu, despite it all, after all this time, it's still here, still standing and fighting in these hard times, refusing to give up
it made me get my first x7 and i will do my best to make give the favor back

>> No.58118666

*to give back the favor

feels like i had a stroke

>> No.58118719
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Dedicated communities will always succeed. We wish you the best fren. You should still buy a bag of lucky though

>> No.58118767
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>> No.58119279

He is truly legendary

>> No.58120292

I can't believe this is still up.

>> No.58120303

I was just gonna make a post telling lucky holders to post more and stop being such idle nerds that cant keep threads alive.

>> No.58120576

We need some more active biz posters and Twitter users sadly.

>> No.58120597

it gets so dead on here at certain hours like the whole telegram is asleep or something. only person I see talking in the tg right now is rei. do you guys seriously not have anyone for the 3am to 8am hours?

>> No.58120653

For what timezone exactly? If EST then no we don't ever really have people in the tg at that time.

>> No.58121073

I feel like once eth starts picking up again lucky will explode

>> No.58122327
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Exactly why i bought more during this dip. We’ll crab here for a bit and then moon. If you want that 100x you gotta get in now

>> No.58122353

Dont think its going to explode like that but x5-10 short term are realistic.

>> No.58122399
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>> No.58122432

You sure about that?
My wallets

>> No.58122440

Yup this dump was a prime chance to buy the dip and stack at a discount price. I dont know luckys future but I do know that this coin refuses to die and keeps on truckin and that has my attention. Only other coin that has a similar path with bad luck and refusing to die is Hokk. But stack while the chance is good.
sitting very comfy

>> No.58122459

Just because someone doesn't have a stake in the coin doesn't mean they can't support it as well. Skitzo posting saying I'm some other wallet or the multiple wallets referred on this thread is funny though. You realize you can see exactly the first transaction I made on both wallets that I actually own. The newer one is just a hardware wallet I wanted to bury my stinkies in.

>> No.58122544

based, enjoy your gains senpai

>> No.58122550
File: 36 KB, 773x607, DB2B8934-F229-42DF-81A3-4DFB5DC706DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogshelter donations soon
lol soon soon soon soon soon lmao
>Main currency of dogfight gambling soon
this 100% counters the “dog shelter” narrative. Is every single lucky holder a brown fucking retard? Serious question

>> No.58122564

Undi r hold any but I'm still involved in tg, I wanna see them make it and I'll grab a small bag when that happens. There brainstorming has been awesome and I have a good feeling they'll pull something off.

>> No.58122589

not sure what you mean by the first part but agreed, i'll also pick up a bag once they get traction not because I don't believe in lucky as of now, but my swings hurt it more than helping. So I'd rather stay out for a while. Once that mcap stabilizes at around 10M (which it will, I believe at least) I'll end up getting in 'late' again.
thanks buddy

>> No.58122593

I don't hold any but I'm still involved in tg, I wanna see them make it and I'll grab a small bag when that happens. There brainstorming has been awesome and I have a good feeling they'll pull something off

>> No.58122616

They just randomly decided they were going to base the token around supporting dogshelters and made it the entire identity of the coin despite doing literally fuckall except lose money hand over fist. Why not skip the losing part and just donate it directly to the shelters instead of buying this shitcoin? I dont give a flying fuck if 10 billion pitbulls get exterminated, what does that have to do with me making gains? The people making decisions on this token are perhaps the most incompetent people I have ever seen,

>> No.58122635

>I dont give a flying fuck if 10 billion pitbulls get exterminated, what does that have to do with me making gains?
You aren't going to make it with that kind of attitude. Better off you get the fuck out of this coin right now because LUCKY saves dogs and that's that. Your gains will come but not with that nasty ass attitude, bud.

>> No.58122672

You have not saved shit you fucking idiot. Not one single dollar has gone to dogs. Its just gone to Borislav who lives Latvia or wherever the fuck as the scalp you over and over. You idiots have been talking about dog shelters for weeks and you have done NOTHING except “look into it”. You are liars and all you care about is optics but are too dumb to realize that nobody gives a FUCK about donating money to feed pitbull #97782849 who will live its entire miserable life in a cage before being exterminated to reduce overcrowding.

>> No.58122689

sup gian

>> No.58122699

Why is it when something doesn't happen overnight or in a week people just lose their shit? it's the same shit with AVI. So many retards "OH it didn't happen overnight?! no 100000% gain overnight?! SCAM!"
Fuck off dude. LUCKY has a plan and you are not going to be apart of it.

>> No.58122718

I dont know or care anything about avi, we are talking about your shitcoin that does nothing but lose people money and how you are all pathetic snakes that make up lies about helping charity as a means to pump your bags. You are literal scum that would prey on peoples good intentions just to make another buck.

>> No.58122719

Lmao. Gian is so emotional. Did he leave the tg? Or just stop menstruating?

>> No.58122737

That's not me, I'm still in the tg but I sold my stack
if I see a real community forming and some real movement/plans I'll buy back in and shill it again
I love you guys, this is one of the rare memecoins where the people running it are actually good and honest but you just suck at organization and community making, as such my money is better put elsewhere

>> No.58122755

is this gian? did you leave the tg lil baby? every time I look in the tg you're crying and whining like a baby about something. such an emotional toddler.

>> No.58122763

no, I'm gian, I don't have that vitriol and hatred in me
I'm someone who puts his soul into things, so when the feeling is not reciprocated I just pull out or try to change the situation
unfortunately with these guys it was like talking to a wall, good people but absolute noobs in this space

>> No.58123330

Hey be nice to Gian guys, he might be emotional but he's also been a big supporter trying to keep our telegram alive and making donations.

>> No.58123364

You're right. Dick move on my part. I'll delete comment.

>> No.58123455

We're planning to run ads on moontok once zhe market starts pumping again so we get the chinese on our side

>> No.58123478
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They’re low time preference jeets. So many examples of coins with a dedicated community experiencing a period of stagnation and then exploding when their plans come to fruition. Fudders left behind, the lucky man marches on.

>> No.58123568

Amelia Anna where are you my butterfly. With you my princess lucky can’t fail. You are the lucky goddess and I’m going to marry you after we moon. :*

>> No.58123670

We should do it before that or goyim will think were dead.

>> No.58123759

Im 100% sure she isnt interested

>> No.58124016
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People really fall in love when all they saw was a female name huh

>> No.58124199

linu has simps for some chick and now lucky has one for amelia. hilarious and pathetic.

>> No.58124267

We won't let it spread though don't worry

>> No.58124810

Nobody is simping in our telegram, I think it's just a joke.

>> No.58124895

pay attention to the words on your screen

>> No.58125189
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luckychads on top

>> No.58125190

Luckily for the people in my family who have a very good relationship they are not just friends and family and they have everything in terms that I want and they have the ability of to be friends and I am a good friend to everyone that is a good person to them so that I can be a better friend to them I have to say that I have to keep myself in the same position I have to be a better man and I have a better chance to make friends and I can make a good friend and I have no problems and you know that I can do have a lot more so that is what I’m not just $LUCKY

>> No.58125206

What are you talking about

>> No.58125232

People on /biz/ actually still buy apu instead of coins that actually have a shot at mooning

>> No.58125259

Why dont you just donate directly to an animal shelter instead of trusting Ranjeesh from Hyderabad to do it with his made up dog currency?

>> No.58125303
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Because with Lucky, we can build a bigger audience for the problem. We're still brainstorming how it will work exactly. But what is sure is that at the very least the reflections will put more money into the community wallet, which we can then donate

>> No.58125656

Go read LINU's tg and get back to me. We are not the same.

>> No.58126202

nah I dont wanna be in that lame tg just to watch a bunch of losers orbit some female. im sure you're one of the simps getting defensive over your tg female.

>> No.58126233

Oof, it dumped hard. We can recover, r-right?

>> No.58126242

it'll recover give it time.

>> No.58126403

Expect it to crab for a bit and hold. The pump will come

>> No.58126426

I'll hold alright. There's no point selling now.

>> No.58126459

You won't make a loss if you don't sell fren

>> No.58126510

Fuck you for ruining tosa inu

>> No.58126529

Tosa inu was revived and ruined by the exact same person

>> No.58126764
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You won’t be disappointed friend

>> No.58127264

There wouldn't have been a revival in the first place if it wasn't for him. In his post he explicitly said you could sell before him.

What's cooking?

>> No.58127552

Didn't he sell late with Tosa? I know I sold after he did (I still made x3 profit) but he sold when it started crashing down by paperhands.

>> No.58128316

I mean, a90e clearly wants to help the coin, even though he's a bit faggy sometimes

>> No.58129868

I cannot believe they allowed our general to live this long.

>> No.58129938

Lucky can't be killed.

>> No.58130348

Amelia Anna…..

>> No.58130360

kek another simp for amelia

>> No.58130409

Anna-chan daisuki da yo UwU

>> No.58130465
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>> No.58130632

Hello sers wen price go up?

>> No.58130674

On Monday kind sir
Insider here

>> No.58131059
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wake up lucky holders its another day with the coin

>> No.58131076

I heard CEX listing will be promptly acceptance saars.
Pls to be byed more off Lucky saars. Maximum power of investments saars.

>> No.58131318

People will say Lucky is a scam anf buy into a rugpull right after

>> No.58131742

Apu > all

>> No.58131902

This guy enjoys getting scammed

>> No.58132292

Whales buying let’s gooo

>> No.58133069

A-Amelia-tan?…. >.<

>> No.58133108

Let's not become linu guys

>> No.58133538

you simps are creepy

>> No.58134318

I'm financially bored but the bigger buys are stoking hope

>> No.58135020

Feeling pretty fuckin lucky boys.

>> No.58135033

Aaaaaand we’re back

>> No.58135082


>> No.58135187

Moon is back on the menu boys

>> No.58135286

I feel like it's deja vu from what I was posting a few weeks ago, but even if you don't want to buy, drop by and chat with us...

>> No.58135338

Swingies get the rope !

>> No.58135479

Once the market starts going up again Lucky will pump so hard

>> No.58135618
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s cooking?
Dog shelter donations and partnerships, a lot more ads on moontok and biz, etc. Lucky has an unkillable community and refuses to stop. We’re constantly cooking in the tg and anybody can come and give their input fren, Luckyinu_Portal (no s at the end that’s a jeet bot group)

>> No.58135633

Been an honour sharing the trenches with you all. Cant wait to see what the next few weeks bring

>> No.58135711

Well, what's the sui stack on lucky?

>> No.58135719

100 trilly

>> No.58135771

What's you're reasoning? At this low mcap, shouldn't that be the make it?

>> No.58135796

The consensus seems to be 10t sui, 100t make it

>> No.58135902

this anon is right >>58135796

>> No.58135926

Not to fud my own bag, but I seriously doubt my 50T will be enough to half-make it, especially considering how little it's worth now.

>> No.58135945

Anon, do mathh, how much would your bag be in USD if this shit does a 500x? It won't be 8 figures, but it will certainly be high 6 figures which is pretty fucking good from a few hundred dollars.

>> No.58136081

Feeling bullish bros, the charts looking very green. Lucky has already proven we’ll survive through any dump so im optimistic

>> No.58136875

Lucky never dies

>> No.58136880

We're too Lucky to die.

>> No.58137887

We'll get back to a mil soon, and after that, the sky's the limit

>> No.58137893

Elmer come on back if you ever check the general!

>> No.58137922

I avoided the casino last cycle what's the tldr, was this last cycles APU?

>> No.58138083

With last cycle do you mean 2021 or a few weeks ago? In both cases, no, Lucky is it's own thing. The coin exists since a few years, but has been revived recently with the goal of donating to dog shelters

>> No.58138603

Nice 40% up today. Godcandle soon.

>> No.58138761

it’s only exponential from here. fudders don’t know what’s coming

>> No.58139370

Nice digits. No, it's a dog coin and apu is a frog coin.

>> No.58139412

Luckychads new ath this week.
t. insider

>> No.58139561


>> No.58139620

in the telegram chilling.

>> No.58140293

Back to 700k and climbing!

>> No.58140681

I spoke too soon. 800k and counting.

>> No.58140695


>> No.58141446

10x soon bros

>> No.58141876

Get in whales are cooming

>> No.58141941

1mil mc soon and than we’re going to explode Kobe tg is going to join soon

>> No.58141949

Let’s fucking GOOOOOOO

>> No.58142091

its happening luckyfrens were going back to ath

>> No.58142129


>> No.58142723

It’s a popular tg group that showcases promising up and coming coins, which then obviously leads to them rapidly pumping. im not sure where anon got that info but apparently they talked about us before

>> No.58142947

We don't need a group to pump us, we'll already do that by ourselves

>> No.58144257

Nice chart today