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58111709 No.58111709 [Reply] [Original]

Name me one reason i should work.
All i do is pay bills.
I will quit my fucking job and will live like a homeless person
No of my side hustles bring me anything back i am sick of this life i mean slavery
I cant even play a game in the few hours i get in the evenings

>> No.58111723

outside of getting lucky on degen plays and inheritances, working is the only way you will be able to accumulate enough money to never work again

>> No.58111761

Good one lmao
I work since 1,5 years now and could only spare 10k
>save more
Nigger i didnt even buy a new piece of clothing in years
I life like a poor fuck already

>> No.58111763

I would move out of my parents' house and rent a studio apartment if rent only cost $300 a month (with water/sewer/trash/wifi included in the rent, leaving only the electricity bill to me). That just feels like a reasonable amount to me. I work part-time and could cover those expenses in just a few days of work out of the month, leaving the rest of my income to my own pleasures/investments. As we're well aware, that's a fairytale, so I'm just going to keep leaving rent-free with my parents until a good opportunity presents itself.

>> No.58111793

What's the alternative? You can either wagecuck and spend most of your money, in which case you will never retire and be working the rest of your life.
Or, you can deprive yourself for a decade or so, invest as much money as possible, and then never work again.
If you weren't born in a rich family these are your options. You can yell about how much it sucks all day, but wallowing in your misery has never helped anybody.

>> No.58113329

I'm on the same boat but worse, we're unlucky slaves, either kill ourselves our gamble, just like being born rich or not, is a gamble. Working for money is no life.

>> No.58113389
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^ Here's your reason why.

>> No.58113745

That's the game. As a slave-cow, you earn credits so your overlords can syphon them out of you. In return, you can decorate your prison cell with shitty things, escape in your imagination via media brainwashing, and eat low quality toxic food.

The alternative is poverty, homelesness. I guess you could volunteer as a recruit for an army in a war zone and, if they accept you, die suffering in a muddy meadow somewhere, but that seems as far-fetched as making it so... wageslavery, suicide or homelessness and death, that's it.

>> No.58114052

amerifag confirmed

>> No.58114745

>1.5 years
>giving up
Tell me, oh wise one, what is it you would actually DO if you had the means?
I'm expecting a lot of bullshit from this answer, and before you say anything, I'll just tell you: you picked the wrong career
Bottom tier work used to be meaningful. Build shit with your hands and see the results. Now, I agree, the bottom tier menial work is just managing some files on computers all day. Entirely dehumanizing
Figure your shit out before you just throw your hands up and cry

>> No.58115543

You’re going to get a lot of shit from anons OP and it is warranted. Although the struggle is real, things are getting worse for the lower/middle class, it’s why violence is increasing and when you go outside you see more people just not caring anymore. Don’t quit your job unless you have another income stream lined up.

>> No.58115608
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this is true it's rough when people just don't care anymore i'm sure the elite don't like seeing all the violence and unrest but you have to admit it's hard to see a way out for a lot of folks in the end it's all about survival and if that means taking a job you don't love just to be able to pay your bills and keep a roof over your head well that's the system we live in it's hard to be optimistic about the future but you can always hope for change

>> No.58116012

Same but I’m going to keep pushing and stacking until I make it