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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58110317 No.58110317 [Reply] [Original]

What should I call my company? It'll start as a way to lower tax burden but will also sell software in the future - which I'm doing now already privately. I deeply believe a stupid name will be better for business than a fancy one (like Syncorpus LLC or Comporo Inc. or some shit like that).
Here are some suggestions I've come up with already:
>Ding Dong LLC (my current favorite)
>Negus LLC
>One Zero One Zero LLC
>Software & Process 500 LLC
>Slong Systems LLC
>Big Boolean Controller LLC
I know these names are already pretty nice but I'd love to here more of your ideas
(It won't be an LLC btw since I'm not a mutt but the concept is the same).

>> No.58110353

Use a generic name like John's Piss & Dildos
You'll make yourself look like a cringelord otherwise

>> No.58110357

>I'm not a mutt
Does your country have a public registry of company ownership? Might wanna be careful. I'd go with F5 LLC because it's not worth risking that dumb shit being tied to your name forever. Good luck anon

>> No.58110368

Yikes, nothing can hide that roastie face. The west is kill.

>> No.58110370

Yeah some of them might be over the top. But stupid names will stand out and customers will remember them.

>> No.58110679

>Open Borders for Israel LLC

>> No.58110681

extremely ugly

>> No.58110869

steve jobs named his company after a fruit, "dumb shit" doesnt exist in business, failure or success dictates all the perspective

>> No.58110945

he literally named his next company "next" because it was his next company

>> No.58111630
File: 14 KB, 332x219, IMG_4681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58111711

Fourteen Eighty 8 LLC

>> No.58111801

Ding Dong
Go with your gut, fren.

Just curious, what's the story with the woman in your pic?
Was that a heavy drug user or a former male?
It's interesting that science has come a long way, but our intuition can still pick up small things that are off to make us feel so disgusted.

Anyway, yeah, my answer is to trust that feeling. It's the best answer we have right now.

>> No.58112580

She looks fine. What's wrong with you incels?

>> No.58112745

How do you pay as little taxes as possible with a corporation in Canada ?
Currently wageslave but I have my own corporation and you need to give yourself a wage and actually earn something as a business, also the business needs assets to loan fraud

>> No.58113798

Consumer Softproducts LLC

>> No.58113994

>Ding Dong LLC
Pretty Good
>Software & Process 500
Also good
If you're starting with accounting software, have you considered merging the themes of stupid to financial?
>Get Rich LLC
>Lots of Money LLC
>First Octillionaire LLC
>Quadrillionaire U LLC

>> No.58114203

That's a great idea. Something like
>Sigma Solutions LLC
>Grindset LLC

>> No.58114261

It's not accounting software though - just standard custom software solutions (apps and web applications and shit like that).
Maybe some freemason stuff?
>33 Solutions LLC
Do you think there's an advantage in getting something jewish in there toom

>> No.58114305

TaxTix LLC

>> No.58114324

> Ding Dong LLC (my current favorite)
As your brand marketing expert, it is my duty to advise you to use doubled letters in your name to make it stand out. For example,
> Ding Doong
Then of course, shorten your brand. Much like Dunkin' Donuts became Dunkin' and Apple Computer became Apple, yours should be
> Doong
You're welcome.

>> No.58114530

Good work. The slogan should be
.>I'm Dooongin'

>> No.58114608

I always wanted to make a company called CTC Industries or something where the CTC doesn't officially stand for anything, but unofficially I would know it stood for Cinamon Toast Crunch, or some other big brand acronym.

>> No.58115185

I wanna fuck this mid tier whore so bad, I've been on no fap for not even a full week yet and i FEEL LIKE IM ABOUT TO FUCKING BURST WITH COOOM



>> No.58115366

>It'll start as a way to lower tax burden
>It's not accounting software though
Sorry I'm retarded
It's a little zoomer but don't hold back
>Sigma Grindset Solutions LLC etc
>33 Solutions LLC
Too subtle. Maybe:
>33 Degree Consulting LLC

>> No.58115374

would put a bag on her head and bang/10

>> No.58115387

for the love of god don't operate under the tax identity, make sure you register a DBA

>> No.58115389

she looks similar to my ex who used to let me bondage her up and spank her and other fun and so this photo is getting my motor going. she's mid but god damn does it look like my ex similar body also. would absolutely mount this chick for hours

>> No.58115397

this is literally a 1/10 you fucking coomer faggots

>> No.58115421

Dig Bick LLC

>> No.58115473

you're low test

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