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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 123 KB, 600x600, APuhokk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58107886 No.58107886 [Reply] [Original]

Don't lose hope APU frens, you got the wholesome memes, you can pick up the pieces and pull through, without faggot devs this time

Just like HOKK is doing

>> No.58107902
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I’m APU holder who just got rugged over 5 figures , I have sold n put my last money on $HOKK an easy chart to get back for 400x till ATH .

>> No.58107920

If you look carefully in the lower right of the chart you can see the lil bump from it pumping a bit. its showing signs of growth

>> No.58107924


Sorry, friend,I was in the mainchat hearing you guys talk about HOKK, KISHU and some of the other OGs from 2021.
We are bringing HOKK back with no fag devs to rug, just frens working for our bags

You'll be safe here

>> No.58107934

Yeah, we got a lot of work done with just 3 to 4 autists, we are on CMC and getting Trustwallet + Coinbase wallet fixed next
I can't imagine how crazy HOKK could go if we had more frens here with us

>> No.58107973

I know Hokk back in 2021 the real dog OG , now i start to believe in old token instead of new ones

>> No.58107989
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two shitcoins that are going to get rugged anytime soon, i don't know why you retards don't stay in BTC and BTCFi projects

>> No.58108018

Yup as more show up to help things will get easier for hokk. it lacks a bit of manpower atm and the chat can be kind of quiet at times but its growly slowly and is a solid coin for the bullrun.
I have almost no interest in modern tokens. everything is crap and it seems old tokens are doing good atm. some even thriving.

>> No.58108037

reminder apu frens HOKK has great distribution

>> No.58108075

Why though if it's not the same devs they still hold the top wallets there's no point in reviving this project as a community

>> No.58108088

They don't frens, fag devs moved onto a v2
the guy running HOKK only holds a make it bag

>> No.58108132

Oh right they moved and relaunched.

>> No.58108161
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Couple autists got the market cap of OG HOKK higher than the V2, kek

>> No.58108173

But at least I took some profit on APU before the crisis and put into HOKK 3 days ago . Hokk is 100% safu with lp burned because dev has migrated to v2 now .

>> No.58108195
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>> No.58108379

Nice buy just came in from an APU fren, we are going for eth trending later today

>> No.58108604

looking very forward to the eth trending today. Been waiting to see it happen for a few days so this will be nice. And with cmc and coingecko along with dextools all being updated for the coin when people look it up we'll get alot more eyes on hokk.

>> No.58108632

Same, except I just swung it back into APU at the bottom. I'm already x3.

>> No.58108645

What happened with Apu then, did the dev rug? at least with HOKK the contract is renounced and the liquidity burnt so no fuckery can happen there

>> No.58108667

Dev distributed large amounts of supply across multiple wallets, then rugged
Glad to see the community revival is going well

>> No.58108934

That's sad to here, sorry for your loss Apu holders.

That's why Hokk is so safe, great token distribution with no large whales to play games. Hokk entry now at 1.8m is a good play

>> No.58109629

Wtf does eth tending do? Is it just a scam pump?

>> No.58109678

You’re brown. Do not attempt to speak on this American website. Your status as non-white will be only barely tolerated so long as you remain silent.

>> No.58109947

Aight how to buy? Do NOT scam me
just want a meager bag

>> No.58110065

I believe in APU, we can turn it around.

>> No.58110181

I'll believe in Hokk for the time being

>> No.58110332

You can buy through Uniswap or Bitstorage, fren. 10T sui, 100T make-it.

>> No.58110593

Hmm.. it basically adverts to buyers, so they are more likely to come buy which now that the socials, website and places like dexscreener got the right links
it should bring more people in

>> No.58110628

does the v1/v2 thing matter? dextools links to v2 but has the correct token address

>> No.58110726

Yeah, you want the v1
not the v2
Addresses are different

>> No.58110872

Is it this one? I took it off their twitter.

>> No.58110905

Yeah that's correct, but you should delete that post or jannies will ban you, they don't like posting addys for tokens, its in rule 11 fren

>> No.58111010

I can't delete posts on this browser for whatever reason, guess I'm getting banned. I accept my fate.

>> No.58112125
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, _37b0111f-0a01-4eab-8ecf-b978e7dda33b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hanging out with my comfy hokk stack and friends.

>> No.58113946

So what are my hokk bros up to today?

>> No.58113955

Getting ready to pump.

>> No.58114068

what is this coin doing and why should I believe it's alive again?

>> No.58114240

Top trending just paid for, should bring a few new eyes on HOKK

>> No.58114309

whats with the shitty volumen?

>> No.58114409
File: 38 KB, 426x393, ETH trending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are trending my negroes

>> No.58114426

I bought

>> No.58114490

inb4 this does nothing to the price at all

>> No.58114511

looks like it lmao

>> No.58114614

Wow dude 1000x should happen in minutes wtf it's over

>> No.58116480
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>> No.58117909
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i'm sorry bros
i stuck with mumu a long time ago, and i plan to keep at it, especially in these bearish times, only the light and the holders have the power to make it prevail in the seas of damnation
stay strong fellow brethren of the kingdom of crypto, even separated we're one and we will make it

>> No.58118387
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>> No.58119167
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Don’t fade $HOKK , this could be next shib

>> No.58119225

Glad to see this thread is still alive

>> No.58119290

I want Hokky adventures in ze crypto space, we need Hokksters with good meme editing skills for hot and hyperlit yt and tik tok

>> No.58119380 [DELETED] 

BTCDragon is the next 100X. you heard it here first

>> No.58119431

strange that doesnt look like $hokk and looks like you shilling a shitcoin in the wrong thread. begone poopjeet shill

>> No.58119976
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>> No.58120509
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What do you guys think about this idea?

>> No.58120519

I say go for it. Its more potential money with $hokk and it could help fund more things as it goes. Look into it seriously and if funds allow to start it up go with it.

>> No.58120667

We might have already found a good canditate for this, we are going through the process of discussion now
If this works out, we'll be launching a parnership with a real company soon

That's would edge I don't think any other memecoin I've seen has, much less one without ownership of the contract. I just hope it works out, since that'd ensure the long term health of HOKK, and its ability to fund milestones outside of donations

We'll see what happens, frens

>> No.58120709

Keep your head up lil trooper hokk has managed to keep going after all this time and a few mishaps. Just do your research and make sure you trust those involved and take a shot at it. Better to try and fail with it than not have tried and always have that what if looming about it.

>> No.58120729
File: 549 KB, 574x561, HeyKingHokk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better to try and fail with it than not have tried and always have that what if looming about it.
Indeed fren, we'll keep you all posted on the updates

>> No.58120761

Sounds good. I'm in the tg so i'll catch stuff as its released. Keep everyone updated and congrats on the potentially profitable news with forex and misc stuff.

>> No.58120814

Hokkshit got rugged in 2021, look at the chart >>58107902
Like all of these dead shitcoins it has an enormous baggage and every little pump is immediately sold.
Every hokkshit shill thread tries to pretend there is hype and it's going to blow up any moment, meanwhile the chart is literally a flat line.
All dead shitcoin cults do the same thing (d0bo for example).

>> No.58120828

As an addendum, the only reason these blatant scam threads are able to stay up is because a jannie has hokk bags and wants to dump on anyone retarded enough to buy.

>> No.58120845

Different team. And yes, community revivals actually work. Plenty of examples. U mad.

>> No.58120856

Massive cope.

>> No.58120862

its a different team now you blithering retard. do you think before you fud? and so far plenty havent sold once they found out hokk was back but bought more to add to their stack. digusting soulless fudder coming in and trying to get cheapies when its already a great price. dont even reply with some lie about not buying or wanting to buy its obvious af you're a fudder looking for cheapies

>> No.58120865

Nah. Im not all in in shit coins. So I can leave emotions out of it. I've got plenty of investments elsewhere making me money, hokk is a total gamble moonshot for me. Whereas you seem like an absolute poor fag who seethes at anything and everything. I used to be like that. You'll get much better once you make some money, but you definitely need to leave emotions out of it.

>> No.58120880

An interesting point, however tokens like Floki disprove your thesis. That too was a token that has gone through hardship, and a community revival, and now stands at a marketcap ~nearing 2 billion last time I checked. (Dogecoin is another interesting case to observe).
It is very obvious a token's past does not dictate its future, but rather its community and the leadership behind it, and which foundation they decide to lay down.

For D0b0, it's main issue was that the leadership left, and its community did not find a way to market a path ahead, this is not the case with HOKK.
If you'd like to provide more proof beyond mere speculation, feel free

>> No.58122556
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Mein HOKKers

>> No.58122581
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>> No.58123107
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Just stopped by to say HOKK is my favorite bag after MOLE on SOL.
Good luck APU and keep up the good work my hoggers.

> Verification not required

>> No.58123118

Glad to hear you have a stack of HOKK anon. hold tight for the bullrun

>> No.58123251
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>> No.58124208
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>> No.58124905
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>> No.58124943

Apu seems to have recovered a bit, now at 7m, I'm not risking the dev selling again though, safer sticking with HOKK

>> No.58124962


Spams of dogs, cats and sht, get some AGRS and stop wasting money

>> No.58124973


That suck like dogs and frogs sht

>> No.58125056

How many more days before HOKK jumps up to 20m, anyone care to guess?

>> No.58125164

every time I see agrs shilled its by some poopjeet shilling it in a coin thread not for agrs. doesnt make me want to buy the coin just makes me want to see it fuck off.

>> No.58126431

How does one year sound?

>> No.58128345

this is just APU all over again, right?

>> No.58128353

how do you feel about linkies and ltmaggots then? kek
your poojeet coin aint making it just like apu did.
even gamefi shitcoins and literal whos like superverse are doing even better numbers kek

>> No.58129958

I dont feel anything about linkies and whatever ltmaggots are

>> No.58129968

Yes, but without a rugging dev (since there is no devs)

>> No.58131213
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My hokkers, my froggy frens

>> No.58131234
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>> No.58132819
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