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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58105133 No.58105133 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on this shit site for five fucking years and I'm still broke. Max I had was 60k and I lost it all on shitcoins. Is crypto fucking dead? Every fucking coin is a rugpull. I have 5k left rn

>> No.58105165
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Hmm back in 2020 I was making daily thread telling you retards to buy a house. Had you done that in 2020, your home would like be worth 1.5x what you bought it for - giving you hundreds of thousands in equity. But 4 years later, the majority of you all are still rentcucking or living with mommy LOL

>> No.58105188

Unironically, put it all in EarnFi and you will make it by the end of Summer.

>> No.58105199

Aw man that's weird. I started with 6k and now have 500k. Maybe you're doing something wrong?

>> No.58105214

I've been telling you to ape into niggastolemybike all day and you haven't listened to me retard
you deserve to suffer you'd be up 2-3x on the day right now

>> No.58105226 [DELETED] 
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ok dude i'm not gonna lie i'm super skeptical i'm the kind of guy that likes to do things my own way i'm a hustler and i don't trust anyone but i'm gonna tell you something this earnfi stuff sounds too good to be true like seriously they're promising to pay me money every day for just holding their token i mean come on doesn't that sound suspicious to you it's like too simple bro idk man

>> No.58105232

Tell me how you turned 6k into 500

Kek rugging jeet kys

>> No.58105253

So let me get this straight. You come on here and bitch and moan because you're a failure. I give you the current /biz/ play that has already made many of us 2-4x today and your response is to call me a jeet?
kek have fun in your cycle of suffering faggot

>> No.58105256

You say you've been here 5 years, surely you've learned something by now. What's the most important lesson you've taken away.

>> No.58105273

U jeets are gonna dump on me if I put my 5k in there fuck off

Take your bags whenever you've made a decent amount. Lost a lot waiting shit to go higher.

>> No.58105293

I'm going to clown you a bit more then leave you alone. Normally I don't bring this up but in your case it is true.
All you had to do was buy Chainlink
How did you fuck up this badly you idiot

>> No.58105301
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Okay bud. I'll keep earning.

>> No.58105332

cry harder, newfaggot

>> No.58105345

If you buy bitcoins when I told you you’ll be 10x and not paying property tax.

>> No.58105354

Dumb ass paying interest on a 30 year mortgage + property tax for a meager 1.5x and is stuck in whatever shithole you bought your boomer box in lol

>> No.58105363

The average person is not going to gamble their life savings on a meme. In 2020, you could literally have a decent house for $10k down, out the door, all fees included. That $10k investment and simply paying rent between 2020 in 2024 would amount nearly $100k in equity.

>> No.58105377

You're quite literally me except I developed sunk cost on one shitcoin, put all my eggs into this one basket, and have been stagnant. Max was 65k, currently just shy under 10k.

>> No.58105378

You live with your mommy as an adult lmao. I'd kill myself if I was in your shoes. Rentcucks are paying 100% interest to their landlords.
Rentcucks literally sign leases LOL and of course some mommy's boy thinks people can't just sell their houses - you have zero real world experience. You're basically a goldfish hahahah

>> No.58105386

i did not realize that dca into btc was so fucking hard anon lol

>> No.58105413

And you’re completely locked into whatever shithole you bought your house in. No matter what happens - whether they turn it into nigger town or spic town or activists DAs decide to release crackhead meth rapists on your street or dirty Indian people move in next door and create a permanent stink in your town or the job market in your city collapses or whatever. I can’t think of a bigger liability than owning a cardboard shitbox in the United States

>> No.58105415

Btc will not give me make it gains

>> No.58105424

Over for linkfags, linkcucks, linkcels HAHAHHAHAHA

>> No.58105426

You’re buying the wrong shit anon. Not sure what to tell you. I’ve been here longer than you, but have started over multiple times. Started fresh with $5k in Nov. and am at $120k today. Market has been on easy mode the last few months

>> No.58105438

>sunk cost
I feel you anon

>> No.58105460
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Checked. If you'd have put your whole pot in BTC 5 years ago what would you be looking at? Stop degening, buy, hodl. It's that simple.

>> No.58105464

What are you investing in. Lend me your wisdom and tips

>> No.58105469

Kek. The lesson I’ve learned over the years is the opposite. Patient hold is what makes money. Last cycle I rotated constantly chasing pumps. If I caught a 2-3x I’d sell and look for something else, it worked ok, but had I held my early buy I would have made millions instead of topping out at low 6 figures. This time I just bought a few good coins early and am holding .

>> No.58105475

What would I be looking at anon? Yeah I'm a degen ngl

>> No.58105481
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>I have 5k left rn

>> No.58105489

Oh look, another brokie rentcuck (who probably really lives with his mommy) completely unaware that selling a house is a thing LMAO you "people" literally sign leases that lock you into paying your landLORD for [x] amount of months and if you break your lease you can get sued and have your wages garnished pffttthahahaha yeah great idea rentoid - it's not wonder minorities rent and whites own homes

>> No.58105494

>$110k house in 2020
>decent area
MSPUS for Jun 2020 was in the $300-350k range (too lazy to check), you are a faggot

>> No.58105499
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>Invest all your money into shitcoins and not into BRC20 tokens in satoshisync who are backed by BTC

>> No.58105509

I bought avi in Nov. 18m and it makes up most of my portfolio now, but I’ve also been playing the shitcoin casino. Maybe up 20k just rotating shitcoins on base and sol. Win some, lose some. I’ve actually lost quite a bit leveraging too… that’s my weakness and the reason I have had to start over multiple times. I’m only trading small amounts on leverage these days so it’s not serious, but probably net negative this cycle doing that anyway.

>> No.58105535

>makes below median salary
>expects to live in a "median" house
Great logic there, rentcuck

>> No.58105539

Not suspicious at all. It takes 5% of the tax from buying and selling to redistribute to holders. Pretty simple concept really. Wait until counbase smart wallet comes out and tons of people get onboarded to base. It's going to pump hard. Very normalfag friendly.

>> No.58105681

people need the feeling of being gambled to believe that they are making money

>> No.58105687

when they present a token we will talk

>> No.58105692

BTC is guaranteed to give you make it gains in-the-limit, shitcoin gambling is guaranteed to lose you money in-the-limit, you have high time preference and that is why you will never ever make it.

>> No.58105723

You didn't give a starting sum, only your max

>> No.58105764

even if he invested in brc20 that are backed by btc, when btc dumped hes money too

>> No.58105774

Kek. I'm worth more than your entire extended family and own my home outright, mortgicuck. Housing is still a horrible investment and the only places you could find a $100k house in 2020 are shitholes, fact.

>> No.58105794

thats too narrow for a niggafolio

>> No.58105841

>my dad owns Nintendo!
Ok nerd.

You owned yourself with your rentcuck logic already, there's no coming back. There were homes in rural areas all over the country for $110k in 2020. But lemme guess - you think some dude making $12/hr gets to be picky and isn't already renting in some shithole? LMAO, you really are all fucked up in the head aren't you?

>> No.58105879

homoid cope, houses are a poor investment

>> No.58105914

In 10 years, my "rent" will be nothing but a few hundred dollars in property tax whereas you'll be paying several thousand dollars a month to live mere inches of drywall from your fellow poorfag brethren while accumulating exactly $0 in equity :^)

>> No.58105959

>i'm a hustler
Lol is that why you're broke

>> No.58105974

found your problem. bitcoin ONLY bro, hold for 5+ years.

>> No.58106003
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stop replying lilbro yourenot good at it
thats why I´ve been saying that the call this run is either real estate or just btc and brc20, truflation posted not so long ago about what the real ATH was and honestly they thrive for more than just daily cpi readings so that's a w in my book

>> No.58106006
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hey moron have fun holding fake internet money to zero while i buy a small island in the ocean and retire rich from my spurdo erc tokens in the next few years while your rent payment buys me a new lambo and a mansion don't talk to me about your bitcones or shitcorns or whatever i don't know or care i just know i can buy your mom's fake tits off the street corner now and turn her into a high class escort that makes 50x what she used to make with you as her pimp

>> No.58106017
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>PC posting incel upset at homeownership

>> No.58106076

lmao you could have just bought bitcoin DCA and 4x'd your money. Soon to be 30x'd. Idiot.

>> No.58106188

aren’t you the dude who keeps bragging about his niggafoilo

>> No.58106221

Yeah, I never understood this mindset. People here seem to think signing up to a mortgage is selling your soul to the devil. I've even seen people in the real world convey their hesistancy for buying a home because they seem to think they have to stay there forever. It's a misguided notion.

Growing up, my family moved around a lot. They bought and sold houses probably around 5 different times, not counting the times they did this before I was born. Each time they sold it for a profit, albeit with some difficulties with the house they bought before the housing crash.

I bought my home a couple years ago. My only regret was not buying sooner. How much did I spend on rent between 2014 and 2022? I don't even know. Easily over $120k. And it didn't go towards anything really. It's all gone. At least I'm paying into my own property now, which has already gone up around $70k in value.

>> No.58106237
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APU will save you

>> No.58106250

Kill yourself

>> No.58106323
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Get the fuck off of biz and go be average somewhere else

>> No.58106335

To have 60k you would have had to have worked a lot but you say shit like "rn" so a 30yo man who talks like a zoomer ummm sweatie sounds like your problem sare on you.

>> No.58106366
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>> No.58106926

>And it didn't go towards anything really. It's all gone
Important point that isn't really understood widely enough.

>> No.58106927
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5 years and you didn't learn the most basic of lessons this site has to offer?

cmon nigga, wake the fuck up
make your own decisions and make your own research ffs
why do you think i made a x8 with Loaf Cat when they told me it was a shitcoin? Because i... SAY IT WITH ME...didn't listen to this group of authistic retards that treat crypto like horse racing.

>> No.58106988

Buy and hold btc you fucking retard. Good luck with the IRS when you finally realize shitcoin to shitcoin transactions are a taxable event.

>> No.58107006

I've neen on this site 5 years and I turned 100k into 1M. I'll have 10M this bull run. Git gud poorfag retard.

>> No.58107079
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>Max I had was 60k and I lost it all on shitcoins.
How much do you think you would of had had you just DCA'ed into BTC?

>> No.58107320

I just send people I don’t like or trust here.

I’ve been doing it for years. I made it two cycles ago.

I tel them I made it soley from here.

Sometimes I see them trying to communicate to me.

>> No.58107573

Have you considered not buying shitcoins?

>> No.58107979
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I've been browsing /biz/ on and off since 2016 and still haven't made it. haven't killed myself yet because I know i was destined not to make it.

Here is how the /biz/ catalog used to look

>> No.58108029
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I feel like there are a lot of autistic bizraelis who made it in the 2017 & 2021 cycle and disappeared from biz. The same thing will probably happen this cycle where a few anons make life changing money and stop biz posting

>> No.58108080

You're retarded

>> No.58108171

youll never make it comign here

>> No.58108181


Dont take shtcoins nesxt time, go for AGRS, Tau has a good team, and the idea is good, try it

>> No.58108184


0.95 to 6 for me
my bro hold since 0.11