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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58107748 No.58107748 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be 32 this year and I've started working full-time for the last 6 months. 40+ hour weeks.

I'm on my 3rd real job since I stopped neeting.

Am I doing okay as a 31 year old ex neet ex gambler?

I've gambled so much money away and now, I make about 90k usd a year pre tax

Is this acceptable for a 31 going on 32 year old who lives in a state with no income tax?

Me and my ex of 5 years finally ended it tonight, I bought her a plane ticket out of here

Now i'm wondering if I will ever find another woman who will love me for me and accept that I'll make 90k a year and probably cap out at around 120-130k if i'm lucky and slave away for the next 5 years

did i fuck up biz?

> mri tech

>> No.58107815

>Is this acceptable for
seeking validation from strangers, ngmi

>> No.58107826

what makes u think u won't gamble it away again

>> No.58107839

>90k a year
ur fine.

>> No.58107872

Why confine yourself. Work remotely, go live in Vietnam or something
>.t expat for many many years

>> No.58107891
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Are you depresed? Just play GRAVITY and leave the sht behind

>> No.58107894


You make me laugh anon

>> No.58107904
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why do you even care about what some fucking randos on biz think about your fucking life, yeah you fucked it up, do something about it or rope.
Tf you think you are fucking looser, youre no different than memebuyers of satoshisync on the bottom of the chain.

>> No.58107981

>decent income
>paying off townhouse loan in mid 20s thanks to 2021 crypto and not having a life
>some disposable cash
>feel like total shit because I'm eternally single, haven't had a promotion in two years and can't stop interpreting everything as a threat
How do normies manage to chill out?

>> No.58107982

Can any of you bless me with $2k this month? Actually as being a student its being hard for me to survive, suffering badly with foods in this ramadan month. Lost job 2 month ago, still searching for one. At least $2k would helpful for me to run this month well.

I think sometimes situation become worst to struggle, we need a helping hand that moment... If someone can help me out, please send me an email to anon33001@proton.me

>> No.58108032


Why would a 31 year old man come on here and act like he's some insecure teenager? If "adulting" is too much for your faggot millennial ass, just rope now. Western men are so fucking weak, no wonder your cultures are crumbling. You're soft and low T.

>> No.58108047


I'm tired of the boring LARPs on here.