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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58101022 No.58101022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post your APU bags frens

>> No.58101030

>it's rugging, that means it's going to moon soon
kek baggie cope gets more delusional by the second

>> No.58101035

500m+ WAGMI frens

>> No.58101039

I told you to get out at 40m
And buy back lower
This is the lower.

>> No.58101046

im up on my investment so far
119m bag holder

>> No.58101051

>calling urself bagholder

>> No.58101058

Same and pretty much same.

>> No.58101078

We like the frog ok. Uh, I know

>> No.58101085
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buying a yellow 998 when this moons and making the plate $APU$

>> No.58101109
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>> No.58101111
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It's a small amount but will be big once this makes a Pepe.

>> No.58101112

I heard rumors that Coinbase listing and ETF are imminent.

>> No.58101130
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> was up 5x of my inital investment
> did some stupid decisions; sold and bought back ... twice
> now only have about 3/4 of my inital investment

>> No.58101143

> Coinbase listing will turn this around
mein Baggler ...

>> No.58101145
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swingies get the rope, frens get the tendies

>> No.58101148

Where's it going after this?

>> No.58101161

2m broke ass subhuman here

>> No.58101190

Managed to swing through a couple of the dips. Went from around 150 to 200 mil

>> No.58101197

I’m down to 1/3rd of my initial investment because I bought the top. It’s over for me

>> No.58101205

I dont get why some people are freaking out when we are barely a week in. Do people not know what long term is? Do they need their fix RIGHT NOW?

>> No.58101216

top of the generational bottom you mean

shib and pepe took 10 months of bleeding and crabbing fwiw

>> No.58101217

nigga, you must be insane to think this is "long term" lol

>> No.58101227

> 10 more months sirs!

>> No.58101232

No one went from 0 to hero in a day unless they won the lottery, boyo. Life is about the long game. Sorry you dont understand that.

>> No.58101241

What memecoin exploded that are not some insider shit like BOME

>> No.58101243

Dopamine is a hell of a drug.

>> No.58101247

only retards and geniuses believe lightning strikes thrice

>> No.58101275

I bought a lot during the first giveaway thread but haven't sold yet. should I dump this? high 6 figures

>> No.58101282
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>> No.58101289
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> Sirs, if you kindly would hold my bag!

>> No.58101332

Lightning is constantly striking in crypto, and I feel my hairs standing up with my APU stack.