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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58098511 No.58098511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Duped by another jeet scam! Gather 'round and laugh at the midwits and telegram faggots constantly shilling here as it bleeds out to nothing in real time

>> No.58098524
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>fell for the 5th apu jeetcoin pump and dump after several warnings, dev lying, sniper accounts, shill bots
how is /biz/ so fucking retarded

>> No.58098536
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good thread

>> No.58098564

I'm still up around 12x, not selling yet until liquidity starts to drop. But I've just spent 0.1ETH so I don't care. The TG is kino though, people crying non stop HAHAHAHAH

>> No.58098572

Muh pepe#2

>> No.58098578

Hey don't make fun of people losing money

>> No.58098579

post pics of tg

>> No.58098601

dear sirs i lost over 4000 americano dollars on this scam

>> No.58098602

Yea I'm still up 1000% at this bottom, will hold and see if it rebounds, if not I've already siphoned about 5 ETH from it. I'll join the party.

>> No.58098607

You're right but it's more aimed to naive retard shills from the telegram. Also fuck them for wanting exit liquidity

Fuck pajeets
Fuck moonbois
Fuck shills
And fuck jannies

>> No.58098616

Can you post some screens from the tg? I am banned there.

>> No.58098632
File: 412 KB, 582x495, 1643085452679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd so hard at these nignogs while slurping more super, shitcoin lovers get the ropes

>> No.58098683
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I'm stalking the telegram reading all the tears and cope. Love doing this for dying shitcoins.

>> No.58098697

It just dropped to 8 million market cap lmao

>> No.58098699

The second he posted brown hands everyone should've sold

>> No.58098736

Real question. If mc hits 1-5 mil and liquidity stays the same, is that a good ratio? This still seems like a decent meme that has acquired a community of bagholder twitter slaves. Am I wrong?

>> No.58098737
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>> No.58098773
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>> No.58098803
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Which is the real Apu? I see one down 50% and another down 2%
Those are my words little frogman. OH NYO

>> No.58098805
File: 213 KB, 750x801, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58098812

Oh nononononooooooo

You deserve this for encouraging brown scammers

Get out of my board fucking pajeets

>> No.58098835

It's all bout dem nigga sol coins now

>> No.58098855


>> No.58098867

kek jim used to be in the linu tg but must have jumped ship after linu failed repeatedly. oof poor guy keeps picking the losers

>> No.58098886
File: 66 KB, 1080x259, Screenshot_20240320-041632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will APU holders finally apologize to me? I told them there was a huge liquidity problem, that there were other APU tokens that have rugged, that dev wallets were doing strange things, etc. but they wouldn't listen.

>> No.58098897


>> No.58098931


>> No.58098942
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>> No.58098946

>Am I wrong?
Hard to say. Strong meme, but many many bagholders.

>> No.58098949
File: 308 KB, 728x956, dfahg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58098956
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for me it's niggabutt

>> No.58098967

Oh shit the price just tanked even lower after just making this image kek

>> No.58098987
File: 15 KB, 240x626, keksimusmaximus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58098992

I guess I’m considering twitter bagholders as bullish. And biz bagholders bump the threads so I guess they’re bullish too. I bought cheapies on the first day so I’m gonna hold regardless since I already took out my initial. I also think the volume is incredibly bullish. Whether it’s pumping or dumping a lot of movement is good for narrative building.

>> No.58099023

that chart is anything but bullish, desu

>> No.58099035


I'm still waiting for my apology...

>> No.58099037

Liquidity is not locked like wtf are you newfaggots even thinking?
I jope you lose all your money
Next time stop giving your money to jeets that larp as being White and rich

>> No.58099041

>he does ta on shitcoins
Ask your doctor to lower your estrogen dose. You may believe in astrology soon.

>> No.58099049


>> No.58099066


>> No.58099080

Someone should go tell the scam dev he's a retarded nigger for draining every pump. This could've hit 100m mcap if he wasn't a greedy subhuman

>> No.58099102

Tbh the fact that there are so many threads predicting its demise makes me kind of bullish. When other coins rug they just die and disappear. Apu seems to live in the heads of fudders rent free, though.