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File: 970 KB, 1566x1164, Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 08.24.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58094717 No.58094717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58094737

The number of white people is at an all-time high right now, it's complete and utter bullshit to justify mass immigration.

>> No.58094778

If they solved the housing crisis it would solve the problem overnight

>> No.58094820

>we need more workers and want to squeeze the poor even more
>better have more babies or we’ll bring in the Mexicans
Factory owners love cheap labor
The real reason people aren’t giving babies is the economy
The last 24 years have been a constant decimating of the American middle class, by both parties

>> No.58094830
File: 284 KB, 568x556, 1708037975589543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice, import heaps of immigrants.. increases cost of living by putting pressure on affordable housing and skilled jobs.. people from their own country aren't able to afford to have children or it doesn't make financial sense as their own countries financial institutions penalize them with lower mortgage lending power.. wow better fix this by importing more immigrants..

>> No.58094836


Only american coins for me ngga, MAGA for ever

>> No.58094840
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Go Trump

>> No.58094848

More opportunity to scam pajeets with shitcoins.
Immigrants are the number one victim of easy money scams.

>> No.58094851

counting browns in population numbers is like counting dogs in the size of your household

>> No.58094861

disrupt the culture so corporations can then move in and profit off the confusion...
where have I seen this before...

>> No.58094875

We're going back to pre-industrial demographics and then stabilize from there. The only problem is niggers flooding the gates.

>> No.58094876

dont ever insult dogs like that again

>> No.58094878

How do I delete these goyim posts?

>> No.58094894

Downvote them.

>> No.58094908

>imagine being so dumb you bought the “pOpUlAtIoN cOlLaPsE” fud
Population is st billions of people dummy. We don’t need to keep increasing population every second.

>> No.58094939

>We don’t need to keep increasing population every second.
Literally the only reason we "need" this is to keep the social fund pyramid schemes running, like state pensions.

>> No.58094949

Those are ponzi schemes. A good example of a pyramid scheme would be having a job.

>> No.58094960

They dont even need increasing population for that with a fiat system
Or they could just use the increases in productivity but that would eat into their profit margins

>> No.58094972

In Europe, the term Ponzi isn't really well known. We use the term pyramid scheme even when there's no active recruiting on the part of the participants.

Keeping our pension schemes running is probably the very biggest reason given for mass immigration here in Western Europe.
Nevermind the fact that immigrants are a net drain on our economies even after generations, or the obvious fact that this makes pension funds into Ponzi schemes.

>> No.58094994

It means crypto will deflate back into the shit it always was.
Less people to hodl this trash, price goes down.

>> No.58095033
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We Europeans are fucked. It is so depressing passing down a middle school and see how the natives, whites, are a minority in their own countries. At this pace, some Asian countries might end up becoming safer than our own.

And we all gave up our land to not make angry our crazy feminist women. IT IS SO FUCKING OVER.

>> No.58095048
File: 938 KB, 1262x1262, chili con carne San antonio TX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I will make it my duty to travel the world and bang all your women.

>> No.58095094
File: 341 KB, 530x571, Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 11.55.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people dont have countries, your "countries" are economic zones developed by the elite, all the land these parasites stole was a behest of the elite, therefor the elite decide how to utilize it, it was Never yours, you are livestock in foreign territory complicit in the evil and only complain when you are affected

get fucked

>> No.58095099

>like state pensions
Our generation isnt even going to get one in the UK and yet we still demand infinity immigration

I dont know what the retard elite are thinking because theyre pushing the west into 1920s/30s conditions and it wont end well

>> No.58095106

Leftists: It's exploitation! Factory workers are importing cheap labour!
Also leftists: I love diversity! We need to bring as many negros as possible!

I don't get it.

>> No.58095126

"far right" parties are now becoming the first or second most popular parties in any given european country, its not only not too late, its only just beginning

>> No.58095133

>pushing the west into 1920s/30s conditions
Much worse, middle-east conditions.

>> No.58095151
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>> No.58095154
File: 1.34 MB, 734x651, Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 1.30.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are like Carmela in the sopranos, they will tolerate evil if they can profit off of it, she will look the other way if she cut she thinks she deserves, these peoples history is defined why the "elite" and they were their champions, now they realize parasites eat themselves they want to play sanctimonious like a whore that never sucked dick

these people are two sides of the same coin, and need to be quarantined , a white ethnoistates should be mandated so these parasites can eat each other

>> No.58095184

Literally all they have to do is arrest all the Jews and deport all noncitizens and stop manipulating the currency.

>> No.58095189

>patriarchy, homophobia, religion, ... bad

Also leftists:
>we must import masses of religious fanatics who literally enshroud their women and beat gays to death

>> No.58095198

That's funny, I believe exactly the same thing about niggers and jews

>> No.58095202

tfw bitcoin unironically has the power to save the white race

>> No.58095222
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of course you do, you're effeminate finger pointing faggot

you're a temporary accommodation, nothing more.
bipedal pigs given artificial consciousness to terraform the kai yuga, your existence is illegitimate, shitty anime filler until the show can continue again absent of npcs

>> No.58095229
File: 622 KB, 512x873, 1709295500089658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the germanic dark age and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Make ROME great again

>> No.58095236

Those are Egyptians.

>> No.58095259
File: 384 KB, 740x462, Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 2.10.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's the face of favor of the gods

The sun, a symbol, a eternal reminder of natural order,, natural law and natural selection,

parasites kneel parasites burn, pink belly parasites wilt

>> No.58095277

black hole sun?

>> No.58095299

>And we all gave up our land to not make angry our crazy feminist women. IT IS SO FUCKING OVER.
So you agree the weak are being weeded out by nature

>> No.58095312

Name these parties and I will show you a controlled opp that is merely a distraction for the disgruntled.

>> No.58095321

>oh no there won't be any jobs left for people
>oh no there will be fewer people to do jobs
Sounds like both problems are solved

>> No.58095354

make a post and I will show you a defeatist loser

>> No.58095431

You just know this guy's a kike pretending to be a nigger. Talks just like a kike.

>> No.58095652

You don’t get it because you’re part of the problem arguing over left vs right
Think of how dumb you sound to someone like me who hates both sides of the political spectrum equally

>> No.58095696

Housing crisis? Just because you don't want to squat in some stranger's home and wage a legal battle to obtain ownership, or live 6 to a studio in the heart of Harlem for $2000 (/6) a month, doesn't mean Juan or Pablo don't want to. If you want to be THAT picky that you INVENT a housing crisis, go ahead and get replaced, chud.

>> No.58095710

>it won't end well
All according to plan.

>> No.58095734


no thanks!

>> No.58095736


>> No.58095840

This is a globohomo kike lie. Everyone knows all civilizations were created by white people before they got run over by immigrating brown people who made them third world shitholes.

>> No.58095952

It's a lose-lose situation that the governments all set up themselves. Governments push natives to the point of exhaustion, saddled with debt, make money/savings worthless, destroying education, housing, families, cultures, etc, brings in millions of immigrants making every problem worse, media constantly distracts, fear-mongers and blames natives, so natives stop having children. Which leads to governments bringing in even more immigrants, making problems even worse!

>> No.58096185

All according to keikaku.

>> No.58096207

They literally engineered this during our lifetime
>reliant on migrants
They must be praying to their demons that law and order never breaks down because everyone knows who the low hanging fruit are

>> No.58096212
File: 57 KB, 720x720, IMG_20240321_071146_998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overpopulation is a problem stop having kids
>underpopulation is a problem let ranjesh shit in your driveway

>> No.58096213

for them.

>> No.58096346

pendulum is slowing down and the EU is scared shitless
keep pushing things, moshe.
eventually the young, childless and restless boys with nothing to lose will lash out when they realize their future is robbed. with no stake in society, how can you expect them to participate except violently?

>> No.58096392
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2024-03-21 235437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail victory brothers. Remember when we win these 'people' want our people dead, our children raped and you broke and powerless.

Pic related is the fate of cute anime girls if we lose this war for our peoples survival.

>> No.58096428

They have been in Switzerland, but the french speaking cucks always prevented any meaningful action.

>> No.58096752

>with no stake in society, how can you expect them to participate except violently
the funny thing is they managed to placate them with distractions brought on by the modern electronics
however in their infinite greed they went in and destroyed that too so here we are
never forget the turning point started with gamergate

>> No.58096928

>law and order never breaks down
why do you think the "right wing" is the most pro-Israel? Go look at the golems in the police or military, these people will be living in pods eating bugs while STILL defending their master's mansions and yachts.

>> No.58096974
File: 418 KB, 845x637, bobo-in-office.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what jews want?
No whitey.
Only turd world apes and jeets.
Building a beautiful mult-cultural society that has no raysis whitey keepin' the brothaz down.
Have jews actually come to the realization that, without whitey, they don't get richer?

>> No.58097001

the "right wing" is pro-israel because Israel embodies the economic and social policies that they value

>> No.58097006
File: 274 KB, 1704x899, wos-black-panther-marvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africans will rule the world by the end of this century.

>> No.58097031

Even the niggers are reducing fertility.
Fertility is linked with % urbanization vs agricultural population
Same with the Americas, USA is flooded with millions of immigrants but South American fertility has collapsed at the same time.
Were all in this together!

>> No.58097045

they want to replace you with easily controllable third worlders

>> No.58097060

>economic and social policies that they value
kek you zogcattle just can't help yourselves can you?
policies like economic parasitism?
having intelligence agencies blackmail politicians with CP?
corrupting foriegn governments to make them import shitskins?
the good news is younger millenials and zoomers aren't falling for your kike tricks.
If right-wing parties don't completely disappear, they'll be forced to adapt or be replaced.

>> No.58097114
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I would much rather my country go bust than import one more migrant that isn't white. If the system collapses, we will rise stronger from the ashes. We should be so lucky

>> No.58097120

howdy shlomo

>> No.58097149

Most of these look way more like meds or Arabs than blacks. Cleopatra was white. You retards can't even do propaganda right. Seethe

>> No.58097207

That logic applies to every fucking group on earth you dense retard. Every group increased dramatically in numbers. White people went down in percentage. And their median age decreased by a fuck ton. What kind of fucking logic is that man, you go from 30% to 5% of the world population but in your eyes it's no worry because numbers went up. It's delusion. You're delusional.

>> No.58097230

What does any of that have to do with my argument?

>> No.58097250

Go back to pol you fucking fag

>> No.58097262

I hate Israel, I'm just explaining why normie right wingers like them, the reverse is true for leftoids and Palestine

>> No.58097287

Aristotle wrote about the same thing happening in Sparta, where women owned land and had higher education, and they had to rely on immigrants to compensate for lower fertility. If you take the word of an Athenian that is.

>> No.58097295

Go back to africa you fucking nigger!

>> No.58097305

It's cope, that's the point. We have more people overall but relatively speaking we have less people. We conquered the world when our population was young and we made up 30% of the world. Now our population is old and we make up a little bit above 5% of the world. If you can't see the difference and think that this is fine, you're retarded. It's as simple as that. Breeding is required to keep the stock fresh. Imagine thinking it's fine to have nations where 50+ years old people make up 70% of it all.

>> No.58097322

Anon, how is there "underpopulation" in the west when western population (sans immigrants, mind you) is currently at ATH?

>> No.58097374
File: 74 KB, 1024x997, 1710170659908157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is you. And your poor as fuck. Yikes.

>> No.58097404

You genuinely have an IQ of 80... Who said we were underpopulated? Who? You. You're just putting words in my mouth. It's about how you compare to other groups. Motherfucker thinks the world is not a battlefield. Good fucking luck maintenaning Europe when the average person is 60 and our population makes up 2% of the world. Even if we kick out all shitskins and close our borders, Europe will just be colonized forcefully at this point by groups that outnumber us and are younger, or just naturally because it will be fucking empty. Think retard, think. How do you call yourself the population a territory when you can't protect it and you're outnumber 100000 to 1? You want something, you fight for it, and you can't fight when your average guy is 60 years old and you're severely outnumbered. When our armies conquered the world, they weren't outnumbered.

>> No.58097414

>Who said we were underpopulated?
OP's pic.
It's what the thread is about.

>> No.58097457

>he stopped reading after that
Underpopulation is relative. In our case, it's relative to the other groups. Read the rest of my post. Do you actually think we can just not breed, allow our median age to go to 60 years old, allow our percentage to go to 2%, and be fine? That can only be pulled off when you have insane power, and usually it's done by having a way bigger power protect you (jews do it). Megacorps and other nations will just own Europe when we're all gone. It's over anyways, retardo. It's over on the long term or on the short term. It has to be solved on all fronts, which means, fixing birhtrates AND kicking out invaders. I'm not even talking about endless growth, but least a birth rate that reaches maintenance level. You know I'm a bit disgusted by your existence, you don't understand percentage, you don't understand that the world has a lot of different players, you just think we can do whatever and global capitalism will just let it flow. Naive or retarded.

>> No.58097470

correct but immigrants will still come cause NA/EU are rich, this will lead to what has become of western europe and eastern europe, one side is blacked the other is empty and dying, places like bulgaria has lost 30-40% of its population since the collapse of the USSR due to this.

>> No.58097523

Recently i checked out nearby kindergartens for my son and I have only seen white kids and a single gypsy. The rare feel good moment in my poor eastern euro corrupt shithole.

>> No.58097578

Whitebros you know you can just make your own countries once you make enough money right? The American government really isn't that all powerful beyond its own borders.
Read Joseph Bronski's (he's not a jew it is a nom de guerre) work.

>> No.58097655

Who is going to hold your mortgage bags if you buy today? This is the top isn't it?

>> No.58097683

We won't be 'left reliant' on anyone. The only thing that is reliant on migrants is the current society that's obsessed with GDP and perpetual growth - a thing that is going to suffer a well-deserved death when it turns out said migrants contribute next to nothing while the GDP numbers continue to be spoofed until the eventual collapse.

>> No.58097728

Tell that to Rhodesia

>> No.58097745

Underpopulation is not relative when it comes to having to rely on migrants, which is the whole point of OP's pic.
Just say you were wrong.

>> No.58097971

>Africans will rule the world by the end of this century
and the whole world will look like haiti. hail bbq

>> No.58098016

>he still doesn't get it
Whatever man. It's impossible to change the mind of anyone.

>> No.58098021

You just missed the point. Say it.

>> No.58098180

We in Costa Rica have almost the same fertility rate as Japan. And in 5 years we might reach South Korea's

>> No.58098201

kek my parents cut off a piece of my penis as soon as I was born
>hurr how come we don't have any grand kids yet

>> No.58098211

20th century is over lol. The soviets are gone and the American pressure machine is wayyy weaker. Not to mention the Rhodesian state thought they could live side by side with blacks and were also sold out by South Apefreaka who thought they could curry favor that way. The mid to late 20th century was a dark age. Many things are possible now.
Your little faggy quip is easy to make but falls apart with even a minutiae of questioning.

>> No.58098237

Tell that to the Haredim. People don't have kids today because of a multitude of reasons but primarily
1. Women spending their most fertile years in education
2. No general want for kids in such an easy environment.
3. Mutational load.
There's other reasons as well but the biggest cope argument is economics lmfao, as if pauperization of White westerners would return their fertility to 1960s levels.

>> No.58098251

Kalergi, is that you?

>> No.58098271

how come to solution to solving our low birth rates is flood with shitskin immigration instead of looking at the factors that are causing low birth rates?

>> No.58098315

Remember that in both Rhodesia and SA the biggest detrimental factors were internal. The South Africans always found a way to get around embargoes but they couldn't get past libtard sentiment (mostly amongst the Jews and English people who were the majority who voted against apartheid). Afrikaners had no reason to even have that vote or even give up their government. The broederbond offered their state of the art facilities, roads, etc to a gang of looting retard apes because of LE POLITICUL PWESSHUH lol. They had friggin nukes c'mon now.

>> No.58098316

Western medical circumcision is much more barbaric than religious ritual circumcision. They take a huge amount of skin.

>> No.58098329

In Rhodesia the main opposition candidates were these christcucks. One of them had their daughter raped by a black revolutionary (while campaigning for the end of rhodesia lmfao) and in the end continued to support ending Rhodesia. Goes to show that libtards never learn and libtards are disgusting creatures.

>> No.58098337
File: 1.38 MB, 1405x1186, 1682266232569113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz aryan kangz n shieeet

>> No.58098481

The ancient Roman’s were an aryan people though? Germans were a separate offshoot and came into civilizational being later on. Dont see how the screenshot is relevant, it’s like saying semites are worthless imbeciles because Saudi Arabia just got civilization while another type of semites like the ones in Carthage had it thousands of years ago. No, it’s literally just a separate offshoot.

>> No.58098561

Im not a wewuzing nord but depicting ancient romans as niggers is not really honest either.

>> No.58098643

That depends on which definition of "aryan" you go by.
The romans were swarthy meds and the empire was very mixed and multicultural due to its size.
The success of the meds was actually due to this multiculturalism since they were able to exchange a lot of knowledge by being at the center of the world and trade routes.
The nords, despite being blonde hair blue eyed "aryans" by polcel logic, were isolated in the snowy north and thus they didn't have as much cultural exchange which led them to basically living like African niggers with white skin.
The foundation of western achievement comes from greek/Roman civilization specifically which got a lot of their knowledge from the Middle East and Asia.

>> No.58098678

That isn’t a nigger you utter retard, those are clearly meds. Greeks/Romans people weren’t sparkling fair elves, living in a lower latitude tends to give people a tan

>> No.58098726

Now ask yourself why we are leaving our southern border wide open?

>"the number of white people is at an all-time high!"
>said the redneck brokie retard who doesn't understand percentages

>> No.58098772

I wrote a long winded response to your post but then I realized you fucking using multicultural like it’s a fucking university campus moral screed and decided against wasting anytime speaking with you. Holy moralismeroni Batman anon fucking kys

>> No.58098858

The guy who was originally responding talked about white people then some other guy replied with a straw man argument Hitler quote/’jak drawing about something nobody even said. After that some other guy tried pointing out I guess that the Romans weren’t black but closer to Germans if anything. Genes are what matter which is why when middle easterners became preeminent in the empire it just became a festering wound ran by eunuchs (like how middle eastern government was ran often times). Germans came in and destroyed it and built a new one on top of it. Blacks and Arabs won’t be able to do this lol, as much as you can pine about how le whitey never did anything himself or without dat friggin gunpowder from da eez he be liven in caves while we be livin in grate Zimbabwe or summin.

>> No.58098903

Yeah meds from the south or the méditerranée sea.

>> No.58098915

of the mediterranean sea

>> No.58098929
File: 1.47 MB, 841x1014, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay well jannies here are arbitrarily banning/deleting threads for certain coins (like LOBO) and topics so if anyone is interested in a comfy altchan for discussing said banned coins come on by to sturdy, it has no captcha, bigger filesizes, etc, just a pretty chill experience overall.

>> No.58098955
File: 1.64 MB, 864x1080, 1707922582422242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except that majority of useless eaters rely heavily on White mans gibs and efforts to continue their miserable existence.

when the money stops, the bugs return to their nature of starvation and disease.

>> No.58098974

“Med” is not a real genetic category anyway. It’s a way for the Lebanese and triracial looking Algerians to pretend they have something in common with Malatesta, Borgia, Julius Caesar etc because there is a sea the landmass they’re on happens to touch the ones of the formerly mentioned. Ultimately, it’s just GPS coordinates. Genes don’t change because of where you live.

>> No.58098988

Hilarious video. Fatass Jew and a crying dunex

>> No.58099034

Tbf almost all the the med countries had some great civilization at one point in History.

>> No.58099050

Only Ancient Greece could rival the genius output levels of 19th century Germany though.

>> No.58099077

houses triple in value every 10 years, salaries stay the same, I wonder why nobody is getting married or having kids, trash economy that only supports the already wealthy

>> No.58099173

you will take the mortgage and be a debt slave for the rest of your life goy

>> No.58099482

the ability and willingness to borrow ideas from other cultures gives a competitive advantage that benefits core societies like the US to this day. this is anthro 101 shit that anyone who played Civ knows, and your ignorance of it isn't anything to be proud of polcel. you showed youre too much of a dimwit to even have an opinion on this, just delete your post

>> No.58099552

>that anyone who played Civ knows
Maybe he should go back to /pol/ but you should go back to rebbit you fucking nigger

>> No.58099601

just you know, I didn't read this as I already know you're a fool, good for you typing that out tho

>> No.58099625

K m8 you can go back now

>> No.58099663

>Good fucking luck maintenaning Europe when the average person is 60 and our population makes up 2% of the world. Even if we kick out all shitskins and close our borders, Europe will just be colonized forcefully at this point by groups that outnumber us and are younger
Nah, it's perfectly possible for a small minority of richer and more advanced people to dominate the rest of the world. A billion more shitskins literally does not amount to anything. They're not building some kind of an empire you fucking mong

>> No.58099735

nice source, nigger

>> No.58099738

so, it's peaked. time to short white "people".

>> No.58099751

all women are whores.

>> No.58099767

I would seriously stab my parents to death if they did that to me. I don't know how you guys manage to live with it

>> No.58099917

It's crazy to realize that women's liberation turned out to be more deadly to the world than nuclear weapons actually were.

>> No.58099940

It's (in large part - I think) because they're boomer former hippies who had nationalistic parents, were raised on government propaganda like this: https://youtu.be/8K6-cEAJZlE, rebelled in the 60s and 70s, found Christ and came to believe the Jews are God's chosen people, started listening to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Medved and other talk radio personalities that frequently talk about "THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH OUR COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED."

>> No.58099951

Too bad they dont fuck you then lmao

>> No.58099999

they never talk about the men. No talk about fathers, only mothers. How blind can you be?

>> No.58100009

holy wasted

>> No.58100023

I think as a whole its time the left apologized. They have been pro immigration & diveristy, and it has been an unmitigated disaster. They will probably never do so, but they should

For the record my personal policy is pro immigration of highly skilled intelligent people, not this floodgates approach.

>> No.58100064

>pro immigration of highly skilled intelligent people
even that deprives their home countries of the skills they need to develop, while in our countries it discourages investing in developing those skills in our own people

>> No.58100086

Feminism did this
Crazy how the world worked perfectly fine for 20 000 years, then women managed to ruin it in less than 50

>> No.58100093

It extra pisses me off because my mom sends me stuff pro choice shit. Women are murderous bros.

>> No.58100126

It means your mom needs to oil her legs.

>> No.58100146
File: 13 KB, 220x150, Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like industrial revolution and its consequences. Féminism is one of them.

>> No.58100203

nah it doesn't matter, they're overpopulated anyway, taking their high IQ high trust people who can't survive in a cutthroat environment leaves their remaining low trust people with a lower population and more resources which benefits them. Let them psychopaths stew in their psychopathy

>> No.58100237

You have to pay whores anon, that’s why they’re whores and not just sluts. This is why all women are whores.
Not all payment is in money kek.

If everything that occurred after the steam engine is because of LE INDUSTRIUR REBORJTION mang then by that standard so are you faggot retard. Go back to TikTok where you heard this nonsense drivel or kys then.

>> No.58100266

pretty amusing film ngl

>> No.58100358

Thats a really dumb post man. Not the first part that's just incel common talking points but the second. Really fucking dumb.

>> No.58100364

I like how you're intended to self-insert as the free mason.

>> No.58100940
File: 226 KB, 1304x1376, gamergate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamergate never ends

>> No.58102279

The only reason that birthrates are low is because mass immigration has made housing unaffordable and wages low, people cannot afford to raise a family and compete against third world workers.
The reason that birth rates need to be high is to maintain the Neoliberal fiat currency and welfare state, this is unsustainable by any measure and would eventually require an infinite number of immigrants or births so obviously there has to come a time where either the system collapses or (and it may already be too late) someone has the balls to call it out for what it is, sends everyone back whence they came from and cancels the welfare state.

>> No.58102365
File: 1.96 MB, 1357x843, Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 1.37.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


germnanics were slaves and concubines in rome, the equivalent of veenzuelans wanting a taste of of first world splendor, you were tolerated and never embraced

western civilization is a ethnic endeavor, the current retrograde gemrrnaic appropriation of civilization is a tool for mass deception and exploitation

>> No.58102421
File: 2.37 MB, 926x1562, Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 6.31.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meds isn't a race, Arab isn't a race both, historically speaking are black adjacent historically, the current meme rendition is an almalgamation rather than a unified identity

>> No.58102451
File: 338 KB, 821x473, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 1.10.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and no, cleopatra wasn't white, pink skin a malady and never was a standard for human expression, germnaics tribes from Central Asia carried this mutation, whites were ahistorical until the dark ages,

>> No.58102553

It means that the west is transitioning to a low trust society and will need trustless mediums of exchange that are portable when moving from shithole to shithole in search of things and people to exploit.

>> No.58102782

Unironically every city will be like Children of Men. I would buy large swathes of land in rural places and make sure to be self sufficient without external contributions. God bless

>> No.58102784
File: 255 KB, 1680x946, IMG_8353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets just say its about to get a whole lot darker in here

>> No.58104855

interesting hope

>> No.58106871


>> No.58107482

>reliant on migrants
Even the migrants aren't having children.

>> No.58107569

>>said the redneck brokie retard who doesn't understand percentages
You don't understand the point in OP's pic, you retard.

It says the white population is going to decline, and therefore whites need immigration. Which is complete horseshit and has nothing to do with the proportion of whites vs other races.

>> No.58108967


>> No.58109602

>*Makes it impossible to aquire enough resources for both yourself and A hypothetical family*
Thanks for playing.

>> No.58110932

Jannies delete this gay ass pol trap thread

>> No.58111100

If you don't live on your own private island by 2050 you have no one but yourself to blame.

>> No.58111355


>> No.58111389

Maybe we should start shaming Chad-only women? You need, like y'know, a male and a female to create a baby. And there isn't a shortage of guys who would open to fugging.

Also I'll be dead by the year 2100, so not my problem. Sucks to suck lmfao

>> No.58111415

i like how only some of the worst countries on the planet are still red

>> No.58111420

Only a small percentage of spartan women, the elite women. The majority along with the men were helots and were slaves. The helots were the original inhabitants of the spartan region.

>> No.58111929

Not my problem. Aoomers had 1,100 years to make it they can go baghold this civilization bullrun.

>> No.58111948


>> No.58112001

i wonder if the jews controlling the usa will feel confused about people not wanting babies when they cant afford anything cuz there are no jobs cuz these same jews keep investing and doing everything in their power to accelerate ai development which replaces humans.

is this all part of the plan?

>> No.58112107

Hitler was right about Jews.
Terrible Keynesian financial policy is what sparked the absolute myth of needing exponential growth and thinking you need to import people.
Government should be cut down by 95%.
Take these absolute facts and use this information accordingly.

>> No.58112331

>Civ is like real life
>Anthropology "researchers" know anything about governing a country

>> No.58112441

Africa's population is also starting to collapse, they're just behind the curve. One major famine or war strikes and we have no clue what the world looks like in 2100.