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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58093963 No.58093963 [Reply] [Original]

if I want to take a layoff and get a larger than normal severance package. wot do?
scared that they are just asking to see who they can lay off after denying the request
scared that they are laying off anyway.

>> No.58094004

Layoffs are happening either way. Negotiate a good deal and find a new job or start your own business anon.

Entrepreneurship is a great opportunity if you don't mind the struggles that come with the lessons

tldr; big balls always win, bet on yourself

>> No.58094938

Best advice

>> No.58094950


I sell my AGRS on peak, did 10x, get a house, and a office, then I open my own busyness "TI support" is going on wheels

>> No.58094957
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No one ask

>> No.58095175

Thank you for the advice. I think I am going to call their bluff and accept the voluntary severance. If they were going to lay me off I'll get more money, and if they weren't they'll let me know.