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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58093291 No.58093291 [Reply] [Original]

A year ago I made probably one of the worst financial decisions of my life, trying to impress my gf at the time and also just being impulsive I bought my dream ride 2021 Toyota 4-runner TRD. I paid way too much for it, the payment is high af, and I owe about $50k still and since losing my job in December I’m now two months behind on my payments. ($885/mo.) I got a new job waiting tables averaging about $200-$300 a night (5 shifts per wk) so I can probably save up quick enough to get caught up on my payments before they repo it. Should I just say fuck it and let it go, take the L on my credit and being in debt for the difference of what they get on it on auction, and use the money I earn on buying more bags (FTM/BTC) and just drive a hooptie like I should have to begin with… or continue to make the payment in order to have a reliable vehicle, be it overpriced, that will last and likely need no repairs? I already know I’m retarded for putting myself in this position to start with but I’m just wondering what the best course of action from here on would be.

>> No.58093304

Like Elsa said. Let it go.

>> No.58093383

you paid a pre owned aston martin price for a toyota. congrats stupid

>> No.58093388
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I have a feeling this story will be more and more common.

>> No.58093404

the used car market is healing

>> No.58093413

you fucked up HPV haircut.

>> No.58093437

This has to be some sort of copy & pasted reddit post.

>> No.58093438

>dream vehicle is an unchanged SUV on a 15 year old platform
uh ok lol

>> No.58093446

bust your ass you stupid faggot wagie and learn about 'servicing' a loan, make double payments and own it then sell it for more than you paid in a year or two as prices continue to rise to fuck

>> No.58093463

My mom made the same mistake as you anon. She bought a 60k car a few years ago.
The car cost is 2x-3x her salary.
I told her early to return it / stop paying for it. Now she is stuck with it because she has been with it for so long.

Personally, I would let it go. 50k is a lot of money unless you really need that 4runner( you probably dont). That money is better spent elsewhere.

What was the total cost of the car.

>> No.58093472

I unironically want to buy a lexus is 350. Are they bad cars?

>> No.58093481

na they're good just a boring chassis and an anemic v6. You'd unironically be better off with a Camry hybrid and not kidding yourself with something objectively worse than a mid tier 3 series

>> No.58093502

How the fuck can you not afford a 4 runner? This isn’t a flex but I buy my cars in cash. The reason why I do it is called loan Amoritization. The trick the Jews do is they front load the cars interest. I don’t get car loans so don’t look at me for details but amortization works the same across most shit. Long story short you absolutely are not close to owning that car and won’t be because all of the interest can be collected before you pay on principal. It’s nasty shit, I’m very glad my religion hates usury and woke me up to this.

>> No.58093521

I currently have a Mazda 6 even more anemic engine. I4

I've never considered a hybrid engine. Don't they have increased maintenance cost?

>> No.58093565
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Looks like you'd get 30-40k used for it. I assume less at auction so you're essentially asking if you should take on 20-30k of debt (+ repo costs, + 7 years of a repo on your credit history) vs paying off the balance

>> No.58093609

Put gap insurance on it and go run it into a tree? You losers on here have no business sense at all. Why waste your credit? I like to wear a motorcycle helmet when I crash my cars. Just throw it in the ditch before the police arrive.

>> No.58093624

one of the 2014+? I had one too, car looked so fucking good but was just such a a slug. Iirc Toyota runs a 100k warranty on hybrid powertrains and I'd expect maintenance to be the same, maybe save a trivial amount on brakepads I guess.

>> No.58093632

when you want sell it better try to sell it yourself.
the repo will flash sale it with a lost since they dont care and still get the difference from you

>> No.58093654

Idiot bought a shitbox and now wants to buy the top of a shitcoin like FTM
Buy Doge you mong

>> No.58093680
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I gotta take a moment to shake off how fucking gay you are for saying that.

>> No.58093709

I’ve been sitting on a bag since 2020 just want more
Go fuck yourself I gotta start somewhere we can’t all be born into wealthy family or even have family period
So let it go? Like 60k

>> No.58093716

like taytay said
shake it off

>> No.58093733

>born into a wealthy family
Bro it’s called making smart decisions. I bet he was driving a shit box at your age. Move to a cash based lifestyle and watch how easy it gets as you save money not paying Jews.

>> No.58093751

They are going to sell it for next to nothing and sue you for probably $30k. Try to negotiate a short sale with then that way you can at least sell it yourself private party and maximize what you get

>> No.58093757

You don’t know my age. Even making better decisions that still wouldn’t eliminate my need for steady income… I already acknowledge that I fucked up, I’m trying to do better, kinda the whole point of the post

>> No.58093777

Thank you for the input.
I have it listed on marketplace for a while now no biters yet

>> No.58093817

If you dont like my gap insurance idea, put comprehensive insurance on it and let it get stolen. Park it with the keys on the hood in the worst neighborhood you can find

>> No.58093890

You could also get a debt consolidation loan if you’re not up for destroying your credit. Get pre-approval from a reputable credit union/bank (do not go for some dodgy credit repair loan shark or cash on the spot place) and then sell the car to which ever dealer is offering the highest and they can handle the rest once you let the lender know the difference owed. They will probably try and get you into a new car and roll over the debt for a lower payment so tell them to get fucked. Alternatively you could borrow money from family or get a personal loan for the difference but no bank is going to loan you money without solid income. Pay that loan off as fast as you can and start fresh with a shitbox. It’s not the end of the world and you have to make these mistakes now and hope you learn from it.

>t. someone who is almost in the same boat as you but for about half that amount

>> No.58093917

Well not paying on a depreciating asset is for starters, another is getting a loan. You can also sell plasma. $400 a month is nothing to sneeze at. You also dope your blood because they put your blood cells back into you now. I did it in college and then realized I had all of this energy leave me when I stopped. That plasma can easily pay for trade school. Also do you live in Florida? I just realized I know a kid that bought a 4Runner and blew his life up but cleans up waiting tables down there.

>> No.58093967

What if you sold the parts inside and let them repo it LOL

>> No.58093980

How's the ceramic coating on that vehicle?

>> No.58095069

>being in debt for the difference of what they get on it on auction
they will get a couple hundred dollars for it

so you're going to get sued for the entire loan

in which case you might as well keep the vehicle.

>> No.58095090

>What if you sold the parts inside and let them repo it LOL
you jest, but if you don't strip it the repo guys are going to.

they strip it and then say it was stripped when they got it, and they sue you for stripping it. This is normal repo guy stuff.

>> No.58096307

pretty clever actually, think outside the box OP

>> No.58096595

I saw you retards all the time trying to get out of your loan. Trying to sell it for $50k because “that’s what I owe”.

>> No.58096633

Lol car loans are like 1-2% all you need to do is take your money and put it in an S&P index fund and you have not only effectively paid off the loan but also profited on top of it. You’d have to be retarded to pay for a car in cash, so no, that is definitely not a flex.

>> No.58096717


They massively complicate the car and will wed you to the stealership. I wish you could just still buy a NA 4 cylinder with a 4 speed auto but even Toyota is eating the bugs now.

>> No.58096743
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Its not 2018 retard.

>> No.58096799

How do you get to work if they repo?
If you can get to work another way, then rent it out on Turo and make $500-$1000 a month from that if you’re in a decent market

>> No.58096935

>paying cash for a car

Holy shit just go ahead and shout: "I'm a financially retarded poorfag!" Unless you have poorfag, bottom feeder credit, you can lock in a 3% interest rate on a new car. Want to know what the S&P500 has, on average, returned YoY the last 20 years? 10%. What does this mean?

Well, if 2 people were to buy a $50,000 car - 1 paying cash and the other financing it @ 3% over 72 months - the one who financed it would have THOUSANDS more than the retard who paid cash.

Finance Bro:
$0 down
$50,000 invested @ 10% annual returns
Portfolio after 72 months: $88,578.05

Cash retard:
Buys car outright
Puts his would-be car payment ($759.68) into the S&P500 every month
Portfolio after 72 months: $75,436.99

A difference of over $10,000 hahahaha holy shit what a retard. Yeah great business strategy there, dumbfuck

>> No.58099051

I bought a 90s Toyota 4runner for $3k in cash like 7 years ago and I've had no problems it's still running great :)

>> No.58099094

bros should I buy a used acura integra? They are coming down in price so quickly. I was gonna get a civic but for the same price I can get a used integra

>> No.58099195

Cash for cars is for Dave Ramsey audience tier retards
People need to only check local credit unions

>> No.58100060

Listen cunt you got yourself in this mess you can get your self out of this mess. Make sure that its insured for an argeed amout higher than what you owe on the loan. Then pick on of the following options.

-Sink the car in water at a boat ramp accident
-bury the car and report it stolen
-set the car on fire and report arson
-take it for one last hell of a joy ride and write it off, report it stolen.

The only thing stopping you is you, now go and write the fucker off and get yourself an insurance payout and never do it again. Taking a car like that bush, fucking it up and burning it out is the most fun option in my opinion. Dont take any mobile devices with you and dont tell anyone about it. The less there is to your story the better, think along the lines of i woke up and it was gone.

>> No.58100308

Based chuds.

>> No.58100339

10k aint shit these days, poor fag.

>> No.58100656

I actually thought about doing this.
Ok solid advice I may try going this route if I can get that loan for the difference, may be a long shot though. Credits kind not good atm
Not Florida. Unironically looked to see if anywhere around me buys plasma and we don’t have anywhere as far as I can tell, the only places I could find on google have disconnected numbers.
Never got any, dont believe it comes stock….

>> No.58100743

they will auction it for next to nothing and you'll owe the majority of the note and have no car

>> No.58101009

kek. there is no way you did this. you're crazy.

>> No.58102300

First smart anon I've seen in this thread. Keep it up!

>> No.58102339

No don't let them repo. Catch up on the payment then sell it. Even if you lose a few grand. Then stop being a manchild and live within your means. Cars are the most retarded purchase you can make. Save that for when you are already wealthy. Until then just get a uses corolla.

>> No.58103012

but this
Make up your payment and then sell the vehicle off, its better than being repoed

>> No.58103544

>dream ride

wtf? Even your dreams are a disappointment Anon

>> No.58104551

what is an hpv haircut? Clearly this is a bot post as I can't see any sense in this comment or relevance to the topic.

>> No.58104659

You can sell it yourself for much more than the repo auction will bring. Don't stack retardation upon more retardation. Some people...

>> No.58104674

What is 4chans upsession with fake cuck threads?
You aren’t even worthless enough to get cucked in real life that you need to make daily shit posts about x because y because gf.

>> No.58104698

I'm reporting this thread for a lack of poojeets. Wtf. Also fuck car dealer jews

>> No.58105059

maybe you need to put it down man, that shit is just not worth it at this point
it's not an investment, like putting 30k on stocks, btc or some memecoin like mumu. Take in mind how often do you need rides, calculate how much does a taxi / bus cost you and see the difference in cost over 5 years or 10 and compare that to the price of the car.
personally in my case, currently a car is a bad investment, given that i work from home and i don't go to far away places often, plus i move mostly with a bus rather than uber or taxi so it's cheaper for me.

>> No.58105114



>> No.58105131 [DELETED] 
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listen bro it sounds like a car is just not worth it for you like you said you work from home and don't go to far away places often plus you mostly move with a bus rather than an uber or taxi so it's cheaper for you so you're right maybe it's not such a good investment in your case i'd say just keep doing your thing and taking the bus it just seems more cost-effective for you

>> No.58105160

I bought my 2015 ES350 before 2018. I still drive it and love it. It is not a chick magnet though, unfortunately. In fact, I think some people see it as a woman's car. Still, very comfortable. Not too expensive for a luxury car. You will be known as someone with a luxury car, but I think many guys ive met would have not chosen that car if given the option. You do you.

>> No.58105169

Oh I read Es350. Yeah idk the is350. Looks sportier than the es350 iirc, more of a dudes car

>> No.58105185


>> No.58105193

Maybe get a used bike and put it to work on a car rental site a few days a month to justify it?

>> No.58106142


4runners are great but the amount people pay for them is insane. and that TRD package, lol you gay nigga you ain't ever going off road.

I picked up a 2024 Honda Ridgeline truck and it's insanely useful, and paid $41k out the door. And this truck will run for fucking ever

>> No.58106266

I think you need to work your ass off and really pay the car note. Find some purpose in your life beyond consumption. Don’t let your credit take a hit and take an active role in improving your situation. At the end of the next two to three years you’ll have hopefully accomplished a better work ethic, mindset, and you’ll be able to keep that sweet 4Runner for 15 more years and every time you drive it you’ll be reminded of your foolish self. Every time you look in the rear view mirror, you’ll see your better self. And did you honestly think life would be that easy? Oh look at me, my fancy new car. You fucking weak pathetic piece of trash. Fuck you and your unearned debt and wishful social status. People like you make me sick. God and America gave you the best most open opportunity to life and you choose to smoke pot and eat bonbons doing meaningless work with zero aspiration and achievements to show. Fuck you, cock sucker. You will be doomed to a life of poverty and when you look at yourself you will know that those chains are for the best, you can’t be trusted to have full autonomy. You are nothing.

>> No.58106450

Car loans are around 7% these days, just fyi
I know you’re a zoomer brained retard doped up on low reserve rates but at least try to hide it a little bit

>> No.58106484

>A difference of over $10,000 hahahaha holy shit what a retard. Yeah great business strategy there, dumbfuck
Car loans are 7% you stupid fuck. Post your picks for a 10% return. a 7% return on investment is just fucking fine for me faggot.
Also I'd like to point out, I buy my cars in cash because I'm not a stupid faggot throwing numbers around. My dividends bought my HRV and my Forester new.

>> No.58106503

One other thing, Google how loan amortization works. I hold my HRV and Forester for 10 years, because it's a Honda and a Subaru they hold value, I sell it for 10k each. You pay Jewish interest over the first three years, then start paying down your depreciated as fuck asset.

>> No.58106516

accordint to truflation, you literally bought a overprices vehicle in the worst year lmao what a fucking retard

>> No.58106522
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Sell it, leave your Gf and play games. get BTC, GRAVITY, and drink beer.

>> No.58106525


Sounds like a plan

>> No.58106528
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You´ll die alone

>> No.58106532


But happy

>> No.58106545

He needs gap insurance. And don't be adumbass and crash the car immediately after you buy gap coverage. Wait 2 weeks(lmao)

>> No.58106546

Be happy, luxury is vulgarity
Even that is better

>> No.58106548

don't muhricans resell their cars with the buyer taking on its debt?
It's common practice here in South America.

>> No.58106665

Are you retarded? Just leave it parked on MLK Blvd with the keys in.

>> No.58106694

Christ what is with you guys and gap insurance?

>> No.58106729

You're a fucking retard, just buy a used car with cash for under 10k and then do any maintenance/repairs yourself. Imagine ever paying more than 10 grand for a car. If you're not a complete retard and know literally anything about cars you can find a cheap one that'll last 5-10 years.