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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 793 KB, 576x1024, Me Vs You.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58089830 No.58089830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When you see someone exit a Ferrari, you automatically know they're above you. Actually, most of you probably cope and convince yourself they're up to their eyeballs in debt but nonetheless you saw them and immediately got defensive because your little ego got hurt simply by them existing and driving a nice car.

That's what a car does - it immediately displays your status. It says either "yep, that's right. I make enough money to afford this car" or "I'm so poor I have to drive a beater to make ends meet". Your car immediately determines your value as a human. Expensive car = high income = high paying job = high value employee. It immediately tells people you're intelligent.

>> No.58089897

You have to be 18 years or older to post here

>> No.58089949

Brown skin detected

>> No.58089982
File: 307 KB, 2698x1576, 'Cel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're underage!

>You're brown!

All we're missing is some equally poor/mentally ill /pol/cel to join and call me a tranny. Just FYI, the namecalling only exposes you as being butthurt and, thus, driving a shitbox (which makes you poor). You're basically just saying "I'm broke and this thread made me mad!"

>> No.58090086

If you work with your image then that's probably fine. Otherwise, you don't take your car to the interview room, nobody's gonna see it. Your customers probably wont care about what you're driving either. Women who care too much about what you're driving probably wont make a good mom and very likely would divorce rape you.

>> No.58090111

I'd rather be 5'1" bald, ugly, and poor, as long as I was white. The dysgenic mutt (likely rich jew dad and beanslave wife) in the OP pic would not be the object of jealousy if he was a billionaire.

>> No.58090116


>> No.58090126

I can tell you're poor because you wrote this

>> No.58090129

didn't read anything from either OP or this post
but you should definitely fuck off

>> No.58090137

i sold my luxury bmw 6 years ago and it was the best decision of my life. i don't have a car anymore. and i didn't even get a gf with the bmw. i got a new gf when i had no car at all.

>> No.58090147

I can't tell if this is a bragging post, or if this is incel cope justifying your inability to attract mates because your car is missing a few millimeters of chrome.
OP, please tell us what car you drive.

>> No.58090159

>all this cope text
Not reading it
If you have to "flex" on the poors or whatever with gaudy trinkets, you aren't high value
You'll only attract equally deluded trash that see shiny baubles as "wealth" instead of high maintenance liabilities

>> No.58090163

OP is just really ugly. you need 0 bux to get a gf. just don't be ugly. one of my mattes is broke af and he hasn't been singlu since his 16 y/o

>> No.58090169

That guy isn't taking anyone's girl looking like that. For fuck's sake hit the gym and get rid of the pedo stache

>> No.58090178

The God of Whites (Zeus) blesses this post

>> No.58090182

>That guy isn't taking anyone's girl looking like that.
true. he's gigas()y. i actually asked my gf if "this guy" would be able to take her from me and she laughed and called him ugly. no joke.

>> No.58090201
File: 3.87 MB, 758x1080, 08e0d3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty-car-cels and gymcels BTFO.

>> No.58090217

>For fuck's sake hit the gym
No one gives a fuck about your muscles >>58090201

>> No.58090222


>> No.58090248

Well, I could get a ferrari and get my grandchild to pay for it as a generational debt, but I'd rather flip a coin and kms or wait for SSNC kek

>> No.58090267

>makin' you more stupider
lmao even
this guy is the epitome of /biz/raelis asking how they get a gf because they now have 1 mil+ in crypto

>> No.58090301
File: 140 KB, 712x856, Incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao even

>> No.58090374

This is what happens to your brain when you spend 90% of your free time in the internet

Post the key fob to your car with timestamp (you won't)

>"did not read"
But somehow you're mad? Lol mental illness

>thinking "chrome" "attracts """mates""" "
Touch grass

You're unironically posting from a PC. Like literally sitting stationary doing nothing but sitting at a desk in your free time. Your opinion is null and void incel lol

>> No.58090473

OP, please tell us what car you drive.

>> No.58090527

>Believing women.
Just remember, he has the keys to the castle.

>> No.58090578
File: 94 KB, 1008x715, Z76I3fc8RN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so im not gonna answer that question because i dont give a fuck spurdo is a good token and all my spurdo homies are gonna be rich soon i have a lambo and 50 hookers just in case that doesnt happen but i doubt it my car is a kia soul btw it was cheaper to rent than buy the only reason you would ask me about my car is to figure out my net worth well its $0 now after buying all these spurdo erc tokens and if my wife finds out shes going to leave me again

>> No.58090585

I'll let Doug describe my car:

"I filmed that video about a month ago and just watching it back and editing it was fun. I didn't want to film a conclusion when i shot that video because i wasn't really sure what i thought of the car. I wanted to go home and really think things over before I made a conclusion and now that I have thought things over my conclusion is this: that car is unbelievable. You know I read all this stuff on that car I knew it was going to be great but i guess i didn't really know it would be THAT great. now I want one of those things. it's just too bad there's such a crazy markup. All i know is it's worth what they're charging, it's probably even worth what people are paying with the markup. That is one of the most surprising awesome cars i've driven this year, maybe I've ever driven..."

- Doug Demuro, driver of Ferraris, Bugatti, Lambos, Porsche, etc.

>> No.58090652

nooone knows what a Mclaren even is

>> No.58090671

I'm not asking what a tiktok larper used for his ragebait video.
I'm asking YOU what YOU drive.
This is important.
Please respond.

>> No.58090681

>Just remember, he has the keys to the castle.
he's a thin baaasedcel. girls don't like thin weak fags like him.

>> No.58090682

I drive a beater and I make 250k a year as a software developer in a state with a cheap cost of living. I dgaf what people about my car. I do care about saving money for things that matter to me.

>> No.58090693

i come from very very poor whites. in my family just owning a car that turns on every time with under 200k miles is very well respected. I got my 2010 kia with under 100k miles for 3k and that was my best financial decision in years

>> No.58090696

>You're unironically posting from a PC. Like literally sitting stationary doing nothing but sitting at a desk in your free time. Your opinion is null and void incel lol
I use my laptop to post and I don't work anymore since i accumulated 25 bitcoins since 2017. my gf doesn't give a fuck about my wealth. she told me all girls care about is genetics.

>> No.58090708

it's true but driving a ferrari makes you look like a retard unless you just have one for fun. instant loss of trust if someone shows up to a business meeting driving a ferarri, unless they are like 65+ years old.
on the other hand, and this has nothing to do with nigger tate, if someone pulls up in a bugatti, it doesn't matter that they look stupid, they have money.
Someone driving something like an acura or a lexus shows that they have money but they are probably smart and pragmatic. That's someone you most likely want to work with.
If you know someone is loaded and they still drive a volkswagon, that's the best indicator of autism. They might be a good engineer or patent attorney
Finally, if they drive a hybrid hyundai they might be a fine piece of gay ass for you to unwind after a busy day

>> No.58090725

lol irl people always think cool dudes in old fashioned cool guy shitboxes whether they're muscular or some other type of badass are cooler than the rich twink who gets out of his million dollar car, i can think of a lot of poor dudes i know that will catch the eyes of more women than that dude

>> No.58090735

It's a ~$70kish track car (stock). I also own an SUV as my daily

I'll make you a deal - post your key fob with time stamp and I'll post mine. This isn't my first rigamaroo, incel.

>> No.58090738

software developers work behind the scenes. it probably doesn't matter. still, if you're ever meeting with people that pay you and they see your car they are instantly going to psychologically see you as worth less

>> No.58090744

>when you make 25K a month, while sipping your preworkout, about to go demolish some weights
imagine not perfecting every aspect of your life, what an absolute loser, even the Greeks would call this man a faggot

>> No.58090757

true. way more respect for someone that rebuilt a decades old car

>> No.58090761

This guy is trying so hard to be like Andrew Tate but he just can't pull it off with those looks

>> No.58090762

The only part about yourself that is true is that you unironically are sitting stationary doing nothing but posting on 4chan. But I'm sure you are in denial about how gay that is

>> No.58090770

You're projecting really hard in this thread

>> No.58090790

He's still ugly

>> No.58090805

>"no u", but for "adult" incels

>> No.58090808

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit. u wouldnt say this shit to him irl, hes jacked. not only that but he drives the fastest cars, wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

>> No.58090818
File: 1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Passable.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait. Nobody over the age of 20 cares about what car you drive and believes it to be any sort of indicator of your wealth.

>> No.58090823

not really because you can't tell if its selfmade or rich parents

>> No.58090826

> It's a ~$70kish track car (stock). I also own an SUV as my daily
Damn. that falls right in limbo. I can't tell if you're ashamed of your cars, or if you think they're helping you get laid.

There's no point in showing you my awesome key fob, for two reasons:
First, I'm not a deranged anon claiming cars (would?) get me laid. That's you. Keep track.
Two, it's a tesla fob, and there's no visual difference whether it came with my model X or if someone bought one for their model 3.

>> No.58090831

Luxury brands are designed to keep the niggerbrained retards who fall into money from getting wealthy.

>> No.58090835

Everyone always knows it's daddy's money.
Nobody believes that you just worked harderer than everyone else and got you a Lamborghini.
Yeah, you get to have the car but I always think, "faggot" when I see a 20 year old in an Italian sports car. A faggot that probably had a gay experience to "prove something" at some point in his life.

>> No.58090844

Pure, unadulterated cope. Of course you think this - you either drive a shitbox or don't even own a car LOL. Whether you like it or not, the car you picked out expresses who you are and what you can afford.

>> No.58090852

>hangs out with the hottest dudes
elaborate anon

>> No.58090863

I own a sportscar. Unless you're still in highschool, nobody fucking cares bro.

>> No.58090869

daily demoralization thread. This guy loves posting that webm of this dude with zero muscle thinking he's hot shit, lol.

>> No.58090883
File: 2.83 MB, 3000x3000, 1670960499627755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i step out of my maxed out fully loaded current year honda odyssey you just know.

>> No.58090885

Probably neither. His backyard looks like that of every other middle class Florida home with a pool. Which means he blew all his money on a luxury car (assuming it isn't a rental) and didn't have enough left over for a luxury home

>> No.58090886

I drive a mustang and lift everyday. I am still a literal bug.

>> No.58090908

>they're up to their eyeballs in debt
Yeah my buddy has one and he is indeed in debt lmao. Nice ride though, we get looks being two or sometimes three homies in a Ferrari.

>> No.58090925

>I'm not a deranged anon claiming cars (would?) get me laid.
You came up with that all on your own, lil celly. Teslas are cheap garbage with terrible ride quality and cheap interiors. You literally bought one for the "style points" hahahaha you have the same mentality as I do about cars but are too stupid to do your research and buy something nice LMAO

>> No.58090941

>I drive a sports car
- said every 16 year old with a clapped out $25k camaro/mustang/challenger LMAOOOO

>> No.58090950

>I am still a literal bug.
Let me tell you a secret - we all are. We are but dust in the wind.

>> No.58090973

whoa slow down, he might have a clapped out BRZ or STi from 2016

>> No.58090985
File: 50 KB, 714x614, 8v3q0xpgWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you drive a clapped out sports car what a fag and its only $25k like lol is that supposed to impress me i drive a fully loaded lamborghini huracan with a wide body kit and twin turbos oh yeah and did i mention its not even mine its my stepdads he's super rich and he lets me drive it whenever i want since he has like 20 supercars that he just has for the heck of it and even then its a cheap car for him since his main ride is a 10mil dollar pagani

>> No.58091029

Good 1 incel

>> No.58091032
File: 322 KB, 1920x1040, 2022-Shelby-GT500KR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. Lambos, Ferraris. They're all auto, dual clutched out now for the new, sissyfied silicon valley generation. Get a real man's car like picrel instead. Women get wet for true gearheads

>> No.58091051

The new GT500 only comes in a DCT automatic you absolute retard

>> No.58091063
File: 65 KB, 956x672, ae0usG0oTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are absolutely right lambos are for pussies true car enthusiasts (like myself a 18inch benis owner) know that a man's car is a real gearhead and let me tell you the only thing women get wet for is my giant gargantuan and spectacular benis i drive a car that is so far beyond your understanding that you simply could not fathom because you only desire something cheap and pathetic like a huracan

>> No.58091068

They pretend like they do but their pussies are probably dryer than the planet Dune when with guys like that

>> No.58091069

>obsessed with cars and money 24/7
You must be American.

>> No.58091072

thank you but I'll take a Toyota aristo with a 2jz, but otherwise correct.

>> No.58091107

In Europe gearheads drive Volkswagen. Unironic

>> No.58091113

>Your car is the quickest way for someone to determine your worth
not really, a lot of rich people are also autistic with money, whereas a lot of mid people will splurge on a nice car instead of build an investment portfolio.

>> No.58091130
File: 55 KB, 892x619, orZvdOXHRK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is with these guys and their obsession with cars it's such a boring hobby that only appeals to people who wish they could have a big ol' beefing benis maybe then their wives wouldn't be fantasizing about guys like me with 12ft benii if these car guys really want to impress the ladies they should try being a spurdo chad with a 17ft monster meat unlike those guys in the huracan with their 3in little dinks so yeah a toyota aristo with a 2jz is a good choice

>> No.58091133
File: 184 KB, 1004x684, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58091153

actual rich people rarely drive. We do ride a lot, but the limos we ride in aren't particularly impressive and we often don't own them.

>> No.58091162

Too many words. Fuck you

>> No.58091176

>You came up with that all on your own, lil celly
That's literally the claim the OP made.
If that's not you, then why the fuck are you replying?

>Teslas are cheap garbage
You're lucky I covered my car's ears when you said that, or she would have been very upset.

>> No.58091223

this. what an absolute tosser, you get the 350R if you want the manual trackcar. the 500 is for drag racing.

>> No.58091231

Still a 10-speeder and not a gay 7 like the lambo and ferrari

>> No.58091253

Literal poorfag tier. Most of my close friends are millionaires none of them have assets that depreciate as much as Ferraris and Maseratis.
It’s a retard purchase for fakers. You get something like a high end Japanese or German car, pay in cash and buy a nice 30fter or better. My boss is also a Forbes 10 billionaire and drives Mercedes, up until he built his own car company to build what he wants to drive and sell it to normies.
Cars are a depreciating asset. Nobody owns A Ferrari that can actually afford them. They own like 8 to spread the depreciation around more. My family until recently was worth 8 digits, (yeah yeah yeah I’m the guy who posted about losing everything to a Chinese guy) and I’ll never forget what my Ex FIL told me when he saw my car I was driving in college.
“Dont you dare drive my daughter in that piece of shit, here’s an Audi go get it registered under you today.”
That’s real money. Real money is having a Guest Audi.

>> No.58091268

>I drive a sports car
>your shitbox is not a "sports car"
>You're an American obsessed with cars!

Lmao this is why you shouldn't drink while pregnant

>> No.58091288
File: 90 KB, 166x205, 1662461282659539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drive an old BMW 328i that breaks down all the time and I pay a shop out my ass to fix it because I'm too stupid to fix it myself but I am RICHER THAN YOU!!!!!!!!

>> No.58091315
File: 408 KB, 736x614, false values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58091320

The words "get laid" nor anything even referencing sex or helping you have sex are not in my OP, nutcase.

It's always the incels who are obsessed with sex. Truly hilarious! Now proceed with your mental gymnastics as you try to conjure your schizophrenia to tie the OP to sex

>> No.58091331

You're not a millionaire. You're some weird nerd who still lives with his parents. Go take a time stamped pic of your living room so we can all laugh our asses off

>> No.58091405

I didn’t say I was reading comprehension lacking faggot. My idiot father pissed it all away, what I do fucking have is a pilots license and membership in the Explorers Club because my ex wife’s parents who are billionaires and who you meme about took me around the world on their yacht so I could satisfy the minimum requirements and not be left out. I can also fly single engines because boats and planes are a thing the rich now. It’s all about experience and either of those (mostly power yachts) help that.
I have a satellite office in Monaco for a reason at the company I work for because I work for one of the ten richest people on the planet. His underlings are three of the city richest people in the EU. I’m around this kind of money daily.

>> No.58091411

Define luxury car

>> No.58091416

>none of them have assets that depreciate as much as Ferraris
It's so funny when you poorfags try to LARP - you BTFO yourselves every single time. Like how retarded do you have to be to fuck up a LARP on an anonymous board?

Ferraris hold their value better than nearly any other car. The vast majority of Ferraris can be bought and driven a few times a month and resold a few years later for as much, if not more, than what they were bought for. You'd know this if your balls had dropped and you had above a room temp IQ

>> No.58091429
File: 122 KB, 1000x668, 1000_F_328421686_2Adkfth4gaD3HbFyx5VLGvArUrSavyJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100,000,000 and a Bugatti


You have to become a nigger or indian (chosen by coin flip)

do you press the button /biz/

>> No.58091436

Don’t fucking care nobody I knows drives them and unless you are Elon Musk the four families I know don’t drive for insurance reasons. You wanna hold value. Buy property or a company.

>> No.58091439

that's boomer logic, I'm car-free and my economic status confuses boomers, they know I have money but are clueless where to socially rank what class I belong

>> No.58091442

toyota yaris is pretty good if you get the fancy trim edition. has built in bluetooth so you can play music off your phone

>> No.58091472

Have you got me confused for someone else anon? I never mentioned the car model I drive.

>> No.58091487

Ask me how I can tell you've never shopped for an expensive sports car
You've responded to nearly every reply except mine. I just gave struck a nerve. Tell me, how "fast" is your shitbox BMW? Does it go 0-60 in a whopping 5 whole seconds?

>> No.58091506

Here, let me BTFO you real quick:

You're a schizophrenic manlet who lives with his brokie parents, has never had sex and has a negative net value. Both our statements hold the same weight. I'll seal the deal: post literally any tangible possession you own that has value, with a timestamp. Literally anything. You're posting from a phone, so go snap a pic.

You won't. You can't. Because there is literally nothing you own that is valuable. You, like your entire family before you, is poor as shit.

No reply (no pic attached of course) and prove me right.

>> No.58091545

You said you "drive a sports car" and then when someone makes fun of you for saying that gay shit you go "reee you're obsessed with cars" hahahaha take your meds

>You've responded to nearly every reply except mine
I have no idea who you are. Cry more. No really - beg for my attention, brokie

>> No.58091562

>BTFOs himself
>"reee don't care!"
Of course you don't, brokie. You're mentally ill

>> No.58091575
File: 40 KB, 97x128, 1669666488954457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beg for my attention, my shitbox BMW that I spent all my money on doesn't get me any

>> No.58091627

i dont want attention
i look like a hobo and definitely have more net worth then you

>> No.58091629

4758 Kahala Ave is my uncles property that was foreclosed and in the process of being sold. It’s retailing for nine million after he sold it and a guy rebuilt it. I’m 99% sure Sothebys is retailing it under the guys name so I don’t give a fuck.
The storage facility where our shit is kept is closed right now. Otherwise I would.

But again I literally could give less of a fuck about your opinion on jackshit when I have a flight to catch this weekend on my bosses plane up to Norway to see why you onboarding a new facility is taking forever. I don’t care if you have five million. I don’t care if you have 10 million. You aren’t impressive and your opinion about wealth has no value you fucking poorfag and I could give a wet shit about your bullshit if you own a car other than you like it.

>> No.58091635


Gen Z tiktok faggots renting cars doesn't mean anything other than a desperate cry for attention

OP resposts this John Waters-esque mustached faggot daily now and you dipshits fall for it repeatedly.

>> No.58091657

>no pic
>another wall of schizophrenic rambling
Nigger you could literally take a pic of ANYTHING of value.... and you can't hahahaha because you're poor as shit!

>> No.58091671

>Contantly hunching
>Rubbing his hands together while trying to convince the audience
>Worships money above all else
>Suspicious looking nose
>Scrawny due to spending his life reading and studying the ways of the chosen ones


>> No.58091674

There is an 80% chance you still live with your parents as a full blown 22+ year old adult

>> No.58091684

>Implying anyone feels the need to prove themselves to a zoomer with a mental capacity below the average nigger
Holy fucking cringe. I can't imagine you'd land in a high paying job with such a lack of self awareness. You probably work 50 hours a week at a warehouse or something and think you're well off

>> No.58091692

I’m not going to dox myself for some crypto faggot masturbating over his gain today. It is what it is you spoiled neurotic shit. You are shit.

>> No.58091705
File: 401 KB, 200x209, LOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now he's replying to my posts that are directed at other people in an effort to garner my attention

>> No.58091723
File: 404 KB, 200x200, 1696703582128245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks I don't know he's avoiding my posts because he can't figure out how to reply without sounding mad
Squirm, monkey

>> No.58091732

>I'm not going to dox myself taking a picture of some random objects of value!
>hey, here's my uncle's address: >>58091629

Hahahahah can't make this shit up! This is the 2nd time you've BTFOd yourself with your gay LARP

>> No.58091747
File: 297 KB, 220x220, 1701560434230244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you drive a buh buh buh BMW!
>stop avoiding my posts!

>> No.58091767
File: 265 KB, 680x414, 1634068287319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stopped talking about cars the second I got called out for driving a shitbox but I'm not mad

>> No.58091816
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 15fv0od4cuj61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still implying I have any clue which brokie you are

>> No.58091835

look at this arms tho

>> No.58091844

Listen faggot, the shit that matters to old families isn’t often isn’t worth Lambo shit. I’m not playing your game. It’s gifts given to them by important people and they are often old, and in variable condition. I posted Sothebys because I’ve worked with them and I know they hide sellers. On top of that I’m not going to let some fucking no name with a car fetish insult it. And if you somehow did find me, please ring my office phone up so I can tell you I don’t give a fuck about your opinion and you can see who my direct boss is. Because you are the only one swinging your tiny dick about this around like a peasant because you have nothing else going for you.

>> No.58091853
File: 190 KB, 497x342, 1689785621194316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still acting like this entire thread isn't projecting his own insecurities and we can't feel the seethe radiating from our screens

>> No.58091909
File: 1.95 MB, 280x175, 1710644379132797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally nou's
>>N-No u nou'd
Is this that high iq mclaran typing?

>> No.58091962

>another essay
>no pic
You are spending waaayy to much energy keeping this LARP up. You're seriously insane

Except I never claimed anyone was projecting.

What's with all the brokies owning themselves? I thought biz was a mildly intelligent board

>> No.58092002

>cares about (You)s
Incel shit. I bet I could reply to you with a dot and you'd still come back to my thread LOL. Let's try it out:


>> No.58092008
File: 32 KB, 679x452, images-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fuckin nah I'll just get a 300 series cruiser. Even got a nice hollowed out bit in the driver's seat where your giant dick and balls nestles in just right

>> No.58092039

good post
you dont need more than a Mercedes to signal wealth

>> No.58092048
File: 111 KB, 122x296, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im >>58091844 I swapped to desktop. Family crest is on the candle. That crest is the most important thing I own and worth more than any fucking car on Earth.

>> No.58092078
File: 2.02 MB, 200x150, pfffttttthahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a fucking candle? I ask you to post a picture of something of value..... and this gook posts a picture of a candle....

Pffttthahahahahha no fucking way

>> No.58092158

Exactly. Imagine being on a weeb board and not knowing that symbol.
Enjoy your car.

>> No.58092224

>I don't want to dox myself! -> >>58091692
>here's this obviously cropped, low res photo of my "family's crest"
Hahahhaha you are one of the dumbest people I have had the misfortune of coming across

>> No.58092282

You should post your family crest on a six hundred year old item as well.

>> No.58092304
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>> No.58092321
File: 242 KB, 1284x965, IMG_8122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP reeks of 1-6 figure poverty mentality.

>> No.58092344

what a retard, these cars have no value but a luxury home is investment

>> No.58092350

What is it with young males of any race and cars? Why do they obsess over them? There are so many better investments.

>> No.58092364
File: 1.34 MB, 1766x1444, Screenshot_20240220_100440_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is my worth?

>> No.58092394

>check out my easily manipulated screenshot!
Really set yourself up to get owned: post literally any tangible object of value with timestamp. You can't. You won't. You'll read this then just abandon the thread LOL

>implying a car is an investment
What an absolute retard. This website is full of absolute braindead morons.

>> No.58092427

A car is not an investment. Thus why should anyone, even billionaires, waste time on fancy ass cars? There's no point.

>> No.58092434

there's only so much money can do to ward off bullets. If I really feel the need, I'll prove my statement by exploding the head of the flashiest mofo in my line of sight. You can't take it with you, but we can spam their disgraced corpse all over tiktok

>> No.58092468

>no I'm not going to eat prime rib! That's a terrible investment!
>no I'm not going to buy nice clothes! That's a terrible investment!
You're poor and retarded

>> No.58092482

an Escalade with custom rims could never be better than me even if it costs 3x my Tundra

>> No.58092485

I would never by a nice shirt that was $100k and depreciated every year.

>> No.58092493

>m-m-m-muh image manipulation
Bro most people don’t actually give a fuck about that time investment least of all on here. You’ll just keep doubling down because you wanna win this game in your mind and not realize nobody fucking cares but you. I bet you are a pleasure to be around.

>> No.58092506
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1708304270195717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to look rich otherwise you won't be able to convince poor people to invest in your scam
wealthy people can detect outsiders even if you drive a fancy car

>> No.58092518 [DELETED] 

All the people i know who make less than me drive a BMW/mercedes/audi. I drive a 21 cuckrolla and hope i is the last car i buy in this life.

>> No.58092572

Principle remains the same. You're an idiot if you look at everything from an "investment" perspective. What's even more funny is that you have this mentality but are still poor LOL

>> No.58092585
File: 781 KB, 1262x1262, IMG_3754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you drive up the government housing street in my city, ALL of them have nice luxury cars parked out front.
Meanwhile my boss drives a camry

>> No.58092588

>is now replying to posts that are directed towards him in a desperate attempt to garner my attention
Pathetic (still no timestamped pic)

>> No.58092596

Poor people have this obsession with appearing rich. No idea why since it is self defeating.

>> No.58092623

I know a guy on the Trilateral commission and his daily is a Toyota tundra and the fancy car is a Porsche 911 from the early 90s. If you drive anything fancier than a guy on the trilateral commission you are a fucking poser and an idiot

>> No.58092627

The fact you consider clapped out BMWs/Mercs/Dodge "luxury" is all anyone really needs to know about you. Nobody living on gibs is driving around a car they paid $70k+ for

>> No.58092642

>You pulled up to the gym
Why would I even go outside, let alone drive to the gym? Body weight exercises and running are more than enough too.

>> No.58092647

You must be tall.

>> No.58092655

Yes they are, they get in massive debt to lease or buy them
>hurr they’re not REAL luxury
They are luxury cars.

>> No.58092697

You can pick up 15 year old Mercs for under $10k right now. Your point is retarded.

>> No.58092716

The real question you should be asking is why do women stop caring about your car when they hit 25?

>> No.58092848

> got muh gold rims and fancy crib
> I made it dawg

nigger tier thinking

>> No.58092871

Ure a pleb

>> No.58092890
File: 1.09 MB, 720x940, Mike O'Hearn (natty (only duck eggs)).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because being bigger/more shredded than you makes me better than you. You don't walk around with your net worth stapled to your forehead - if someone is well dressed and jacked, they are a walking testimony to their hard work and dedication whereas someone who is skinnyfat walks around with a sign on their head saying they can't control their eating. You aren't getting jacked doing your gay little push-ups lil fella

>> No.58092932

Yea dude these niggers and druggies in government housing are getting “frugal” Mercedes deals and not new leases or terrible deals off the lot.

Buying ANY luxury model is a sign you will NEVER EVER make it, unless your company pays for it or you’re swimming in so much cash like a Saudi prince you don’t even know how to spend it.

Middle class chumps who get a raise and buy a new BMW are dumb goyim.

>> No.58092959

Poor people and children obsess over velben goods and are the fuel behind the debt economy.

Actual giga rich people buy farmland and cattle unironically.
You are poor.

>> No.58092963

you can do that with Porsche if theyve been driven enough
not really an argument

>> No.58092995

If you think niggers who live in government housing (section 8) - meaning they make less than $30,000 a year in most states - are getting approved financing/leases on new Mercedes/BMWs you're an absolute fucking retard. And that's exactly what you're doing hahahha you think these broke niggers are getting approved for these loans LMAO.

Income and IQ are highly correlated. You're poor as shit

>> No.58093026

Find a single Porsche that is 15 years old or newer for under $10k you absolute retard, you have no idea what you're talking about plus a 2008 Boxster is a piece of shit that literally nobody thinks is "nice"

Watch, your stupid ass is going to post a 16+ year old shitty Porsche that is still over $10k because that's how retarded you are

>> No.58093028

>you think these broke niggers are getting approved for these loans LMAO.

it would be racist not to. the banks now get fined for not giving loans to niggers. even sub-prime loans with zero collateral they have to give them loans. it is "redlining" to deny loans to high risk niggers.

this is DEI in action.

>> No.58093049

>even sub-prime loans
If it wasn't clear how absolutely braindead you are on the subject of financing, this line really sealed the deal. This is why you don't fuck your sister

>> No.58093059

I see it daily.
Nice car, shitty rental or subsidized council house.
You are thinking like an Indian.

>> No.58093081

>yeah bro people just give loans with minimum monthly payments of $1,000 to people who gross $1,000
You're not even trolling, backwoods rednecks like yourself really are this stupid

>> No.58093103

Close enough?


>> No.58093132
File: 192 KB, 1386x922, b5a8f420-072e-4097-8d63-443c50074b1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 Porsche Panamera
7,999 Dollar


>> No.58093189

Imagine coping this hard over being an ugly manlet and feeling like you have to try so hard to be cool, actually makes me feel bad for the guy. I’m a 6’2 chad 6-fig wfh, not rich but I’m happy with my blessings. Read a book nigga and get off of YouTube ticktock whatever the fuck this is, this shits bad for your brain

>> No.58093204

There’s this thing called crime

>> No.58093215

>16+ years old

>The check engine light is on. The codes on it are P0344 (Camshaft Position Sensor) and P0016 (Camshaft Position Control). These codes cause occasional misfires, P0300, P0302, P0303, P0301, and P0068.
Why not just post a salvaged/wrecked one?

>> No.58093230

Are they still making less than $30k/year then, dumbass? Are they claiming the money they make selling drugs as income? See >>58093081

>> No.58093360

You are sheltered or stupid if you think this isn’t true.
It’s so common it’s practically a meme to see some “hoodrich” debt nigger with a BMW or something.
The alternative is middle-class retards who buy a Porsche after getting a big bonus then financially ruining themselves maintaining it.

Basically anyone who’s going into debt or buying a luxury car who isn’t swimming in disposable income is a fool and will be poor.

>> No.58093454

the only kind of girl you can get with a expensive luxury car is gold diggers and they dont gonna let you touch her until you spend a shit ton of money on her, you can get better girls with a regular car(good enought to dont make you look like a loser), good body and face

>> No.58093571

High end sports cars only attract dudes like sport bikes, bet a girl will be more impressed by some old ass G-class than a 2024 brand new McLaren

>> No.58093637

>working overtime to impress kids with leased cars and clothes on credit
my sides

>> No.58093775
File: 44 KB, 1000x563, nd912aa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most brown skin post i've ever read, and i'm a dude who got into paypaw thanks to you retards
that's the level of niggerness this post radiates

>> No.58093797

>writes a novel about car choices
This is how I detect balding manlets

>> No.58093809

Doesn't Bezos drive a Civic or some shit?

>> No.58093816

>he can’t change a cam position sensor

>> No.58093832
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 miles deep
>hear elevated door lift
>Chad deer steps out of lambo
>steals my girl
>mfw youtube was right

>> No.58093834

>Your car is the quickest way for someone to determine your worth
Not true at all. When I lived in the shittiest apartments in my city, the parking lot was full of new BMW's.

>> No.58093915

>"did not read"
>But somehow you're mad? Lol mental illness
don't need to read when you post the same bait each time

>> No.58093927

Holy fuck, what a dysgenic freak. My body might drive a shitbox but at least my spirit is housed in a lambo.
I'd kill myself if I'd look like that. Your genetic wealth is the only thing that matters.
t. the good-for-nothing drug addict that fucks your wife.

>> No.58093939
File: 171 KB, 900x600, my baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related for $3000 5 years ago. I've had to spend like $5000 on maintainance ( new tires, clutch, starter motor e.c.t) I love my old ute and I don't own a dime on it. I use it as my business and personal car. For me being rich is more important than looking rich.

>> No.58093971
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, 70564610115__25A0673D-B0DD-402B-A9FB-77012DD35DF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid off a 435i, just bought it to make it as loud and fast as I can, and it's a solid all-around car.

I thought it would get me women when i first got it but soon realized all it attracts is dudes, women don't care 1 bit and say it drives too rough

wtf is the point of flexing on people when they will just rob you makes no sense I hate driving through ghetto places.

no point in getting anything more than a BMW Audi Mercedes. supercars are for retards

>> No.58093983
File: 477 KB, 1240x2208, IMG_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the wrong car

>> No.58094292
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x1600, 1661237987088699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has really gone downhill huh

>> No.58094514

>When you see someone exit a Ferrari, you automatically know they're above you.
Way to out yourself; poorfag. My Maserati says otherwise. Ferraris are often low tier.

>> No.58094526

what the fuck they do with the money then? fucking /biz/brained poorfag

>> No.58094533

Wrong. I then look at the driver.
White? Wealthy
Arab? 50/50 wealthy/debtmaxxing
Other race? Nigger

>> No.58094541


Im ok, 8 figs in my portfolio and havent a car cos I dont need it, my life style is represented by travels.

>> No.58094549
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He has a withe car, must be a rich ngga

>> No.58094553
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Holding AGRS, my car...

>> No.58094558


I hold AGRS and dont need that sht anon.

>> No.58094563
File: 777 KB, 852x1185, 1569770269514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brownass ngga

>> No.58094727

Women were most impressed when I drove a volvo station wagon.

>> No.58094822

I remember working fast food in high school and the assistant manager there drove some sort of Ferrari or sports car. Imagine being a chick, and you see this expensive looking bright red sports car pulling up to park, and you’re trying to check out what kind of stud is in it, and then the door opens and it’s some tall lanky looking skinny dweeb in a fast food uniform going to work to flip burgers.

>> No.58094855

Prime dad material. I drive a passat wagon and can pick up the increase in relative air humidity when passing the ladies.

>> No.58095346

I can't think of anything more KEKED than buying a car (or any item) that you must pay another man to fix and maintain. Everyone subconsciously knows this too.
On this basis, luxury cars are by far the most cucked items you can purchase. Buying new is even more cucked, because you're further being cucked by the entire supply chain. It's laughable to see someone driving a brand-new Porsche. These purchasers should suspect that their thinking is cucked, given that anyone with a minimum wage job could afford the same car but yet you don't see them much
>t.160IQ corolla maintainer

>> No.58095360

By that logic you should only drive cars you handmade yourself.

>> No.58095412

It's more about the capability and knowledge. Most men these days - new car havers in particular - need to call a man to change a tyre, and that's not even a joke. One can bleat about muh time is money all you like, even your grandma thinks this is cucked.

>> No.58095428

Nothing says Chad like delegating duties to other people.
It basically makes you chief, or clan leader, or head ape in the anthropological sense.

>> No.58095439


>> No.58095466

Go drive through a trailer park and half the cars there are worth more than the house they're sitting in front of. Expensive cars are frequently self defeating delusions.

>> No.58095477

he needs to drive a food truck to have a chance at my girl.

>> No.58095607

Yeah, your car should definitely be in line with the cost and niceness of your home.
Nice home comes first.

>> No.58095763

That only works if you're capable of doing something yourself too. It's not chad to be stranded because you don't know what a jack is

>> No.58095795

This guy looks like he’d get killed if someone punched him

>> No.58095806
File: 20 KB, 540x405, focus4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I drive a 1.0 ecoboost that can drive 25 kilometers per liter

>> No.58095816

guy looks like a pizza baker, who cares about a piece of metal

>> No.58095856

lmao, i imagine this limp wristed faggot trying it while a guy 1 head taller and thrice as buff is standing in front of him. He'd be toast lmao

>> No.58095900

>That only works if you're capable of doing something yourself too
Being wealthy tends to indicate that.

>inb4 rich influencers
Obviously there are exceptions.

>> No.58096320

if this faggot pulled up to one of my girls, they would laugh at him

>> No.58096494
File: 60 KB, 822x1024, Lil celly says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 head taller and thrice as buff
>He'd be toast lmao

>> No.58096555

This guy is clearly insecure as hell. Damn I feel sorry for him. I will pray for him.

>> No.58096802

If an "assistant manager at a fast food joint" drove a Ferrari, that job was merely a front and lol @ your autism for not realizing it

>> No.58096819

Imagine driving your own car. A truly rich person steps out of the back of indistinct black sedan

>> No.58096856

Imagine saying something like this while not even owning a car