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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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580883 No.580883 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the smartest board?
/biz/, /ic/, /lit/, or /sci/?

>> No.580897

Surprisingly, I'd say /fit/ is the smartest board. They have the largest number of STEM and finance people; /biz/ isn't well known, /ic/ are artfags, and /lit/ and /sci/ are aspie as fuck.

>> No.580911

I've been on sci a few times.

Some of them seem pretty fucking smart.

Unfortunately like 75% of this board are teenagers who have never been in an office in their life.

>> No.580913

/fit/ also the only one, willing to self improve and suck dick at the same time. .n..no homo

>> No.580918


This. I also have to mention that the smater of the boards (/fit/, /biz) tend to be open minded while close minded shitholes like /pol/ seem to be filled with morons.

>> No.580922

If we're talking about well rounded intelligence, definitely /fit/. /sci/ only if we're talking about Math, Physics, Astrophysics or EE/ME. I personally find it hilarious how much we (sci) rip on CS and Bio majors, sometimes engineeringfags too.

>> No.580928
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/fit/ here

i doubled down on biotech and utilities, dumped all my gold, and invested in Seadrill LTD.

am i a dummy?

>> No.580937

/biz/ is mostly composed of autists from /g/ and /b/ pretending to be rich and educated.

>> No.580942


You're investing, so you're doing better than 99.9% of kids here. But I wouldn't invest in just 2 sectors. Get some consumer staples, health care, and telecom for long term yields.

>> No.580944

thx matey. i'm lazy so i have a utilities class c with franklin templeton.

my shit jumped $1500 in one day on the news of the senate ALMOST passing the Keystone Pipeline.

too bad oil prices are fucking my shit up at the moment. only temporary i think
i'll look into diversifying after i read warren buffet's books.

>> No.580945

Please tell me people are joking
I was browsing sci before this board was created. People are obviously smart in the arena of math and physics but I outside of that, not much
The Nye vs Ham debate threads were fun

>> No.580952


i like fit and you get some good advice but it is one of the few boards where for some reason AYY LMAO and Thank you hungry skeleton threads can consistently get hundreds of posts, it's weird because on a lot of other boards that wouldn't happen.

>> No.580956


when will they increase oil production again? ;___;

>> No.580988

OP here.
So we've established /fit/ is probably smarter than all the boards I listed. Some other boards I thought were pretty smart are /o/, /adv/, and /n/.

>> No.581019

>/diy/ not mentioned
It's like you people don't even make things.

>> No.581022

/fit/ here. We care about physical health. Cardio is bad and steroids are good.

>> No.581033


/sci/, are you fucking retarded? Their groundbreaking work on multiply iterated anti-differentiation and its application to zeta regularization to prove Barnett's identity is some of the most revolutionary work being done in pure mathematics today.

>> No.581044
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/fit/ is the only place where I've had to analyze scientific publications in order to prove someone wrong.

He was arguing in favor of the ketogenic diet and making wild claims. Don't spout shit if you don't read shit.

>> No.581046

i hate to say the word "boardculture" but on /fit/, "Thank you hungry skeleton" is like a daily routine for most of the guys.

the Ayy lmao phrase is pure cancer though.

>> No.581051

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

But to OPs question, "the smartest board" is very subjective hence the reason we have different boards for different interests. There are a few very knowledgeable fin/acct people on /biz/. But chances are they don't have the knowledge that the best of sci, lit, o, diy, k has. People are just smarter in their chosen field of work/interest.

>> No.581106
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/fit/ here

PIC related

>> No.581108

what is this from?

>> No.581109

The problem with /biz/ is that there are at least 9 people who have no idea what they are talking about for every 1 that does. Cryptoshills, goldbugs, wannabe daytraders, etc. drag the board down.

>> No.581110


>> No.581112


We have a lot of artfags here

>> No.581120
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>> No.581127

>there are at least 9 people who have no idea what they are talking about for every 1 that does.
This. My definition of the smartest board would be the board with the highest percentage of posters who are self-aware enough to know when they don't know something. I can think of a few types of threads where I can encounter posters like that, but I can't think of any board where the majority of posters would be so self-aware.

>> No.581131

>/pol/ seem to be filled with morons
T-t-they a-are just d-d-dumb raysists

Seriously though, I'd say either /fit/ or /pol/ for the smartest boards. Lots of people (left wing, progressive types) don't like /pol/ because they are brutally honest on a lot of topics that people don't like to talk about, like race, IQ etc.

/fit/ is intelligent in the same way, as they tend to look at studies and statistics to find the best ways of getting fit and building muscle.

>> No.581133

If /pol/ spent less time trying to "win" arguments (or "win" hypothetical arguments), they'd be a contender for the smartest board. I like /pol/, I post there, but far too many people there just want an echo-chamber.

>> No.581270

/pol/ is easily one of the dumbest/worst boards on 4chan. it's a contender with /r9k/ and /soc/ for worst board. there's a few smart people that troll and make me laugh, but the vast majority of the people on /pol/ are retarded.

/g/ or /sci/ has the smartest populations. /g/ probably has smarter people, but it also has a lot of retards from /v/

/biz/ is an order of magnitude worse than /g/, but you still get a few smart posters

/g/ wins

>> No.581371


Oh no, I'm very much aware of racial truths and a bunch of the bullshit that SJW spout, however most of /pol/ is just as brainwashed as the SJW they love to criticize, there was a time when we could have decent threads talking about racial truths while acknowleding there were actual problems still regarding inequality, however ever since that trayvon martin case all you get is a bunch of edgy tryhards calling everyone jamal when they try to have a decent discussion.

>> No.581375

/diy/ hands down.

People are called retarded for asking intermediate-difficult field programmable gate array questions.

>> No.581380
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so is pic related telling you it's 12 sets of 3 reps
or 3 sets of 12 reps?

>> No.581475

No love for /b/?

>> No.581583

Hypertrophy is when you emphasize a lot of reps with minimal weight. So it's 3 sets of 12 reps; 3x12 = 3 sets 12 reps.

Lol gtfo back to >>>/b/

>> No.581588

It would be quite an extreme case in which you'd be doing 12 sets of 3 reps, e.g. doing speed sets for your deadlift. It's definitely 3x12 but bodyweight crap anyway

>> No.581598

This thread is demonstrative of /biz/ intelligence level. What a great board, guys.

>> No.581624



>> No.581627

Sounds like you just got ass-blasted over someone's opinion to me

>> No.581672

objectively if you disregard social intelligence: /sci/

>> No.581709

Sorry guys, it's /pol/. /sci/ is a bunch of freshman or sophomores who will never graduate their said major (unless it's Biology, but Biology doesn't count). /ic/ and /lit/ is just fucking stupid, not going to debate this one. And /biz/ is a bunch of goys pretending to be top-notch investors.

>> No.581828

/pol/ pre Moot sanctioned shitposting