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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 357 KB, 594x698, Screenshot 2024-03-20 183131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58085684 No.58085684 [Reply] [Original]

This started in 2021 and they have kept trucking, just recently moved to Base in a V3 launch. I have been in and out of it since then.

It's very under the radar for memecoins, but I was there when it first got started. There are people involved in this project that work directly for Coinbase or are in contact with employees there.

The main thing that can evidence that is that if you go to their Twitter, in addition to the photo attached, there are additional photos of the dog Coinbase posted that aren't publicly available.

The team are very hush hush about it to the open chat, but there are moves being made to get this thing onto Coinbase and as a mascot for them. They have built up a fair amount of funds to get awareness for it, but it's currently getting a fair bit of attention compared to the past week or so. Very new on Base but as I mentioned it's been around since 2021.

You'll be seeing the name DeFido around the space in the near future.

Keep it on your radar.

>> No.58085892
File: 1.25 MB, 647x907, Screenshot 2024-03-20 184911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting photos shared on the DeFido twitter to provide the evidence. Notice the consistency in the background of these photos. These are not available on Coinbases' social media platforms.

This should tell you everything you need to know about where this project is going.

>> No.58085925
File: 402 KB, 590x623, Screenshot 2024-03-20 184900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo 2

>> No.58085950
File: 512 KB, 596x624, Screenshot 2024-03-20 184854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo 3

>> No.58085967

id buy if niggerbase didnt have my eth stuck on pending for 5 fucking hours

>> No.58086052

If you do get your ETH through, I'd wait to get in when the current wave of new holders settles down. Contract for DEXscreener if you're interested in watching: 0x343969ab5bb1c3fc4c609134eaaf3de6cbdc8779

>> No.58086066

thx for looking out anon

>> No.58086407

Bump so this can be seen

>> No.58086525


>> No.58086714

no responses is kind of bullish. after re reading ur post, the extra photos of defido that apparently have not been seen before is pretty damning

>> No.58086914

It really is, and it is extremely underappreciated. Eventually when it gets enough attention, some poeple will notice this.

To build on what I said, one of the original team members was a big data analytics guy and he was offered at job at Coinbase. As far as I'm aware (I'm not in the team but I have been in and out since inception like I said), he is still in contact with them. But it goes beyond him, especially in the PR department as they would be the ones handling the pictures. But from what I have pieced together, the link to Coinbase goes deeper than that.

It would be seen as off-hand for Coinbase to directly come out and partner up or associate with a small fish in the pond, especially a memecoin. There is an awareness it exists, but it makes a lot more sense for it to grow by itself and then for them to come into the picture. Otherwise there would be a whole tornado of legal issues and questionable moves involved.

>> No.58087054


>> No.58087173

Obligatory bump, incredible that this is being missed or ignored

>> No.58087203

Hmm..some of the wallets I've looked at were early defidio whales but they all cashed out now. I'd expect to see some bags if it had legit CB insider traction but, I'm not an insider so idk what the play is. Thanks for the info though OP.

>> No.58087417

A totally sensible evaluation of it. But I doubt there would be any Coinbase insider transactions, or at least those that would be easily traceable. I can imagine they are very methodical with such a thing. But I guess that doesn't stop individuals doing it with personal accounts, but not way to tell that.

Keep an eye on it, the atmosphere around it is very different to its previous history on Bsc/Eth. Those photos I shared have only recently been shared as well.

>> No.58087665

Idk but you might be giving these guys too much credit. Some of those wallets are sloppy AF lol. Anyway, it's been on my radar and I'll keep an eye on it. Maybe there's something to it. Thanks.