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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58079992 No.58079992 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58080015

>third party sets up dashboard incorrectly
this is your brain on porn

>> No.58080039

not following ur twitter account nerd

>> No.58080071

Why is there no official graph? fuck this shit

>> No.58080099

>> be entitiy that needs oracle price feed.
>> option 1 : LINK with an expensive token middle man (not needed)
>> option 2 : company that has price feed server network without a token
>> agree contract with option 2 for monthly price of price feed. unlimited amount of price feed requests for 500 dollars per month!
>> laugh at option 1 LINK where i need to pay 20 dollars per request in LINK tokens (not needed)

>> No.58080110

Why is the fud so terrible?

>> No.58080122

>> fud
the link token is literally not needed and detrimental to any client that wants to use the system. if you don't understand that then you are a sub 100 IQ brainlet.

>> No.58080139
File: 680 KB, 3356x1134, 1686710704405020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company that has price feed server network without a token
That's what we call a "centralized oracle". Coinbase had one of those at one point, pic very related.

>> No.58080156

there being a token on the network doesn't make it decentralized lmao. sergey printed 1 billion tokens and gave himself 650 million tokens. then he distributes as he and the chainlink team ( a company) sees fit. chainlink is not a decentralized network. its owned by sergey and his company / team.

>> No.58080157

I didn't ask you

>> No.58080166

i will shit on link forever. its the biggest scam token not needed around these times.

>> No.58080167

> "Doesn't matter, trend remains upwards on cumulative chart" - CLG

>> No.58080169

>there being a token on the network doesn't make it decentralized
Nobody said this.
Are you drunk right now?

>> No.58080197

go back to twitter Zach

>> No.58080203

link token with staking actually makes it centralized. majority stake decides everything. and who controls majority stake? sergey.

>> No.58080207

friendly reminder that OP holds link

>> No.58080228

>majority stake decides everything. and who controls majority stake? sergey.
You must be delighted then that he's making quick work of distributing the tokens.

>> No.58080230

OP here my ID changed permanently
I just wanted to add im trans if that matters

>> No.58080234

>link token with staking actually makes it centralized. majority stake decides everything. and who controls majority stake? sergey.

so what is it, sergey dumping or sergey keeping the tokens?

>> No.58080296

Gottem. Kek fuddies.

>> No.58080316

Thats probably why hes so angry bro. Its not a good time to be a link holder and hasnt been for many years. The pain is immense. The bags unbelievably heavy. But we cannot sell or unload them. We carry them like we carry our own heavy bones.

>> No.58080372

The angrier they are, the bigger their Link bag and the more likely they were fudding during Link's golden age as well.

>> No.58080383

Sorry if this a dumb question, i havent researched link enough to know, but why do fees matter?

Are they supposed to drive up the price of the token somehow?

>> No.58080464

Sexy pic thanks

>> No.58080497

>so what is it, sergey dumping or sergey keeping the tokens?
he printed the full 1 billion and the 51pct will always be in control of him and his friends.

>> No.58080538
File: 77 KB, 759x610, Screenshot 2024-03-20 072116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy frick! They fricked up the charts for a 2nd time!

>> No.58080569
File: 1022 KB, 640x480, loleven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point we're going to get so many downward revisions we'll have the first cumulative chart in history to start downtrending.

>> No.58080626
File: 120 KB, 1594x488, FuddieForgetsToSwitchIds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and this is probably the same guy, but on his pc instead of his phone

its funny when you realize how completely brain damaged and buck broken the average fudcuck is
the pool will remain closed, and the hundreds of threads of pure garbage you probably post here every week will continue to be a meaningless waste of time that cant convince anyone to do anything lmao


>> No.58080636

Idk who this guy is

When official dashboard?

>> No.58080650

Can you follow me?

>> No.58080652

These are the official dashboards. Link niggers playing coy like Jonny wasn't made the head of the market.link project, which got moved to dune. Sergey (YOU!) paid for these dashboards, literally.

>> No.58080851

lol sound pretty cool actually so are they Udadrow, Lorendrow or Aevendrow

but seriously cant they even hire people with basic english proficiency, this just makes dismissing them as paid for jeets too easy

>> No.58080919

Look at the watermark, dumb dumb. It's literally from Linkpool, not Chainlink.

>> No.58080946

Read the thread before you call people dumb, nigger.

>> No.58080952

Does the thread change the fact that the dashboards are done by Linkpool, and not Chainlink?

>> No.58080972

Linkfags will never recover from getting meme'd on by the Linkchain.

>> No.58080985
File: 17 KB, 812x250, Screenshot 2024-03-20 082440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long have you held link, a year?

Chainlink Labs paid Jonny (CEO of LPL and Chainlink team member) to build this data years ago. They moved it to dune to save on hosting costs. Now this has happened.

These are the official dashboards. You paid for them.

>> No.58081001
File: 2.24 MB, 480x360, 1709173495748604.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is powerful fud lamo. Cumulative fees on a downward trend.

>> No.58081012

>Chainlink Labs paid Jonny (CEO of LPL and Chainlink team member) to build this data years ago
The watermark literally shows who made it, and it's Linkpool.
Jonny was personally hired by Chainlink, but he's still the ceo of Linkpool as well.

What you're saying is akin to "Teslas are made by SpaceX".
And the data provided by Linkpool via market.link and then Dune has always been an unmitigated disaster. Completely unreliable.

>> No.58081066

>delegate project to an official team
>pay for it
>advertise the fact you are doing this
>continue paying for it
>continue partnering with team

LMAO the advocates are getting worse by the day. Are they hiring mexicans to astroturf now or what?

>> No.58081069

>an official team
Exactly, "an" official team.
Not Chainlink.

>> No.58081154

Not even sure what you mean with this "an official team" weasel term.
Linkpool is formally and legally a completely separate company.

>> No.58081310

kek, saved
>mfw fuddies have gone back to 2019-era price feed fud
>mfw i have no face

>> No.58081415
File: 155 KB, 480x360, ezgif-1-56e84cb20e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonny works for Chainlink formally. Chainlink Labs pays Linkpool, an official partner, to maintain their dashboards as their official reporting. After years of failures, they are still doing so.

Your attempt to spin this as an unrelated third party company operating outside of the link ecosystem is hilarious. By all means, keep repeating it.

>> No.58081433

lmao I thought someone killed the fuddies, it was beautifully quiet for a while.

>> No.58081444

>Jonny works for Chainlink formally
Does the watermark say "Jonny"?

>Linkpool, an official partner
Yes, partners.
As in two separate companies.

>> No.58081505

Bruh are you intentionally digging yourself a hole? Do you think cocoa cola does their own marketing and advertising? No, it’s a soda company, they hire someone for it. Do you think Reddit has its own web servers? No, it’s an Internet forum company, they hire someone for it. Do you think Chainlink is a public data dashboard company? They’re not going to waste dev resources on that shit, so they hired someone for it.

>> No.58081511

Right. That's what I'm saying.

>> No.58081554

yeah but the advocates are an extension of the official team. I saw prob 100 twitter influencers touting the 1.3M number last week, hardly any of which have issued a retractment. They also paid crypto news to write articles ie


this is such fucking amateur hour, it never ends

>> No.58081576

>the advocates are an extension of the official team
Linkpool is a separate company. You can look up their legal status and everything.

>> No.58081944

yet CL staff trusted them enough to advertise all over social media about skyrocketing 1.3M fees. Then they paid various crypto news outlets to run with the numbers.

>> No.58081967

>trusted them enough to advertise all over social media
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.58082208
File: 100 KB, 1060x529, Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 09-30-17 Chainlink CCIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual /biz/raelis missing the forest for the trees

>> No.58082991
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1673444909110643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58083271

Someone ask him why the ccip cumulative revenue requests isn't updating at all

>> No.58083295

The fact this scammer wasn't fired from ccl after scamming his token holders is actually a legit (non fud) red flag.

>> No.58083316

Why do they keep lying? I thought they were in the business of oracles?

>> No.58083331

The rate of revenue increase is currently zero on that chart.

>> No.58083344


>> No.58083373

Dear Sirs, come to my ESL class in Delhi.

>> No.58083450

everyone with a brain knows thats what matters not the absolute number of fees
however msot people are arguing in bad faith here and yes the horserimmer utter incompetence is a disgrace, they should run their own dashboard to stop this idiocy from happening

>> No.58083489

>posts a cumulative chart

>> No.58083919
