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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 105 KB, 750x777, 639292C1-4BAB-41D1-A66B-7D128C8FA862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58075440 No.58075440 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest with me, sissies. Is it over??? Did we get rugged yet AGAIN???

>> No.58075483

Invest in linu instead, there's a sweet and cute girl on the telegram called Emilia. She makes investing there worth for me.

>> No.58075715

Dip before the rip.

>> No.58075742
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i love dip before the rip its how my wife dipped on our wedding night and ripped off her dress when we got back from the reception lol fugg anyways this is the sweetest token you could ever buy literally just buy the dip fugg it's like the sweetest token what am i gonna dip my balls in i don't know maybe something expensive because this is the sweetest token trust me bro ngmi if you miss the next token moon

>> No.58075762


>> No.58075826
File: 67 KB, 497x458, BEA95B5F-037B-468D-A394-6ED6345C46BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like dump after the (artificial) pump
You got scammed lol
What is that, like 6 or 7 times now?
thanks for playing…again

>> No.58075873

I told you about meme coins anon

>> No.58076093

Dont worry Luckychads, WAGMI

>> No.58076132

Fudders gonna fud. Lucky is going to rise again.

>> No.58076151

Paperhands are going to get sidelined soon.

>> No.58076167
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The valley of baggies.

>> No.58076238

>liquidity not locked
It was just a matter of time.

>> No.58076245

Dont bully. WAGMI

>> No.58076281

Did liquidity change? It's burned by the way.

>> No.58076297

Why didnt you sell when you saw the listing didnt do anything

>> No.58076351

Cex listings are always a sell event and take a few days to pump a coin

>> No.58076431

Luckychads where we at? Make some noise.

>> No.58076471

Diamond hands brothers.

>> No.58076485

I’m just not selling. Hahahaha.

>> No.58076510

Most of the market is down, not just Lucky. We will rise again this dog is too lucky to be put down.

We're about to go even heavier with advertisements and shilling to beat the market.

>> No.58076534

Ah yes, the famous “its the markets fault our shitcoin tanked 75%” excuse. Maybe would hold water if there werent other tokens doing just fine as we speak. How did your listing and 4chan banner ads that you guys paid all that money for perform? Because it looks to me like your shitcoin is still dead as it ever was.

>> No.58076550

Kinda obsessed with a “dead” shitcoin aren’t we Rajesh?

>> No.58076603

Some mad linubro shitting on lucky

>> No.58076630

You're pretty obsessed to be paying attention to all that. You might as well buy while it's discounted and help out fren.

>> No.58076663

I just enjoy dunking on you retards every single time i see your stupid threads, its a quick pitstop as I do my daily doomposting rounds and I basically dont even need to check your chart anymore because I already can tell exactly what its doing just from your desperate hopium posts.

>> No.58076726

Let me hug you brother *hugs*
Do you feel better now? I’m going to pray for you senpai.

>> No.58076851

Good night luckychads.

>> No.58077053

still holding and i'm not selling
it's below 1mil mc
why would i sell?
a 5 or 10x from here is guaranteed

>> No.58077222

Up 1000% since February kys

>> No.58077285

so you admit you go around troll posting doom posts in threads and purposely drag the quality of the board down in the procress. Why should we give a fuck what some downy retard who has no life thinks? and yes anon you have no life and are a failure to your parents living how you do
>Verification not required.

>> No.58077305
File: 41 KB, 312x337, ACF996B8-A6BA-4C5D-8AD5-4FFCBCD2C914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say bud

>> No.58077478

>buying crypto managed by w*men
You never learn, do you.

>> No.58078145

Hello sers why price go down?

>> No.58078210

Don’t worry ser price going up soon

>> No.58078282

Biz sold the news. Don't worry though fren

>> No.58078288

Ez x5-10 with this low mcap

>> No.58078313

Checked and confirmed

>> No.58078352

I hate pajeets so unbelievably fucking much. They are totally incapable of any awareness or being assertive. Everything is a fucking Inu dog coin now. I was looking through Solana 1 to 10m market cap that were down a few days ago. 50 out of 100 of them were dog coins.

Any pajeet involved in an Inu coin deserves to be tortured to death in the most drawn out and painful way imaginable.
For any jeet that reads this, I wish for your mother to die of black death.

>> No.58078399

poopjeets as I call them offer nothing to this planet but eating poop and raping young females. the world would be better off if all the male poopjeets were purged from existance. scams would go down 90% and young females wouldnt be violently rap3d by poopjeets so the world would be a better place overall. poopjeets not even once

>> No.58078557

checked based jeetslayer

>> No.58078565


Lucky is for loosers and jews get MAGA

>> No.58078568
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Im not Jew. Give me 1k!

>> No.58079057

Lucky is for chads and aryans.

>> No.58079067

I'm not selling because i still want my 10x
Simpul as

>> No.58079071

I was too late

>> No.58079381

Better to sell it at the new ath that’s coming soon

>> No.58079394

With that low mcap it’s easily going to x10 as soon as btc recovers

>> No.58079408

smart money buying now

>> No.58079567

Sunny day, lucky rising, love all my Cerberus frens WAGMI

>> No.58079586

Yeah, I pretty much gave up on this one. I can only hope that if HOKK moons, people will move their profits into LUCKY.

>> No.58079615

Lucky friends how are we feeling today?

>> No.58079715

I sold at 1.5 mil the other day for a 7.5x

Good enough. The team behind this is dog shit.

>> No.58079756

You wouldn’t have anything without that team brainlet

>> No.58079779

The fud/seething is going to be enormous as soon as we pump

>> No.58079875

Great entry price let’s go lucky

>> No.58079895

it already is, everyone hates us but soon were going to prove everyone wrong and get many new frens. Partnership between Lucky Strike and Lucky confirmed!!

>> No.58079944

You the guy that used to be in LINU saying it's partnering with Nvidia? You're doing a disservice for Lucky doing that you know. Unless that's your goal.

>> No.58079964

just joking sorry fren

>> No.58079975
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>> No.58080136
File: 160 KB, 898x900, lucky green lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lambos for Luckychads are programmed in the saucecode

>> No.58080526

Kobes call TG are talking about luckyinu!
its happening friends

>> No.58080592
File: 522 KB, 1179x1705, IMG_0759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in Linu
how about invest in something that doesn’t lose money?

>> No.58081215

another 4chan scam coin claims its latest victim

>> No.58081246

another fudder getting sidelined soon

>> No.58081270

Classic devs selling on hundreds of different wallets and blaming it on "ze whales" shitcoin.

>> No.58081297

Devs wallets are public, they didn’t sell anything linu friend

>> No.58081322

Cerberus homies don’t fud lucky, you can get it already really cheap

>> No.58081338

checked, were all brothers and WAGMI

>> No.58081356
File: 20 KB, 1040x1040, ALMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im holding a SS bag of lucky, hokk, linu juse encase they do something.

But my eyes are now on ALMC - Awkward Look Monkey club on SOL as they have a deal made with a CEX and are nearly finished raising money for the listing via their NFT sales (1000 sold already).

Throw it some beer money and I think you'll be very happy.

>> No.58081361

More like the dev wallets that are public didn’t sell anything. The dev wallets that you don’t know about absolutely sold. Don’t be a naivefag.

>> No.58081388

lucky friends arent bad people :( donations to dog shelters soon

>> No.58081648

I think they’re talking about Linu. I agree that Linu has basically dropped the ball, might recover but for now I’ve moved from Linu to Lucky on this latest dip. 800k vs 10mil mcaps, better R/R.

>> No.58081701
File: 181 KB, 602x430, Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 18.30.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, if there is any INU token you should be looking at it is ANY INU.

The first token on like 20 chains. Same token distributed across multiple chains and growing. Over 40,000 holders and growing. Used Axelar's Interchan Service and Axelar team is either behind it or has adopted it as an example of their technology.

The growth is slow and steady, it's not the same price action as PnD meme coins but it is seems to be following a burst and then slow trail off and then burst again cycle.

Only 30m MC so far and holding it's current phase well. I turned $250 into $50,000 at last ATH and am holding until $250,000 or 0.

>> No.58081893

okay thanks senpai

>> No.58082217

Sell it off and dump it on SUPRA during the TGE.

>> No.58082237

Easiest play this year

>> No.58082243

wtf was that huge buy all of a sudden, is something happening?

>> No.58082303


>> No.58082323

kobe tg talking about lucky, dont know if they are going to pump it or not

>> No.58082739

lmao slippage way too high on that 3 eth buy. Bot made about a quarter eth on that one sandwich

>> No.58083824

>h-heh, whatever you s-say bud

how mad are you at missing out? honest question. It's not too late though, you can get in now and get an easy 100x when this shit pumps past 100m mcap. I know you're too low time preference to do that though.

>> No.58083856

>if there is any inu token you should be looking at
>30m mcap

brb let me sell my lucky bags (1m mcap~) for another random shitcoin with 30m mcap. Nah man.

>> No.58083920

how would one even avoid that on such a low cap?

>> No.58083970

set slipage to 0.5 thats how i bought lucky

>> No.58084192

but if someone is placing a big buy that's not possible as it's not very liquid. Small buys = gas fees over and over, so a big buy probably evens out with slippage.

>> No.58084397

You will cope later. It has much more legs than Lucky, no offence. It will be a slower grower but it will 10x from here easily. Up to you.
PS why not both?

>> No.58084407

$200 with a 10x or $200 with a 25x

Which is the better choice

>> No.58084457

That chart's about to dump another 50% too.

>> No.58086267

Luckychads are you feeling it?

>> No.58087444

This is going to be our week

>> No.58087490

Checked, buy lucky now

>> No.58087990

WAGMI and checked