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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58076748 No.58076748 [Reply] [Original]

While you all faggot and weak hand panic.

>> No.58076777

lmao blackcock getting dumped on by neckbeard neets who mined btc way back while eating doritos

>> No.58076780

Be aware, I have reason to believe the numbers are delayed maybe even up to 1 week.

>> No.58076786

yeah i dont get it
no ftx or luna tier black swans happened
paperhands selling for no reason

>> No.58076804

Why is grayscale dumping?

>> No.58076810

Congrats to them. Their coins are gone now.

>> No.58076821

because theyre falling for the prehalving 50% dump meme.

>> No.58076826

grayscale fees are like 8% so people are moving

>> No.58076830

There were plenty of greedy longs to liquidate
Minus 20-30% moves happen multiple times every bullmarket plus we aren't at 3.125 block reward yet
I don't think anyone was selling, just a liquidation cascade

>> No.58076847

Huge L for Gayscale
Why didn't those greedy bastards match the competition when they had months to prepare?

>> No.58076877

You know, I just don't think there's that many people who had been diamond-handed for the past 14 years and just now decided to dump. I really just don't see that kind of selling pressure lasting for very long.

>> No.58076974

it bounced off ath not that hard to predict desu, plus during the covid meme it dumped was march 15th 2020 which is also the ides of march so schizos freaked out and sold, easy to predict doesnt mean much nothing changed

>> No.58077046

investors like owning an ETF instead of a trust and they like Blackrock more than other ETF providers. Grayscale never stood a chance

>> No.58077712

Grayscale has been offering a bitcoin trust for sometime (that is my understanding) and is in the process of converting those funds into the spot index. They are counting on the fact that the investors they have will not leave, because they have been in the grayscale bitcoin trust for sometime and therefore have capital gains. Selling their shares would trigger a taxable event.

So basically, because Grayscale has a huge amount of legacy customers with significant capital gains, they are making a bet that they won't leave even if the management fee is monumentally higher than their competition.

>> No.58078369
File: 32 KB, 456x384, 1611115212587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is the moment where btcfi is gonna be the future of crypto is coming, halvening is just a few days over... l2s are gonna rule in the next crypto saga

>> No.58078469

I’d like to imagine they can get sued if the trustees can prove that taxation is the reason grayscale is keeping their fees high.

>> No.58079007

Is this your own table or where do you see this?

>> No.58079020


I hold MAGA dont worry about that...

>> No.58079026


You have to be worried about your mental heal anon

>> No.58079030
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Are you ok?

>> No.58079031


Nice joke anon

>> No.58079039
File: 994 KB, 500x277, 1612950521954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Already holding to

>> No.58079060

Do you have any particular examples of holds?