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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 2050x1082, linkl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58070162 No.58070162 [Reply] [Original]

what do they know?

>> No.58070197

Delet this

>> No.58070227
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>> No.58070255

What am I looking at?

>> No.58070407

Top signal. It's time to counter trade the masses :)

>> No.58070424

going of this chart, it means that LINK is going to dump violently

>> No.58070521

link longs went parabolic and hit a new ath at the same time bitcoin broke ath. despite link dropping 15% since then not many longs have closed. which implies many of the longs are either using low leverage or are burning money to stay open. on top of that it's chainlink, a token with a terrible reputation amongst retail and cryptomidwits. this has to be some big fish. someone in the know knows something.

>> No.58070554

Idk look at the last 4 times linklong went parabolic. 1 time it was followed by a big pump.1 time it was followed by a dump. 2 times it was followed by a pump and then a dump. So 75% chance it's going to dump.

>> No.58070565

It's just gamblers betting on an unpumped coin hoping it will experience altseason

>> No.58070602

ETHUSD & BTCUSD Longs aren't moving
ADAUSD Longs aren't moving
SOLUSD Longs aren't moving
DOGEUSD Longs aren't moving
SHIBUSD Longs aren't moving

Why is Link the only alt that people are fomo'ing longs into?

>> No.58070633

Last time this happened the bear market started and we dumped all the way to $5 link $16k BTC lol

>> No.58070642

look at how much link is down against all the top coins in the past month. it's been doing particularly poor lately, maybe that stood out to people.

>> No.58070658

erm actually it sounds like 75% chance its going to pump though

>> No.58070663

Thanks for the explanation, anon :)

>> No.58070709

CCIP GA this week?

>> No.58070745


>> No.58070785

just sell your link

>> No.58070813

i think chainlink is entirely beholden to the institutions it's onboarding. nothing that chainlink does or doesn't do is for the immediate benefit of its network because they work for large insitutions first. they set the schedule.

>> No.58070871

It’s absolutely this and anyone who disagrees is paid to disagree or an idiot. SWIFT > autistic retards from /biz/. I know some people here think the world revolves around them but it doesn’t and despite the fact I get along with a lot of you here I’d absolutely hold investment bankers in higher regards than some of the neets here. These fuckers make shit happen and we are gonna have to play by their rule.

>> No.58070880

>and we are gonna have to play by their rule.
So what are their rules?

>> No.58070886



>> No.58070893

I don’t know but the Chainlink team is obviously going to work with them and their timelines over the screeching retards on /biz/

>> No.58070936

can we see link longs from other exchanges besides bitfinex? I'm not seeing any others on tradingview

>> No.58070960

How to burn money

>> No.58071080

Idk but there is a LOOOOOOOOOT of money just waiting for someone with the capital to liquidate those longs.

>> No.58071087
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What does a 'long' mean anyway?

>> No.58071109

Its pretty funny because if these fucks just bought Link instead you know they’d dump bitcoin to 40k to stop any positive price movement

>> No.58071114

means it throws you a loooong way to the poorhouse

>> No.58071116

opposite of short

>> No.58071136
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That means... long is good.
It's good news then lads, cheer up.

>> No.58071181

no, when it comes to link, shorting = good

>> No.58071209
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>> No.58071242

Because it ALWAYS makes you money.

>> No.58071310

I'm a chainlink enthusiast but the real data is having an impact on my health. Seeing solana boys making it... I am a sad man.

>> No.58071334

cuz link = bad

hope you're taking notes
you can't forget this stuff if you wanna make it in this industry

>> No.58071419

it's higher than the last two times combined
some insider knows about CCIP GA
ccip summer is coming brothers

>> No.58071471

What does that indicator on tradingview actually mean - is it dollar value of leveraged long positions or what?

>> No.58071615

Should I open a trade on chainlink?

>> No.58071646

well it depends
do you like pain?
do you love anguish?
do you live for suffering?

>> No.58071738

>CCIP summer
>>optimistic way of saying "we lied about early 2024"
This will never not be funny

>> No.58071786

>Chainlink, summer of dreams

>> No.58071826

selam adem
I hope you are fasting khouya

>> No.58071838
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>> No.58071898

It’s a bet that the price is going to go up
A short is a bet the price will go down

>> No.58071912

So in the end, it's gambling?