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58069278 No.58069278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello aviators. Happy Tuesday. Just a reminder that our AVI is staying wavy and wagmi. Early Spring is here and that means the easter fox is gonna put some golden eggs in our baskets soon.

>> No.58069355
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>They still won't buy the most obvious play of this bull cycle

Stay poor biztards

>> No.58069382

Managed to stack up a mil and even though I'm down about $500 I want it to go lower and I'll double up.

>> No.58069420

Comfiest hold in all of crypto. Pumps 100x and then just crabs on market dips

>> No.58069484

Could someone explain to me the difference between “migrating” an erc20 token to base, and the function of Skybridge? I ask because there is an account on Twitter associated with that Jesse nigga that is launching a migration tool to base.

>> No.58069514


Which account is that?

>> No.58069522


>> No.58069681


>> No.58069838

it holds token on eth and mints tokens on base. its a simple function that anyone familiar with solidity could code in a day desu. there's more too it when creating a bridge, as established assets like ETH and USDC can't be minted willy nilly.
the masterlist isn't decentralized either, so when this guys bridge is hacked (it will be) everything moved through it is worth 0.
I could go on, but I won't. its a cool project to hack out in a day for sure, but it's not production ready

>> No.58069874

Then why is Jesse impressed by it? Launching soon he says btw tick tok AVI retards

>> No.58069887

Also publicly supported by Jesse, more than can be said DELAYVIATOR

>> No.58069958
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He should be impressed with it. Dude rocked out for a day and hacked out a proof of concept. That doesn’t mean it’s production ready… certainly not when production is a multi million/billion dollar environment. You’re not getting my Avis faggot. Not selling

>> No.58069985


>> No.58070036

Yea just jump on untested shit. Go all in with all your net worth lol

>> No.58070041

The dev is deploying a contract. You are welcome to use it. Go ahead anon.

>> No.58070057

????? Nigger he’s launching it SOON and Jesse is IMPRESSED with what he has seen.

>> No.58070077

whatever, remember this thread when avi is obsolete in a week.

>> No.58070089

its starting to really sink in how twitchy and hair-trigger avi fudders are
have you ever had the experience of relaxing or taking a deep breath in your life?

>> No.58070093

>down 12%
AVI fags are more retarded than ICP schitzos. Yiff in hell furfags!

>> No.58070127

I’m trying to help you guys out. there is a competitor that has the apparent endorsement of jesse. and this product is IMMINENTLY getting released. see what AVI devs say about this go ahead. THIS IS BAD

>> No.58070130


Wait, holy shit, you're a teenager.


>> No.58070166

it was already explained to you
the skybridge, which is safer and professionally audited, is also IMMINENTLY getting released
you can go ahead and deploy your multi-million dollar project using the proof-of-concept code someone made in a day if you want, though

>> No.58070176


Do your parents know what you're doing on the internet?


I'm gonna trace you and call them

>> No.58070182

You aren’t trying to help anyone. Jessie hasn’t endorsed anything, he retweeted someone else saying , “wow base devs are building”. It’s a smart contract that hold tokens on ETH, and mints on base. It’s not complicated. Keeping the tokens on ETH secure is what you are trusting this with. It’s untested, unaudited, and I’m sure the dev has a back door already thought out. Welcome to crypto.

>> No.58070204

imagine the energy and mental waste it takes to show up on a daily basis and do this.

for hours on in.

>> No.58070231

Avi lives rent free in his head. And every pump makes him more mad. I love seeing it at this point.

Comfiest. Hold. <3

>> No.58070239

your fud made me drop a eth on avi, thanks

>> No.58070252


>> No.58070254

actually, you know what? on second look, its not bridging assets at all. it doesn't hold on eth and mint on base. it burns on eth and mints on base. this is a migration tool, not a bridge. kek. lol the

>> No.58070271

how does 33 million sound?

>> No.58070270


It's because he's 14, he has the angst and the free time. Plus, nobody over 14 is this stupid lol

>> No.58070275
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>> No.58070286

you get bullied because you're a fag, kid. no one likes you.

>> No.58070302


Really cool, the more bridges the better. It doesn't seem close to completion (look at the checked off Tasks on the repo), not security audited, and also not deployed anywhere except maybe some simple proof of concepts on a laptop. They have a public endorsement from Jesse which is great, but they have a long way to go before this project is considered ready for public use, let alone being secure. Lots of bridge hacks out there

>> No.58070304


Our biggest source of fud is a literal teenager having a teenage meltdown.

Most bullish thing I've ever seen in my fuckin life>>58070252

>> No.58070329

im really not trying to fud guys Im concerned about this

>> No.58070338

its not a bridge. its a migration tool. meaning you can move from eth to base...but you can not move back. this is for projects that want to move to base and cease operating on eth altogether.

>> No.58070358


Sorry I made fun of you, just hold avi little dude, you'll be fine

>> No.58070365

Then stop speaking like a schizophrenic toddler >>58069681

>> No.58070367

>its not a bridge. its a migration tool
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you stupid faggot

>> No.58070372


It also doesn't seem like it bypasses the 7 day delay, has costs in mind, etc

>> No.58070384

i am financially jimmy'd

>> No.58070389

no one here is your friend leave the board

>> No.58070390

sorry guys I didn’t mean to come off like a crazy person, I just need help

>> No.58070396

did you sell you avis?

>> No.58070403

what’s wrong? how can we help you

>> No.58070437

no I have avis that’s why I was concerned I think the whole market has me kind of insane right now and I should probably just stay off of the internet for a couple weeks sorry again guys

>> No.58070438

We've heard this same story a thousand times, all-caps fudding with the most asinine shit until you break and say that you're not mentally all there. For God's sake, log off

>> No.58070455

no what your ass needs to do is get the fuck off /biz/ for a fucking week then reevaluate the situation nigger

>> No.58070458

ngl, that was the most concerning fud we've seen yet, but turns out its a total nothing burger. just hold anon. this is out make it coin.

>> No.58070467

and I’m banned from the tg if anyone could just let broski know I’m sorry for my dms I would appreciate it. thanks guys i hope you all make it.

>> No.58070480

get OFF the fucking board faggot
NO one is going to let ANYONE know you're sorry for any private message. GET off the fucking board and go do something else.

>> No.58070490

>thanks guys i hope you all make it.
no, we’re all making it anon :)
just think before you post next time, but AVI is going to make us all very wealthy as long as we all stay smart about it

>> No.58070498

schizo take your meds and seek councel

>> No.58070524

idk why you’re so mad at him, he’s just worried since he said he owns AVI

>> No.58070529

He's been absolutely shitting up the last few threads non stop

>> No.58070560

Folks, i am an avid avi supporter but i must admit i sold all I had to buy other coins. I still believe in the project and will buy back in at the earilest chance. Keep up the good fight and i hope to see you on the moon. -A Fren

>> No.58070567

1. How do we know it’s the same guy?
2. Just ignore him, he only keeps doing it because he gets a ton of replies

>> No.58070578

best of luck anon
its a risky move but i hope it works out well

>> No.58070599

It already is and if things keep going the way they are i might be back in sooner rather than later. I didnt have much anyway, only 120kish

>> No.58070612

fuck anon that would’ve been $120,000 before long

>> No.58070617

apu? I just hold both. rotating is a tricky game, but it can work out great sometimes.

>> No.58070649
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I kinda lost fud energy. Been shitposting since october about critical bugs and discord leaks. Just dont care anymore

>> No.58070665

I know but i now have 20mil apu, so...

Yeah, and like i said. I am gonna get back in once i get the cash one way or the other. I can just sell my stocks and buy back in to be honest.

>> No.58070679

I have had recurring dreams for months where this thing is attacking me
Last night I realized the thing was a little black fox and it was me freaking out this whole time and it would bite my hand. I calmed down this time though, and it just wanted to play
I think it's time bros. If I can make enough money from my 30 mil stack in time I can buy a house and get my girl back. We're gonna fucking make it

>> No.58070701
File: 22 KB, 1380x448, Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 5.33.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stixil is currently running as an AI chat bot made to maintain the telegram and discord together and so are the other, albeit, few remaining devs. The voices you hear in the twitter spaces are all AI voices made to sound WASPy and White to stick with the narrative.

The skybridge was an ultimate failure and 1/2 of the devs have left, with only a few remaining. It's also the reason why Enzo cashed out so soon.

Don't say I didn't warn you first.

Ticker: $AVI Whistleblower out. (Down 15% already in 7d btw)

>> No.58070721

Just ran the numbers, i can get nearly 200k after selling most of my stocks. Wasnt making much off em anyway!

>> No.58070722

The crab is over, get the fuck in. Last call

>> No.58070724

You OK king? You'll find that spark again. I believe in you.

>> No.58070744
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550k holding

>> No.58070758

who’s got the tarot cards

>> No.58070832


Good luck APU fren. Make sure to ask the dev to use SkyBridge once it's out

>> No.58070858
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8mil dolphin reporting in. End this fucking crab please. My bag is packed and I’m ready for $0.25

>> No.58070857
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>black fox
oh no AVI bros, this does not bode well

>> No.58070869
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Gentlemen and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard. Next stop, gods ass hole.

Thank you for flying Pump Air.

>> No.58070875

He seems like a chill dude. But i took the plunge and sold most of my stocks...should be able to buy whatever 1kUSD can get me when it comes to avi and then the rest goes into apu. Even if i end up with less than i got the first time.

>> No.58070913

imagine buying this furry tranny brown*id scam
just buy APU or stay poor

>> No.58070930


Can you stop trying to shill APU in AVI threads? I want us to be frens but this gives you a bad look and will only invite Aviators to make HAHAHA threads if you get rugged. Stay in your lane we're both biz tokens.

>> No.58070934

A real Fren wouldnt talk like that, false flagger!

>> No.58070959
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lil bros what went wrong? Another 2 month delay over coding errors.

>> No.58071006

muh ayaters doin a lil sum

>> No.58071119


5 mil here, ready to evolve from dolphin to whale.

>Who's that Pokémon??

>> No.58071134


>> No.58071499

Just keep crabbing for a week...all i need

>> No.58071515

I know this has been perfect with the APU pump I've acoooomulated so much more.

>> No.58071525

As long as avi stays reasonable for a bit more than i can buy back in and get even more.

>> No.58071559

I hope we unreasonably outpump you hard and you get reasonably rugged.

>> No.58071590

Fuck off, I need a gigapump. It’s crabbed long enough

>> No.58071618

you had 3 months

>> No.58071624
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You called?

>> No.58071806

Is this it? are we leaving the crab?

>> No.58071864
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its possible
avi/weth chart looking good as hell regardless
market dumps are still jewing us, but we might start leaving the crab if we get closer to 0.006
still surprised at how well we've been holding up

>> No.58071870

jimmy here and all i can say is.... HAHAHHAA. Aviators devs are so incompetant a random tranny twitter dev can do what they did in 4 hours. yeah im thinking its over. oh and by the way this pump is all one whale. he will be dumping shortly like all swing traders do gg!

>> No.58071890
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youre done with your crying session, dweeb?
who let you out of the locker

>> No.58071929

jimmy here and all i can say is.... HAHAHHAA. Aviators devs are so incompetant a random tranny twitter yeah im thinking its over. oh and by the way this pump is all one whale. he will be dumping shortly like all swing traders do gg! Gg! Eat shit you faggot.

>> No.58071933

who’s jimmy

>> No.58071956

I don’t know who that nigger is but I’m the real jimmy. Just came back to put that nigger in his place. AVI chart looking nice as fuck

>> No.58071972

im the real jimmy faggot aka matthew red

>> No.58071980

No. I am the real jimmy aka spam risk aka DD

>> No.58072002

I'm the real Jimmy (aka Matthew). I take back everything that I said. I know that AVI is the only secure L1 to L2 bridge/deployer. I am super excited for the arcade too, and am really excited to be invested in the most secure project in crypto!

>> No.58072016

James here, this is me, jimmy, IP switching.

>> No.58072024

if ur the real jimmy post ur convo with broski (hint only i can cuz im the real jiommy)

>> No.58072076

holy schizo

>> No.58072426

I'm Jimmy I stole all ur bags me and stixel are on our way to Dubai as we speak

>> No.58072503 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58072577

are you ready anons…have you finished accumulation?

>> No.58072616
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>> No.58072624


>> No.58072657

Jimmy we just broke out of the 3 day slide

>> No.58072672

Jimmy (Matthew) here again. I'm really happy that we are green on the 7 day chart again. I was bitter that I sold early but I'm a new man. Congrats Aviators!

>> No.58072706

James (Jimmy) here again. I’m really angry that we are green on the 7 day chart again. I was happy that I sold early but I’m a young man. Fuck you Aviators!

>> No.58072707

Great to hear you've come around. I'll tell Broski that you're alright now and reinstate you in the TG

>> No.58072749


That's okay. I've learned that I don't need to be involved in this token anymore. I should follow tokens I'm invested in, instead of being obsessed like a lunatic

>> No.58072799

>instead of being obsessed like a lunatic
youre still doing it
exit is that way =>

>> No.58072817

You show a healthy amount of maturity anon, I wish you well on your future endeavours!

>> No.58072833

Stupid faggot shit coin worthless coin gay fox never hitting 0.0061 again no one cares no one likes no one wants delayviator piece of shit garbage coin no marketing only e whores you lost I win stupid faggot Jesse doesn’t care no one cares bridgeless faggot unreleased nigga gay ass nigga

>> No.58072840


Consider this my last hurrah. If anyone else claims to be me in the future, just ignore them. People that fud this token are only talking nonsense, and I understand this now. There is no such thing as real AVI FUD. I do not have the money to buy back in (I am a poor student), and I accept that I will not make it with Aviator this cycle. Wish me luck for the next.

>> No.58072860

Enjoy holding your le utility shitcoin
just buy Apu you retards. Still early

>> No.58072878

>never hitting 0.0061 again
but its literally 0.0057 rn

>> No.58072898

Yup they don’t get it don’t bother there’s no convincing these delayviators. Married to their FAG BAGS after crabbing for 8 days. Coin is so useful people really wanna buy right ? That’s why the price is still crawling through shit? That’s why the coins really needed right? People are buying it right? Or is no one buying it because it’s fucking useless because there’s no marketing because

>> No.58072915

And? .0057 < .0061 can you do fucking math?

>> No.58072951


>> No.58072968
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As I thought: >>58070438
And there it is: >>58072951
You are nothing but a cringe fuddie. Judging by your style you had me thinking you were hilm all this time, but it might've been Jimmy/Matt right under our noses

>> No.58073019

No shit I’m fucking jimmy retard I said it like 3 times.

>> No.58073034

the real jimmy (me) would never give up fudding avi fuck off imposter

>> No.58073044


>> No.58073067


I am Jimmy, I've just matured. I hope the buys continue so I can see my Aviator bros make it!!

>> No.58073068

I'm talking about threads from days ago lil bro

>> No.58073091

There is a mental illness crisis and it's tearing us all apart. We cured homelander we can cure Jimmy

>> No.58073115
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Fate of swinger. SAD

>> No.58073149

Many such cases!

>> No.58073239

Avibros were flying

>> No.58073258

its all inorganic kek anon. u think randomly 200k of genuine value purchased? over...

>> No.58073302

Our boy is growing up!

>> No.58073331


LOL. Lmao even

>> No.58073369

SO WHAT .58 LMFAO? Okay? I’ll wait till it drops back down to record lows to get back in, you know it will right? 0.00000001 is programmed. All fake buys all inorganic, now I know you’re tricking me. It just happens to go up once I come back here? You’re trying to make me go insane. You almost had me there but I looked at the data. What are the chances? I’ll just wait till it goes back down. Then I’ll buy back in when the price goes back down

>> No.58073389

You will fomo back in higher

>> No.58073443


You should follow my example. My name is Matthew Red and I used to get angry at this token after I sold early. I have since decided to grow up and be happy for Aviators.

>> No.58073465

The token? I’m not angry at the “token” I’m angry at the fucking SHIT COIN that IS OUT OF MY FUCKING GRASP

>> No.58073545

stop identity theft peter

>> No.58073558

watch it just rocket to 0.01 lol

>> No.58073587

hahaha there goes one of those "organic" buys (bots) selling hahahaha gg!

>> No.58073618
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yfw 200+ of us have been able to cash out 50K+ and have diamond testicles

>> No.58073623

id take it all out, this is a dead cat bounce anon

>> No.58073644

How can I stake this? I'm already up 70% and am going to hold at least until btc is at $100k

>> No.58073650

I'll give you 1 AVI for $2 right now under the table if you want one so bad

>> No.58073667

Nigger, it's half a cent. Go beg for some spare change on the streets, you'll have your AVI bag in no time.

>> No.58073686
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>> No.58073706

ive been here before and im impressed by u guys not turning it into a dumping avalanche

>> No.58073718

i sent that sc yesterday. i can give u an update on the convo if ud like

>> No.58073769

because this isn't a dog coin held by retards

>> No.58073849

Half pennies don't exist anymore anon.

>> No.58073862

It's a furry coin held by retards.

>> No.58073866
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This entire pump is based off one whale, lmao I'm selling and rebuyingin after it dumps again. Still believe THO

>> No.58073915
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real jimmy reporting, this guy is an imposter

>> No.58073926

and yes, this pumop is one whale. marketing still not for another 8 months lmfao

>> No.58073940

Real Jimmy here, I've just slain the family pet inside the sacred pentagram and the omens are clear;


>> No.58073963


Nice try but I posted this yesterday. Can we all just chill and cheer for AVI? No need to impersonate me anymore

>> No.58073997

ok post another screenshot of the convo even further?

>> No.58073995

Once AVI hits $1 my life changes forever, big things coming up, not selling until $1 sers, village can wait

>> No.58074510

also just a reminder, a tranny twitter dev pumped out the aviator bridge in 4 hours hahahaha and its supported by jesse HAHAHAH you cant make this shit up

>> No.58074541

got 20k to dump if anyone wants to shill

>> No.58074566

Entire market dumps violently, AVI stays wavy. You do the math.

>> No.58075714

Page 10 save. FUCK I am tired of crabbing

>> No.58075807

apologize. it’s the only thing that will save your coin. do you enjoy watching it do this

>> No.58075812
File: 1.06 MB, 1777x1770, D6B32F25-7D77-447D-8466-569859D10504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a couple more weeks of crabbing, I’m almost finished accumulating. Need the based schizo fudder to step up his game

>> No.58075939

Holy fuck everything is dumping but based AVI chads hold strong
Proof we will make it with this

>> No.58075974
File: 95 KB, 1039x859, Screenshot 2024-03-19 202032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you weren't kidding just like yesterday

>> No.58076008



>> No.58076037
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Me AVI stays Wavy

>> No.58076046
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>> No.58076060

fucking apologize now to save your precious coin. I’m offering an olive branch, do not make me await an answer.

>> No.58076069

>going to hell to own Aviators
nice going anon. One day perhaps you'll be forgiven and welcomed to the kingdom in the sky.

>> No.58076083

Damnnnnn I haven’t even been looking at the rest of the market. That’s fucking crazy

>> No.58076178

strike 3.

>> No.58076394

you’re out.

>> No.58076420

no fud for real let me be honest for a second. How does it feel to have missed the bull run? nothings coming back up. avis not going higher again. it was all for nothing. this whole time, it was never going up. The sky Bridge releases then what? why would any one buy the coin? The run is over. but I think you guys already knew that.

>> No.58076545

Bros I just sold 150 frozen pees for this. What's in store for me?

>> No.58076553

spectating schizophrenics as you accrue wealth

>> No.58076631

got you too? let me introduce yourself. my names james but you can call me jimmy if you would like. I was like you once. starry eyed, taken up by Aviator. then I looked at the data. have you done that? do you know what happens now ? I want you to look at the chart. Then come back here. And then remember the chart looks like that because of me. I willed it that it wiLl NOT rise in price above 0.006. now you think about what that means and what kind of “project” this is. read the white paper look at the typo. and if that’s not damning enough, I’m not sure what to tell you. stay safe out there anon.

>> No.58076834

how does 0 dollars sound?

>> No.58077016

I'm honestly about to just fucking go all in on this. I have a $700k folio but only 11m AVI. There's honestly no other coins that are a good price right now for their potential

>> No.58077050

the same choice i made
accumulate with low slippage if you do, theres tons of bots waiting to rape transactions

>> No.58077533

Which Jimmy?

>> No.58077564

I noticed the same thing, the fact that this is still only 35m mc is mind boggling. Even the early whales are starting to notice it, they are accumulating couple of mils here and there

That's why it holds so strong when the rest of the market falls. Simple, no one is selling, everyone is either holding or accumulating. It's such an obvious play the last time I saw something like it was early Link days

>> No.58077702
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>> No.58077741
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>> No.58077993


Looks like APU rugged. Yet another rugpull that shits on AVI threads that dies and we beat. There's a reason we only crab in market dips.


SkyBridge is gonna blow some minds, fren.

>> No.58078129

Tried to break out but btc sharted all over the market

>> No.58078131
File: 54 KB, 192x146, 46786768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gn friends

>> No.58078230

What is sui/make it stacks?

>> No.58078413

1m / 10m
Also: holy shit, the market is shitting the bed. May dip but earlier?
Glad i'm in avi, still stable as a crab's shell.

>> No.58079317


Seems a bit high for make it/sui but I guess it depends on the bull market projections. I think 500k/5m might be the one generally agreed upon nowady.

>> No.58079533

>tfw 100k poorfag
Can i make it bros

>> No.58079754

Not gonna lie to you - not this run.
But it might set you up for making it around 2027 bro.

>> No.58079847

What about me, senpai? What am I looking at with 1.1M EOY?

>> No.58079873

get 400k more and be like me

>> No.58079996

How long does the team have to resolve the issues/recommendations from Haken before they have to restart the process all over again, and how long has it been so far?

>> No.58080060

Stixil posted this on the 15th -

"Hacken has finished the preliminary review! We have a few issues to fix and unit test coverage to improve, aiming for a perfect 10/10 score!"

2 weeks is the time quoted to sort any issues - don't know if that's a hacken thing and means they have to start again from scratch or if its a self imposed target

>> No.58080181

Avi is obviously a winner, but how do you guys feel about kns? I was wondering if I should put any money in it now that it's dipped so hard.

>> No.58080472

Easy $1 desu

>> No.58080601

Perfect, i can buy in and get like 180ish avi. Wait for me, fellas.

>> No.58080888

Kek someone sent Blackrock 69420 avi

>> No.58081002
File: 1.11 MB, 520x293, 5667867867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good advertisement

>> No.58081028

Flexing my 1 million avi just because I'm proud of owning it and being a part of this ride to the moon
Easiest $1M of my life by fall/winter this year

>> No.58081287

yeah, I want to diversify a bit and have at least 2-3 strong holds I'm accumulating, but AVI is the only thing I've found that is still low cap enough to got after that I really feel good about. idk, this cycle kinds sucks desu, hardly anything decent out there in a sea of absolute shitcoins.

>> No.58081494

I guess that's what those marketing tokens were for kek

>> No.58081904

have they started marketing yet KEK. they raped the chart for it so i hope they do soon

>> No.58081935

The boi is flying

>> No.58081995

Still waiting. I'm gonna cum when we hit a cent though

>> No.58081999

my avi doin sumn

>> No.58082012

braindead team waiting for competition to beat them to do anything.

>> No.58082018

If it wasn't for avi I would have already kms.

>> No.58082043

GM Jimmy

>> No.58082069

hey james, still have your 5m avi?

>> No.58082094

I doubt it: >>58072951
Or he might've never had any in the first place

>> No.58082100

i do still have my 5m stack

>> No.58082112

KEK didnt even see that, sorry jimmy dont fud nonsense like a retard next time and get your head checked out!

>> No.58082137

that other guy was a fake. i am the real jimmy