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File: 93 KB, 1538x499, 1706997642893262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58064412 No.58064412 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58064416

Take your meds.

>> No.58064428

Will these "meds" make the objectively verifiable charts go away?

>> No.58064461

They will make the presecutory delusions go away and you will stop thinking a standard dump after an alt mini-season is caused by a cabal of conspirators who want to suppress the price of an unneeded Ethereum token.

>> No.58064471
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>presecutory delusions
Is it delusion if you can predict it?

>> No.58064505

short btc every time link pumps
free money

>> No.58064525

Delusion is thinking the sun sets because birds stop singing.

>> No.58064535

The sunset causes birds to stop singing, just like Link pumps cause Bitcoin to dump.

>> No.58064631

Srsly where were you even going with this?

Nobody's saying that "birds stop singing" causes sunsets.
Just like nobody's saying "Bitcoin dumping" causes Link to pump.

>> No.58064642

the birds with a nest on my porch sometimes chirp in the middle of the night
birds don't stop singing just because you're delusional

>> No.58064694

the rocks are silent because the trees are listening

>> No.58064731

The linkies misses another bullrun because the bull are running

>> No.58064800

Link is causing the bullrun to halt in its tracks, that pump took the entire market down.

>> No.58064852


>> No.58064860

Anon, this is the EXACT moment the entire market went to shit >>58064412

>> No.58065166

anon, you've been saying this for years
I don't care about your cerru picked super zoomed in delusional charts
perhaps its time to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it was a shitcoin after all

>> No.58065183

What's cherry picked about it? It shows the exact moment when Link started pumping, and how Bitcoin reacted.

>> No.58065438

ah, and of course the usual desperate fudcuck is samefagging and running damage control in yet another suppression proof thread
good stuff OP

>> No.58065578

The claim:
>bitcoin dumps when link pumps

What the pic shows:
>link pumping immediately followed by bitcoin dumping

Where’s the cherry picking?
The pic even shows the hours leading up to the Link pump, so you can pinpoint when it starts.

>> No.58066400

My pee pee is stiff because of boobies and vagene

>> No.58066406

A lot of bots open bitcoin shorts when link begins to pump. It's a fairly reliable indicator

>> No.58066438

OP has provided evidence that the market gets nuked when LINK pumps out of the price range it gets stuck in. You faggots need to show evidence of this happening with any other shitcoin. None of you have ever been able to do it because you can only predict the market getting nuked so precisely if you watch for LINK pumping.

>> No.58066453

IT happened last time too - the last bull run was killed by Link hitting $50. They will never let crypto run until Link holders all capitulate. You were never meant to have it.

>> No.58066778

>my underperforming token dumps everytime the rest of the market does

Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh holy fuck I can't believe this. I bet its a shadowy cabal of hackers and VC whales and not a single fat russian philosophy major with half of the entire supply in his backpocket who tells us he plans to inflate the supply 20% YOY.

Woahhh dude the cabal.

>> No.58066794

But why do they hate LINK so much?

>> No.58066854

Because it's unironically going to be worth more than BTC and it's held by a bunch of chuds from 4chan why do you think?? We got wind of this because of insiders years ago and hold holy knowledge we are regarded as too profane to hold.

>> No.58066967
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No, he's provided a correlation. Correlation does not imply causation.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.58067008

People are predicting it happening.

>> No.58067030

>Correlation does not imply causation.
thats not a rule. it can imply causation

>> No.58067078

Show charts every time link pumped. If BTC fell every time then you are correct.
Showing 1 chart is cherry picking.

>> No.58067105

No it does imply causation. It alone doesn't prove it. But we are actually able to predict the dumps in advance on the basis of information available to us. It's a fairly strong implication of causation here.

>> No.58067108

>Show charts every time link pumped. If BTC fell every time then you are correct.
Nobody said literally every time.

>> No.58067118

The correlation can be observed without inferring a causation. Linkies are not obliged to come up with an explanation as to why this happens, although many do think they know the cause which they indeed can't prove. However, you can't dismiss the correlation without proof either just by claiming the causation is unfounded.

If you believe this is a widespread phenomenon not beholden to a single token, provide proof of your claim.

>> No.58067122

More than 1 chart then.
But I'm a schizo so I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. The whole market is manipulated to shit.

>> No.58067141

>More than 1 chart then.
Mind you, this is over two years old, and there have been countless more incidents like this.

>> No.58067152

there are charts floating around on biz showing this phenomenon happened around 15 times within the last 2 years though
the BTC suppression was stated a long time on this board

>> No.58067182

Yeah I've heard it many times before, I like conspiracies so i bought a small bag mid last year jist in case you nutters are right.

>> No.58067195
File: 289 KB, 2132x1206, youshallnotpass9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my personal favorites.

>> No.58067396

You guys need to move past the impulse to debate biz nufuddies on LINK/BTC suppression. There's no burden of proof you'll be able to reach that will turn them to your perspective. If you really care about this and think it deserves wider attention, you should put together as much evidence as you can and create an X thread.

>> No.58067718

eh, this one guy seemed genuinely curious.

>> No.58068603

the only thing this chart proves is that LINK doesn't always pump with BTC, but it always shits itself when BTC dumps
so, buy BTC I guess?

>> No.58068676

It also proves that BTC doesn't always pump with Link though.
For instance, every single run up to $9, Link is pumping and Bitcoin is crabbing for many days or even weeks.

But that's not the elephant in the room, as we both know.

>> No.58068696

>BTC doesn't always pump with x altcoin
why would it?

>> No.58068724
File: 241 KB, 1418x1160, IMG_1792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what makes it so beautiful. 4chan is the most amazing intelligent people on the planet. We just go so far against the PTB and their view of what is allowed. We found the most amazing knowledge on the planet and its one of the best stories ever told. I truly love you all.

>> No.58068730

I'm just completing your flowchart, since that's a scenario you omitted.

>> No.58068805

I omitted it because it's unreasonable and ridiculous
typically alts pump and dump with BTC, and that makes sense, since it has the biggest volume, mcap, dominance, and despite all the newly established fiat ramps, speculators still use it to trade for alts instead of fiat.
do you get me anon?

>> No.58068813

like chainlink? have sex, incels

>> No.58068816

>I omitted it because it's unreasonable and ridiculous
Why? It seems to happen a lot.

>> No.58068836

>altcoins are dragging BTC up instead of BTC dragging them up
>it seems to happen a lot

>> No.58068852

No, Link pumping while BTC doesn't pump. That's the scenario you omitted from your flowchart, and which I added.

>> No.58068877

Anon, it doesn't matter if the data suggests that LINK pumps cause BTC to dump. Categorically this cannot be the case because... it just can't, ok? Don't take this information elsewhere, stay here in this thread and argue with me.

>> No.58068880

I kek and I check

>> No.58069001

you literally said
>BTC doesn't always pump with Link though
which implies BTC pumping because LINK is
why would that ever happen?
plenty of altcoins have pumped when BTC was crabbing or even slowly bleeding, the entire 2018 altcoin top happened nearly 2 weeks after BTC reached the ATH
but as soon as BTC took a shit, it dragged the entire market along with it
story as old as the market itself (15 years)
ok, but why is LINK consistently the most affected altcoin when those BTC dumps occur?
I mean take a look at FTM today, it was pumping before BTC dumped, and it still is pumping as we speak
this entire market-wide dump left FTM untouched
so what I'm thinking is, if a particular altcoin has strength, momentum, buying pressure etc it can pump despite BTC dumping
LINK's chart demonstrates this perfectly specifically during 2018-20
when it loses momentum, it's over

>> No.58069026

ok but why are you an incel?
you are sexually inadequate

>> No.58069034

>>BTC doesn't always pump with Link though
>which implies BTC pumping because LINK is

"Doesn't" is short for "does not", anon.
Therefore "doesn't pump" implies "not pumping".

>> No.58069060

>altcoin pumping while BTC is crabbing
I thought that was a given, but okay

>> No.58069089
File: 1.20 MB, 538x403, littlemy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only given is your sexual inadequacy

>> No.58069097

Yes. Glad that's cleared up.

And you claimed Bitcoin is the better investment because "Link doesn't always pump with BTC, but it does always dump with BTC". Which seems to describe a ratcheting price action that only goes down.
But you omitted the mechanism of Link pumping without Bitcoin.

>> No.58069114

well, BTC has been consistently going up for 15 years, while LINK managed to outperform it for only 2
it's a no-brainer really

>> No.58069154

Yes, and a large part of the reason for that is that Bitcoin tends to dump whenever Link goes up without it.

>> No.58069181

so, buy BTC?

>> No.58069193

so, have sex? incel

>> No.58069205

no dude, I don't want to have sex with you

>> No.58069206

haha i remember asking the guy in a thread here to make the video and he said he would do it and the madman actually did it. thats how long we've been complaining about this

>> No.58069214

No, the play is to short BTC whenever LINK is breaking out/pumping against the market. Played a small trading bag from $1k to $4k doing this.

>> No.58069232

Now let's continue to discuss the strange phenomenon of Bitcoin dumping whenever Link pumps against it.

Absolute legends, the two of you.

>> No.58069286

good for you anon, I don't like leverage trading but you do your thing
if you actually believe that, and you can predict it with absolute certainty, why don't you do something about it?
by looking at the video over there>>58067141 what I'm getting is that it acts as some kind of bear signal
but even if the suppression theory is true, why would you passively keep holding such an asset? it doesn't make sense
just find something else

>> No.58069324

>it acts as some kind of bear signal


>> No.58069327

>admitting he is incel
LOL got em

>> No.58069770
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Meds time chuddie

>> No.58069907

You need to contrast with Bitcoin to see this happen, like here >>58067195

>> No.58070011

If the link chart looks like every other altcoin how can you claim the movements originate from link price action? You could also make the claim that bitcoin is suppressing any other shitcoin since all altcoin activity follows the same general trend based on bitcoin

>> No.58070459
File: 438 KB, 3423x3424, cad9eef9-c37d-47c4-83c2-29a01e8318c5_SP+735+-+Russell’s+teapot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The burden of proof does not lie with me, it lies with the individual making the extraordinary claim. And they require extraordinary evidence to prove it. Just like with the famous "Russell's teapot" where an individual making the extraordinary claim there is a teapot orbiting the sun must provide extraordinary proof, they must prove the extraordinary claim that Link and Bitcoin have a consistent, and proven relationship that is not shared with any other coin.

No one in this thread has proven a single thing besides a correlation, which in itself is not even enough to be considered circumstantial evidence.

>> No.58070804

>they must prove the extraordinary claim that Link and Bitcoin have a consistent, and proven relationship that is not shared with any other coin.
they've done that

>> No.58070838

There has been plenty of evidence provided. In fact, no one has presented counter evidence. There is direct correlation and there is cause which has been proposed many times. Your inability to understand the data provided and the larger picture does not invalidate it. If you mean to disprove it, the burden is on you to do so. No one yet has.

>> No.58071233

>The burden of proof does not lie with me, it lies with the individual making the extraordinary claim.
Pointing out a phenomenon is not a claim. Claiming to know what causes the phenomenon is a claim. We are observing a strong correlation between Bitcoin and Chainlink and you are more than welcome to share your thoughts on what the cause may be. If you think it's mere coincidence, I invite you to pay attention to Bitcoin the next time you see Chainlink pumping against the market.

>> No.58071852

Link looks like any other coin because Bitcoin dumps on every independent move it tries to make.
That's the very core of this simple concept, and you missed it.

>> No.58071942
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big dawg chainlink labs are literally the plumbers of the crypto industry and are known as such. nobody is crashing the market to get them

>> No.58071987

Holy shit /thread
There really is nothing more cringe than the hubris of link holders

>> No.58072021

prove to me that the sun doesn't set because birds stop singing, nigger

>> No.58072146

>Link is suppressed to keep it from pumping against the rest of market
>"hurrr if there is suppression then why does the Link price follow the rest of the market??"

>> No.58072181

I'm willing to miss 10 bull runs to keep my LINK. so forget about the idea of me selling.

>> No.58072208

its not even an extraordinary claim; theres a very clear trend with a clear hypothesis which predicts a behaviour with a good degree of accuracy, repeatedly, over time.

>> No.58072268

Sadly that shit no longer pumps, digging for oil as it stands
Better and faster oracles in the crypto space to consider rather than gabage holding that shitcoin.

>> No.58072332

26 pbtid
>Muh coin different!
Sounds like a “you” problem. Miss me

>> No.58072385

>>Muh coin different!
And I truly wish it weren't. None of my other bags have ever had this problem.

>> No.58072395

>link pump
I wish

>> No.58072427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58072430

Correlations are heavily correlated with causation. Really though, some stats guy needs to apply the proper analysis if you want a verifiable conclusion here.

>> No.58072488

clearly anyone eating margarine like a subhuman is not stable enough to maintain a marriage

>> No.58074333

it's pretty obvious that BTC whales pump LINK for exit liquidity
>Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
le redditor

>> No.58074744

If I may jump in here: what is the bull case for Link then? If you’re telling me, there is an unstoppable, powerful force preventing it from ever going up why hold it?

>> No.58074912

I think at this point no good news will pump link for whatever reason. Probably only enough people paying for services in link with ccip and real staking will cause a price rise.