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58066428 No.58066428 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a retard who invested in China and Europe
There is literally no reason to investin anything outside Amerika right now

>> No.58066449

Europe will outperform america in the next few decades, look at the green investments the EU is making, the EU is betting big on high speed rail and connecting Europe.
The US doesn't even know what high speed trains are lmao, fuckers really spend their life savings to see a doctor, fucking fat retards

>> No.58066729

>China is going down in two weeks because their vaxxerino isn't as good as ours

>> No.58066748

>China will collapse in 2 weeks
>Germany will collapse in 2 weeks
>USA needs more venezuelans or will collapse in 2 weeks

>> No.58066849

If its tech or energy intensive, yeah go 'Murica. If you need cheap labor, go SEA, if you need autistically planned small scalr high tech stuff, then go Europe or East Asia. China is still good for mid tier manufacturing, like cheap electronics and such, but don't expect any stellar quality or killer cheap wages

>> No.58066855

it's good to stay diversified, Europe is a good bet beside the US
Yeah that's pretty retarded

>> No.58067963

The main issue with the US is that every decent company is extremely expensive, for instance Nvidia a solid company have a price to sales ratio of 36.. meaning it would take 36 years if you bought today for it's cumulated sales per share to exceed the price per share (and this is in a zero expenses scenario, where they don't pay salary etc.).
You are buying a stock that pays no dividends and have priced in x10 earnings over the next ten years.

Nvidia is obviously a low hanging fruit, but if you look at NASDAQ index it is sitting at 29 P/E, that's a huge premium. S&P = 28, Dow Jones = 27.
Euro Stoxx 50 and Dax have a P/E of 15.. Look at Boeing it PS is higher than Airbus, despite having less sales, less growth projections and a negative earning while Airbus is positive.. "America" is priced in.

>> No.58068088

you're forgetting a key component of "number go up" which is that there are infinite numbers to go up to.

if they succeed in digitization before the number go up TOO much, they won't have to print new bill denominations, which means the game can go on longer and longer.

>> No.58068109

>Euro Stoxx 50
Euro stocks have 50 P/E or what are you saying?

>> No.58068138

Nvidia 7x'd from 2023 you absolute baboon retard faggot

>> No.58068139

it's an index of the 50 largest stocks in Europe, akin to S&P 500.. so Euro Stoxx 50.

>> No.58068157

Oh didnt know. But yea, American things have like double P/E compared to European atm, for good reason. There is growth in America, there is none in Poorope

>> No.58068176

it did not, it earnings x2.5 since 2022.. which is significant for sure, but to extrapolate this earnings growth 10 years into the future and price the company in that context is ridiculous.

>> No.58068199

>but to extrapolate this earnings growth 10 years into the future and price the company in that context is ridiculous.

Why? Nvidia literally builds the devices that make it possible to make these exact types of predictions. Soon they'll be able to reasonably guess at 20, 50, and 100 years in the future.

>> No.58068213

doubtful. the eu has a parasitic relationship the the us. they subsist on fining large us corporations like Apple or Google. their next big cash cow is fining the us AI companies. the eu doesn’t innovate, they regulate. that is not bullish for the eu.

>> No.58068220

The national economy =/= stock market, take Novo Nordisk for instance in the top 10 over the most valuable companies in the world, Denmark has a population of under 6 million and a GDP lower than the marketcap of Novo Nordisk. Whatever is going on in Denmark has little bearing on Novo Nordisk, it's market is abroad and a lot of it's production is abroad.

>> No.58068236

the 401k boom rendered PE useless.

>> No.58068257

>Nvidia literally builds..
Nah, they mostly design.. AMD or TSMC could in theory compete with Nvidia in the future, Nvidia is alone at the moment but their monopoly is not cemented in stone, new competitors could arise in the near future, making Nvidia's growth prediction void and a re-pricing to the downside would take place.

>> No.58068259

I don't get exactly who brings this growth to USA. The streets are unsafe and dirty compared to europe, you have shit job security and worker rights, women expect the men to pay for everything while being more conservative with their pussies, people like to party less ect. I just don't see europeans wanting to move to USA unless they are some giga autists. You can enjoy the pussy feast a lot cheaper with as hot or even better looking chicks in europe while living in a safe environment. And you know the government has your back.

>> No.58068279

Nah, China is fucked due to debts accrued by cities and provinces

>> No.58068301

This is investing/finance, it doesn't matter how unsanitary the subway system is or how broken the government is.
The magnificent seven are making significant tech progress, and they are the main reason for the growth in the US. Looting, shoplifting, etc. it doesn't matter as long as the companies and it's workers are protected by their own little eco-system bubble.

>> No.58068323

For every novo nordisk there are 10 googles/facebook/metas/nvidias

>> No.58068325

This sounds incredibly delusional and retarded even for a eurolemming. Maybe you are being satirical.

>> No.58068327
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In the only thing EU is outperforming the US is in the military industrial-complex because you all eurocucks will get recruited to pay your taxes and die on Odessa

>AMD could compete with NVIDIA
You are retarded, better stay on NFTs little faggot now than the Eesee mainnet just came out

>> No.58068379

Remember when this homosexual glowie justified the systematic child rape operations his buddies were doing in Afghanistan.

>> No.58068387

why would america want anything other than europes giga autists? its the 0.01% who do 99% of everything in a country so you only want those people to carry the hoards of nogs and normies on their shoulders

>> No.58068424

You are missing the point, the national economy is irrelevant to the success of the countries that are headquartered there..
California could be collapsing in real time, with marauding gangs and population flight.. but how would this effect Meta, Google, Amazon? they might have to spend more money on private security, but because their customers are global, it doesn't really matter..

>> No.58068433

It's the middle class which creates a stable and strong nation. And the middle class has things a lot nicer in (western) europe right now.

>> No.58068436

Yes... what is your point tho? The new important companies are still founded, developed and headquartered in USA

>> No.58068458
File: 94 KB, 2560x769, Spotify_logo_with_text.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.58068485

They are now listed in USA if you didnt know

>> No.58068512

What does it matter if a Chinese institution owe money to another Chinese institution?
The debt China has is all internal and yeah it could cause some internal instability, but it's a whole other game than when a country owe money abroad like in the Latin American debt crisis or the shit with the Tiger economies..

Regardless, looking at what you are paying for is what matters, are the risk of China-Taiwan shenanigans priced in? what premium or discount are you paying is all that matters.

>> No.58068533

is he transitioning?

>> No.58068720

middle class is just along for the ride. there are a few great people every so often that create all the wealth and technology

>> No.58068734

>he middle class which creates a stable and strong nation
The middle class is the consumerist class. Its the prosumers, innovations, entrepreneurs etc that actually make a country grow

>> No.58068744

>look at the green investments the EU is making,
You mean closing your nuclear plants and restarting the coal ones? Because that's what EU has been doing.

>> No.58068750


>> No.58068808

Citizens won’t need transportation in the future

>> No.58068994

There won’t be citizens in the future in this present trajectory, only human cattle serving an ever out of touch elite.

>> No.58069005

well yeah
with all the money pouring into US, it has to go somewhere so S&P 500 is one of those beneficiaries

you might ask why is all that money coming to US. why isn't it going to developing economies instead. traditional knowledge would dictate that developed wealthy economies should invest capital into poor developing economies. but that has not been happening for 40 years instead it is the reverse. much more interesting question, good luck figuring that one out

>> No.58069262


>> No.58069409

Brightline West, high-speed rail from Los Angeles (Rancho Cucamonga )to Las Vegas.

>> No.58069533


You're going to be fine. Just relax.