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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58060737 No.58060737 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58060765

I'd save and invest everything while living in mom's basement. retire in 5 years

>> No.58060772


>> No.58060835


>> No.58060867

Based but I hate the idea of living with my parents again.

>> No.58060916

>before covid money printing party
500k worth even less today

>> No.58060953

We've had this same thread 5 times

>> No.58060984

3 vacations a year, fancy lessons for the kids, tons of money in retirement , fancy cars, and a 1.5 million house and they still have money left? I’m sick of this shit, if you feel average with all that, you might as well kill your self because you’ll never be happy. I make 1/10th of what they do and I feel like my life is almost perfect.

>> No.58061009
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>2+ million in debt
>consooming 100k a year on useless garbage

>> No.58061015


>> No.58061022

Post it again tommorow maybe someone will have something new to say

>> No.58061094

Lurk moar

>> No.58061108
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What could the $42,000 in childcare possibly mean? All the expenses for their children are listed below separately

>> No.58061117

>2 cars loans, $9600/yr
wtf kind of terms are they on? 144 month?
also why would you piss away your money on a bimmer?
>$9500 on clothes every year
you dont need to change your entire wardrobe every fucking year!
>$18k in charity
i mean good on them but wow that's a lot
could literally be putting away at least $25k/yr without too much extra effort

>> No.58061132


>> No.58061156
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No matter how much money they make they'll always feel average because they live unhealthy. Garbage in, garbage out.

Take the /fit/ pill, mind and body

>> No.58061172

What are you checking? Dubs, trips etc. only count at the end of the post number. Did you think the 11 counted as dubs?

>> No.58061341

this was 5 years ago
now buying a home effectively costs double that
groceries, fast food, dining out is also probably double
today you can't even finance a camry for $400 a month, let alone a fucking 5-series bmw lol

yeah there are a lot of excessive expenses in there, but the point still remains that many of them are much higher today.

>> No.58062540

this is literally a boomer honeytrap. no way a zoomoid can fall into this.
No fucking way I can believe this
Bruh why cant people just ride the nft wave yet and get some over it? once i can flip stuff in eesee its so over.

>> No.58062583

$10K in Misecllaneous kek
They spend more on food than I spend on literally everything.

>> No.58062600

This is insane. I literally have more money leftover every 2 months than they have in a whole year. Like wtf. I don't make anywhere near what they make.

>> No.58062740

Lurk moar

>> No.58062778
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you'll need to see how much time i spent on blocklords kek, at least is better than losin money like these normalfags

>> No.58062817
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First time with 7 figs and still feel average, did a 10x with AGRS and cant use it, i ll keep holding waiting for nvdia announcements.

>> No.58062825


Stop being rtrd and sell it

>> No.58062833
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>net salary 278,000
You didn't make 500,000

>> No.58062843
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AI coins on bullrun anon, keep it

>> No.58062859


500k hahaha you can buy my country with that


7 figs w that sht?

>> No.58062871


Im not a genius but look legit


AI coins sucks, get memes

>> No.58062879

7 figures means USD not rupees ranjeesh

>> No.58062884
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Trump is the best ngga, go MAGA

>> No.58062893
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He ll loose anon, sry for you

>> No.58062911
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Brown ass, give me some beans

>> No.58062920

his dick is chipped

>> No.58062929
