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58055083 No.58055083 [Reply] [Original]

Is double jaw surgery a good financial investment? Assuming you have a receding chin and are past the age where mewing makes a difference

>> No.58055134

holy fuck my life isn't prefect at all but i'm glad i'm not a chincel. sorry OP

>> No.58055156

post face

>> No.58055171

Just get some amphetamines to lose some weight

>> No.58055173

1000 years ago:
>"I'm 5'5 and fought in countless battles, reached a good rank in my social structure and and left a legacy of multiple children"

>"i am just 5'8 FUCK, i need a surgeon to cut my legs so women can fuck me" (they won't fuck him anyways)

>> No.58055222

If you look like that then yeah. I don't have a strong jaw but ti's not a severe case so for me it's not worth it.

>> No.58055255

Yes, perhaps not $50k+. Years off your life in braces and recovery is a more nuanced question. Mine was 3.5years and only now has the swelling 99% resolved and I am finally looking better compared to pre-op. Careful not to be over-advanced like I was. It's taken all of this time to get the relapse I needed to not look fucking weird.

>> No.58055331

Do you recommend just getting braces instead? 3.5 years is way too long just to have a slightly easier time dating. Seems anyone is better off just getting wealthier

>> No.58055365

head off to reddit

>> No.58055412

Most cases take 6-12 months to look natural. Presurgery braces is the bigger time concern, can last up to 2 years. My recovery to the final result was an exception because the surgeon messed up. As I said I no longer look abnormal and now I have a very easy time dating. If chin is lacking then look into BSSO. The recovery and suffering is nothing compared to DJS. Braces do nothing for bone structure.

>> No.58055483
File: 192 KB, 408x424, 1695236200279712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all you zoomers this mentally ill?

>> No.58055555

Braces fucked up my teeth. The fucking orthodontist kike persuaded my parents to put me on braces at 12 y.o. (I had a plenty of space in my mouth but parents were concerned that I would end up having a Habsburg jaw, even though everything was growing on the right direction).

It took me 5 years to get those fuckers off and the retainer hurt like hell forever plus I ended up with TMJ issues and became a chinlet. Now my upper teeth are all crooked up and my face is getting more and more assymetrical. I hate that kike ortho for ruining my face and turning me into a 1/10. And the faggot had the audacity to offer me a maxilla + double jaw surgery + 4 premolar extractions after he fucked up.

I'm fucked up for life

>> No.58055587

nah you just have shit genetics

>> No.58055662

How about you brace that little mouth shut, faggot?

>> No.58056659

>BSSO recovery is nothing compared to DJS
Literally what’s the difference? I don’t know what BSSO means.

>> No.58056686

begone thot

>> No.58057631

>lose some weight
This is underrated. I was 120kg (264.5lbs) in 2020 after having been fat for years and then I lost 30kg (66lbs) in 6-months; people all commented on how much younger different I looked mainly due my chin and jaw becoming more prominent.

>> No.58057975

nice take tranny

>> No.58058119

cant u take hgh or some shit to speed up recovery?

>> No.58058130


>> No.58058816
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Yes, unless you like making comics for incels all day

>> No.58060871
File: 290 KB, 1600x900, Lizzo-Image-01-Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remove the 4 teeth in front of the wisdom teeth. Creates that model, hallow cheek look on the cheap.

Just lift and don't be fucking fat.

>> No.58060880
File: 250 KB, 500x500, akobraindamage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, if you're still a loser with no social skills, having a slightly "better" face won't save you from not getting any bitches
do something else, idk put it on Loaf cat when its low and sell high, wait for it to go down again, buy it, wait till it goes high, sell again and repeat. You'll easily make x1.5 profit every day if you do this. But taking in mind the shit you just said, maybe its too much for an idiot like you to understand.

>> No.58061006


>> No.58061378

Imagine caring about external appearances, what are you a woman? Fuck all people who spend like 30 minutes in front of a mirror dressing like fags to please others
t. hobo who walks naked everywhere

>> No.58061405

Everyone in your family will notice and they'll all laugh at you for being a chincel in denial lmao

>> No.58062128

Why not just spend $50 jawzersize

>> No.58062457

Absolutely fucking not worth it. Spend that money becoming healthier, smarter, more well read. Heck, waste it on hookers, “muh solo travel” or a “life coach”. Whatever you do to become an interesting, more confident person will be 1000% more worth it for your dating life.

>> No.58062554

Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy - they cut into both sides of the mandible to move it forward or backwards or even rotate along y-axis if uneven. DJS is double jaw surgery which manipulates both the mandible and maxilla. I know this because I had a BSSO. Looked subhuman before it

>> No.58062901

Can't you, just eat less and lift more?