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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5804247 No.5804247 [Reply] [Original]

One last implosion before decentralized exchanges make it impossible.

Place your bets.
I say bitfinex and hitbtc are going to be among the ones to burn.

Bittrex's management is incompetent and arrogant and if they got hacked then they wouldn't have told us. 2 month customer service backlogs even on important things like verification, random de-verifications, trying to threaten reddit to shut down a subreddit. We'll only see it tested if there is mass withdrawal from there ("run on bank") that will probably only be triggered by a general crypto crash starting.

Binance will survive.

>> No.5804487


>> No.5804576

I even have to hige the picture with my reply window to reply to this thread.

Please stop posting this fucking gargantuan

>> No.5804695


>> No.5804767
File: 1001 KB, 440x300, LET ME BATHE IN THAT HOT RAIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone finally calls in too many Tether, and the entire market gets cut in half in the space of an hour.

>> No.5804817

groestlslut is very appropriate to post on this board

>> No.5804950

Bittrex’s arrogance and willing cuckery will ruin them in less than a year. Screencap this.

>> No.5805207

This is the only one I could see failing that would actually have an impact.

>> No.5805242
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groestleslut of ultimate jew gains is board culture, unlike 9324923 of these board culture unrelated roastieposting thread OPs plaguing biz

>> No.5805245

Why HitBTC though

>> No.5805313


Polo is by far the comfiest exchange. I've had nothing but good experience with it. I'd be upset if it collapsed but I don't think it would have wide repercussions. Only a fiat-crypto exchange collapse would be catastrophic, like coinbase or something.

>> No.5805353

care to elaborate?

>> No.5805386
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>tfw she will never ride you cowgirl while screaming "I'M INVINCIBLE"

>> No.5805406

hahahaha give me more!

>> No.5805437
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>> No.5805463

oh wow daz alpha

>> No.5805567
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>> No.5805662

I should be transferring the last of my Ripples and Lumens out of Buttrex into Binance, shouldn't I?

>> No.5805847

Get this fucking yenta off my fucking board

>> No.5806284
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>> No.5806350
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>being this new