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58051153 No.58051153 [Reply] [Original]

>working remote for 4 years
>new management
>suddenly i have to go back to the office 5 days a week
>given very little warning/time to prepare
>spend 1 hr in crowded subway/bus to get there, 1 hr to get back
>lots of people already quit

Want to know the best part? I couldnt even make the most of these 4 years by moving somewhere cheap and saving money, because I lived with my gf all this time and she has fucked up spending habits, demands to go out every other day, i am actually spending more than what i earn, so its not like i can quit and take it easy looking for another job

The moral of this story is, stay single

>> No.58051167

>>suddenly i have to go back to the office 5 days a week
I don't even know why they would do that, I mean wouldn't companies save lots of rent money+ gas + water + electricity when they didn't need a large office?

>> No.58051176

lynch the CEO to death and beat your girlfriend until she smartens the fuck up.

>> No.58051182

>5 days a week

Fuck that shit

>> No.58051183

Waging is a humiliation ritual, having their employees have freedom in their lives is a negative.

>> No.58051189

They hired too many people in 2022-2023 and figured the best way to make them quit was to make them go to the office 5 days a week. A lot of people had moved over 100km away looking for cheap rent to save money and couldnt realistically make the trip 5 times a week, so they just quit (or will end up being fired for not showing up on time)

>> No.58051195

Heh I heard from an ex-coworker that the management changed and they asked everyone to go 4 days in the office... Suffice to say alot of people resigned.

>> No.58051197

what kind of company is this and what kind of work do you do

>> No.58051200

just got a job working full remote
I've been neet for so long, it's going to be a real shock
i suffer

>> No.58051201

>tfw work 6 days a week with the occasional 7 days a week for a stretch of 12 days nonstop work.
>slightly above minimum wage
>12 hours a day
>cant look for a new job because market is dogshit
>2 of my colleagues already killed themselves, manager doesnt care
I love the warehouse. Moving pallets and wrapping them in plastic is the best thing ever. Its a privilege. Almost want to drive the reach truck into the racking and let it all collapse on me.

>> No.58051290

As the old tale goes
Women always fuck us up in every way, in one way or another.
Anon I feel you, you fell for the vagina magic and it was beautiful and amazing and you loved it, it felt good and you loved the love she gave you and it was so strong that you couldn't resist.
Short story long, I met a online girl then went to her place and spend my whole life savings in the trip then guess what? She didn't even show up, now i have to pay the debt I acquired by doing that plus I need to overwork in order to save even more which will take years as my salary is only $200 dollars per month.

There you go, women always skin us dry.
We men were born to suffer and women to conquer us, and we can't help ourselves.

>> No.58051306

>Dump gf
>Get new job

>> No.58051310

>i have to go back to the office
What happens if you refuse? Make them fire you and collect unemployment while you find a better job.
>she has fucked up spending habits
Financial incompatibility is the leading cause of divorce.

>> No.58051314

if this happened with me i'd quit
been working remote about 4 years now...fuck

>> No.58051325
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>I love the warehouse. Moving pallets and wrapping them in plastic is the best thing ever. Its a privilege. Almost want to drive the reach truck into the racking and let it all collapse on me.
I feel you anon, I worked in a warehouse when I was 18 I only lasted 3 month, you know how I can make it worse for you? I didn't have the eletric truck thing to carry pallets around, I had to carry the pallets wrapped on the plastic with boxes on it by manual using some metal cart and i had to do that 12h a day every day and I had to be fast because there was a goal of 600 boxes per day.

>> No.58051358

You dont get any compensation or severance when you get fired for not showing up at work. That's how it works here, probably different in the us

>> No.58051368

I was lucky at the time the pandemic started that we were moving offices and didn’t actually have enough space to have everyone report in, so they ended up making a number of departments permanently remote with no cut on wages (though they would reduce your salary if you relocated to a LCOL state). I’m in New York and a few coworkers ended up moving upstate or into the far reaches of Connecticut with no drop in salary. I do think forced RTO is part humiliation ritual. But mostly it’s a way for them to fire people by getting them to quit instead, which is a cost savings. There is also a certain level of management that only exists through the interpersonal relationships made working in the office environment. Kind of like the stereotype of the sociopathic c suite manager/director etc.

>> No.58051383

No they don't. You're just a fool for investing so much money into someone you don't know. The key to dating without going broke is never over investing. Emotionally and financially.

>> No.58051410

So I'm a fool for investing such money into someone I "didn't know" what about OP? I bet he did know her very well didn't he?
What about others and countless others who did the exactly same, some even lost their lives..
You don't understand the power of love and lust, don't underestimate it
And to finish it all, how could I possibly see this girl and fuck her if I never travel to her place? so I should've just stayed in my city and e-date her for ever?

>> No.58051465

Lust? Just jack off you horny fucks
As for love, you can't love someone you've never met. That's just attachment. Being attached to a person is the worst thing that can happen to a man.
If they're far away, let them come to you (offer to reimburse them after). Personally I wouldnt date someone far away, it's stupid because logistics are a nightmare. My gf lives 3 hours away at the mo, but we met in the same city. If we met in our current situations, I'd never have chose to date her.

>> No.58051605

My gf lives 2h airplane away
>can't love someone you havent met
I saw her pics and we do video chat all the time, there's literally no difference between that or real life
In fact I go further to say that it's even better because we talk more than usual and she literally shows me who she truly is, a lovely sweet girl, I know things about her that not even her parents or best friends know
I am in love man, I love her, that's it.
Also attached and even more, but that's what love is.

>> No.58051749
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>got called back to office
>didn't go
>nothing happened

>> No.58051766

The moral of this story is To be the man in the relationship you pussy

>> No.58051801

>I saw her pics and we do video chat all the time, there's literally no difference between that or real life
Christ. There's no helping people like this. Only time and pain can teach them.

WAKE UP, YOU STARTED WITH SAYING YOU GOT SCAMMED AND SHE DIDN'T SHOW. Online relationships are zero stakes, they're roleplay. You're a clown.

>> No.58051808

The man in the relationship has to provide or she will kick your ass to go live on tyrone's mansion.

>> No.58051815

>Waging is a humiliation ritual, having their employees have freedom in their lives is a negative
they're making me go to office even if I'm there doing a remote thing all day

>> No.58051824

And? She's your girlfriend, not your wife. Break up and move on to another job. Stop being a fucking dumbass.

>> No.58051828

The. You are not manly enough or she is not worth it

>> No.58051829

Bro, we literally did video chat, what's the difference between that and real life? I didn't get scammed, she just didnt show up.. could be many reasons, maybe she was insecure? maybe something happened?

Like, so you're telling me you never met anybody online and then in real life and the vibe was the same? I had, and it's always the same vibe, I met an online friend in real life and we vibed just like we did online, there's no difference dude, people on the internet are just like anybody else in real life, you're a boomer.

>> No.58051853

Another anon already replied but to echo them - an online relationship is NOT the same as a real one. You're infatuated, get help. You can't even have sex. You can't even hug her. You're in love with the idea of being with her. Stop being pathetic

>> No.58051891

Nah its not the same. Because there's no physical attaction online. If there was you wouldnt spend an hours talking. What you have ser is a friendship pretending to be a relationship. An actual relationship involves her being comfortable when she's in your physical presence. There is 0 of that.

>> No.58051904

I'm currently pursuing this strat. The mandate is 2 days a week. I will go in zero days a week. If pressed, I will go in 1 day 1 week, then stop and repeat the process.
I like spending my days at home actually spending time with my wife and babby daughter.
I stick in essential teams because I have no desire to try jobhunting again, I couldn't go back to office. I spent a couple months doing 1 day a week and it was such a miserable waste of time and energy.
>could be many reasons, maybe she was insecure? maybe something happened?
kek you retarded faggot, you still don't even know what happened, and you're still defending the girl that played with you and tossed you aside. There is obviously a difference in actual relationships, and an entwining of lives and meeting of families that happen in real relationships. You had a penpal, you queer. You had a larp. She was never your girlfriend.
>Bro, vibe, boomer.
There's not a functioning thought in that head.

>> No.58051913

Ok maybe you're the first one that makes sense here
I agree it's not the same as real one in that sense because we can't have sex or hug or anything like that but still if we can create that sex energy tro voice and texts, then it's almost the same(at least in the energetic level), Do you at least agree with me on this one?
So like there's a deep wish of her and me to love each other and do all these things with each other which is better than not having any climax at all..
Sure I will stop being "pathetic" but should I stop with her and find one in real life just bcuz? what if one day me and her meet up? what if she is the one?
I can't let her go...

>> No.58051937

So it's only about the physical?
Like if she feels good being next to me when I wake up ?
Or like body attraction and physical appearance? if so, then I will hurry to tell you that women do not care so much about appearance as you are attached to believe, there's more into it.

>> No.58051949
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Based. This is my plan if this ever happens. I have plenty of cushion in savings and investments so I dont really care if they fire me.

>> No.58051977

I went hard on you probably because your cringe reminds me of when I was 14 and retarded.

What actually happened. She didn't show, then what? Has she spoken to you since?
If not, set a time limit of how long you're going to wait around, and seriously assess if someone who cares about you would leave you hanging.

>> No.58051980

>You have to meet families in order to successful claim it a relationship sir
That's why you're single in 2024, things have happened it's not like back in 1966 when a man had to ask her father for permission, wake up.
>He uses slangs therefore his head is empty
>doesn't understand the term "vibe"
That's why you're lacking it, you don't see the spiritual aspect of life, nikolas tesla used to say the secret to the universe is vibration, frequency and energy.

>> No.58052013
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I let my wife handle all of the finances but I keep an eye on it from time to time. I gave her a document of all my financial principles and told her to make it happen.

I pretty much said that we need to build out various accounts and distribute funds according to the hierarchy I setup.

She is 100% responsible every time I get paid to move money accordingly.

I told her that these funds need to be filled to create a general purpose stress free life for us as we move forward with saving more.

I also told her she can get whatever she wants after the money is distributed, but if there isn't food on that table for our family then that's on her to fix it.

This only stems from seeing what a successful old couple was capable of when she was in charge of financials and he worked. I'm taking a page from their book and it's giving her better financial understanding to the same degree that I have.

We don't live above our means. We don't buy new fancy cars. We get what we need and save the rest.

We have 1 debt, and that's the mortgage. Nothing else.

> Pic Related

>> No.58052031

Yes it's understandable when you barely know the whole context, people tend to judge.
But yes man she did talk to me after and during she described to me how much she wished to have seen me and how she could not, and to this day she shows me all sign of love and caring and sweetness, her love is still strong and once was we do plan to meet up in the future and all that, that's about it man..
I messed up for taking this airplane in a hurry without planning too much, partially it was my mistake too not her.

>> No.58052055

this, OP blames his girl when really he's at fault for not being a man and saying "no" when she wants to squander money. If you buy a puppy and never train it, who's to blame when it turns into a disobedient dog? YOU.

>> No.58052165

>have to work
Couldn't be me

>> No.58052186


If people capitulate, it will ruin WFH forever.

>> No.58052196

Tesla died destitute and alone with a junk device marked as a deathray. The FBI called in Trump's nuclear physicist uncle to check 'just in case' the guy had died as anything other than a burnt out lunatic/pigeon fan.
I have a wife and one child so far. I've had more relationships than ideal before this, because I lacked a father figure growing up, a result of women getting custody preference. That usually either results in doormats or mansluts. For me it was the latter.
Did you show up unannounced or had you both planned the trip?
And how long has it been since then?
Sincerely, you're not in a real relationship. Everyone wants to help you. But
>There's no helping people like this. Only time and pain can teach them.
When you're young, you are retarded. Everyone, me included, are dipshits early on and SURE we know something secret, something unique. You're living through something well established. I did webcam /online only dating when it was done via MSN messenger. hours long phonecalls with a girl you're smitten with is normal teenage behaviour, even early 20s. Others in the thread have been where you are now to some degree.
Fair, the other guy's story was more... absurd so it drew more attention, but yeah, my best friend dumped his last girlfriend for being a materialistic psycho. He's got a nicer new girl and my god, are his savings flying up. He's doing a japan trip in a couple weeks. I wish I could join for a week, but I can't imagine leaving my family for that long, and I don't want to do any more international trips with bubs until she's 1.

>> No.58052207

I promise you don't talk more than a pair of newlyweds sharing their first 2bed/1ba starter home and bitching about who took a fat dump and didn't turn the fan on or spray. you're completely delusional little homie

>> No.58052222

At least you get to have sex. I’d trade places with you in a heartbeat.

>> No.58052232

Physical attraction forms a huge part of a relationship. When women say chemistry, part of that is them being sexually attracted and being head over heels for you. Either the confidence you give off, the way you smile, how attractive you are to her. No matter how much you cope, none of that stuff can be replaced by anything online. You have a penpal.

Also physical attraction comes first. Emotional connection comes later.

>> No.58052279

Lmfao the shit desperate men do for pussy, get a better partner.

>> No.58052306

>thats why you're single in 2024
kek. anon, wake up to yourself. I'm going to ask you a serious question....do you have people in your life that you talk to regularly offline? I mean people you know in real life that you have actual relationships with...

>> No.58052317

No, the moral of the story is don't pick a shitty partner. If you don't see eye-to-eye with her on your spending and financial management then she isn't the one. Drop your overpriced prostitute.

>> No.58052338

this but dont just quit, continue logging in remotely until they fire you so you can claim unemployment benefits until you find your next job

>> No.58052357
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It was barely planned, one day I just said I will show up to her city she did tell me it wasn't a good moment as right now but I wasn't expecting it to be entirely true but Like she knew 1 month prior that I was going to see her maybe she just didn't take it too serious.

I think she likes my appearance?
she has huge attraction to my voice and confidence and the way I make her feel which is very feminine.

No, nobody in real life that I have relationship with, but does that matter?
I could have if I wanted, but I'm happy in my room, I talk to neighbors and randoms out of the blue in the street and to me they are just like anybody else I meet online, same vibe same convo same shit, I could get any girl I wanted irl, but I'm too lazy to go out and approach holes, I just let the universe give it to me.

>> No.58052402

ok, I suspect you are a larp, but if not you should at least know that you are deeply unwell.

>> No.58052421

You don't understand, this terminally online emotionally stunted kid could have any girl he wanted in real life, honest.
(I am deeply fearful that I've fallen for bait since you brought it up.)

>> No.58052437

>given very little warning/time to prepare
thats illegal unless you're in the US

>> No.58052452

50/50. having met someone like him before, I know they exist, but damn...

>> No.58052453

you're both losers who will never understand this reality, you live in under a thin veil, matrix enjoyers.

>> No.58052465

>mfker eating imaginary pussy through a vr headset talking to me about the matrix

>> No.58052470

>implying this reality isn't virtual matrix itself

>> No.58052477

how much link to you own anon?

>> No.58052491

I own zero link
also, wasted digits.